by JT Pilaf
Where's Part I you ask? I tried to get them all on one blob but I kept running across a Blogger internal error. So I'll post Part I of Zach's trip soon. This day began with a trip to the White House. No pictures are allowed in the White House.
Here's the Supreme Court Building. I asked the lady you was giving us a short lecture if she's seen my fender bender case in the papers that she's read over the years. I assured her it wasn't my fault.
The Capital Building.
The Spiral Staircase in the Capital Building.
JQ Adams desk location, also known as "the whispering spot"... he placed his desk here supposedly to hear the opposition talking.
Korean War Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
The view from the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial. Unfortunately they're renovating the pool and won't be done for about 2 years. I'm told.

Zach and me at the Air And Space Museum in Dulles, VA.
Our tour guide Don Walters. Here we're listening to the story of the Alabama regiment. Left side all the way to the hills is Little Round Top. Alabama will attack on Day Two, July 2nd 1863.
There's a statue behind us of an Alabamian Lady (can't remember, but it means something) pointing at Little Round Top Hill.
Zach and me at the Air And Space Museum in Dulles, VA.
There's a statue behind us of an Alabamian Lady (can't remember, but it means something) pointing at Little Round Top Hill.
great job nephew! I can not wait for part 1! In perusing blog history, I do believe that DC is the most blogged about city???
show of hands?
Glad you had a great time, maybe we should hold a holtzapalooza in DC? Something to think about.
who watched the hockey game? I only caught the highlights, is it wrong to just with it and basketball was just over?
rainy AM, no picketers, very quiet!
enjoy tuesday all
Never get tired of DC. Great pix and obviously a great time was had by all, particularly it seems, the chaperones. No picketers outside MSM this morning and a wonderful rainy morning, much more like were used to.
No picketeers outside of the Rice House this AM as I left for work, thank goodness. Not sure what picketeers would be doing outside of my house but I'm glad they're not there.
Correction: That first picture is The Treasury Department, not the Supreme Court Building.
Thanks for the correction nephew!
No mis information on the Blog allowed!
We had a nice evening at the Fixxits last night. My Uncle Jim and Aunt Dolly are up from Florida via North Carolina visiting family. Mr. Fixxit did a very nice job on the BBQ chicken and Mrs. Fixxit's potato salad was fantastic as usual. Emma got to play with her cousin Katie who also made the trip.
Hopefully we'll be okay for tomorrow's Bisons game. Thunderstorms are in the forecast.
Awesome day at the Bisons game yesterday morning/ afternoon. We got to see 3 home runs and one was a grand slam... pretty cool.
The sun was beating down and it felt great to be outside.
Bisons fans lucked out yesterday considering the forecast, plus a rare offensive barrage. Do they still sell beer on kids day? Are you allowed to drink it? One more class until the weekend! Yeah!! No picket lines to get thru to leave.
Beer is sold on Kids Day!!!
I started at 11AM (as soon as that second hand hit the 12) with a Murphy's Stout and finished the day with a Magic Hat #9. I wanted more, but finances and the responsibilty of driving three kids back to school got the best of me. It was hot enough to have more.
Jun 18
Sunny (Clear)
Sunny. High 68F and low 51F. Winds N at 8 mph. Air Quality:NA, UV Index:NA
Thought we might all want to know that for next weekend!
So does that mean I wear something light blue??? Or yellow?
We had a really nice time in Toronto this afternoon. Unfortunately the eee-vil Red Sux won the game 14-1. Double Yuck.
Happy Monday!
hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Jff, I am thinking with a UV index NA you could wear either, they are both attractive colors on you!
Just a friendly reminder, that breakfast will be served in the parking lot of City Hall. Just a little tailgating before the big day! Nothing super extravagant, coffee, danishes, mamaosa's fruit, cheese and crackers, and some fun family time! I did get K's blessing for our "toasting tailgate tie the knot breakfast".
see everyone this weekend!
****Important info for Saturday ****
The location of the ceremony has CHANGED from the Town Hall to the gardens at the Millard Fillmore House, 24 Shearer Avenue, East Aurora, New York. The two locations are only a few blocks apart, but please come to the Millard Fillmore house -- I'd hate for you to miss anything!
Please pass on the word to non-regular blog readers!
Dad, what do you recommend for tailgating? The town hall? Hamlin park? The Middle School parking lot?
Thanks and can't wait to see you!! (fingers crossed on the weather).
As long as we can still tailgate.
I was glad to read that final addition to the changes.
With the change in venue for the nuptials, will I need to bring the wheelchair for gg?
Antie B, I think the wheelchair would make it easier.....
Im tailgating now!
I think Hamlin Park would be perfect. Easy location, easy access and we wouldn't be noticed as doing anything unusual. Plus close to MF House.
I personally think the middle school parking lot would be the perfect place to serve Mimosa's!
Its not a Dare Zone is it?
Hamlin park it is!!! Good call AP!
So Hamlin Park by the ball fields? Sounds good to me!
If people wouldn't mind bringing along some camp chairs to sit in at the picnic, we'd have more flexible seating options. Cool?
There are few things in life that are harder to find, and more important to keep, than love…well, love and a birth certificate” Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the United States.
I thought this was funny! Just an FYI, all the new residents are piling into BGH, and I am setting them up in the computer system, and about 3 of them had this quote at the bottom of their emails.
Tailgating will start promptly at 10AM at Hamlin Park!
So very excited
Hurry Saturday, Hurry!
Hamlin Park? It's tough keeping this straight... not really. I'll have to explain everything to the Fixxits though.... that's the tough part.
We'll bring our camping chairs and rum. It's a pirate themed ho-down, right?
Yes, 10AM sharp!
EA Natives, proximity of Hamlin Park to site of the nuptials, please? Can someone put it in the garmin, so we all have the same directions?
Breakfast will be provided at 10AM!
So bring your appetites, whistles that need to be wet, and your good wishes, there is a fun time to be had by all!
Taking a break from reading bad Regents essays. The town hall, where we were originally supposed to be, is on the corner of Main St. and S. Grove st. across from the middle school. Garmin: 430 main st. EA will get you to the middle school. Hamlin park is 2 blocks down S. Grove St. on your left--same side as the Roycroft which you can see from the middle school. The Fillmore house is: back to main st., left turn on main and two blocks to shearer with a right on shearer. If you get to Aurora Park on right, you missed the turn. But you may want to park in Jenna's spot and walk to the Fillmore house. Hang in there weather forecast!!! See you allon sat.
Can't wait for Saturday! I just want you all to know that I am bringing my A game!
oh boy. A challenge has been offered.
Uh-oh why is our A game required?
The Everetts will be there at 11am. No tailgating for us....Doggie Day Care wouldn't take Bronx since she still has her stitches in from when she was stripped of her womanhood last week.
We will bring our 2 chairs, our baseball gloves, and our drinking shoes.
10 am Hamlin Park (166 S. Grove St) for some tailgating! If you need directions, give me a call!
Are you already there?
Looks to be a nice day outside.
A first to wish everyone a happy fathers day! I hope all the dad's have a great day, and the Yankee's win, just sayin..
What a fantabulous day we had yesterday! Even though my team came away with few victories( none actually) we were winners in the other categories, team spirit, team bonding etc..
THANK YOU K and E for such a great day! It could not have been more perfect! The food, the friends, from far and near, the events, all of it could not have been any better! No serious, not one inch better!
In fact today, I am just going to sit and enjy the afterglow of yesterday, that is how great it was, it was so good it can keep 2 days going!
travel safe everyone!
A big DITTO to the sentiments expressed by AB. Getting ready to take Adam to the airport, see the Atlanta travellers off, and then I will probably spend the rest of the day sitting in a bathtub filled with ice. Seems that I have aches and pains unlike any I have had in a very long time. Have a good one all.
Thank you Kristen and Eric and congratulations to the both of you. It was an awesome day yesterday and we had so much fun.
The kids were talking about the different games that were played the whole ride home.
Thank you, thank you.
What a day, what a day! My body may be back in Atlanta, sitting at my desk, but my heart and mind are still back at Emery Park celebrating. We've all been debriefing and decided that the day couldn't have been more perfect -- I really can't think of even one thing I would have changed. Thank you all for being part of such a special day for our family.
a great big UGH to Monday!
Even though the weekend was so great, it is still Monday!
Thanks for the pictures Jff, they were great!
Hope everyone can get through the day!
Sandra did that.
I was being a baby being ignored and Sandra was working hard on the computer getting pictures out to folks.
Thank you Sandra!
Loved the pix!
Happy Tuesday other than that I got nothing
Emma's last day of school in the elementary school system. I'm sure tears will be shed as the kids watch "Jumanji" and reflect on there 6 years at Thomas Jefferson Elementary.
Congratulations Emma on moving up day! Is'nt that what they call it?
Bring on Middle school!
quite the rain storm last night!
Babysat Bronx for the first time ever last night, I think the only mistake we made was that we gave her all the treats cookie sent with her? Apparently we were only suppose to dole them out to her when necessary??? Who knew?
Anyone have anything fun this weekend? We can talk about the weekend, as it is pretty close, its Wednesday!
Back from Pittsburgh and last nite's Buffett concert. Quite an experience. Heard that the Pilafs are going to take in the one in Toronto. We had lawn tickets, something that we had never done before, but as we walked in an usher was comping people to "real seats" and apparently took pity on the old folks. Seeing the lawn and seeing where we were, THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Anyhow, great show, incredible tailgating before, and I think that I speak for both Auntie and myself when I say, that is probably it for the concert circuit for us. Congrats Emma, and glad to be back in WNY.
Unckie!!! Auntie!!! You guys went to a Jimmy Buffett concert? That is awesome.
Yes indeed, we will be up in Toronto to see the mad jammer July 16th... can't wait. We have lawn seats, maybe someone will take pity on us too and move us up.
I emptied all of my gutters of pine needles and "pure yuck" in anticipation of the forth coming thunderstorms yesterday after work. Now I'm picking out black goop out of my finger nails.
Buffett concert! Gutter cleaning!
What a yawner my life is!
Sounds like everyone is making the most of every summer day!
Not much to report, trying to assist awesome austin in getting a summer job!
Hoping to start staining our new fence this weekend, but it sounds like non stop rain, so maybe it will be a more relax less work weekend!
Enjoy friday
Rain, rain, rain... clouds in the forecast for Sunday. That's encouraging.
Zach signed up for work camp at St. Joe's and will be contributing to his tuition. What a good boy.
Emma starts soccer tonight; most likely in the rain. Ummmmm, I think it's Sandra's turn to take her.
Lookin' at the forecast and I am glad that the "showdown-hoedown" was last weekend. School is out for another year and I must admit to being as happy as the kids. Just wondering if Austin and Zach are as eagerly seeking work as my son Adam always was come the summer. Enjoy. I plan to.
Awesome Austin has completed job applications at the obligatory fast food chains. Now we just sit by the phone and wait for it to ring. Please someone call for an interview!
Had such a great great great time at the showdown hoedown.
For the record, I no longer like the color blue!
not such a lovely sat. Bunts family all off to disney for a week leaving us on call for rod and betty. got Mom her rollof quarters yesterday along with bananas, so she should be good for a bit. Just a heads up, I DON"T DO either walmart or target under any circumstances, just ask Auntie, and particularly when it involves female underwear purchases. enjoy. Good luck Austin! I hope that the phone rings off the hook.
Just a quick question? Are our commemorative "Shot gun show down hoe down " beer glasses dishwasher safe?
With the constant gray sky until 7:30PM yesterday, not much to report.
checked on Mom, took her books, she said she was good, as Cousin Cathy is in town, and more than happy to do the bank, Athena's, Tops tour. God bless her!
Other than that, zip to report
A trip to Disney, how fun!
Bro, maybe you can combine a R&B and Mom shopping, Dr visit trip?
Look for ways to be creative to save gas!
Just so Jnna and Erc know... I'm fine with orange now. I think my ire against orange last Saturday had something to do with what I ate in the morning.
Nice day today at the Bisons game, no rain, a little sun and I got a foul ball for Emma... needless to say, Zach was a lil' upset.
Good morning,
I'm trying to figure out Unckie's disdain for Target and Walmart. I can understand making a stand against stores that sell products not made in the good ol' US of A, that's a commendable stance, BUT if your on vacation and you forget something from home, Wally World is the "go to" store. Are you saying under no circumstances will you enter those two stores?
Zach starts basketball camp at St. Joe's this AM and Emma's helping Mrs. Fixxit at VBS this week.
Monday, mmm who is working on what today? Austin is job hunting, at least that was his goal at 8PM last night!
I am at work, Geo is at work, and Jenna is at work.
Bronx is in her crate, I believe..
Jll and GG are both at work. Thats it
The big strike vote is tomorrow, so depending on how that goes, will be how my work week goes!
Who has fun plans for the 4th?
Suppose to be a nice week, enjoy!
Missed seeing the Pilafs at the Bisons game yesterday. I was where mr. fixxitt usually sits, even with 3rd base, and did enjoy the day and the game. Got to head over for driver's license renewal today, my biggie, on the first official day of summer vacation. Looks llike a nice one today. Enjoy it
We sat in section 116 first base side, row P... so not too bad of seats. Unckie, I know you like your bargain beer, but did you notice that Flying Bison is being sold at the stadium? I had a couple Rusty Chains, then topped it off with a Magic Hat #9. All in all, a good day at the stadium.
4th of July plans: I'm excited about this weekend. Friday Emma has soccer, Saturday we leave for Seneca Lake, come home Sunday night, Monday we're grilling with family and then watching "the works" at a friends house right on the east Niagara River (really a strait... previously discussed).
Hurry up work week I've got things to do!
Bronx just called me, he said he's been out of his crate all day and is tearing the place up.
Top rack dishwasher safe!
Its the big countdown to the 4th of July here too -- lots of work to be done this week in anticipation of 2 weeks at the beach. Yay! Eric may need a sled to get me down to the water -- not that two kids and all our gear won't be enough for him to carry!
Hip HIp Hooray, no strike vote today! Labor negotiations are so stressful!
KDH, is your office union?
Just curious??
2 weeks at the beach sounds fabulous! Enjoy, the sun, the sand, the sand and more sand!
I agree with nephew, hurry weekend, lots to do!
Just a quick thought, do we want to put in a bid on the Dodgers? Just a suggestion!
Unky does have his quarter rolls that are not earning him compounded interest..
Awwww the beach... that'll be fun. Have a reat time.
Good to hear that Kaleida worked out its union labor negotiations. Now Auntie B won't have to insert anything sharp into random people walking by.
"compound interest" made me giggle.
Happy Birthday to my Dad -- just talked to him and he's considering braving the somewhat chilly temperatures to treat himself to a Bisons Game for the big day. Wish I was there to raise a glass in his honor!
Happy Birthday Brother! Hope you have a stupendous day! I bet Anty is treating you like a king, doesnt she every day?
I will raise a glass in his honor!
What did George Bailey's little brother say?? To my big brother, the luckiest man in town! Ditto!
Happy Birthday Unckie! What do you say to a man who has everything he's always dreamed of?
Hey mac, can ya spare a dime?
Lots of birthday wishes, the beer certainly didn't get warm while sitting at the game today, the Bisons won, my lawn is cut, all is right with the world, and I am ready for night=night. Thanks to all. Looks like a long weekend on the horizon.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNC!!! Hope you had a great day.
I had an awesome time last night at ArtPark listening to the rockin' improv-rock sounds of Umphrey's McGee. Zach looked bored but said he had a good time too. He perked up a bit when I pulled into Mighty Taco's lot.
One more day to get through and then the weekend is here. Busy, busy weekend for the Pilafs; can't wait.
I can't believe Friday is finally here! What a painfully slow week. I'm not sure i have another 7.5 hours in me today. The Everetts have my work booze cruise tonight, which usually makes for a drunken good time. The Grandparents have generously offered to babysit Bronx for the evening. and then ff to our friends cottage tomorrow on Niagara Lake.
Super excited about the Sabres' pick up last night and can't wait to see who else they pick up. I will actually buy tickets to games this year instead of just mooching freebies.
OMG, oh my goodness! It is FRIDAY!! Hip Hip HOORAY!
Had a fabulous time at the Bisons game last night! Did not win any of the great prizes they were raffling off, but had fun none the less! OBTW, the beer was super good! Colder and better than normal!
Very excited for the end of the day to be here, and it is only 8:15!
Busy weekend planned and it all starts with watching bronx!
Just and FYI, it is really tough to tire out a 7 month old puppy!
If I may correct my sissy:
The Auntie offered to babysit. :) Just for clarification purposes. After watching my Bronx; I don't know who is more tired!
Spent the afternoon with Gram. Now it's crunch time on some procrastination work.
Back from Seneca Lake... we had a nice overnight. Gorgeous view, beautiful weather.
Happy 235 USA. Busy weekend it seems for all. Big Grover Road on friday was a smashing success, met up with the Marlins, birthday for Mathew Wagner today, leaving for Jekyll Island on thursday. Great weather but concerned about lack of blog activity from Adam St. Did Bronx turn into Cujo?
I hate getting called out on the blog! Procrastinator Jenna has been crunching to get my dreaded statistics work done.
Bronx and I had a busy few days. She was up way past her bedtime and almost chased after a skunk. I am sure I will be banned from babysitting for a few days.
Happy 4th everyone! Enjoy your day! Parking is avail at 431 if anyone has a last minute idea to see fireworks.
products you shouldn’t buy generic
Seriously? Don’t even try. Walgreens debuted a variety for 50 cents a can, which reviewers trashed. I don’t have high hopes for the other cheaper options.
I'm a self proclaimed beer snob... I will not be drinking no-named beer.
Next trip: Allegany on Thursday.
The weather for the forecasted weekend looks favorable. Thank goodness.
Happy middle of the week workday!
Had a very quiet 4th, took GG out for lunch, but had her well back in time, for her to enjoy her evening, much to her dismay I am sure!
Other than that, very quiet.
Travel safe everyone, as it sounds like everyone is going somewhere!
Off to Allegany today!
Hopefully we'll bump into Jll & Gry.
With everyone on vacation, ( said with jealousy) it will be my responsibility to keep the blog moving along.
So I quess asking a lot of dumb questions is out of the question?
Like will we ever see part 1 of the Washington trip?
Oh well, it is early and I have a lot of work to do, so I better get busy!
Travel safe family and enjoy all that you do! You deserve it!
I was waiting for someone to do a hoe-down blob... I didn't want to dominate the family blob with my stories.
But I can.
When I get back...
Jll,goodG and bronx are very much looking forward to bumping into you at Alleghany!
We were waiting for permission to do a hoedown, shotgun showdown.. As some people tend to go overboard with picture posting and then feelings get hurt, and mean things are said, and someone always ends up crying... Oh well you know the scenario.
K did you see where, over 150 teachers in Atl were found out to have cheated on their boards, and now they are overhauling the system to weed out the offenders!
Imagine cheating on a test!
It is mind wandering friday, where all I am focusing on is what I want to do at home, and can I come up with a good excuse to leave early???
Who is mean? Whose feelings hurt? Never on this blog hope!! Please do a hoedown posting ... I'm still waiting on dan marino's photos so I'd love tO see what you guys captured!!
And why does my phOne want to auto correct blog to blobby?
All is well on the beach vacation except for
People spontaneously saying WHOA when they see me in my swimsuit. Mom and dad arrive tomorrow!
sunny saturday in WNY! Hope everyone gets out there and soak it up!
Blog to blobby now thats funny!
guess I better get busy!
Jll,goodG and bronx are very much looking forward to bumping into you at Alleghany! We were waiting for permission to do a hoedown, shotgun showdown.. As some people tend to go overboard with picture posting and then feelings get hurt, and mean things are said, and someone always ends up crying... Oh well you know the scenario. K did you see where, over 150 teachers in Atl were found out to have cheated on their boards, and now they are overhauling the system to weed out the offenders! Imagine cheating on a test! It is mind wandering friday, where all I am focusing on is what I want to do at home, and can I come up with a good excuse to leave early???
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