As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
So the apt at Luther Manor, has pretty much been cleaned out. All items have either been given away, or donated. Amazing, Mom in realityh had very very little, but what an enormous task it was to find a home for her possessions. Just want everyone to know that all of her albums and journals are at 431, just as storage, we do not own. So if anyone is looking for a picture or something please let us know. We will share, make copies, or give you the original if you so desire. ... And this all started with a little phone call no August 10th, " I am feeling a little under the weather" A new Blog forthcoming... Titled " Where did the summer go" or farewell tour of Derek Jeter! Not sure which. cookie ran in the Mightly Niagara Half Marathon on Saturday, she did great! Other than that, I got nothing
Not sure if everyone is checking the blog or not, hoping this pictures of Mom make you smile not frown! Just to keep everyone updated: Donations have been received in Mom's name to the: American legion, The Olmstead Center and the Boys & Girls Club on Franklin Street. I was not given how much was given, but just notified that donations have been made. Just ot keep everyone updated, the Koch family has been tossing around an idea about starting a foundation in Mom's name, that would support an afterschool reading program in conjunction with the Boys & Girls Club. Keeping in line with Mom's love of reading and her committment to education, and not stopping the RIPPLES! This is a very early planning stage committment. Please family let us know what you think! Faith, Family and Friends, oh and Thanks MOM! I never did tell you that enough!
Its Monday, nothing more to expound on that! How putrid is EJ Manuel?? I can honestly say I did not watch the game, just hearing comments from everyone. But I gotta tell ya, the redsux did it up right for #2! Man o Man, Bobby Orr!!! If the YES network ever replays that game ( like that will never happen) catch it! Very entertaining! Just a Mom update, more donations rece'd over the weekend, good friends of Jenna, planted 2 trees in a National Forest in her name. No Information on the National Forest. A total of 8 Masses being said in her name, 3 at the Basilica, 4 at St Francis. I can provide dates if anyone needs that information. Tristan turned 1 on Saturday, so a belated happy birthday wish to him! Other than that, its Monday - UGH
Blog has been quiet lately. Understandably so. I am looking forward to a relaxing and much needed weekend away. Orton named the starter Sunday. Is there hope?
I agree, BLOB very quiet? EJ benched, now who saw that coming? I see my math did not add up for the masses, Still 3 at the Basilica and 5 at St Francis. Other than that, its the very last day of September. Gotta say, I am glad to see it go! Carry on!
Been very hard to recover from having led HFFBB for 22 weeks only to be beaten 7-5 in the championship by a great-nephew who shall remain nameless. I believe that this is 2 years in a row. This year it was because I chose to bench the wrong reliever--and i could go on with all of the details but no one really cares. Anyhow, back in town and getting rested after a whirlwind Atlanta weekend. All of the travel issues, etc. from friday, mercifully didn't exist on monday. The downside was missing the Bills comeback win on sunday. Seems as if they are finally getting a few breaks that they have not gotten in past years; missed field goals, injured opposing stars (Calvin Johnson this week), but the proof will be in the pudding this sunday. Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Guess that I will go and rake some leaves.
Happy Thursday almost Friday! Plugging along with this work week, now arent we! so Kim and Terry now own the Sabres and Bills! how does everyone feel about that? Can they bring 2 winners to this city? will they move the stadium downtown? This is all too much to digest! Packing up my Larkinville office to move to the Record Archive Center, on Great Arrow. Will only be at Larkin 2 days per week, will definately miss the atmosphere here! But change is good, and my new motto is, things are just different now.. Other than that things are plugging along! enjoy the sun, while we have it!
1010 anyone superstitious?? double numbers! Enjoy this friday as all fridays should be enjoyed! Hope everyone has a great weekend planned! Me not so much, continue to de summer the backyard, and hopefully watch a bills win! Keep it simple today, and hey Believe in Miracles!
UGH to Monday! Wonder if the Pegula's felt it was a successful weekend? With both the bills and sabres losing? Suppose to be a semi good weather week. so enjoy the sun! Nothing new to really report. Jill and Gary off to Denver next week. Bronx sitting for one day, so that should be fun! Other than that life is pretty quiet. Enjoy today and all that it brings!
Glad that I made it a point to play golf early today in the wind and the rain and the chill. Now, it's beautiful out there. Lots of leaf raking this weekend with help from Oliver and Audrey and pile jumping by Ben. No classes on wed. with standardized testing and the seniors are off on retreat friday so that means a pretty quiet week for me. Brady is definitely over the hill and it certainly shows. One phone conversation yesterday with my son and he was sputtering. Hey, enjoy what will probably be our last warm spell for awhile.
And that round was month #200 nphw jff. I should be more loyal and go down and watch winless carolina vs. winless sabres. Pegula has to win one eventually, right?
Still kind of nice, but it is gray out there! Who thought KC would go up 3-0 over Baltimore??? Not me, thought that series would go the distance! Other than that, not to much else going on. Just plugging along! Have a great week!
Time to party like it was 1985. How about them Royals? I know, unless the Yankees or Red Sox are involved it's not really a world series, right? A bit dreary out there today and I am ankle deep in leaves, but I will find something productive to do. It's Friday eve and the good news is that I wasn't on that Frontier airlines flight from Dallas to Cleveland. Nobody seems real enthusiastic about air travel currently. Pegula is now 1 for the fall/winter sports season. Let's hope that there are more to come.
Kind of a gray day all the way around, my new office part time is in the Record Archive Center where records are stored, and there are numerous leaks in the roof here today, so not a good day to start our friday! Birthday dinner for Jill tomorrow as she will be out of town for her birthday, traveling to Denver, isnt that where they de contaminated the plane? Other than that, kind of a quiet weekend! Go Bills, Go Sabres! Take purposeful steps today!
so here's an interesting story, family -- i was in NY for meetings and got an email confirming my house closing appointment in DC, with my full mortgage application attached. Needless to say I found this concerning -- i called the phone number on the email and determined that there is a KIRstenholtz at gmail, and the mortgage people mistyped her address as KRIstenholtz.
We look nothing alike. Go ahead and google it.
Unfortunately, I have all her financials now. Sheesh.
That's hysterical! Of course, I googled her. She doesn't have any Holtz resemblance. But, maybe she will bring a pirate gift to Holtzapalooza. I wonder if the assistant at the mortgage company is still employed. Oops! Yesterday morning, I am running late for work (no surprise to me either) and I remembered I had to bring breakfast for my staff. So what does any boss do when pressed for time? Duh! I headed to Mcd's, sausage mcmuffin $1 = best deal in town. I pull up to the window to grab my food and see this enormously tall man with a hoodie on covering his head. At first glance, it looked like Unc. At second glance it was! I shouted to try and get his attention. It worked. I think it took him a second, but the cashiers were laughing. Come to think of it, I think we promised not to tell anyone we were at Mcd's. Forget that happened. In other news...... Happy birthday jilly! Hope you have a great day!
Yes, I did get a free coffee compliments of nc jnn. But it gets better. The next car in line is Fran Nojaim and she is yelling at me thru the window to remind me to tell AP that they were meeting for breakfast the next day (today). By this time all of Mickie D's is watching my carryings on. It was all downhill the rest of the day. Anyone staying up tonite to watch the Series?
Yikes!!! I'm embarrassed to how long its been since my last post. I ran into Unckie today at the Mount while I was picking up my sick daughter and I'm happy to say Unckie looked great. I on other hand look like I've been in the woods for a week. Sandra 's out of town so I'm letting myself go.
Happy Wed! So Geo or as we refer to him Ebola Victim #4, has been sick as a dog! Talk about letting yourself go! Lets see what is going on?? Cookie is in Denver, celebrating her birthday. jnna is busy with the budget in the COT. Last evening the COT FD picketed the council meeting, so it is a little stressful at 431. My sister and I are talking about going on a long sisters weekend, loosing Mom has hit us both differently, and we are looking at some down time, any one have any thoughts on where we should go??? And Oh look October is almost over. Pittiful baseball game last night, was hoping for a better showing from the Royals! Sabres are in Anaheim, and who do the Bills play this weekend??? Enjoy today and all that it brings! And why do I have to prove I am not a robot??
Yeah, I might be able to read that number without help. Made a guess and hope that it works. Did round a corner yesterday into nphw jff. Sorry to hear that nc emma and UG are both under the weather. Not much going on around here except me versus the leaves, soon to be replaced by me versus the snow. Not sure which I dislike more. Tomorrow is friday and that is a good thing. Will our beloved Bills stumble this sunday and Rex and the jets? Try to remain optimistic. Until then...
Happy Friday, or in my world, day after pay day and warehouse work day, but hey at least it did not rain, so no leaking roof! So Sept 12th I changed my mother's address for her mail to come to my house, it is now 6 weeks later, and I have not rec'd so much as one postcard! We call every day and ask where the mail is and we are told that it takes time, so apparently from Tonawanda to North Tonawanda is huge re direct for the boys in blueish gray! Tomorrow is the last day for my patience, so I pity the post office clerk if I dont have Anastasia's mail today. UGH to the Sabres, what a painful pitiful year this will be! Doggie sitting bronx while the everett's are in Denver. Heard they had breakfast with their Uncle Bob the other day, sounded like a good time was had by all! And I quess I am a little confused? You can care for Ebola sufferer's in west africa, re enter the US and then go bowling? No one thinks to quarantine before re entry???? I think I am just annoyed with the worlds stupidity lately! And the Post Office! Have a wonderful weekend! Lets hope the Jets do not get a W this weekend!
this one is blurrier and smaller than usual. Should this be so much of a challenge? Anyhow, anything with the post office I blame on Cliff Claven or Uncle Larry, take your pick. I have a 3 day week next week so I need to spend the weekend getting ready. The pressure!! hope that your weekend is acceptable at the least, the Bulls triumph over one of those michigan teams that they play, the sabres score more than a goal in a game before 2015 and Kyle Orton finds a way to get 2 games over 500 for his career, something he has never done before.
Go Bills! I'm thinking tacos for lunch. Mmmmm... I was at my first wedding reception last night dateless. Sandra took ill and I had to go solo. Very goofy feeling being alone. After the reception( which I left a bit early) I then tried to take Zach to a concert he wanted to go to. But even with a parent/ guardian, Iron Works would not let my 17 year old in to the show. They obviously didn't want or need my money. Strike 1 Iron Works! Not cool.
Wow! Bills won. Ummmm... That's cool, right? So, I have a day off today and I'm going golfing at Holiday Valley. Thank you sun for shining down... That'll make the day that much more enjoyable.
Happy Monday! On my last trip to NYC, we ran into some jets fans who were quite vocal about how pathetic the Buffalo Bills are, as Geo had his Sabre shirt on, mmm wonder who is pathetic now! My only ask is that they would have run up the score! Hard to believe Halloween is this week! And the time change! Have a great Monday all! Oh update on Anastasia's mail, so the post office is pretty adament that she has no mail, that is why I have not gotten any, but my genious husband suggested I mail her something, and send to her old address and see if I get it! So I will let you know how that goes!
That UG always comes up with the good ideas. Got a chance to watch part of yesterday's game at Wally's, my local watering hole with son Adam. They, Wally's, had a chili contest yesterday with 8 different pots going, free, cold beer, not free, and big screen tv's. Have to say it was a most enjoyable scene and thanks to Nana for babysitting the OP Holtzes so Adm and I could take advantage. What are we supposed to do next week. I have always looked forward to the bye as a break from the pain and agony. Not sure how to react to their winning a few. We will have to see. Off tomorrow and looking forward to enjoying what will probably be the last day like it for awhile. Enjoy.
I am still confused about this I am not a robot confirmation? And I agree these numbers are kind of blurry??? So Anastasia update and the US Postal Service, so yesterday after 7 weeks the first piece of mail arrived! It was from the GrapeVine inviting her to a taste testing for Shepherds pie! I am not surprised! My sister and I are headed out to see barb and chuck on Saturday, and do some antiqueing! Other than that it is a bye week and its suppose to snow! Got a text from my brother john, and he states he has never been happier! And will not be around for Thanksgiving! Stay on tract!
Have fun buying old things. We're gonna have a themed gathering on Halloween night. The theme; famous Idaho - Ian's. Idahoists. Idaho folk. Should be a hoot.
So these steady stream of numbers, that we have to type in? could they be a message from above? And the lottery numbers? I will now have to keep track! Oh wait what was yesterday? So I was looking over donations in Anastasia's name, and over 100 people donated to local organizations, gave cash, asked for tree's to be planted, and asked for a Mass to be said. These were from family, neighbors, friends, her students, and people who worked with her. I often wonder if she is aware of the effect she had on the world! Enjoy this gray day!
The numbers have disappeared as quickly as they appeared, apparently UB is not playing this sat.? my sisters are going antiquing? the NBA season has started, baseball will end tonite and I enjoyed my day outside yesterday. Off tomorrow but not so nice. weekend coming. what else? Idaho potatoes at the Pilafs? I am confused. Help me understand.
I still see blurry numbers? Great baseball game last night! I think I prefer game 7 of the world series to the superbowl, thoughts? At BGMC this morning, and I drove by the HarborCenter, lots of activity! New Timmy H's opening! So does everyone have a full plate for the weekend? Halloween? Bye week for the bills? Weather should be lousy. As I said earlier, Sue Jenna and I are heading down to see Barb and Chuck on Saturday, kind of a surprise. Hope Benjamin is feeling better, sounds like he had a bad bout of the Croup! Geo is still battling ebola. Other than that, not to much else to report on! Enjoy 10-30
For those who may be keeping track: Gram is heading to Mars December 4th. I know, she probably always wanted to go. But I had her name placed on the Orion spaceship that is scheduled to leave Cape Canaveral, FL December 4th. Her name Anastasia Holtz/Tonawanda will be inscribed inside of the shuttle. I'm sure she will get a kick out of that one!
A big HB sndr; hope that your day is brighter than the weather. Better here than in the south with all of that s--- in north carolina. No Bills tomorrow. What to do, what to do. On the way to tonawanda today to help nphw eric christen his new home. Other than that, quiet times. I got the "short straw" last nite, thankfully, and Ben and I stayed home to watch tv while the others went for a wet trick/treat. Didn't see nc emma in school on friday. Was she costumed? there seemed to be a lot of it going around. Enjoy the weekend.
The "fuzzy numbers" seem to have disappeared, at least here, as quickly as they appeared. Heard that the Fixxitts are computer shopping. I am guessing that UG will leave no stone unturned--or as they used to say with seagulls, no tern unstoned--in finding the best buy. You GO UG! Not a lot going on out here. Played golf on tuesday so november is safely in the books. Now I can start to worry about december. Weekend is almost here so keep the faith.
So what happens if you type in the incorrect number, are you labeled a robot?? Kind of cruel dont ya think? so next week they are calling for measureable snow. With that being said I hope my brother begins his annual snow day count! Heard that Austin is coming in for Thanksgiving, so that will be good. Not to sure what thanksgiving will be like this year, I am reserving judgement. Had a nice weekend last weekend shopping with my sister, and daughter, and lunching with the cousins! Wonderful to see all of them, weather was yucky but fun nontheless! Anyone heading out to the grand opening of 716 at 3PM today? Yea me neither. How about the bills playing in London! and I dont mean Ontario! At the warehouse today, so I can actually catch up on the blob, calling it that never grows old! Enjoy the day and all that it brings! sigh, I quess I have to finish putting away all the lawn furniture! October has melted into November.
The Fixxits did buy a computer at Best Buy... How weird is that? Now, it get to go over their house and make it work. Sandra and I went to Flying Bison Grand Opening, very fun. We then bought some spices at Penzey's and now I'm making chicken wing soup. Go Bills!
Fuzzy numbers are back! What's with all of that? Pretty good weekend except for the Bills. Had time for some local live music yesterday afternoon. Nice out today, and tomorrow promises even better on a day off. Nov. 13 will begin the official count. That was the first day of shoveling last year so everyday beyond that without will put us ahead of the game. I can't see us doing 147 this year, hopefully. Salute to Uncle John and John Jr. tomorrow as they are, I think, our only vets. Any others that I left out?
Numbers still appear, and they are getting larger! Enjoy setting up the rents computer, Jff. Last I heard they were buying a laptop, not a desk top, and how would have liked to been the guy who waited on them! I am sure they did their research and purchased the best product at the best price!Beautiful day today, hope everyone enjoys it! As I quess it all changes tomorrow!
Looks like the OP holtzes are coming over for a luncheon hot dog cookout today. I am guessing that it might be the last of the season. Got this visual of Mr. Fixxitt sitting at the local Starbucks with his laptop surfing the web. Gotta go and cleanout my gutters. The joys of homeownership. I plan on enjoying the day. I hope that number i typed in was 2459. That's what it appeared to be.
Gutters clean here in Tonawanda. I'm ready for winter. Fun UB game last night, great weather. I'm guessing next Wednesdays game will be a little cooler.
It is nov. 13 and yes, there is some of that white "stuff" falling out there, but I don't see it as shovelable, at least for today. Can't believe that 2 days ago I was grilling weinies outdoors. Better here than Casper, wyoming. Go Bills!
The Bills "came and went". Tough to watch a season go in the dumper in 5 days, but I guess that we should be used to that by now. Nice dinner last nite with the Fixxitts, hearing all about the adventures with the laptop. Meeting our friends Carol and Paul in Batavia tonite, barring a snowstorm between then and now. Hoping that everyone finds something pleasant to do for the weekend. Nice bold numbers to type in this morning. Much appreciated.
That Zack and his memory. I do recall the incident, and yes, alcohol was involved. I am currently much more worried about winter storm Bozeman, and whenever you start naming storms after Montana towns it must be serious, Mike Seidel on the weather channel saying that we are going to get lake effect "the likes of which we haven't seen in a number of years" and Mike Golic from Mike and Mike in the morning having to do a "kardashian photo" because Notre Dame lost to Northwestern. So there is my list of concerns. Anyone else out there match those? I am going out to oil up my snow shovel. And, by the way, today's 5 digit number was microscopic. Come on Blog people!
UGH to Monday and snow! At lease the weekend was palpatable, as the bills did not loose on Sunday, and the Sabres beat the leafs! Spent the weekend cleaning up the yard,in anticipation of our big snow! Sorry, Pilaf's that you have one rodent, at least there isnt two!!! Things are relatively quiet on Adam st, nothing new to report. Count down to Thanksgiving! Hope everyone can find, snow brushes, gloves, boots etc!!!! stay warm
Cheers to our superstar Amy! Jenna is going to try and put the link up to the channel 2 live interview with our own Amy! Great job, great on camera presence! so the snow has hit the south towns, go figure. Daughter jnna tried vainly to get to work today and was stopped by a wall of snow in Cheektowaga! Was lucky enough to be able to turn around and come home, and I now believe she is first in line at Firestone for new winter tires! Daughter Jll was turned away from the 190 South, not sure when they have ever closed the 190 south! And me I am in balmy North Buffalo! No issues on the ride down Elmwood! Stay safe, drive careful, and dont go out if you dont have to! stay home and just become more alarmed by the weatherman!
Adam is in syracuse on business freaking out; AP was in OP babysitting last nite as Amy was working and doing her tv bit, and by the time she got home last nite I think that God must have picked up the car and personally delivered her. Haven't seen snow like this since last winter. Let's see, we are 5 days behind last winter's start. A week ago we were outdoors cooking weinies.Glad nc jnn got turned around before trying to get out here. Have been listening to that poor devilon ch. 2 stuck on the thruway at the 90 since 2 AM. Here comes a plow so that is good news. Maybe we will retire to the northtowns. Can't wait to get out and snowblow.
that's the 90 at the 400. It was a trip watching by d-i-l announcing to all the world that she is now a Buffalonian and that "we deal with it". Way to go Amy!!!
Adm, stay calm and carry on! You heard your wife, we just deal with it! That was awesome! The sun is shining brightly in North Buffalo, dang I need my sunglasses!
I believe that amy is rethinking her "I'm a buffalonian" by now. adam still in syracuse having a fit since everyone else is treating it like a paid vacation. K called trying to figure out what is going on around here. This is the first time in 40 years where, literally, I can't get out. snow has to be removed a shovel at a time. Hate to be negative but right now I would take last winter back in a second.
How do people live in these conditions! Tried driving into Buffalo General this morning,no go, so I decided to go to the Record Archive Center on Great Arrow. Was a very slow go, icy, snowing pretty hard! But that has since stopped, thank goodness. We must have gotten at least an inch! daughter jnna heading out to EA this morning, she packed her car like she was going cross country! Oh and bronx has a vet appt! so much for the news from the COT! Seriously, if anyone from the North Towns, watched that line of snow in the sky, so defining! Right side sun, left side snow! Geo Bro called, not understanding how in the COT we have nothing, and you drive 10 minutes and you hit a wall of snow! Only the Weather Channel can explain it! Oh well, stay on the right side of the snow wall!
Some of the best pictures ever. Thank you!
I think the saddest thing these pictures showed was how much she had declined! I guess 97 years did take its toll!
Good morning. I know it's hard to get back into a routine. But, hope every one has a ok day.
So the apt at Luther Manor, has pretty much been cleaned out. All items have either been given away, or donated. Amazing, Mom in realityh had very very little, but what an enormous task it was to find a home for her possessions.
Just want everyone to know that all of her albums and journals are at 431, just as storage, we do not own. So if anyone is looking for a picture or something please let us know. We will share, make copies, or give you the original if you so desire.
... And this all started with a little phone call no August 10th, " I am feeling a little under the weather"
A new Blog forthcoming...
Titled " Where did the summer go" or farewell tour of Derek Jeter! Not sure which.
cookie ran in the Mightly Niagara Half Marathon on Saturday, she did great!
Other than that, I got nothing
Not sure if everyone is checking the blog or not, hoping this pictures of Mom make you smile not frown!
Just to keep everyone updated:
Donations have been received in Mom's name to the: American legion, The Olmstead Center and the Boys & Girls Club on Franklin Street. I was not given how much was given, but just notified that donations have been made.
Just ot keep everyone updated, the Koch family has been tossing around an idea about starting a foundation in Mom's name, that would support an afterschool reading program in conjunction with the Boys & Girls Club. Keeping in line with Mom's love of reading and her committment to education, and not stopping the RIPPLES! This is a very early planning stage committment.
Please family let us know what you think!
Faith, Family and Friends, oh and Thanks MOM! I never did tell you that enough!
Its Monday, nothing more to expound on that!
How putrid is EJ Manuel??
I can honestly say I did not watch the game, just hearing comments from everyone.
But I gotta tell ya, the redsux did it up right for #2!
Man o Man, Bobby Orr!!! If the YES network ever replays that game ( like that will never happen) catch it! Very entertaining!
Just a Mom update, more donations rece'd over the weekend, good friends of Jenna, planted 2 trees in a National Forest in her name. No Information on the National Forest. A total of 8 Masses being said in her name, 3 at the Basilica, 4 at St Francis. I can provide dates if anyone needs that information.
Tristan turned 1 on Saturday, so a belated happy birthday wish to him!
Other than that, its Monday - UGH
Blog has been quiet lately. Understandably so. I am looking forward to a relaxing and much needed weekend away. Orton named the starter Sunday. Is there hope?
I agree, BLOB very quiet? EJ benched, now who saw that coming?
I see my math did not add up for the masses, Still 3 at the Basilica and 5 at St Francis. Other than that, its the very last day of September. Gotta say, I am glad to see it go!
Carry on!
Been very hard to recover from having led HFFBB for 22 weeks only to be beaten 7-5 in the championship by a great-nephew who shall remain nameless. I believe that this is 2 years in a row. This year it was because I chose to bench the wrong reliever--and i could go on with all of the details but no one really cares. Anyhow, back in town and getting rested after a whirlwind Atlanta weekend. All of the travel issues, etc. from friday, mercifully didn't exist on monday. The downside was missing the Bills comeback win on sunday. Seems as if they are finally getting a few breaks that they have not gotten in past years; missed field goals, injured opposing stars (Calvin Johnson this week), but the proof will be in the pudding this sunday. Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Guess that I will go and rake some leaves.
Happy Thursday almost Friday! Plugging along with this work week, now arent we! so Kim and Terry now own the Sabres and Bills! how does everyone feel about that? Can they bring 2 winners to this city? will they move the stadium downtown? This is all too much to digest! Packing up my Larkinville office to move to the Record Archive Center, on Great Arrow. Will only be at Larkin 2 days per week, will definately miss the atmosphere here! But change is good, and my new motto is, things are just different now.. Other than that things are plugging along! enjoy the sun, while we have it!
1010 anyone superstitious?? double numbers! Enjoy this friday as all fridays should be enjoyed! Hope everyone has a great weekend planned! Me not so much, continue to de summer the backyard, and hopefully watch a bills win! Keep it simple today, and hey Believe in Miracles!
We own Bills. That means you too Holtz family.
UGH to Monday! Wonder if the Pegula's felt it was a successful weekend? With both the bills and sabres losing? Suppose to be a semi good weather week. so enjoy the sun! Nothing new to really report. Jill and Gary off to Denver next week. Bronx sitting for one day, so that should be fun! Other than that life is pretty quiet. Enjoy today and all that it brings!
Glad that I made it a point to play golf early today in the wind and the rain and the chill. Now, it's beautiful out there. Lots of leaf raking this weekend with help from Oliver and Audrey and pile jumping by Ben. No classes on wed. with standardized testing and the seniors are off on retreat friday so that means a pretty quiet week for me. Brady is definitely over the hill and it certainly shows. One phone conversation yesterday with my son and he was sputtering. Hey, enjoy what will probably be our last warm spell for awhile.
And that round was month #200 nphw jff. I should be more loyal and go down and watch winless carolina vs. winless sabres. Pegula has to win one eventually, right?
Still kind of nice, but it is gray out there! Who thought KC would go up 3-0 over Baltimore??? Not me, thought that series would go the distance!
Other than that, not to much else going on.
Just plugging along!
Have a great week!
Time to party like it was 1985. How about them Royals? I know, unless the Yankees or Red Sox are involved it's not really a world series, right? A bit dreary out there today and I am ankle deep in leaves, but I will find something productive to do. It's Friday eve and the good news is that I wasn't on that Frontier airlines flight from Dallas to Cleveland. Nobody seems real enthusiastic about air travel currently. Pegula is now 1 for the fall/winter sports season. Let's hope that there are more to come.
Kind of a gray day all the way around, my new office part time is in the Record Archive Center where records are stored, and there are numerous leaks in the roof here today, so not a good day to start our friday!
Birthday dinner for Jill tomorrow as she will be out of town for her birthday, traveling to Denver, isnt that where they de contaminated the plane?
Other than that, kind of a quiet weekend!
Go Bills, Go Sabres!
Take purposeful steps today!
so here's an interesting story, family -- i was in NY for meetings and got an email confirming my house closing appointment in DC, with my full mortgage application attached. Needless to say I found this concerning -- i called the phone number on the email and determined that there is a KIRstenholtz at gmail, and the mortgage people mistyped her address as KRIstenholtz.
We look nothing alike. Go ahead and google it.
Unfortunately, I have all her financials now. Sheesh.
Hope everyone is well. love you all.
That's hysterical! Of course, I googled her. She doesn't have any Holtz resemblance. But, maybe she will bring a pirate gift to Holtzapalooza.
I wonder if the assistant at the mortgage company is still employed. Oops!
Yesterday morning, I am running late for work (no surprise to me either) and I remembered I had to bring breakfast for my staff. So what does any boss do when pressed for time? Duh! I headed to Mcd's, sausage mcmuffin $1 = best deal in town.
I pull up to the window to grab my food and see this enormously tall man with a hoodie on covering his head. At first glance, it looked like Unc. At second glance it was! I shouted to try and get his attention. It worked. I think it took him a second, but the cashiers were laughing. Come to think of it, I think we promised not to tell anyone we were at Mcd's. Forget that happened.
In other news...... Happy birthday jilly! Hope you have a great day!
I love dad in a hoodie. He looks all gangster! Busted at McDs!
I do have some questions on that Holtz side of the family?!
Yes, I did get a free coffee compliments of nc jnn. But it gets better. The next car in line is Fran Nojaim and she is yelling at me thru the window to remind me to tell AP that they were meeting for breakfast the next day (today). By this time all of Mickie D's is watching my carryings on. It was all downhill the rest of the day. Anyone staying up tonite to watch the Series?
Yikes!!! I'm embarrassed to how long its been since my last post.
I ran into Unckie today at the Mount while I was picking up my sick daughter and I'm happy to say Unckie looked great. I on other hand look like I've been in the woods for a week. Sandra 's out of town so I'm letting myself go.
Happy Wed! So Geo or as we refer to him Ebola Victim #4, has been sick as a dog! Talk about letting yourself go! Lets see what is going on?? Cookie is in Denver, celebrating her birthday.
jnna is busy with the budget in the COT. Last evening the COT FD picketed the council meeting, so it is a little stressful at 431.
My sister and I are talking about going on a long sisters weekend, loosing Mom has hit us both differently, and we are looking at some down time, any one have any thoughts on where we should go??? And Oh look October is almost over.
Pittiful baseball game last night, was hoping for a better showing from the Royals! Sabres are in Anaheim, and who do the Bills play this weekend???
Enjoy today and all that it brings!
And why do I have to prove I am not a robot??
Yeah, I might be able to read that number without help. Made a guess and hope that it works. Did round a corner yesterday into nphw jff. Sorry to hear that nc emma and UG are both under the weather. Not much going on around here except me versus the leaves, soon to be replaced by me versus the snow. Not sure which I dislike more. Tomorrow is friday and that is a good thing. Will our beloved Bills stumble this sunday and Rex and the jets? Try to remain optimistic. Until then...
Leaves or snow? That's not the first time those foes faced each other.
Big plans for the weekend. Big plans.
If I can just make it through the day. God willing. The weekend will bring me fun.
Sandra's home!!! Yeah!
Happy Friday, or in my world, day after pay day and warehouse work day, but hey at least it did not rain, so no leaking roof!
So Sept 12th I changed my mother's address for her mail to come to my house, it is now 6 weeks later, and I have not rec'd so much as one postcard! We call every day and ask where the mail is and we are told that it takes time, so apparently from Tonawanda to North Tonawanda is huge re direct for the boys in blueish gray! Tomorrow is the last day for my patience, so I pity the post office clerk if I dont have Anastasia's mail today.
UGH to the Sabres, what a painful pitiful year this will be! Doggie sitting bronx while the everett's are in Denver. Heard they had breakfast with their Uncle Bob the other day, sounded like a good time was had by all!
And I quess I am a little confused? You can care for Ebola sufferer's in west africa, re enter the US and then go bowling? No one thinks to quarantine before re entry???? I think I am just annoyed with the worlds stupidity lately! And the Post Office!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lets hope the Jets do not get a W this weekend!
this one is blurrier and smaller than usual. Should this be so much of a challenge? Anyhow, anything with the post office I blame on Cliff Claven or Uncle Larry, take your pick. I have a 3 day week next week so I need to spend the weekend getting ready. The pressure!! hope that your weekend is acceptable at the least, the Bulls triumph over one of those michigan teams that they play, the sabres score more than a goal in a game before 2015 and Kyle Orton finds a way to get 2 games over 500 for his career, something he has never done before.
Go Bills! I'm thinking tacos for lunch. Mmmmm...
I was at my first wedding reception last night dateless. Sandra took ill and I had to go solo. Very goofy feeling being alone.
After the reception( which I left a bit early) I then tried to take Zach to a concert he wanted to go to. But even with a parent/ guardian, Iron Works would not let my 17 year old in to the show. They obviously didn't want or need my money.
Strike 1 Iron Works! Not cool.
Wow! Bills won. Ummmm... That's cool, right?
So, I have a day off today and I'm going golfing at Holiday Valley. Thank you sun for shining down... That'll make the day that much more enjoyable.
Happy Monday! On my last trip to NYC, we ran into some jets fans who were quite vocal about how pathetic the Buffalo Bills are, as Geo had his Sabre shirt on, mmm wonder who is pathetic now!
My only ask is that they would have run up the score!
Hard to believe Halloween is this week! And the time change!
Have a great Monday all! Oh update on Anastasia's mail, so the post office is pretty adament that she has no mail, that is why I have not gotten any, but my genious husband suggested I mail her something, and send to her old address and see if I get it!
So I will let you know how that goes!
That UG always comes up with the good ideas. Got a chance to watch part of yesterday's game at Wally's, my local watering hole with son Adam. They, Wally's, had a chili contest yesterday with 8 different pots going, free, cold beer, not free, and big screen tv's. Have to say it was a most enjoyable scene and thanks to Nana for babysitting the OP Holtzes so Adm and I could take advantage. What are we supposed to do next week. I have always looked forward to the bye as a break from the pain and agony. Not sure how to react to their winning a few. We will have to see. Off tomorrow and looking forward to enjoying what will probably be the last day like it for awhile. Enjoy.
I am still confused about this I am not a robot confirmation? And I agree these numbers are kind of blurry??? So Anastasia update and the US Postal Service, so yesterday after 7 weeks the first piece of mail arrived! It was from the GrapeVine inviting her to a taste testing for Shepherds pie! I am not surprised!
My sister and I are headed out to see barb and chuck on Saturday, and do some antiqueing! Other than that it is a bye week and its suppose to snow!
Got a text from my brother john, and he states he has never been happier! And will not be around for Thanksgiving!
Stay on tract!
Have fun buying old things.
We're gonna have a themed gathering on Halloween night. The theme; famous Idaho - Ian's. Idahoists. Idaho folk.
Should be a hoot.
So these steady stream of numbers, that we have to type in? could they be a message from above? And the lottery numbers? I will now have to keep track! Oh wait what was yesterday?
So I was looking over donations in Anastasia's name, and over 100 people donated to local organizations, gave cash, asked for tree's to be planted, and asked for a Mass to be said. These were from family, neighbors, friends, her students, and people who worked with her. I often wonder if she is aware of the effect she had on the world!
Enjoy this gray day!
The numbers have disappeared as quickly as they appeared, apparently UB is not playing this sat.? my sisters are going antiquing? the NBA season has started, baseball will end tonite and I enjoyed my day outside yesterday. Off tomorrow but not so nice. weekend coming. what else? Idaho potatoes at the Pilafs? I am confused. Help me understand.
That could be fun too. Bring in an Idaho potato that looks like a celebrity. Unckie, great idea.
Is it going to be cold today?
I still see blurry numbers?
Great baseball game last night! I think I prefer game 7 of the world series to the superbowl, thoughts? At BGMC this morning, and I drove by the HarborCenter, lots of activity! New Timmy H's opening! So does everyone have a full plate for the weekend? Halloween? Bye week for the bills?
Weather should be lousy.
As I said earlier, Sue Jenna and I are heading down to see Barb and Chuck on Saturday, kind of a surprise.
Hope Benjamin is feeling better, sounds like he had a bad bout of the Croup! Geo is still battling ebola. Other than that, not to much else to report on!
Enjoy 10-30
I fell asleep. The major difference is when the game starts. 630 Super Bowl. 830 baseball game. I fall asleep at 1030- 11.
Sabres? Playoffs?
For those who may be keeping track:
Gram is heading to Mars December 4th. I know, she probably always wanted to go. But I had her name placed on the Orion spaceship that is scheduled to leave Cape Canaveral, FL December 4th.
Her name Anastasia Holtz/Tonawanda will be inscribed inside of the shuttle. I'm sure she will get a kick out of that one!
Happy birthday Eve cuz Sandra!
Happ Birthday Sandra! Mmmmmm... Maybe I should go get her a card?
A big HB sndr; hope that your day is brighter than the weather. Better here than in the south with all of that s--- in north carolina. No Bills tomorrow. What to do, what to do. On the way to tonawanda today to help nphw eric christen his new home. Other than that, quiet times. I got the "short straw" last nite, thankfully, and Ben and I stayed home to watch tv while the others went for a wet trick/treat. Didn't see nc emma in school on friday. Was she costumed? there seemed to be a lot of it going around. Enjoy the weekend.
Yep, Emma dressed up as a n Anime character. Very cute.
We had an enjoyable evening last night with friends. Relaxing and playing games.
The "fuzzy numbers" seem to have disappeared, at least here, as quickly as they appeared. Heard that the Fixxitts are computer shopping. I am guessing that UG will leave no stone unturned--or as they used to say with seagulls, no tern unstoned--in finding the best buy. You GO UG! Not a lot going on out here. Played golf on tuesday so november is safely in the books. Now I can start to worry about december. Weekend is almost here so keep the faith.
So what happens if you type in the incorrect number, are you labeled a robot?? Kind of cruel dont ya think? so next week they are calling for measureable snow. With that being said I hope my brother begins his annual snow day count! Heard that Austin is coming in for Thanksgiving, so that will be good. Not to sure what thanksgiving will be like this year, I am reserving judgement. Had a nice weekend last weekend shopping with my sister, and daughter, and lunching with the cousins! Wonderful to see all of them, weather was yucky but fun nontheless! Anyone heading out to the grand opening of 716 at 3PM today? Yea me neither. How about the bills playing in London! and I dont mean Ontario! At the warehouse today, so I can actually catch up on the blob, calling it that never grows old!
Enjoy the day and all that it brings! sigh, I quess I have to finish putting away all the lawn furniture! October has melted into November.
The Fixxits did buy a computer at Best Buy... How weird is that? Now, it get to go over their house and make it work.
Sandra and I went to Flying Bison Grand Opening, very fun. We then bought some spices at Penzey's and now I'm making chicken wing soup.
Go Bills!
I love calling it "The Blob".
Bills lost... Go figure.
Fuzzy numbers are back! What's with all of that? Pretty good weekend except for the Bills. Had time for some local live music yesterday afternoon. Nice out today, and tomorrow promises even better on a day off. Nov. 13 will begin the official count. That was the first day of shoveling last year so everyday beyond that without will put us ahead of the game. I can't see us doing 147 this year, hopefully. Salute to Uncle John and John Jr. tomorrow as they are, I think, our only vets. Any others that I left out?
Numbers still appear, and they are getting larger!
Enjoy setting up the rents computer, Jff. Last I heard they were buying a laptop, not a desk top, and how would have liked to been the guy who waited on them!
I am sure they did their research and purchased the best product at the best price!Beautiful day today, hope everyone enjoys it! As I quess it all changes tomorrow!
Looks like the OP holtzes are coming over for a luncheon hot dog cookout today. I am guessing that it might be the last of the season. Got this visual of Mr. Fixxitt sitting at the local Starbucks with his laptop surfing the web. Gotta go and cleanout my gutters. The joys of homeownership. I plan on enjoying the day. I hope that number i typed in was 2459. That's what it appeared to be.
Gutters clean here in Tonawanda. I'm ready for winter.
Fun UB game last night, great weather.
I'm guessing next Wednesdays game will be a little cooler.
Houston, we have a rat. Sandra saw a rat go in our garage... I know, I know, leave the poor lil guy alone.
Sorry, can't do that.
It is nov. 13 and yes, there is some of that white "stuff" falling out there, but I don't see it as shovelable, at least for today. Can't believe that 2 days ago I was grilling weinies outdoors. Better here than Casper, wyoming. Go Bills!
The Bills "came and went". Tough to watch a season go in the dumper in 5 days, but I guess that we should be used to that by now. Nice dinner last nite with the Fixxitts, hearing all about the adventures with the laptop. Meeting our friends Carol and Paul in Batavia tonite, barring a snowstorm between then and now. Hoping that everyone finds something pleasant to do for the weekend. Nice bold numbers to type in this morning. Much appreciated.
Zach mentioned to me today, remember when Unckie predicted the Bills were going to go 12-4 a couple years ago. I said, "yeah, I do" . What happened?
That Zack and his memory. I do recall the incident, and yes, alcohol was involved. I am currently much more worried about winter storm Bozeman, and whenever you start naming storms after Montana towns it must be serious, Mike Seidel on the weather channel saying that we are going to get lake effect "the likes of which we haven't seen in a number of years" and Mike Golic from Mike and Mike in the morning having to do a "kardashian photo" because Notre Dame lost to Northwestern. So there is my list of concerns. Anyone else out there match those? I am going out to oil up my snow shovel. And, by the way, today's 5 digit number was microscopic. Come on Blog people!
UGH to Monday and snow! At lease the weekend was palpatable, as the bills did not loose on Sunday, and the Sabres beat the leafs! Spent the weekend cleaning up the yard,in anticipation of our big snow! Sorry, Pilaf's that you have one rodent, at least there isnt two!!!
Things are relatively quiet on Adam st, nothing new to report.
Count down to Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone can find, snow brushes, gloves, boots etc!!!!
stay warm
Cheers to our superstar Amy! Jenna is going to try and put the link up to the channel 2 live interview with our own Amy! Great job, great on camera presence!
so the snow has hit the south towns, go figure. Daughter jnna tried vainly to get to work today and was stopped by a wall of snow in Cheektowaga! Was lucky enough to be able to turn around and come home, and I now believe she is first in line at Firestone for new winter tires! Daughter Jll was turned away from the 190 South, not sure when they have ever closed the 190 south! And me I am in balmy North Buffalo! No issues on the ride down Elmwood!
Stay safe, drive careful, and dont go out if you dont have to! stay home and just become more alarmed by the weatherman!
Adam is in syracuse on business freaking out; AP was in OP babysitting last nite as Amy was working and doing her tv bit, and by the time she got home last nite I think that God must have picked up the car and personally delivered her. Haven't seen snow like this since last winter. Let's see, we are 5 days behind last winter's start. A week ago we were outdoors cooking weinies.Glad nc jnn got turned around before trying to get out here. Have been listening to that poor devilon ch. 2 stuck on the thruway at the 90 since 2 AM. Here comes a plow so that is good news. Maybe we will retire to the northtowns. Can't wait to get out and snowblow.
that's the 90 at the 400. It was a trip watching by d-i-l announcing to all the world that she is now a Buffalonian and that "we deal with it". Way to go Amy!!!
Adm, stay calm and carry on! You heard your wife, we just deal with it! That was awesome!
The sun is shining brightly in North Buffalo, dang I need my sunglasses!
Amy was awesome. "I'm a Buffalo-nian". That was great.
I believe that amy is rethinking her "I'm a buffalonian" by now. adam still in syracuse having a fit since everyone else is treating it like a paid vacation. K called trying to figure out what is going on around here. This is the first time in 40 years where, literally, I can't get out. snow has to be removed a shovel at a time. Hate to be negative but right now I would take last winter back in a second.
How do people live in these conditions! Tried driving into Buffalo General this morning,no go, so I decided to go to the Record Archive Center on Great Arrow. Was a very slow go, icy, snowing pretty hard! But that has since stopped, thank goodness. We must have gotten at least an inch! daughter jnna heading out to EA this morning, she packed her car like she was going cross country! Oh and bronx has a vet appt! so much for the news from the COT! Seriously, if anyone from the North Towns, watched that line of snow in the sky, so defining! Right side sun, left side snow! Geo Bro called, not understanding how in the COT we have nothing, and you drive 10 minutes and you hit a wall of snow! Only the Weather Channel can explain it!
Oh well, stay on the right side of the snow wall!
Sandra told me Jenna was heading into the storm. Why?
Zachary and i are very excited about tonight's UB game; last home game of the year. Yee haw.
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