What a fabulous day it turned out to be! The day was filled with great food, great fun, lots of laughs, the best that family and friends have to offer!
Each great event starts with a tail gate party and this would be no different! Tailgating started at 10AM!
My sister started the morning with a shot of alcohol laced whipped cream!
GG sys" Can I get a cup of coffee? oh and rye toast please!
It was off the Millard Fillmore Home, for the ceremony!
Uncle Gary reminds us that each activity should include a good and thorough stretch before you begin!
As you can see, the wearing of the color coded bandanna was our team uniform.
The first place winners! The Purple Patooties!
And the fitting end of the day was a tower of donuts!
As I have always said, some days in this journey of ours, are better than others, and this day, this day in particular, rates right up there, with the best of days, the best of times!
Thank you K, E, J and CJ! You threw one heck of a party!
What a great day it was! So much fun!
Hope everyone notices that there is a new Blog format, apparently we were a few updates behind.
When we updated, some stats were available for ex, we ave a little over 600 hits per month. Good to know our fans still check us out monthly..
Enjoy Sunday.
I do not have to remind anyone what tomorrow is
Great blog mom! I love love love to re live that day. I only wish we could have posted the final places. I love knowing team orange placed before team blue! Enjoy your Sunday!
Alphabetically team blue was first!
Yeah! First to post.
What a day it was. We had so much fun. Thanks for having that party, planing, and all the hard work that was involved K & E.
We're back from Allegany SP; the weather was great and we had a nice time bumping into Jll, Gary and Bronx and sharing a beer on a few ocassions.
Good day family, how is everyone's day going? I'm at work fiddlin' around; trying to get something to work. So instead of racking my brain, I'm taking a fiver.
Is anyone as interested as me in the Bryce Harper watch? Tentative plans have me attending the Erie SeaWolves game on either Friday the 5th or Saturday the 6th. That's the closest he's coming while he's in Harrisburg (AA). Possibly in Buffalo on 8/31 if he'
s called up to AAA.
Blog master, how do we get the links back for Carolines and Oliver/Audrey's blog?
Uncle Geo is Jff!
we are also looking at doing a double header in Pitt vs Mil on 08/22, then driving to Cleveland and catch their DH against Seattle on the 23rd, catch the train to Chicago on the 24th and catch a DH at Wrigley against Atlanta!
6 games in 3 days!
Where did our other blogs go?
What a trip that would be! WOW! Take plenty of pictures.
We're just going to the Bisons game tomorrow night for Kids Jersey night.
Blogs are missing?
Have we been hacked?
I see 'em.
I watched the AAA all-star game last night and recognized a few players.
The kids are still working hard at VBS.
Taking Austin to get his learner permit tomorrow. Where did the time go?
The Koch's vacation is coming full circle. 6 MLB games in 5 days!
Sweet! Sounds like an awesome trip. We can't wait to hear about it.
Bisons game was fun last night and we all got jerseys that were being handed out. Needless to say, even a youth-XL does not fit me... just a lil' snug, well... everywhere. So we're passing it along to my smaller BIL.
We had to leave in the 7th inning unfortunately.
Was there a medical emergency? Who leaves in the 7th?
Happy friday - debating Bisons game tonight or the final Harry potter movie??? Awesome Austin will choose..
Met friends out for dinner and then came home to a putrid Yankee game UGH!
cookie home from new mexico
Other than that, not to much else to report
Doing breakfast and the kenton garden walk with my sister tomorrow
The col and his lovely wife, cousins barb and chuck for dinner/ drinks on sunday at the fixxitts and then before you know it Monday will be here!
enjoy the sun!
So much going on in our absence. Back from Jekyll Island and a great week with K,E,J and CJ. A great job on the blog sis and Auntie is certainly envious of your 6 game in 3 days plan. Best we could do was a single visit to the Jax Suns. It seems as if everyone is doing their best to enjoy our summer. Enjoy!!
happy sunday!
Had a funtime with my sister yesterday doing the COT Garden Walk! Not as grand as Buffalo's, but fun anyway!
Jnna gets major kudos for yesterday! Took our awesome austin for his permit, which he passed! And then took him driving, then she got an SOS call from her grandmother, something about a trip to Target, bananas, and pills.. And of course our beautiful weather! Hope everyone enjoys their day!
Blah to monday!
Had a wonderful evening at my sisters last night! Barb and Chuck, the Col and his lovely wife, Pat, Trish and Len too! Beautiful night, great food and drink lots of fun!
Now its back to work to dream about next weekend!
Blah Monday indeed, we're got some weather comin'.
Zach starts soccer camp tonight and he's looking forward to it.
Oh, and Jimmy Buffett was a lot of fun on Saturday night up in Toronto. The ride home on Sunday was not. It took us 3.5 hours to get home. Traffic was awful.
Sorry to hear about the bad travel back from TO but you have to admit that a Buffet concert is an EVENT. Thanks to nc jnn for all of her hard work this weekend and hoping that everyone has a productive week. I know that deep down that is what everyone wishes for on monday
This is an epic -- EPIC -- blog. Thanks so much for posting -- it was wonderful to see the pictures and remember the day. Thanks for an awesome post!
I will post a link to Dan Marino's pictures soon, and can print hard copies of everyone's favorites. There's some great ones on there!
Back from vacay and trying to readjust to the real world. We had a great time at the beach and the kids LOOOOVED hanging out with Nonna and Big Pop! Wish we were back there now.
I can't believe that i was actually at Walmart with my mother helping her buy shorts. Last week frolicking on the beach, this week... She now has bananas, shorts for the remainder of the summer and we resisted the impulse to stop at the canalfest beer tent. We got a hot one here folks.
Where are the daze goin'? It's already the 20th of July.
I was sick yesterday, yuck. Fever, headache, chills, exhausted. I feel a lot better today.
Zach has soccer camp this week at St. Joe's and Emma still has a few more weeks of KidsPlay soccer, so they're happy.
I'm sooooo hooootttt!! Emma's "pool fund" did not reach the goal in time...sigh...
I kept adding my nickles and dimes. Maybe next summer.
AND... wait fot it.
Now I've got "pink eye"!!! Come on! Really?!
I guess you could say I'm in the pink.
Sorry to hear that all is not well on Pickford. Is it one pink eye or both? I have heard that the best cure is time off work, worker's comp or maybe disability, with a vacation trip thrown in with beer therapy. Let me know how it goes. think January and it isn't as bad. Stay cool.
I struggled through work on Tuesday with a fever, because I thought getting paid with my head down on the desk sounded okay to me, rather than being at home with my head down sweating.
Yesterday I didn't struggle, but I was definitely wiping my eye every now and then.
Today, tears are pouring out and I keep going to the bathrom to wet a napkin and hold it over my eye (oh, singular eye thank goodness). So, now I'm forging ahead because I figured it's better getting paid for going to the bathroom than using PTO and being at home in this HEAT.
How does KDHRC handle pink eye? Does my logic hold up there?
Pink eye, gross! You know you are suppose to wash your hands after touching stuff!
Hope you feel better soon!
Seriously it is way way to hot for us in WNY! We are not use to this endless stifling heat! Even to hot to go to canalfest!
Enjoy the day, and stay cool!
Yeah, it's pretty gross. Sandra won't touch me. That brings it up to 17 legitimate reasons why she won't touch me. That's still, on an average, less than 1 reason for every year we've been married. I'd take those Vegas odds.
So I am guessing that I am the only one without central air? What a night last nite. Thermostat read 86 at 11 pm, not what we are used to around here. Don't want to complain cuz that's all we do all winter long but.... Too hot for canalfest? Too hot for most everything. Try to stay cool everyone.
NO AC for us! The Rice household is old school; Sandra's not raising any wimpy kids.
We don't even have a AC unit (plugged in at least). The kids slept outside in the camper and the adults were melting away inside. I woke up and the dog (Jeter) was licking my arm... and he had a fork and knife in his paws and a scarf around his neck. I figured it was a good time to get up.
Nphw jff, that is FUNNY and I don't have a dog, but at about 3 AM I was thinking that I would definitely be succulent to any predator in the area. Not a lot better today. Hope that the p-e is fading rapidly.
We had a successful week of driving with Austin. We have toured every street in the COT.
It was 85 in Hawaii and 94 in Tonawanda yesterday. I am going to Hawaii to cool down!
Another hot and steamy day in WNY
I have a wedding to go to, and it is the second last day of canalfest, just looking forward to the traffic patterns returning to normal!
Really to hot to do much of anything else
Happy belated BD to my son in law!
hope you had a great birthday yesterday, and looking forward to cake and ice cream next week!
No central air at 431, we do have 2 window AC, that have been working overtime, still how can we complain? Remember, January, February, etc...
March too.
Seems nicer outside... I wouldn't know though, I'm buried under a fan not willing to tempt the eliments.
Back to work Monday blues!
Had my mom over for dinner yesterday, it was a little cooler, so we had a nice afternoon, Katie walked over with James, so we just watched him run through the sprinkler, which was fun!
Seems like our hot and steamy has broken! Hiphip hooray, enjoy the day!
It does seem a lil' cooler today (I got to shave). So hopefully this "heat" madness is over.
Zach still had a bug last night, though he did enjoy the pool at the party we were at last night. Then he quickly lost his energy and wanted to go home. Poor kid.
Emma had a ball in the pool and chasing around a baby and looking after him.
Talked to Mom last nite and she sure enjoyed the get together at 431, especially the free show put on by James. Quite a storm here this morning and quite a bit cooler. We will see if it lasts. Can the Mariners break their losing streak?? Seems to me like a good time for them to get hot and save Eric Wedge's (we all like him from his days in buffalo, right??) job. No golf today. Get well Pilafs
My computer got a virus and shut down the whole system... ugh. I vowed to Sandra I wasn't even going to look at it (it's toooooo hot out) that we needed to call someone in to fix it. BUT being Mr. fixxit's son I couldn't keep my grubby lil' hands off it. I did a little research and fixed my computer. And just like I anticipated and was trying to avoid. It was hot down in the basement. So we're back in bizness.
Way to go JT! I leave all of that to Auntie. It is waaaaay beyond my pay grade. Enjoy the cooler day.
The basement was too hot! Wow, you would figure it was in the perfect spot, now would'nt you!
Great job nephew, on becoming the mr fixxit of the IT era!
The mariners can cont their losing streak thank you very much!
Good thing that power house KC came through with a big win last evening.
Its tuesday, and we all know what that means!
so here we are at Wed! Had ice cream cake and a mini BD celebration for number one S-I-L last evening. I have to admit we did kind of cut our evening short, when we heard CC had a perfect game going into the 5th, and the everetts, are not time warner customers. So we skeddadled!
Still very busy at work moving our dept down the hall, it kind of reminds me of the MASH episode where Frank Burns made them move across the road! Pretty much the same scenario!
Enjoy Wed!
I am attending a memorial golf tournament on Wednesday so I had to purchase new golf sticks; but I hear they are called clubs, tees, a towel, and balls.
So who wants to go golfing?
so when and where is the tourney? You know me, always looking for a round of golf. Seems pretty quiet most everywhere. Enjoy the day.
The tournament is Wednesday. It's at rothland golf course. Yes things are quiet. Where is everyone?
Rothland is a nice course. Enjoy and hit 'em straight.
More news to report on the computer, it works but has anyone seen our info from My Documents? Yep, pictures, documents all missing. I'm sure its hiding somewhere I just don't want to spend anymore time on this.
AND thanks to the generosity of Aunt B and Uncle G, my BIL's party is protected by a huge party tent from the rain tonight for his big birthday bash. Thank you.
Most happy to contribute to a successful party! As that rarely happens when we are involved.
The big decision today, is do I pay 6$ bucks to park across the street from BGH, so as not to get soaked in the thunderous downpour of 7:15, or do I park in my prepaid spot 5 blocks away?
Now I know every single one of you know what I did!
It all balances off if you don't eat lunch.
Had a most fun evening at Dwyer Stadium last night, watching the Muckdogs take on the Staten Island Yankees. Watched #2 @ Short for SI make some very Jeter-esque plays. And a very good center fielder. All in all, I would highly recomment the BBQ Chicken sandwich and the ice cold beer!
Looks like it is going to be a beautiful saturday!
Hope everyone competes everything on their to do list. Monday comes very very quickly!
Looks like a trip into Tonawanda is in the offing for today. Sounds like at least Auntie B. had something fun for the weekend. Nothing out this way. Quiet except for the t-storm this AM to get me up and about early. Nothing like getting up to close windows and then trying to go back to bed. Quincy Holtzes are due in thursday so looking forward to that. Enjoy the day.
We had a fun time watching the Butler Blue Sox and Lorain County Ironmen play in Butler on Sunday night and it was a beautiful night out. They both play in the Prospect League. which is a collegiate wooden bat league. Lorain beat the home town team. Pullman Park was very quaint, inviting and had a lot of history.
Talked to Anastasia this afternoon and she said she was doing fine, after her Laser surgery, and she should know within a weeks time if it cleared up her bluriness. So hopefully it did!
have a great evening!
Great news!
We went shopping last night for our vacation and Sandra said we didn't get anything on the list. Then why did I give that nice lady ALL my money?
vacation??? when and where is your vacation?
I thought you were on vacation?
Is there one outing that is more than a vacation than another?
Just curious?
This past weekend was just a getaway, but I was definitely in vacation mode. This week we're off to the Adirondacks, that is definitely a vacation!
Now it's time to start thinking about the vacation; I bought my beer for the trip.
We are definitely in need of definitions here. Vacations? Outings? Get-aways? Trips? Get-togethers? They do seem to have a lot in common, most notably the Pilafs involved in one or the other. A big HB to my little? boy as he turns 35 today. Still remember the paint job I was working on at the time. Looking forward to seeing him and his family tonite.
HB nephew! I hope you have a grand one! Have a cold one on me!
I agree with my brother one hundred percent, we need some qualifiers for time off. Vacation vs get away, vs sick day vs mental health day, maybe jnna could do a power point presentation to explain the terms from the HR point of view? just suggesting, as I am very bored at work today and looking for something interesting to do, as I have a 2 hour webinar at 11 on Dr's dictation!
Hapy Birthday Adm! 35? Wow!
[Vacation] is just a state of mind, a lot like Margaritaville... oh there's a restaurant, but if you ask any Buffett fan, he'll tell ya.
You can be in vacation mode as soon as you get home from work. I think we all prefer vacations, but don't discount a good "getaway", "respite", or "long weekend". They all serve their purpose.
Does KDHRC compensate a weekend respite?
Heard that GG has reaped the rewards of the laser surgery!
She can see the priest on the alter during her TV mass, she can see the clouds, she can the players during the ball games...
She is tickled pink!
Well, it could be awhile for my next post so I better make it a good one.
Emma has her last soccer camp tonight; the long-awaited kid/ parent game. Should I stretch out? Zach is chomping at the bit to play.
Woodlawn beach yesterday, backyard wading pool and sprinkler, Amy made a great spaghetti dinner and today its in to tonawanda to meet up for lunch at the Dome. All of this activity is tiring me out.
UGH to muggy monday and a blown save!
Had a very nice lunch with the Quincy Holtz's and the rest of the family on Saturday! Amazed at how big Mr O and Ms A have gotten! Have a safe trip home!
Thinking of you K, hope all is well!
Well our server has been down since 7am...which means no work e-mail and no files. So i have been playing tetris and shopping online since 7:30am. Not a bad way to start my monday but i'm sure my boss would disagree with that.
Looks like another day of dodging raindrops. House empties out this afternoon and will become way too quiet way too quickly.
Is it a bad omen, that it has rained 2 days in a row and nephew in on vacation? Travel safe Quincy family!
Whats next on the agenda???
Oh yea, the twins!
BLOG is kind of quiet, lets see what I can do to peak everyone's interest?? Lets see what is going on?
I currently am training Childrens hospital Dr's on the electronic medical record, the highlight of that being, they are all 12 and computer savy! the downside, is no where to park!
Daughter is busy planning her vacation, and rounding up tarps, as she heard it is suppose to rain every day! my mother was bored yesterday, but I had to work late!
bils game tonight, I think?? Will they or wont they trade Lee Evans?
Other than that, anyone have anything else?
Tried to comment for the last two days and kept getting yelled at by the blog people. Hoping that this goes thru. Quincy Holtzes are all back home and very quiet here. Appreciating the cooler temps and lower humidity. Tomorrow is Friday which I am sure is good for all of those working parties.
Here is my obligatory hip hip hooray its friday! I personally am grateful for the next 48 hours off!
The weekend plans entail, yard work, painting, a dinner party for the newly weds, a bils game, and what ever comes our way!
Enjoy today!
Lee Evans to Baltimore! Wow, now he will be this all pro bowl WR. I got nothing else to report on. Thinking and praying for my Atlanta family.....
WAY TO GO GOOD GARY! Great to see a family member in the newspaper for something positive and not just running over another family member with their vehicle. Those perps will learn to stay away from The Depot.Bills on the tube tonite, yanks and rays at 4 so that means nothing productive from me today. Enjoy our weekend
UGH to Monday
weekend flew by in a blink of an eye. Had a BBQ for the newlyweds on saturday, Anastasia said she had a good time, and cousin Cathy was in town on Sunday and she also picked up Anastasia for her shopping trip.
Other than that, not to much else to report.
hey ho family --
No new Holtz-Twomblys down in Atlanta yet. The big event is scheduled for Thursday if it doesn't happen on its own before then. Stay tuned. And if you're really lucky, I'll post a "before" picture of me". Its really something to see!
So excited to hear from out K!
How are you feeling? We are all thinking of you and needless to say all our prayers are for you too!
Thursday?? 8/18! That is a great birthday! Did you know the # 8 was retired twice by the Yankee's as Yogi Bera and Bill Dickey both wore it! Just an fyi
Keep us posted!
Of course I did.
We're back!!! We had a wonderful time and a blob is forthcoming. The weather was exceptionally nice for the Adirondacks. The one bad BAD day was Tuesday and of course that was the day we rented the pontoon boat(Holtz luck... it was supposed to be beautiful that day). The kids swam, fished, we ate and OH we drank. You gotta love ADK.
First day back to work... two words; UGH
If today is your 1st day back? You are only working a 3 day week?
You should be able to make it!
Just some baby name suggestions.
Chipper? I think that has a certain ring to it, for baby 1 and bobbie for baby 2? In honor of the braves.
Tia and Tamara? TV show
Patty and Kathy another TV show
(duke, for those who dont know)
Other than that I am out of twin name suggestions. Good luck K, be thinking of you!
Baby pictures ASAP!!!!
Rumor has it, our babies have arrived! At least that is what my mom thought you said!
Elizabeth and Charlotte joined us early this afternoon. Sorry, but I think the first other WnYer to know the good news was the Conehead. He was serving me a cold one at the stadium as I talked to nanna on my cell phone. Conehead was very enthusiastic and got a particularly generous tip. I am sure the two were unrelated items
Congratulations!!! Much love to you all! Can't wait to meet Charlotte and Elizabeth.
Conehead knew before us? It figures AND I'm not really surprised. He did an excellent job last night keeping a cold one off of Sandra's lap (big tip and a handshake).
Shawn Teufel, son of manager Tim Teufel, pitched a heck of a game in his AAA debut for Toledo.
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