Although some things just don't change in our family; it was great to have spent some quality time with cousins we don't see very often. This truly is family bonding! Notice my sister shows her displeasure towards the Boston Red Sox while Adam has turned a blind eye to what was going on behind him or maybe his focus was on his bisquits and gravy.
We had a few hours before our flight left to finish up our trip with some sight seeing. But top on the list was landing grandma a part-time job. She had an interview promptly at 9am. We grilled her with some informative questions that the interviewer might ask her. We thought this job would be a great opportunity for her to relocate, start over, earn some money to support all of us, and of course land onhe fortune 500 list.
Grandma sure looked like she had done this before! Here she was proof reading some contracts before they went out. She was getting ready to sign on the dotted line for a long-term employment contact with KDHRC. How excited we were to hear that she got the job! Since gram is now gainfully employed; we have changed the criteria of the pirate game. Gram is in the process of creating a document that she will PDF to all of us.
Thank you Kristen and Eric for such a wonderful weekend! Happy Birthday Caroline!
And I get to be first! Yeah! Thanks so much nc jnn for capturing all of the high points of the weekend. I am not sure about the photo of jll and the red sox fan, and maybe it was unfair to put KDHRC in the position of either hiring gg or face an age discrimination lawsuit, but otherwise you had it all. Well done! Enjoy another wet, gloomy day
Great pictures of a great weekend!
GG does insist she was not that cold, but I agree with Jnna, she was hiding pizza and brownies underneath blankets 3, 4 and 5!
Is everyone as shocked as I am that ML has been traded?
I quess that means we are in a rebuilding year?
Another gray and gloomy one!
Happy Birthday Ms Caroline, enjoy your day!
What a GREAT blog! Thank you thank you! Caroline woke up happy and laughing today and looked pretty as a picture when she went off to school in her "1" t-shirt.
We can't thank you enough for your visit to Atlanta. It thrills us that our little girl is so loved and has the support of her big old family. I was happy to share our Atlanta life with everyone and feel happy that you guys can all picture where I am and what I do with a little more detail now :)
All of you made Caroline's birthday a very special time. Thank you doesn't seem like quite enough to say!
That picture of gramma is scary!
Don't show it to Caroline!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Miss caroline, happy birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Miss Caroline! It's been awhile since I was the first to post. Maybe if I got up before Unckie at 5AM? Hmmm???
Beautiful pictures and a really nice blob, nice job Jnna.
Thrllie is kinda like that actor with a thousand faces. How does she do it? Many talents, that girl.
I agree Gram is quite "scary" in that picture. Please keep it away from small children. She did mention numerous times that she could use a typewriter and file with assistance; if she lands her second interview with KDHRC.
Happy 1st birthday CJ! Hope you had an AMAZING day!
Did anyone notice you don't have to hit publish your comment twice anymore?
We did some upgrading with our blob, it should work much better when you go to do a blog and post pictures, comments, etc.
technical upgrading? Was I notified of this shut down?
Sitting on my desk, is my birthday duck! A reminder of a happy day!
Needless to say I have egg on my face this AM, as I gave up on my boys way to early last night!
happy friday eve!
What a great time we had in Atlanta! Thanks for your generous hospitatlity K! And Happy 1st Birthday (a day late) to CJ.
Lots of good playoff games yesterday. Starting a game at 8:37pm is way too late. I only made it until the 7th inning.
Looks like the Drays are on the way out the door. Yankees v. Texas. Good, I can root for Nolan Ryan. Looks like Joe Cribbs is on his way back to Buffalo. Who else are the Bills "committed" to as a starter?
Does anyone want to purchase the 10,000 tickets that remain for this Sunday's bills game? The first black out game since 2006!
Yes, the blog had some upgrades the other day. It should be easier to post pictures and comments.
Yes, the blog had some upgrades the other day. It should be easier to post pictures and comments.
I guess so, since it posted my comment twice!
Go Yanks! Playoff baseball, ya gotta love it! No hitter, Yanks rallies, and endless well of beer (what what?!) and everything is right with the world.
Right with the world? I would offer a differing viewpoint. Total insomnia at the injustices that the world dishes out. When mild=mannered Ron Gardenhire gets tossed, you know its a bad call. As my Uncle John (Hay) would always say, the fix is in!
Can everyone see the weekend?
I am personally grateful no bils game this weekend, then I will not be tempted to watch!
Sabre game tonight, yankee game tomorrow, wedding on sunday, busy busy weekend, Oh and Letchworth!
Maybe I should start now to fit it in?
I bet our Atlanta family was excited for the come from behind 11th inning victory! I have to admit, I am pulling for the BRAVES!
Beautiful sunday in WNY!
Katie and Charlie were married this morning at the only remaining upright gazebo in WNY, along a bright blue niagara river! Beautiful ceremony, the only thing prettier was the bride!
pukey sabre game last nite!
And the bils are up 10-0!
Have a wonderful day family, as we all know what tomorrow brings!
My good friends Katie and Charlie were married today. It was a great ceremony followed by a wonderful reception!
If only the Bills could have pulled off a shocker and won the game!
Well at least some people had a good day yesterday. The good news is that it wasn't televised. Gotta love columbus and his day. Any chance of a Leif Ericson day? 2 weeks until the Bills play again. Will there be survivors?
Ralph Wilson sent a plea to all Buffalo Bills fans to be patient that the "rebuilding process" could take up to "3 years."
Can someone tell him we have been waiting for the "rebuilding process" for the last 20 years?
I find comfort in knowing we don't have the worst record in the NFL yet! There are other losers like us!
What a heartbreaker last night. Sheesh! Brooks Conrad is the new Scott Norwood. Or maybe Bill Buckner. All I know is that the three of us woke up the baby yelling at the TV screen the past two nights. If only they could have been screams of joy!
Moving is in full swing this week -- we should be fully relocated by Friday. And of course we're hosting a major work function at the new house on Sunday, so that right there is motivation to get the unpacking done!
good luck with unpacking K! I think we still have some boxes that haven't been unpacked.
Brr! The first frost of the year. I refuse to scrape off my windshield in October.
raise your hand if you turned your furnace on??
OK, so I am glued to the TV watching the miners being rescued, the absolute best story, the guy who's wife and girlfriend were both invited to be there and he did not want to come up!
No score in the Sabres game
Bring on Texas!
Lets go UB!
And big T -NT weekend
Oh and Niagara Hose has Chowder this weekend
Who's in??
GG got her absentee ballot today, who's circle should we fill in???
Moving day in Atlanta. Yuckeroonies. Here's to hoping I can find the box with the bourbon and diapers tonight!
And its 82. Seems its only chilly in the ATL when my WNY family is visiting!
Good luck with the move hon, I would love to be there in the 82 degree--yeah sure, we all believe that--heat. I am sure that the skanks are real concerned over facing that awesome ranger pitching staff which will utilize Lee for all of one game. That was part of the deal so that he can sign with you know who for next year. The FIX is in, so sayeth Uncle John
I get the biggest kick out of my brother quoting Uncle John! who knew he was such an influence!
KDH, good luck in moving! Wish I could be there to help unpack a box or two! 82 degree's! Now that is a beautiful October day!
As opposed to our 50 and rain!
enjoy the rest of the day
Not even any gloating yankee comments. how disappointing. it's me vs. the leaves with a side trip to tonawanda to pick up chowder thanks to the assistance of AB.
I have to admit, I abandoned the bombers in the 3rd to catch up on new dog whisperer's.
Was very much surprised to see this AM that they had snatched the victory right out from under nolan ryan's nose! They should have put him in the 8th!
Hope the EA Holtz's enjoy the chowder! You see since my sister has cut all of us off cold turkey, we are resorting to hose house chowder!
Gorgeous day enjoy the sunshine!
Nothing better than enjoying a big bowl of chowder along with an almost equally enjoyable baseball game. Altho AP did state that as good as the Niagaras do it, bad Gary's chowder is better. Thanks again AB for making it possible. How will we get thru the day with no Yanks, Sabres or Bills?
suffering with monday dread! It was too sunny of a weekend to have to go back to work today!
Yes Niagara Hose chowder was very good! Glad you enjoyed, I can post there calendar of when it is available next? If you like?
enjoy the day all
We're home now, I swear.
We had a wonderful week in Williamsburg... sorry to hear that the heat kicked on. We had beauitiful weather in VA... what a time to go. Upper 80's and no humidity. We all enjoyed the history the area had to offer.
Go Yanks!!! First pitch coming up, gotta go.
Strike one!
Strike Two!!!
1 to 3... time to get a beer!!!
I think I am going to vote for the Internal Revenue Service for the best customer service! Now I know thats like saying I have the best Colonscopy Doctor, but hear me out! 1. They are based in the US
2. They speak english 3. For some reason they are always happy, must be the health plan 4. They answer all my questions about how to get my refund which they were supposed to give me 4 months ago!
Nice to hear of a little love for the government. they don't get too much. So was it baseball last nite or the debate? Let me guess, all the smart people opted for DWTS. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the bee exterminator is coming today. All i gotta do is figure out lunch with mom this week and everything will be all set. There is even a little left over chowder to finish off.
I never knew that the IRS would be one of the best places to work. But, I guess it would rate up there with Wegmans. Gram and I were out causing trouble until 830 pm last night as she had plenty of errands that had to be done! Don't worry Unk, I saved some for you.
The high light of my day has been tracking down Lloyd's taco truck parked at Roswell Park for lunch
I highly recommend the pork taco!
It is scrumptious!
Birthday party bash for cookie tomorrow, other than that, I got nothing.
More on Colonial Williamsburg nephew, that sounded like a fun trip
It was a fun trip, a blob will come soon. BUT let's not dismiss this IRS topic yet. I want to hear more about the workplace and all the lovely people working there.
How many breaks are they allowed in a day? Now, me, I left at 11 to fix my pipes today (clogged pipes [bought a heavy duty snake], nothing to do with a colonoscopy). But maybe we can visit that again.
Met up with Mom and Ms. Fixxitt yesterday for lunch on their way to an eye appointment. Got the first hand account of Mr. Fixxitt vs. his car's water pump and how much Mom is looking forward to tonite's birthday bash. Ah, historic Williamsburg. sounds like a new blog to me. Hey, we all know what tomorrow is. Hang in there. Mmmmmmmmh pork tacos!
Zach's team St. John's won the championship game 2-0 over Holy Ghost in a rainy, cold evenly played match. Zach played well.
There were rumors circulating that Unckie was buying all dinners last night at Athena's... unfortunately because of construction surrounding the family diner no one was able to get there before he snuck out the back door.
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