Thursday, February 02, 2017


GRAM 100 stands for Gracious Randomness in Anastasia's Memory, and we chose to mark what would Gram Holtz's 100th birthday this February 2017 by mobilizing a group of her family and friends to each enact 100 small acts of random kindness in her honor and memory.
Our goals are simple:
1) Pledge your commitment to GRAM 100 here by joining our page.
2) Download the "kindness card" (linked to this page under "files") and print copies.
3) Get started spreading kindness! You have the whole month of February to execute 100 acts of kindness. Leave the kindness card with the people you touch so they can learn more about our effort and pass it forward.
4) Share! Post the results of your random acts or write a funny story about Gram, her family, or just your day.
Our goal is NOT to brag about how kind we are nor to recount our good deeds.
Instead, our goal is to spend some (virtual) time together celebrating Anastasia's memory and one of her most salient traits -- her willingness to reach out to other people.
5) Spread the word. Ask others to join GRAM 100 and spread random kindness. Can we reach all 50 states?


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Betsy said...

Thank you for updating the blog for all those non face book family members, and you know who yoU are. It's day 2, and I have not handed out one card as of yet. But I have hope.

Betsy said...

So its day 3 of our GRAM Project, and I hope to make a big dent in my 100 this weekend. Now yesterday my sister posted on Face Book that she was up 4? I am a little leery of this? As I don't feel passing out 4 issues of the daily bread pamphlet is a Random Act of Kindness? Thoughts?
Should we also list our coupon count? How many we have handed out?
I feel some sort of documentation should be provided if questioned.
You know in the Health Care field, if it aint documented it did not happen.
Enjoy the coldest day of the year!

unk said...

Where to begin? After 33 days and 4000 miles of "togetherness", the fact that Auntie and I are still civil to each other must count for something in the kindness dept. Going 78 in a 70 zone passing a car in tenn. while a guy from pa. is approx. 14 inches off my back bumper flashing his lights and I just smiled as he passed me, must also count for something, but no, I didn't get documentation. Great to be back with the snow and ice, and have the super bowl end like it did?? a bit hard to take. Who is keeping score of all of this? Is it teams? I was getting just bits and pieces of the give and take on all of this as it was set up. Tonite is celebration of the big 4 for mr. Benjamin. Just that amount of time ago when Boston was paralyzed by their blizzard. How time flies. Take care all.

Betsy said...

So we are 10 days into the GRAM RAK Project, and I think its going very well, show of hands?
So did everyone listen to Rick on ESPNU, last night? It is always so fun to hear his voice in the back ground.
Other than that glad we did not get the snow that the East got!
Plans this weekend, to send cards to everyone still alive in Gramma's address book.
The other 45 hours are up in the air!
Stay warm, dry and hydrated, only 10 weeks til Easter.

JT said...

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here... Classic line from Horton hears a Hoo.

Betsy said...

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Gotta say I am a little sick of February, the wind, the cold, the slush, the snow, and that was just Sunday!
As everyone probably saw via FB, we did run into the Fixxitts at the movies on Saturday! Fun to see them and fun to throw pop corn at my sister.
It is confirmed we can go to the Philadelphia Flower Show, Geo has been vascillating about knee replacement but he is putting it off til the fall.
Other than that, working on my GRAM's and sprinkling good deeds everywhere!
Anastasia would get such a kick out of this!

Betsy said...

Happy Valentines day family! I hope everyone gets shown the love today!
And pitchers and catchers report today! So spring can not be to far behind, now can it!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday in February Family!
Celebrated Geo's birthday yesterday at Mulberry Café.
If no one has not dined there I would highly recommend! The food is yummy!
So the GRAM project is going quite well, not sure if I will get to 100, but we are slowly moving along sprinkling good deeds and kindness all along the way.

Other than that, next up the weekend
Geo's birthday celebration will continue tomorrow, however he is battling a bad cold so not sure if that will have to be postponed.

Enjoy to day, sprinkle some good deeds!

Betsy said...

Just want to let the family know, that John's daughter, Joanna, her 9 month old son, Zachary, is very ill. He is in an intensive care unit, with pneumonia, and when he gets discharged from there, he is facing Open Heart Surgery.
So keep this little guy in your daily prayers.

Betsy said...

Just a friendly reminder, that we are down to our last 8 days to complete our RAK 100. Loved thinking of my Mom, when doing something nice! Looking for to our Wed, raise a glass toasting party! Seriously, if any one could have made it to 100, I thought it would have been her!

UNK said...

looks as if we have a go for tomorrow evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Until then.

Betsy said...

Looking forward to raising a glass tonight!
Hope everyone can make it, and have a drink and toast the person I miss the most in this whole wide world!!!
The family member that does not post on the Blog today, buys the first round!
should we just tell sue, she is buying the first round?

Betsy said...

I hope everyone had a wonderful evening last night!
I hope you enjoyed your, drinks, your food, and the fellowship of family!
Just to update, we meet next year, 03/02/2018? For Dad's 100TH? Not sure where we would go, as he really did not go anywhere.
I will work on setting up the suite for us at Bison Park for a Sunday game.
And I did not buy PowerBall tickets in Indiana, so we are all still in the same tax bracket!
Enjoy today, and bask in the glow of what we had yesterday!

unc said...

I thought that last nite was really special. I know that Mom, and Dad too, were both smiling proudly at the gathering--kids, grandkids and great grand kids all in attendance. For jill and jeff especially to drop everything to be part of that with their families was great. Thanks to all and onward to the Bisons. In the meantime, everyone stay safe on trips, cruises, whatever is coming up in the near future.

JT said...

We had so fun! Family is the most important thing to us and we have a great, fun family. We can't wait until our next adventure.

JT said...

How is Joanna's son Zachary doing? Any news?

Betsy said...

I heard from John yesterday. Zachary is out of ICU but needs to get stronger before he can have his heart surgery, so continue to keep him in your prayers.
So here we are the last day of our GRAM project.
I did not make it to one hundred, but it was nice to think of my mom, a little more often than I already do!
Enjoy today
I hope my beautiful sister in law had a wonderful birthday!

unkie said...

Finishing up the warmest Feb. on record two years removed from the coldest month ever on record. Daughter K, based on Atlanta weather, claims that we have broken the planet. That being the case, I can live with it. Hoping that the Fixxitts are cruising in style. Auntie seemed to enjoy her day yesterday. Continuing the celebration tomorrow evening at Musicfaire at daemon college, a first for us. Glad to hear of the improvement for Zachary. Stay healthy all.

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Pop! YOu would have turned 99 today! Can not even imagine you reaching that goal, but rest assured I will raise a glass to you, and toast the job you did on this earth!
UGH to March, faced the cold and snow this morning!
I don't see my sister adding any facebook posts from her cruise, do you think there was no wifi available for her? I can not imagine her husband booking that trip and not insuring wifi was available!
I am sure I will hear all about the trip on our 8 hour drive to Philly, allowing 2 hours down time for either wrong turn or lunch!
I have the Student Quality Dinner, this evening, attending as part of my board duties, and I am excited about that!
I think if everyone knew the great things that are going on in schools today, they would realize there is hope for this world!
My brother attended MusicFaire? Is that like Woodstock?
Oh well enjoy your day, and smoke em if you got em! Never knew what that phrase meant, but it is one of my favorite!

Betsy said...

So I got a text from my daughter this morning that she was off the road on the 400 due to white out conditions, and not being able to see? How is that possible? When in sunny Buffalo, all is calm and bright!
Enjoy the day and hope the snow does not last
First fish fry tonight of the Lenten Season, and I am excited!
Cold Beer, Fish Fry! All that is missing is the smoke filled room!

unk said...

Sorry dad, but I'm 2 days late on the HB wishes. Hope that nc jnn got back on the road OK. Was a brief, nasty bout of snow both yesterday morning and this morning. Musicfaire was about 2 cuts above a good high school musical but the performers were enthusiastic and it's a really nice facility at Daemon college, seating 135. The other big performance of the week was last nite at EAHS as Miss Audrey made her dancing debut with all of the others from her dance class, ages 3 thru 8th grade. It was a hoot, all 30 min. of it. Can't imagine my sister without her technology, at sea and all. Should I sell my snapchat stock now or wait for it to go higher? Enjoy the remainder of our cold weekend.

Betsy said...

Its winter, its spring, its summer, its sub zero! The weather is as schizophrenic as our ambassador in chief! I don't believe I have every used schizophrenic in a blog post? I wonder if we can query our blog posts to see what our most used words are? K? Can you get on that?
So as you all probably are aware, my sister and I trek off to the flower show, every year for a few years now, not sure how many.
I usually make the travel arrangements, book the hotel, get the tickets, buy the booze, the essentials.
So.... did that this year, and lo and behold, I had the wrong week. I had us leaving tomorrow for a show that does not start until Saturday the 11th.
Crisis averted, all travel arrangements re done, and we will head out next week.
Good thing my sister is so easy going...
So on Saturday Night, we attended a Trivia Contest, and the topic was Movies, in honor of the recent Oscars, the prizes were for drinks and Apps, not bragging mind you, but I did carry the team, to two rounds of victories! I do admit I am a TCM junkie, and then I see yesterday that Robert Osborne of said TV fame passed away!
So is everyone hooked on watching April the Giraffe? Granddaughter Gwennie, loves loves the Giraffe's at the zoo, and does get quite the kick out of watching April on Aunt Jenna's phone. If you have 30 seconds to kill, catch the you tube video.
Other than that, its Tuesday...
Oh I got a note from Cousin Pat, who loved using our GRAM coupons.
So those random acts went as far as San Antonio!

unkie said...

That is what I love, even after 12 years, a blog post filled with news and views. I confess that I was not aware of April, the giraffe that is, but I will surely check it out. Robert Osborne will be missed and congrats to the trivia winners. There is a "holtz gene' for useless info that is strong among us. Are the Fixxitts back in town? Nothing much out here. Auntie appears to have caught the virus that was circulating thru the West Falls Holtzes and has been down for the count the last few days. I am just awaiting my turn. Have discovered reruns of Soap, the 70's tv series, now on Logo so I have been spending way too much time each morning going from Mike and Mike to Soap to Green acres. Time to find a job. Do take care all.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! 03/08!
I may have to play those numbers today.
So sorry to hear Auntie is down for the count, geo is still hacking up a lung and its 3 weeks later! Get better soon!
the fixxitts are home, I did hear a little bit about the trip, heard they had fun and would do it again!
More to come on that!
Soap, reruns! Now that is fun!
Brother, what book are you currently reading? I thnk all blog participants should post what book they are currently reading. So say all.
Gwenn is reading, Elmo and so is Henry.
FYI, the Everett clan takes off for sunny California on the 18th
I think the Koch's are going to head out to Owego to see Austin for the weekend.
Yucky Sabre loss last evening
and did everyone see that the previous kicker for the bills tried to help dan carpenter and he was told no by doug whaley??? Interesting
Other than all of that not to much else going on, looking forward to Philadelphia next week, hope the weather somewhat cooperates, I did get new tires and new windshield wipers, so I think I'm good!

Rick says: said...

where is my brother Jeff? Radio silence on his end!

unkie C. said...

You can always tell that it's time for the Phil. flower show. Just watch the weather channel in March and wait for the predicted East coast snowstorm.Almost to selection sunday. Keep looking for UNC Ashville. Will they be "dancin" this year? Has been a long time without a nphw jff sighting. When his little brother expresses concern, perhaps it's time to form a search party. Was this about the time that they were heading to Disney? Currently working my way thru Elmo.Kudos to Gwennie and Henry. Not an easy read, with lots of nuances. High point of my week has been sitting and watching Auntie go thru box after box of Kleenex. Nice to know that we are finally going to get our winter---longest stretch of sub freezing temps. this winter for the next week. We luckily avoided any power outages which were all around us. That was one nasty windstorm, about the worst that I can remember. Lots of my neighbors house siding in our side lot to be cleaned up; fortunately, for me, it is my neighbor's. Try to stay warm and healthy.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! Hope everyone has their St Patrick's plans in place! It is so nice that all the out of towners are arriving along with Blizzard Eugene! Some great basketball is coming to town! Enjoy everyone!
So yes, my sister and I are heading out on Wednesday.
I have been advised to avoid the drive to Syracuse at all costs, the recommended route is using the 400??? Who would ever suggest the 400 in a snowstorm!. But that is the way to go apparently. To 20A etc
So we shall see what happens.
One of Jeff's last posts was, the Blog had a nice run? Did he think it has been dismantled?
Lots of positive feedback on our Random Acts of Kindness!
Great job, great idea!
Stay warm all, I hope Auntie feels better soon!

Betsy said...

My apologies, Blizzard Stella!
So far my sister and I have not cancelled our plans
We are forging ahead, so I will keep you posted!
I will be armed with the latest technology, and food!
So we shall see how it goes.
I did not think the drive to work this morning was any worse than any other snow storm? So not sure what all the hullabaloo is about?
Enjoy the snow, stay warm!

unk said...

Do take care on your travels sis.I have a hunch that things will be cleared up by about noon tomorrow so if you can delay a bit you should be OK. Lots of snow in SE Pa. though. Didn't really stick my nose outside today. Thank God for movies on demand. Let's see, over the last few days it has been: Manchester by the Sea, Allied, Jason Bourne and today Jackie (which I thought was really pretty good). If we can just hang on until thursday when the games begin. I haven't been able to bring myself to much of the WBC though. Do travel safely. Let me know how it is going.

unckie said...

Wishing my little sister a most happy birthday today even though her chances of reading this, or, it seems the chances of anyone reading this are extremely small. Hope that everyone had a safe and sane St. Patty's day yesterday and that all of your brackets are intact. Enjoy the weekend.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! So My sister and I did forge ahead to Philadelphia and the flower show.
Which I must say the ride was most enjoyable, sun was shining, roads were clear, and no issues or concerns, however once we hit Philadelphia, bumber to bumber traffic, and lots of curbside delivery of Chinese takeout to those stuck in traffic!
We only did 48 hours in Philly, so it was a quick trip, but well worth it!
The Everett's are in California, yesterday they were in Palm Desert and it was a balmy 87 degrees! It was fun to see the babies in shorts and t shirts versus the flannels and snow suits of late! They will be home late tonight.
Other than that, waiting for spring!!!

JT said...

Hey! Glad you guys had a nice time. Rumor has it, Spring is just around the corner. Someone let me know when it comes.

UNK said...

Glad to hear that the Philly trip went ok and the Everetts are enjoying their sunshine. I am desperate to get outside and start to clean up the post windstorm mess but the snow still prevails. We have another week before we get our sunshine when we meet up with Holtz-Twombley experience in Mexico. Can't wait to see the greeting we get. The sun is in the same place in the sky as Sept. 15. Why doesn't it feel like Sept.?

Betsy said...

Happy Friday!
So who had Michigan???
Hoping this rain goes away, but glad its not snow!
So today at work we are having our " Its 9 Months til Christmas Party", no one wanted a Holiday party, so we are having it today.
Other than that, the big plans for the weekend is Henry is getting a haircut, and we are meeting Cousin Cathy and her BF Lou for a fish fry tonight.
I would invite my sister, but I have been told by her more than once that she does not like where we are going, hence no invite!
Other than that, not to much going on, just waiting for Spring
How fun, a trip to Mexico!
Have a great weekend all!

unckie said...

Actually we are meeting the Fixxitts for lunch today. We decided that instead of dinner we would do lunches instead, it is cheaper you know, and the deal is that you have to pick a place that you have never been to before. So feb. was Scharf's in West seneca for German food. Today we are in s. buffalo for Irish food at a place called Potter's Field---how apropos for people our age. We will see how that goes. Need pix of Henry's haircut, a milestone. Looks like a quiet weekend in the offing. Enjoy it.

unk said...

Another weekend has come and gone. Pretty quiet in the southtowns. Jewettville Holtzes here for brunch yesterday. Big O assisted on some preliminary yard cleanup while his daddy continues to heal; still off this week too. Terry Hills opens today for golf but walking only. Suffering from a bad case of "kneezles" but I will have to find a way out there to limp around with only 5 days left in March. No, I didn't have S.Car. in my final four but with Frank Martin a former middle school math teacher, I should have known. Hope that all is well with all.

Betsy said...

Hope you enjoyed your lunch! Potters field was just written up in the paper, so hope it was good! Your should go to R&L Lounge across from the Broadway Market and see Ronnie and Lottie! Adam healing? Hope all is well? Henry's first haircut pix were on FB, so check it out! Other than that, Geo is very excited for opening day! He swears by his knee brace that my brother told him about, so if you are complaining about your knees barking, the brace is a temp fix?
If Mr O is marketing himself to help clean up yards I will definitely sign him up!
Lots of sticks and branches left behind!
Great hockey game Friday night, that was fun to watch!
Other than that, kind of a fly by weekend!
Enjoy today!
New Nixon book out brother, was previewed in the paper yesterday.

unk said...

Wishing my little sister a big HB in advance. will be thinking of you while we assume our new identities as Canadians, eh, while south of the border.Everyone likes Canadians, right? Hoping that our hosts, the Holtz-Twombley experience will be able to get out of the mess that is Hotlanta. Poor K was on the phone last nite having dropped Jefferson off for his game and got caught in the middle of that fire which, if you remember the park where J plays, is not that far from I-85. Auntie is excited because I promised her a lunch stop at Swiss Chalet in NFalls on the way to Toronto. This is a rest. that she has really missed. Enjoy the weekend all.

JT said...

Have fun down in Hot'lanta. Nothing beats the pouting at Swiss Chalet! Yum!
Tell the Holtz Twombley clan we said howdy Doo.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! So much going on! Auntie, Jenna and I are always just going to drive to Fort Erie and pick up Swiss Chalet, but if you look at Yelp reviews, according to the masses not such a great idea. Anywhoo I hope your chicken experience is wonderful.
I had a wonderful Birthday! Just keep inching closer to retirement, and that is the ultimate plan, right?
Sound of Music was a wonderful production! Heard my sister is keeping her season tickets for next year, and she is protesting the political stance of the NYC Broadway Production of Hamilton, so that has automatically carried over to the tour company of Hamilton, of which she is protesting. The short of it is she can get tickets before the masses, so that is good.
My brother is heading back up to Cape Cod, so thank you the fixxitts for driving him to the train station.
No state budget, so that means lots of work this week with our school budget!
Enjoy Hotlanta, that was horrible with that I-85! I can just imagine what that looked like, well no I cant really, but it was horrible!
Other than that, thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
Keep cousin Barb Wilson in your prayers, she had a heart attach in march and is recuperating in a continueing care hospital in Canandaigua.
Sue and I are going to try and drive down on Saturday.
The twins started swim lessons, last Saturday, more to come on that!
Enjoy April! The month not the giraffe!

Betsy said...

Rainy Tuesday! Better than snow, says everyone everytime all day long!
I think it is safe to say, that our Blog once so cutting edge has been replaced with FaceBook!
It is always nice to see pictures of the family, living life, enjoying their families, and sharing what is going on day to day, so fun to see Rick competing, Jeff grillin, and so on
So thanks to all who share their life on face book!
The Sabres were putrid last night! Went back and forth from the Basketball game to the hockey game, but gave up on the hockey game after the 1st! And I was rooting for Gonzaga, Bing Crosby's alma mater!
So has this team quit on the coach? Is Murray to blame?
Once again having to wait for next hockey season!
Other than that, not to much else is going on at 431.
Stay dry today!

Betsy said...

So more rain on the way, and possibly some snow?? UGH to that! Heard on the weather channel that Georgia was the state with the most tornados? That is some crazy weather to avoid and I hope everyone stays safe!
Kind of bummed opening day is cancelled today, had made plans to attend, and now I cant go on Saturday, so this just did not work out!
Other than that, not to much else going on, Easter is on its way, going down to see barb on Saturday with my sister, so hope she is doing better.
Other than that, same ole same ole, just waiting for the weather to be a little nicer!
Stay warm and dry over the next 48

Betsy said...

Sigh, what can you say about the events in the world, when it is April 7th and you drive to work in a blizzard!
But hey at least it is Friday! Kind of a busy weekend, driving down to see Barb tomorrow, and its Palm Sunday, and that only means a longer mass!
Glad the sorry sabre season has come to an end, and hoping the maple leafs don't get their last 2 points and make the play offs!
Other than that, we just keep plugging along now don't we!
Enjoy your day, don't shovel it will melt, and RIP Don Rickles, all though I was never a fan of his...

unk said...

Glad to see my sister keeping the family blog alive. I guess that I wasn't real clear about our seeing the Holtz/Twombleys. That visit occurred in Mexico where they had rented a house for the week. It was the same place that they rented two years ago. We did stop at the Swiss Chalet in Nia. Falls on the way up to fly out of Torontom, and the parking lot had mostly US plates and the meal was like we remembered. K did check facebook last fri. to show us pix of the WNY snow. There was still a yard full when we got back home here on sat. nite. Sorry to hear about Barb.I would have thought Chuck to be the more likely candidate for a heart attack. It is now My favorite time of the year sitting down to watch the Stanley Cup playoffs nite after nite (sarcasm). I am guessing that washington and pittsburg are in but the remainder?? Haven't a clue. Have had no idea of anything happening in the news for the last week. Auntie's phone did not work in Mexico, nor did our bank cards---that is a whole nother wonderful story--no tv, nothing so I have to get caught up. I guess my first research will be why my sister hates Hamilton. Weather here seems fine for now. Bisons day games this week. Seems like the thing to do. Keep the week Holy. Remember to keep your fast going for the rest of the week. I am giving up guacamole for the rest of lent.

Betsy said...

Happy Golf day! That was the announcement on the radio on my uneventful drive into work, no inclement weather,no school buses, no traffic jams, just a no traffic Holy Monday!
Sounds like the Mexico Vacation is chapter 2 of my brothers book! Cant wait to hear!
So we did not go see cousin barb on Saturday, as she was rushed into emergency surgery on Friday night, something about a fluid build up on her knee causing excruciating pain, so we are holding off on seeing her until she is better.
So another day to do that
Took the babies to Andersons yesterday for an ice cream cone, well a greek frozen yogurt cone, oddly I don't remember Thiel's dairy ever selling those, but they loved them. Henry, of course ate his cone from the bottom up! Always living on the edge
It will be a brutal school board week, as we are in negotiations with the teachers for a new contract, the state aid package came out and our superintendent is retiring. So film at 11
Its Kids week at Bisons game, so you may want to rethink that, brother
Happy Birthday Eric Stoiber!
Here is wishing everyone a wonderful Easter! I hope your ham is glazed, and the beer is cold.
Congrats to Rick on completing and competeing in the Spartan Run!
My sister is protesting the cast of Hamilton booing that upstanding citizen, Mike Pence, you know him the VP who wont hold a meeting with a woman, lest he not be tempted! I don't think she is against Alexander Hamilton per se, just protesting that the cast protested him being in the audience.
Happy Holy Week, enjoy the sunshine, and keep the faith!

unkie said...

Glad to get the Hamilton thing clarified. I did hear something about the VP being opposed to women having business lunches out; something about wearing slacks too. Sorry to hear about cousin Barb and her health problems. I did see that Tonawanda is down in state aid next year, never a good thing. And it seems that every district is negotiating with some group or another every year. Plus finding a new soop? That is a lot on your plate sis for a non-full time position. Me, just trying to get the yard in shape for the big egg hunt apparently scheduled for here for sunday. Glad to hear that the twins are totally into healthy treats. Try to keep that up. Is this shrove tuesday? Gotta get my holy week nomenclature straight. enjoy the day.

Betsy said...

I always thought it was Holy Tuesday, and Maudy Thursday? Oh well, whatever the day is, enjoy it!
I seem to recall on Holy Tuesday, a parable about a fig tree, and the bible verse of , If you believe, You will receive, whatever you ask for in Prayer.
That being said, remember John's Grandson, Zach as he had his open heart surgery yesterday and was moved to ICU. So keep him in your prayers for a complete recovery!
I think I will rate all future flying experiences, as to hey at least I was not thrown off the plane! Just when you think you have heard it all and seen it all, nope not quite.
Did everyone see Buster Posey get hit in the head? That was scary!
Thank you to my sister for driving John to the train station tomorrow, so he can be with his family at Easter.
Apparently the numbers submitted to the News by Boces for our State Aid total was inaccurate, for Maryvale and Cleve hill as well, apparently there is a whole convoluted formula for school aid, but more to come on that.
But that did have folks in the COT in an uproar!
The Bisons 4-0, now that is something to be excited about!
We are too hoping for an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday as well, over the years, we have planned them, but then it snowed, or we forgot where we did hide the eggs, etc, it was always a complete debacle, so hope it goes better for you!
Other than that, not much else going on, wrote our tax check this week! UGH
And loving the no traffic to work
Its all good!

UNK said...

Glad that we have this Holy week terminology straightened out now. The complication for me is that Charley has been referring to "Great" Friday, which I guess she perceives to be better than a mere "Good" Friday. Hopefully her Presbyterian church school will get that clarified for her by tomorrow. Why couldn't that have been me pulled off a Southwest flight with the mandatory lawsuit to follow. Actually, I would have meekly complied with the request and apologized for causing any confusion; so much for my lawsuit. Still trying to put together contingency plans for egg hunt. I am 0 for 3 on Bison games this week, likely to go to 0-4 today. I do recall that this was the night for Dad's annual trip to Salem church with Freddie and Gramma Holtz. First stop on returning home was the refrigerator, long before any hellos to his family. Hope that everyone is off tomorrow.

Betsy said...

Happy Great Friday, Good Friday, or good friends of ours told us a story last evening of picking up their nephew from school on Holy Thursday and the nephew relayed that he was glad to see them oh and he had no school tomorrow as it was Lucky Friday, so I guess what you refer to it, just be kind! And Please don't drop the Father of all bombs today!
Heard that cousin Barb was a tad bit better, so maybe that road trip maybe looming.
Thanks for confirming brother, that yes at least my dad did attend a Church Service!
Had the first view of the candidates for the COT Superintendent job last evening, was kind of impressed at the amount of candidates we had, and all the job openings available.
I am at work, only because everyone else is off and going to the Broadway Market!
I hope the easter egg hunt can be pulled off.
Sadly, we did not make it to any Bisons game either this week, so hopefully soon..
Not even sure who is playing for the Stanley Cup.
don't care who the bills draft.
Don't care that tony romo has replaced phil simms, does the combination of these make me a bad sports fan?
Other than that, not to much else to report on.
I was surprised to how some news outlets printed disparaging information about the Dr. who was dragged off the plane, so thoughts? Do the passengers who witnessed that fly for free for the rest of their lives, and this poor guy does he get a billion dollars and fly free first class for the rest of his life?
Hope all your chocolate is Platters!
Happy Easter Family!

unckie said...

Well our big news came before 8 this morning in the form of a phone call from Charley. Seems that she let mommie take out her loose tooth in the parking lot of the swim club. Now, get this, we will have BOTH the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny visiting tonite. How about that!! Just a few years ago there was a shortage of Soop candidates. Like anything, Say's Law in economics, supply will be increased to meet demand. Try to hire one taller than Martzoff in Williamsville. Watching the weather reports closely trying to plan egg hunt. Every station is different. eggs are plastic and thus waterproof. What are the plans for, is it still Holy saturday, today? Glad to hear that cousin barb may be on the mend. i heard that Marshawn wants to come back to Buffalo. Anybody else heard that? Me neither. Enjoy

unc said...

Hope that everyone had a fine Easter yesterday. Went to GG Betty's for brunch yesterday, had a brief interlude and then the Jewettville Holtzes were here for ham, etc. Chickened out on the outdoors egg hunt with the rainy predictions and held it inside. Seems like we did find all of the hidden eggs and that is always good news. It's a rest up day here and I see that lots of the kids are still off from school. Is Dyngus Day a legal holiday in the business world? Didn't think so. Steer clear from the squirt guns today.

Betsy said...

It appears to be one of those days, forgot my glasses for work, forgot my lunch, got caught in the rain, just one of those Wednesdays!
Easter was very enjoyable the twins did get an outdoor easter egg hunt, by which Gwenn found that the eggs were filled with snacks which she promptly ate, and left the empty eggs for brother Henry to pick up and put in his basket.
Cookie picked up ham, home made sauerkraut and polish sausage from Spar's meat market on Amherst. I highly recommend, food was delicious!
My sister is traveling to see an Ark, I know, who knew.
There is a key election in the Atlanta area, so K get out the vote!
Work is on pins and needles with the recent crash of ECMC computer system, so I am surprised I can still get to the blog from work. Thought that firewall would have been reinforced by now!
Other than that, not to much else to report on.
Waiting for sunny days, and trips to Bison Field!
Enjoy what is left of April
HOpe everyone got their check in on time?
Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill to simplify filing your taxes, makes sense to me!!!
Keep an umbrella handy!

Betsy said...

So as I become increasingly disenchanted with my job, lo and behold KDHRC posted a position on FB! Sometimes the Career Gods work in mysterious ways!
Contemplated the Bison Game last night, and then it started raining, so that idea was squelched!
The Yankees are on Fire! And its only April! Got a kick out of the rookie from Scranton Wilkes Barre that asked if #7 was available if he got called up?
Apparently he has never heard of Mickey Mantle!
Rumor has it Jeter and Jeb Bush are buying the Miami Marlins, now that is kind of a strange partnership!
I was never aware that 04/20 was a smoke pot day? Does medicinal marijuana count?
Other than that not to much else happening in our corner of the universe.
Glad the asteroid missed us!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

Betsy said...

And more job opportunities keep coming! who saw the pegulas cleaning house!
You have to love the sports columnists today!
Between a bills player " outstanding in the field" that story reminded me of an old Dad joke, something about a farmer, being recognized for being outstanding in his field? or something along those lines..
McDermott being 30 minutes late for lunch yesterday
And the Pegulas cleaning Sabre's house firings, made for interesting reading!
I am usually not a fan of Jerry Sullivan, as he thinks we all want to be Boston fans, or New England Fans, or Celtic Fans or whatever fans, but he was entertaining!
None the least the events in the world, makes you scratch your head, have we seen it all???
I am scheduled to assist with the twins swim lessons tomorrow as Gary is scheduled to work, and depending oh who I am charged with, we will see how the visit goes. I did purchase a new bathing suit, however, so I do have a monetary investment in this!
If I am charged with Henry, I will not put his face in the water, as he hates it!
Gwenn on the otherhand, the more dunking the better.
At some point will need to cut the grass!
With these monsoonal rains!
other than that enjoy the second last weekend in April
FYI, the live feed of April the Giraffe comes to end today at 4:30.
Have not heard back from KDHRC for an interview, wonder if that position has been filled!

unkie said...

Another weekend coming to a close here in the southtowns and a fairly quiet one it was, Dinner last nite in Batavia with our friends from rochester, the first lawn mowing of the season today, news of a great game for Jefferson with 4 rbi's, etc. on sat. He is completing his third month of baseball as Oliver has his first practice tomorrow. Quite a disparity in terms of opportunity to excel, wouldn't you say? So why did the Holtzes originally settle in WNY, comdemning future generations? Caroline won her swim competition in the butterfly on friday. Can't wait to see the kids as we head to hotlanta next weekend. ECMC is supposed to be back to normal in May, is that the fact? Almost went to the Bisons game today but yardwork won out. Have a great week all.

JT said...

What a gorgeous day today. Sandra went shopping, I went kayak fishing on the ever and Emma wrote a paper about some disease. What a day.
Wow, sports galore in the Holtz family. I love it. Keep those kids busy. Jeffersons season will be over before Oliver's third game... Classic.

JT said...

Ever is supposed to be River. Grrrrrrr...

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! The last week of April is upon us! Yesterday, when I took George to work, yes at the age of 70, he continues to punch a time clock! Word to the wise, save for your retirement! I had to scrape the ice off the windshield! but the day did warm up!
So Jefferson has returned to the ball diamond? I thought there was a hiatus and an interest in another sport, possibly golf? But hey I drink diet soda everyday, so there is an explanation! 4 RBI's, congrats! Jefferson!
Good Luck Oliver, is he a lefty? And assigned to 1st base?
I heard my sister wanted to catch a Cincinnati Reds game, and her SO declined, he only wanted to order pizza? I will have to wait for confirmation on that one.
So I am more that moderately interested in the French election as we will be there in September, so Ms. LePen has adopted much of #45's rhetoric and the other guy married his teacher who is 25 years older than he is??? Interesting!
Glad the leafs and bruins are done!
The plans for this week, pretty busy!
Swimming with the twins was fun on Saturday, they pretty heavy to begin with to carry and add a water soaked diaper! Yowza!
Congrats to Caroline on mastering the butterfly!
Other than that, same old same old waiting for spring!
No I mean the real spring!

unk said...

Looking forward to what would appear to be a really nice day. Hope that the Bills draft goes better than Erin Moran's last few years. I knew that she should have stayed with chachi. Need to find out why my sister missed out on a game at the Great american Ballpark. Not good sis. We are scheduled for our monthly lunch tomorrow so I will definitely inquire. Sounds as if the twins swimming lessons are going well. Seems that Gwenn got her mother's "water gene", much like Caroline must have picked it up from her cousin. I just can't figure out where Jill got it in the first place. Not from the Holtz side of the family. There were not a lot of swimming skills mastered in those metal tubs in the backyard. Oliver got a nice package of baseball attire from Jefferson, including a pair of spikes that he was proudly wearing to practice last nite. With the change to player pitch this year Oliver needs all of the confidence that he can muster. Two more days this week for those still laboring in the vineyards. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday! What a beautiful day! Went out for lunch and had to physically drag myself back into work! Is Spring here! Belated Birthday wishes to Zach and Amy! Hope they both had wonderful birthdays! Birthdays are the best, aren't they!
So last night started the first round of interviews for our superintendant position.
I have to say, it was a pretty intense evening, we had 3 candidates and each interview lasted 1 hour. Tonight is round 2
So hopefully the best candidate will get the job
Tonight is the draft, are we all on pins and needles, that the bills will once again fail miserably?
Enjoy the day, enjoy lunch brother with your sister!

UNK said...

So, I confess that I was a bit confused by the explanation provided by Mr. Fixxitt as to why they chose not to attend the game in Cinci. The details were: their bus would take them to, drop them off and pick them up at the stadium. In addition, they had access to $5 bleacher seats. I am not sure which of those was the deal breaker. But the Mr. did say that the pizza that they had was very good, altho the Misses only seemed to focus on the snoring that went on in the room after the pizza. Did have a good lunch and the Mr. breathed a sigh of relief because he was under the gun on choice. Topic of the Golden Warriors get together on July 16 was brought up. Sue seemed to think that George, who is elgible, and you, who can go as his guest might be interested. I am thinking of it, but I want to make sure that there is a reason to go. You guys up for it? Jewettville Holtzes here as Mom and Dad are working. Other than that it is packing time. Have a good weekend.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! good to know that one bills drive, is still Dysfunction Junction! How do we even explain to the world you are bills fan? I found it interesting that Terry and Kim Pegula pay a whopping 35 million dollars to people that no longer work for them! Terry calls it dead money! But I bet its still honored currency, correct?
So glad the Cinci game was clarified, you see the piece I don't get is, why did not my sister just go? She will talk to just about anyone, she would have made a friend somewhere along the way? If its something she wanted to do, do it.
That being said, I think the big question for the fixxitts is, where was the breakdown of communication with the Asheville Tourists honoring Rick on Saturday?
If given enough notice, the Koch clan totally would have gone!
Jeff, any insight?
I mean seriously, a talking bobblehead??? What a legacy for this family!
Travel safe brother!
We are down to our 3 finalists in our search for our next Superintendant, so that is winding down.
Other than that, Geo and I had a very nice anniversary, we took the twins to lunch, and they just light up my soul!
On to year #42!
Let me ask George about the Golden Warrior Celebration

JT said...

May Day!!! May Day! That's all I got.
Happy Anniversary ! I'm glad you guys had a nice dinner. I told my parents a month ago to go down and see Rick. I'm pretty sure it was their turn to mow the lawn at church.
Sandra's north of the border enjoying an extended weekend with her sisters and mom. They've done Shaw Festival and dinner at the Skylon... I think tonight is just drinking.
Golden Warriors... Come out and play.
Sorry, I just had to.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed, day before pay day in the Kaleida world so that is always good!
Brought Paula's donuts in for my staff, but this is only because I wanted a donut.
But they appreciate it! It is always an assorted dozen, no coconut, because I don't like it, and no red velvet, and its always on a Wed, as its 50 cents off a dozen on Wed. So that is that scoop!
Did everyone see the picture of Doug Whalley and Tim Murray drinking together at a bar??? I wonder if the President of the Sabres and Bills picked up the tab, and his name escapes me for the moment??? Can you imagine what that conversation was, my boss is a jerk, no my boss is a jerk!
Sunday begins Derek Jeter week in NY, how fun does that sound!
Hoping for a nice weekend! With some sun, at least!
Warrior Walk Wed is tonight, we are just doing 2 miles on the bike trail, so all are welcome!
Enjoy today and all that it brings

Betsy said...

UGH to this rain! Is this what we get when you get very little snow? Non stop rain?
Do we have any meterologists out there, who can comment?
So to recap the week, not to much is going on? So I am guessing by nephew Jff's response the fixxitts were aware of Rick Rice Day at the Asheville tourists game, and choose not to attend? But went and saw an Ark? I probably need to have a face to face with my sister for a full understanding of this?
So the last 5 weeks of the bills schedule is all against AFC opponents? Interesting football season upcoming to say the least!
Other than the usual turmoil in the world not to much else to comment and reflect on.
North Korea thinks we are trying to poison there leader, and are conspiring with South Korea..... Who can make this stuff up
Am I the only person that thinks the world news has become a gossip tabloid paper?
In our little COT, we have had a meth house/ Prostitution house busted, and a transgender student call channel 4 to complain about the School District?
UGH to my sleepless nights!
Stay, dry, warm and happy, as what else is there!

unkie said...

Ah, to be back in the Miami of the north. Seems as if we missed a wonderful week of weather, according to my son. Will need some sort of threshing machine to get thru my "lawn". Had a great time with the girls in not so hot Lanta. Weather basically sucked there too. Suffice to say that Nana and I are looking forward to getting caught up on our sleep. Wasn't even aware that the Bills are without a GM until our return today. I am sure that we will have the best general manager that anyone has ever had at any time in history, in keeping with our new national philosophy. Thanks to the news update from my sister, and a belated happy anniv. to you and UG, it seems as if the COT is, like many other places, not without challenges. I guess that Albert Dooby was the closest thing to transgender that we had. I guess that I would have a few questions regarding the Ark vs. A day honoring my son but I heard that the Ark was really impressive, every cubit of it. Enjoy the week. It's got to be better than the last one.

Betsy said...

Wishing the President of KDHRC, a most happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Glad my brother is home, not sure about my other brother? I should text him?
We did get one grass cutting in, well I should say George did
So George and I finally met with our Retirement Specialist, so after collecting social security since he turned 66.5, and continueing to work, and work overtime if offered, Geo is now only 500$ a year off from what he will be paid, to what he has earned and that is 500$ in the negative!
Me, not so much, upped my 403B deduction, and will try to be smarter with money.
But in the end, does it really matter?
The world is an uncertain place!
No new hires by the Pegulas
Jenna and I have the twins this weekend, as Jill and Gary are off to NY for Derek Jeter week.
Not sure if we will do swimming lessons, as that requires a lot of people!
But will try and get the zoo in at least!
At least the sun is still out!
Enjoy today and all that it brings

unk said...

So UG is finally to the point where he is truly a volunteer work wise? Problem is that total retirement leaves a lot of hours to fill.But thanks to all of the news, fake news, pseudo news and the like, that can all take up a big hunk of the day just keeping up. I am still working on the pile of books next to my chair and the jar of "workout quarters", but all that is a work in progress. I had a collection of nice old teeshirts for that corner but suddenly they all turned up missing. I suspect, but Auntie denies, any involvement in their disappearance. Looks more and more like the Bills turning into Carolina Panthers North. Does Cam Newton come with the others? Looks like the French are getting their act together. I am sure that will make my little sister breathe easier on her forthcoming trip. Wonder what James Comey's new job is going to be? Did get the lawn mowed yesterday. Lots of trimming to be done but we will see about that. Time to go looking for my teeshirts. Enjoy hump day all.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! I hope everyone was able to catch the news and watch the protest that occurred outside our board meeting last night.
Thank you NYS for sticking to your guns, and defining how and where people should void! Thank you #45 for pulling it from Federal Regs, as we a tiny school district waited to see what was next, and of course are now being vilified for doing so.
So lets recap, last night, we had out LGBTQ group protesting, and in the meeting protesting, we had teachers protesting our veiled Superintendent search, not surprising we are deadlocked in contract negotiations, and of course we had our run of the mill protesters , protesting our proposed tax increase. Just another meeting of giving back to the community!
Didn't Richard Nixon fire the chief investigator of his Watergate break in? We all know how that ended.
A few of the people I work with have Bills seasons tickets, and are very excited for our new GM, so there is hope an optimism in the air!
The Sabres, not so much!
Approaching Derek Jeter weekend, how exciting is that!
I hope K had a wonderful birthday, as was treated like a Queen for a Day!
Warrior Walk Wednesday, and the walk area tonight is the Fletcher School Area.
All our welcome!
Did anyone contribute to the Go Fund Me Page for the anti Chris Collins bill board, yea me neither.
I am very happy the French dumped Le Pen! Sorry to see the euro rise, but traveling to Europe is still affordable! Part of our tour includes an OverLord tour of the Beaches of Normandy, and the surrounding towns, very excited to do that!
I have a brother in law, that never throws away, donates, recycles, turns into rags, any of his t shirts ever! Interesting that yours are missing?
Still have not contacted my other brother, probably need to do that!
Wish it would warm up!
Other than that, that is my take on what is swirling around us!
" Everyone is entitled to their own Opinion, but not their own Facts"
Enjoy today and all that it brings

kristen said...

Sorry that I missed seeing all of the turmoil on tv from the situation in COT. We certainly do live in the most interesting of times. Negotiating years are never fun, and when you throw in the rest of your complications, you begin to see where public service has gone. I applaud your efforts to try and do the right thing for the community despite all of the roadblocks thrown up. I approached Auntie about going to NYC for all of the Jeter-related festivities but I just couldn't get her to buy in. She said that as much as she liked nphw jff's dog, this weekend was out of the question. That side trip to Normandy sounds awesome. what a great idea. Can't wait to hear about it. Hoping that things calm down in the Northtowns.

unc said...

Oops that wasn't K. Sorry

Betsy said...

Is my brother posting on someone else's ID??? We have never had identity theft on our blog! Not sure how to handle that with no FBI director in sight?
Round two of candidate number 2, tonight
More to come I am sure!

UNK said...

obvious spike in the crime rate when there is a perception that there is a breakdown in law and order. Have no idea why Kristen is the default. Just one more mystery. A very happy, early, Mother's day to all of our beloved mothers out there. Find a way to enjoy your day.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday, remember to vote if you have school board elections or budgets to approve!
I hope all the Mom's out there, had a wonderful day! I know I did!
As we were on twin duty, the decision was made to get take out, so we decided on Carrabas take out. Our order was promptly called in just as Henry went into the tub for his bath and jenna took gwennie with her. How long would it be to wait for a take out at dinner time on Mothers day?? So approximately one hour and 45 minutes later, Jenna was on her way home with an order, not our order, but food nonetheless, and it was free and she got a 50$ gift card because she waited so long and had gwenn with her. All in all a very nice day, and of course the Jeter festivities were fun to watch!
Other than that, same old same old! Austin celebrates the big 22 tomorrow, so happy birthday Austin!
Is hockey over yet? does anyone know?
David Price is pitching against the Bisons on Friday, so I think we are taking that game in.
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday! Hope everyone is well!
So yesterday I received a picture of my handsome nephew Adam wearing, wait for it, a Yankee's baseball cap! Apparently, Oliver is playing for the Yankee's!!! The Club ball version of the Yankees, anyway!
So that was exciting!
I have asked daughter to post on the blog, so all can see how handsome he is that ball cap!
No Bison game tonight, unfortunately geo is working...
A little cooler today than yesterday, thank goodness, that pesky heat.
Brother in law in Denver, had snow! He was very concerned about his garden!
Austin had a nice birthday
So thank you all for the birthday wishes.
Other than that, no to much else going on in the COT.
Enjoy the weekend family!

unkie said...

So yesterday we were supposed to meet up with the Fixxitts at Riverworks to have lunch at the waterside and enjoy our spring in WNY. With clouds, wind and 54 degrees at lunchtime, things did not go quite as planned. Lunch wound up being inside next to the roller derby area. Either of the two previous days would have been much better but what are ya gonna do. We also made a quick stop and the swannie house to check out their menu for future reference so we are quickly becoming, I would say, very cosmopolitan in our senior years.Other than that not a lot going on in the southtowns. Was considering the Bisons this afternoon but I don't think that is going to happen. Hate to be wimpy but cloudy, breezy and chilly is not my definition of ideal baseball/beer drinking weather. Still have not, and probably will not, recovered for a very long time, of the picture of my son in THAT uniform. It is most difficult to see both him and Oliver in THOSE unis, but their season is going well. Jefferson's team won their league title and are now in the playoffs. From the sounds of it, one more win and they will have won the whole enchiladad. Great that both Grandsons seasons are going so well. Caroline has a big swim meet today. she is getting over strep throat so I am hoping for the best. Hope that all goes well in the Northtowns this weekend. Sounds as if you are going to see more sunshine than we. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, and its almost Memorial Day!
Swannie house is very fun brother, Im not sure how the fixxits will like it, as parking over there is always very dicey!
So last year when Jenna organized the big fundraiser for her friend Kim, you know the young woman who had adopted the 3 little girls and then was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors? Well that story went viral, and during that time, a Mom from Idaho had reached out to Jenna as she had just lost her husband to the Brain Cancer.
Jenna and Idaho, as Jenna has called her, met for the first time this weekend at Liberty University. Idaho's daughter plays for Weber State, and they made it to the NIT of Softball, and Jenna went down to see them play. For those who are not in the know, Liberty University was where #45 gave the commencement speech last weekend
and Jim Kelly's oldest daughter graduated as well last weekend
But Jenna said its a great complex, and she had a wonderful time!
Back to Kim, still defying the odds, she had booked a Girls Spa Weekend, for Jenna, Kim's sister and Kim, unfortunately she can not remember where she booked it!
Other than that, the twins had their 18 month old check up, and are on target for all the milestones they need to hit. great news
Other than that, same old same old in the COT, the BOE, did pick our new superintendent, currently in contract negotiations, not my choice but will support.
Our trans gender student is happy with our new bathroom policy
And life goes on
So proud of Caroline! So proud of Jefferson and his team! So proud of Oliver!
And my Nephew for putting his although misguided loathing aside, and donning the interlocking NY!
Other than that, nothing else of substance happening in my world!
Enjoy this day and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Wed!
Hope everyone is well.
And everyone has big plans for this holiday weekend!
Did everyone see we have an author in our midst? Congrats Sandra and her sister Cathy! Best of wishes with your inspirational book!
Man o man, pirate gifts a pleanty this year, a talking Rick Bobblehead and an inspirational book! Easy Peasy shopping this season!
Other than that
Still no new superintendant in the COT, and contract negotiations drag on... with the teachers and the superintendant!
Meeting cousin Cathy for dinner tomorrow night, as we will be discussing our next trip to Europe in Oct.
Other than that, not much else going on
Geo is still contemplating knee replacement??? Not sure how long this contemplating will be dragging on...
Looking forward to a long weekend
Cousin Barb is on the mend, getting sprung from Rehab this week, Physical not drug and alcohol
Enjoy today and all that it brings

unk said...

Anyone else feeling "cheated" as these lousy May days continue on. Generally this is one of the nicest times of the year, but not this year. Other than some mowing not much going on in the Southtowns. I leave all of the exciting stuff to my sister. Even my usual get out of town for my birthday, the best I could come up with is a 11 AM game for the Lakewood, NJ Blue Crabs. My knee is having an MRI on tuesday to figure out what to do with it. Fortunately mine will only be surgery related. Why couldn't this family invested heavily in Health care stocks years ago. Hope that everyone can find good things to do this weekend. Looks as if my sister has a full plate. enjoy

Betsy said...

Hope everyone enjoyed Memorial Day, I had taken a few days off to do yard work and such and each and everyday I was off, it poured! and now it is attack of the sandflies! So needless to say, yardwork prevails. We did reach a contract agreement with our new superintendent, and we are losing our high school principal to East Aurora, of all places.
to catch up, Jenna is in Idaho, I know, who knew
She sent some great pictures yesterday of the blue field at Boise State.
Other than that, not to much else to report
Just work, have not gotten to a Bison game as of yet
Enjoy this day all

Betsy said...

Happy Friday Eve! As what is known in the working world.
So any one else have a take on the meaning of covefefe?
Just curious..
So any plans for a family picnic this summer? Is KDH coming to EA?
I know we had talked about the Golden Warrior picnic, and that can be a go of course, but wondering if anything else was looming?
The farewell tour for our superintendent continues this evening, with a cocktail party. So his going and our new superintendent coming, has been a whirlwind..
Kind of looking forward to it being over!
Other than that, the rabbits ate all the new grass geo had planted
We are getting quotes to get the house painted
Jenna is still in Boise
Jill's Achilles is getting better, if you looked at the pictures from the Marathon, she is pictured with her good friend Jaime, and there names are on their numbers, so if you don't recognize her in her baseball cap, her name is there.
Other than that, not much else going on
Enjoy today and all that it brings

Betsy said...

So I was out of town for a few days, at a conference for work.
Just down the road in Rochester.
But Sunday, one of my co workers has a cottage in Sodus Point, so we started our conference there. Part of their cottage looks at Lake Ontario, and the other looks at Sodus Bay. So we took a walking tour along the beach at how high the water is, and all the docks that are under water, and part of the beach that is under water, roads are also flooded, I can not even imagine how long this will take to dry up!
Other than just getting home from Rochester, not to much else is new, and happening
My brother should be planning his birthday trip
I see Rick bought a shovel
I received an email about Sandra singing on Main St.
Jenna is home from Boise
George is having an outpatient procedure done next Friday at Suburban
And that is the update from the NorthTowns!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday!
Hope everyone survived the work week, or the retirement week, however your world is
So the big news is, ??? Does anyone have any big news?
Emma turned 17, so Happy Birthday, MS. Emma
Hope it was a wonderful day
No news from Mr Austin, hoping his world is going well!
Again FaceBook is kind of how our family is staying connected, sort of kind of.
But the blog, is so important! Captures so many moments, some good, some great, some hilariously funny, and some very sad. But hey that's life right???
So sings Frank Sinatra!
So I am challenging the family to post something going on in their life at least once by the 4th of July!
We are all pretty competitive, so I know throwing the gauntlet down usually gets a rise out of the masses!
So there you have it family one new blog post by July 4th from each and everyone of you!
I will try to get my daughter to change the photos as the blog page
Looking at that smiling face some days is very hard to do...
Enjoy Friday, and I am off to complete my travel vouchers for reimbursements!
Wish me luck with that Kaleida maze!

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! What a beautiful weekend! Hope everyone got outside and enjoyed it!
Our friends heather and Joan have an inground pool, so I did a full shift Saturday and sunday we took the twins in... so that was my weekend!
This morning I woke up to a flat tire. I bought 4 new tires in Feb, and the rear passenger had a slit on the sidewall , so not sure how that happened.
But never a good day to start off with a flat tire!
Thank goodness for AAA!
Jenna spend sunday evening on the Ms Buffalo with the Pilaf's, and had a wonderful time.
Austin will be coming in, as Marion's stepfather passed away, so more of a sad visit than a visit visit
So 3 weeks from tomorrow is the 4th of July already!
Summer just flies by, doesn't it?
Other than that its same ole same ole
Enjoy this evening!

Betsy said...

Happy at least its not Monday!
So still driving around on my fake tire, waiting for my tire place to get my tire in, with all the Honda CRV's you see on the road, you would think that tires would be readily available? But apparently not.
Austin did get in yesterday, wonderful to see him as always!
Other than that, just another work day!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unkie said...

Just about 3 weeks since my last post and I do apologize for leaving my poor little sister to man the stockades all by herself, but I have been dealing with the mother of all sinus infections that has had me virtually non functional. I have hopes now that this is pretty much behind and we can return to some normalcy--to quote former Pres. Warren Harding--and get back to a more typical routine. As I look back, there really hasn't been a lot going on. Memorial Day was quiet. We celebrated b-days with the Jewettville Holtz clan but that was about it. Didn't buy a shovel, tires have remained in tact, thank goodness, no trips on ms. buffalo or out of town, just to various doctors. MRI on knee confirmed miniscus tear but I think that i will be living with it. Depressed watching the reincarnation of the 27 Yankees. Will be doing a driveby next weekend of the new Yankee stadium but that will be all. Looks as if the Holtz-Twombly experience won't be heading north after all--airfare is ridiculous around the 4th.They have about a month of summer vacation left and the kids here have not yet begun How did Jenna like Boise? First time in lots of years with no Regents exams to grade. Seems a bit strange. Let's keep our summer weather. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday.
Sorry you are battling a sinus infection and meniscus tear! Ouch!
So you are limping and blowing your nose???
Jenna loved Boise! The mountains, the scenery, the people, she loved loved loved it!
No trip to Yellowstone as she was 6 hours from there.
So sometimes life turns on a dime, doesn't it?
So Geo has had this out patient procedure scheduled for two weeks, and he had his pre admission testing completed, so on Tuesday while he is watching the twins, he gets a call from his Dr, that he failed his EKG, he needs to see a Cardiologist, before he can have this procedure done.
Now keep in mind, its Tuesday, and the procedure is Friday.
Needless to say, the office was useless in securing a Cardiologist, but we secured one on our own. After all that, he has some Cardiac work to do, his procedure is cancelled, and life turns on a dime.
we are currently waiting for our insurance to approve an ECHO, a cardiac test.
So more to come, so George is still limping, has his other issue, and now his heart beats unevenly.
Brother, you could probably volunteer to correct something?
Or maybe just correct your lovely wife, that would go over, now wouldn't it!
Did anyone hear if Mrs Wallenda is still hovering over the falls?
Now how can you just drive by Yankee Stadium, that is almost sacrilegious!
You will at least have to stop to get your windows washed!
Nothing else is new, to speak of
Happy Fathers day to the Dad's!
I hope you have a great day!

betsy said...

Hip HIp Hooray, its Friday
My sister called me, left a message and I called her back and no answer? I think she is out of town for today and Saturday? But who knows
So yesterday, I had an apt to buy my leased car, So I showed up with my expired insurance car and no registration, no idea where that 2X2 piece of paper is?
So this means a trip to the DMV, UGH....
One of the top 2 worst govt agencies to deal with, social security is number 1
Off to the Bison game tonight, first of the season, excited for that!
I love going to the Bison's game!
Other than that, one of georges pre approved tests was approved, but not the most impt one, the Echo. So still on hold with that.
Other than that, nothing else new
Show off hands, who is a phil housely fan????
Good hire?
Is Aaron Judge the second coming of Babe Ruth???
And does Jeff Sessions look like Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies?
I saw that comparison on facebook and thought it was pretty comical!
Enjoy this weekend!

unckie said...

Sounds as if poor UG and me are leading parallel lives. MRI on knee, echo/stress tests etc. Worn out 2 insurance cards so far. Had our wedding to attend yesterday in Rochester. Beautiful wedding, great venue for the reception but, I think you all know the operative word for yesterday---HOT! Just getting way too old for all of these festivities. Glad to get home last nite, but inside of our non-airconditioned domicile---HOT. Will be spending the day today trying to recover from all of this activity. So it will be a quiet F-Day in the southtowns. Happy Father's Day dad and to all of our other fathers out there. New week on the way. Make the most of it.

Betsy said...

Hope all our dads had a wonderful Father's Day! I don't recall if our Dad was a big Fathers day Dad, per se?? He loved a good party and celebration, so I am guessing yes!
So as George and I continue down our health care path, it is very interesting to me how he and I can hear the same message, and re cap what is said, is an entirely different version.
So apparently, the Echo is approved, but not sure when it will take place, and the nuclear stress test is Tuesday.. film at 11
Every time I see the work nuclear, I remember how George W. Bush pronounced it.
I hear everyone has mailed the checks for the Golden Warriors, so we need to send ours in as well
Other than that, I hope the rain did not dampen too many Fathers Day Picnics!
My brother saying he was wiped out from weekend activities is a good thing!
So August 27th, The COT will be participating in a PorchFest, AKA, The Elmwood Village PorchFest, where you open up your front porch to musicians, singers, etc
So Niece Sandra has graciously agreed to perform on our " Porch"
So more to come on that
Other than all of this, nothing much else going on
Enjoy this day, and all that it brings your way

Betsy said...

so Life can turn on a dime, that being said, we have been doing lots of running around getting testing done for George, so he can have his procedure, and after a Marathon session yesterday, he was cleared for his procedure.
So thank you for all your prayers!
Other than that, the Yankees have lost 7 in a row! UGH
These past few days have not been too hot, so I bet my brother is happy!
I have not heard from my other brother, I should check on him
Other than that, not to much else is going on
Its Wed!
Sabres have a new uni, thoughts?
Sean Spicer is getting a new job, SNL will never be the same!
And a Republican won in Georgia!
Enjoy the rest of today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday all...
As so it goes...
The Yankees won, so that is great news!
The calendar is moving closer to the 4th of July, and the dog days of summer.
Still trying to figure out if I can retire, sooner than later?
Maybe this ubersecret republican health care plan will allow me too???
OTT - not to much else going on
It seems lately that every city in Europe we are traveling to in October has had some terrorist attach.
I wonder if Terrorist attach insurance can be purchased?
I brought Paula's donuts for my staff today, and a peanut stick is calling my name
Enjoy today and all it brings..
food truck Thursday in the COT, so dinner will be balanced on a lap

unkie said...

I love the fact that my sister has so much going on while I, on the other hand, seem to be living the most quiet of existences. Did enjoy watching the American League east tighten up a bit. Thanks west coast teams. Played golf yesterday and today I seem so much sorer than I recall being in years past. Leaving tomorrow for Ny/Nj and am looking forward to that. As promised, there will be a drive by of the new Yankee stadium but that will be all, just a drive by. Lawn is cut so I can go with a clear conscience. Much happier with these temps than those on sat. Saw a pic of our new elementary school principal/former COT employee. Former student and teaching colleague inEA, a real sweet girl. Glad to get her back. Weather is less than ideal in GA. according to daughter. Not sure what she is doing with the girls confined to house. Apparently they are headed to myrtle beach for some giant bball tourney. Gotta give my sis and nc jnn all sorts of kudos for planned euro trip. No shortage of news stories, mostly unpleasant, from the continent. Have safe contingency plans sis. We can discuss strategies, now that we are all committed to the Golden Warrior celebration. Enjoy the forthcoming weekend all

Betsy said...

Kind of a gray and gloomy Friday. Glad I did not use some valuable, PTO, Paid time off for a day like this morning is...
Yes to answer my brother, Jessica Lyons will be sorely missed! This education wheel sure spins quite a bit, doesn't it, here today and gone tomorrow!
So I told my sister that for 2018, we have to go to the Chelsea Flower Show, it is billed as the largest flower show in the world, and even Royalty appears for its show.
So lets see if I can convince her to cross the pond!
So.... I can honestly say, this healthcare bill and the senate, just look foolish!
they are a bunch of old white men, who are clueless to the needs of all folks...
Not sure which rabbit hole we are headed down!
Not to many big plans for the weekend, with upcoming Nov elections, getting signatures is always on the agenda, tonight is graduation at THS, and other than that, just trying to get the most out of the next 48 hours!
Enjoy today, and all that it brings your way!

Betsy said...

Happy Last Monday in June!
hard to believe that one week from tomorrow is the 4th of July! The warmer days do tend to go faster than the sub zero days, so say all?
So Jeff posted a pic on FB of being out in his kayak, so Jeff is out and about, FYI family, as he has been extremely quiet on the Blog.
My brother is off on his Birthday Road Trip, so safe travels to him and Happy Birthday which is still a few days away.
were invited to a garage picnic with friends on Saturday, which was a good thing, with the weather being what it was.
Great picnic with great friends, and we did do a mini tasting as well
It seems, there is a new product on the market called Jack Fire to compete with Fire
Balls, the results of the informal survey were that Jack Fire was more whiskey less cinnamon taste.
Just so everyone is aware.
Other than that, it was a quiet weekend
Watched the twins so Jill and Gary could get groceries, they are such a hoot to watch! Constantly in motion, always into something, learning something new every day, so much fun! I am always amazed that AP could watch the twins by herself!
Super Human feat of strength!
Here is hoping the work week goes by fairly quickly, and everyone enjoys the upcoming holiday!

Betsy said...

So Georgie spent the better part of yesterday planting grass seed, so the rain this morning was great news, not the thunder however!
The twins this morning are off to the Rochester Museum of play, or I think that is what it is called? So its a road trip for Aunt Jenna as she is going as another pair of hands! So have fun Everett Twins!
The Yankees won, and that is great news.
Did anyone else think that the Sabres pick was kind of a fix was in? Mr Minnesota of High school hockey, thank you Phil Housely!
Other than that, Robin Schimminger secured additional funding for the COT school system, in my world that is great news.
We did not get the teachers contract ratified on time, and to answer my brother the COT teachers, do not have steps! Poor union representation, apparently
Other than that, nothing else going on
Plugging away at another work day!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unk said...

So I spent a half hour sitting at the hotel computer posting on the blog of our adventures in NYC and it is no where to be found. Another reason to hate the Big Apple but I am too exhausted to go back over that plowed ground again. Drove from south Jersey yesterday to EA in time to catch Oliver's team win in the semi finals under the lights. A bit on the tired side today. Was planning on the Bisons this afternoon but we will see about that. A teacher's contract without steps??? How did that get negotiated out? That never would have happened on my watch as union prez. In the previous non-posted post I went at great length about how auntie and I, staying across the street from Meadowlands stadium, had planned a Hoffa hunt, but her research informed me that supposedly he found his way to a cardboard mangling machine so there was no reason to try the 40 yd, line., Need a film report of Jenna's roadtrip. I will try to recapture the trip to the lower east side of NYC at some point when I have my energy restored. Sorry I missed the anniversary by one day Mom and Dad. Happy 76! Now that's the spirit!

Betsy said...

No Jimmy Hoffa sighting, now that is disappointing! Is the chipper machine and the demise of Jimmy Hoffa common knowledge? as I have never heard that!
But Auntie is always in the know so not surprised!
Yes, I have asked Jenna to post her Boise trip numerous times, but to no avail!
Brother I never knew you were Union President! But that is correct, the union wanted the raises put in a bucket and they distribute accordingly, no steps in the COT
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, agreed a day late as well!
And Happy Birthday to my Big Brother! I hope you had a day like no other!
A non posted post, sorry all was lost, I bet it was a great recount of your trip!
Have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Chuck!
Hope your day is awesome as you are!
We will raise a glass for you today !

Unknown said...

Yeah!! 100 comments. 😊

Betsy said...

Happy Friday the 30th! So yesterday a picture of my brother and father were posted on FB, did anyone notice a resemblance?
Same smile! So everyone has probably heard about the cyber attack that began in the Ukraine, well this attack took down our Dr's dictation system, so you guessed it, I have a plethora of Irate Dr's and the only mechanism for them to chart is Dragon! So it has been a hellish work week!
Other than that looking forward to time off! for the Holiday!
Congrats Oliver, when is the championship game! I would love to attend!
Maybe my nephew could FB the info?
Or text?
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unckie said...

Had a very nice day yesterday, started with a call from Atlanta and individual seranades of HB from each of the girls, then A trip to Seneca casino that proved to be profitable, an extremely unusual occurance in itself; dinner out with my better half, and then the Jewettville Holtz clan came over for cake and ice cream. Do appreciate all of the glass raising on my behalf. Hope that everyone has a nice long holiday vacation. Enjoy

unk said...

And a most happy 4th to one and all. Keep your sparklers dry and enjoy the day in a safe, sane and fun way.

Betsy said...

So Happy 6th! I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th! It was a beautiful day! We had the everetts over, keeping the babies happy only means supplying them with snacks and water to play in, so a kiddie pool and a water table kept them very busy!
Being close to a fireworks display always means lots of activity, and this year was not exception! So lots of fun! a most enjoyable day.
Other than 4th of July activities, or Independence Day as Anastasia referred to it, not to much else is going on..
Work is work, UGH, still trying to figure out when I can retire
I think time moves fairly quickly, unless you are counting down to retirement!
Nephew Jeff, all though fairly quiet on here, has been super busy on FB!
No new update on any medical procedures on George, but he has been cleared for them, so that is good news.
Other than that, really nothing else to report!
Just plugging along
Enjoy what is left of the work week

Betsy said...

Happy 7-10! Isnt that a split on bowling? Oh well
I think July is the one month that I seriously could not go to work every single day that I should be in work! Especially when the sun is shining, and the weather is so picture perfect! But alas I am off to work! UGH
So the BuntsFamily is off on another great adventure! They do take some of the best vacations ever!
Here is hoping they have the time of their live, and return safe and sound!
Other than that, the COT had a busy week, between fireworks on Tuesday and the BPO yesterday, it seemed like everyone converged on our fair city!
But that is what summer fun is for, correct.
Enjoy this Monday, and all star break, and all that comes your way!

unckie said...

Have to admit that COT always seems to have something big going on. And next week we have the Golden Warrior get together. a quiet weekend in the southtowns, Resisted all temptations to go into Buffalo for "the taste",. Everyone else seemed to be travelling. The Bunts clan out west, the Holtz-Twombley group down south. I went to Tops...3x and that was about it. This week, more of the same. Make the best of it.

Betsy said...

7/11, and its Prime day, so if you have never ordered from Amazon, order today!
So today is our re org school board meeting, and that will definitely call for a libation after that marathon session...
Glad for a bit of rain, keeps the grass a better shade of brown...
So we have what is called Warrior Walk Wed, and tomorrow night is Clinton Park, on the agenda. This is a great summer outing, Skip Johnson narrates the historical facts about the section of the city we are walking in, and its just an interesting walk, lots of fun to participate in and you always learn something new!
Who else is avoiding the national news, show of hands? Getting way to tedious for me!
Other than that, work is work, the twins are great, they learn something new everyday, and are just so much fun to watch!
We took them in the wagon on sunday down to the Art on River show, and due to their Aunt posting their pictures ad naseum, everyone knows the Everett Twins!
They are quite the COT Celebrities!
Other than that, nothing else really happening.
Enjoy this day and all that it brings your way!

UNK said...

I think that Auntie needs to enlist the assistance of carl paladino for the organizational meeting. From what I hear he is really good at those kind of things. Kind of gray and dreary morning out this way. Just biding our time until we head south next wed. Summer is winding down for the Hotlanta kids so the final summer swan song will be a week at the beach to which we have been invited. Looking forward to our departure next wed. Until then...everyone find a way to do something fun

Betsy said...

I think Carl Palladino is exactly what the COT school board needs!
We are confirmed for the Golden Warrior picnic on sunday, was told if I want wine you need to bring it. Beer is being provided and so is pop.
Summer winding down for Hotlanta Kiddos, that does not seem fair, summer just started!
Enjoy your family time!
Saw my sister yesterday, as she had the Tuesday duty with the twins. They just love her, Mr Henry can not get enough! They are sad when she leaves, they give her lots of hugs and kisses!
Major garden walks coming up, and still a bit of planning for our European Vacation part 2.
Other than that, geo is researching retiring, other than that not to much else going on
See the family on Sunday!

unc said...

Talked to my older sister this AM and we are scheduled to meet at the park about 145. we will grab a table, etc. and that way UG, who doesn't seem all that committed to retirement, can take his time and you can get there with less pressure. Whitecaps on the front lawn with the rain this Am. Enjoyed seeing the pic of the old deli this am. 1963 seems about right time wise. Dad got lucky because Doel's deli down the street had folded shortly before he made the dive headlong into the deli business. Freed up so many more customers that made all of the difference financially. Wonder if he ever did an hourly/earnings accounting relative to time input and income. I'm doubting it. Looking forward to sunday. see you there

Betsy said...

quite the rain shower this AM! Hope no one got caught in it!
According to Donna, food will be put out between 1:30-2:00PM, so arrival time sounds perfect, we should be there by 2:15, so thanks for holding the table!
Do I need to bring anything?
So our Warrior Walk Wednesday, did feature a pass by the old Holtz's Deli.
And someone on the walk commented, that, one time they went in to buy candy, and dropped their nickel down the register, and Mom yelled at them for not holding on to their money better. Jenna could not give that person back their nickel fast enough!
Funny you said Older Sister, good thing she is not a blog contributor, as she may have an issue with that moniker!
Looking forward to Sunday, seems like forever since we have been together!
But I guess that is what happens, as we all get a little older!
Time becomes what we spend it on, someone said, probably #45, so glad time spent no sunday will be family time
See you all Sunday

unkie said...

Enjoyed Sunday with my sisters. Looks like a busy week in COT with canalfest and all. Looking forward to heading out tomorrow. Keep the home fires burning in our absence.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday
We had such a nice time on Sunday! What a wonderful reunion, and drinks and dinner!
Was it wonderful because we don't do it enough, or was it wonderful to just be together!
Either way it was most enjoyable!
So thank you everyone!
My sister was the big winner, winning the Budwey card!
And my brother in law thourghly delighted the Honor Society Server volunteers with his stories of what THS was back in the day! all in all a wonderful day
Happy Anniversary to my beautiful sister in law, and brother! I always said she classed the Holtz's up!
So we are almost through canal fest week! Praise God and all that is holy!!!
Such a nuisance!
Oh Well
Enjoy the beach brother, hope you arrive safe and sound and have a wonderful time!
Enjoy this day and all that it brings

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday!
Been a busy work week, as there have been layoffs, and lots of changes!
But I would like to put a thought out there....
Maybe possibly should we start to plan a HOLTZAPALOOZA for 2018?
There is much to celebrate with in the family!
As always we are blessed beyond what anyone family ever deserved!
I am just putting the thought out there.
Other than that, nothing really new
Such a great Golden Warrior Reunion last weekend, and of course a wonderful anniversary to celebrate!
Family scattered this summer! Everyone enjoying the days!
Me, trying to stay afloat at work, trying to last til my 62nd BD, 8.5 months away!
Georgie is having his " other procedure" on Tuesday
And other than that
Its Life, so they say...
Enjoy it!

Betsy said...

Happy start of the work week! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
CanalFest is over, and that is great news!
Saw some pictures on FaceBook of a Rice Family Reunion at Old Fort Niagara.
There was one of my sister engrossed in conversation and one of my brother in law, unfolding a chair. Hope everyone had a great time!
Other than that, cousin Barb is doing better, so that is great news.
And #45 wishes to pardon himself.
On that note, enjoy the day family!
Oh went and saw Dunkirk, during our rainy evening on Saturday Night, very good movie.

Betsy said...

So here we are at Friday. So a simple procedure for George on Tuesday turned into a 2 day hospital stay at Millard Fillmore Suburban. Just some minor complications from his procedure, brought him home yesterday, and hopefully he is on the mend!
Our Henry had a fever for a few days, and was not eating or drinking, but he is better as well, and Gwenn was thrilled because everything Henry did not eat, she got to eat. So needless to say it was kind of a rough week, and me I crawled into work today, in clothes I grabbed from the bottom of the Laundry basket!
Other than that, its Garden walk weekend in the queen city, so much fun, if you like hundreds of people crammed into tiny little back yards!
I do enjoy it!
So July is almost over, how that month flew by!
Before you know it the school year will begin, in WNY
Enjoy this day and all that it brings your way

UNK said...

A big thank you to my sister for carrying the "blog ball" in my absence. Glad to hear that everyone seems to be on the mend. Left Winston-Salem, NC at 3 AM and arrived home at 12:20 AFter 605 miles of driving. This is going to take a bit of recovery time, but we had a wonder week with the Holtz/Twombley experience. I do have to apologize to nc sndra for the inadvertent phone call to her on thursday. I was sitting on my beach chair when charlie came and asked that I place a call to the house requesting delivery of 3 boogie boards with wrist straps. I had just called Kristen on another matter and thought that I was redialing her again from my menu list when I reached poor sndr instead. I really don't think that she understood what I was talking about. People my age should not be allowed access to any technology. Seems as if oliver has been enlisted to play in a baseball game today in OP. Don't have any details, just a time and place. He hasn't touched a ball that I know of in over a month so this could be interesting. Let all of the healing continue and here's hoping that my sister gets her laundry under control and if she does there will be piles here she can come to tackle also. Make the best of the week. It is August you know

Betsy said...

August is tomorrow, still July!
I am curious, why does one leave at 3AM?
At least you reached Sandra, you could have gotten your sister, and then the hijinx would begin!
Was the boogie boards for you and your lovely wife?
So George is finally on the mend, and has been cleared to return to work, not sure if he wants to or not?
But thank you all for prayers,
Things can change on a dime!
So did everyone see on the news the black sludge emitting from the Water Treatment plant into the Niagara River? Can you imagine paying for your maid of the mist ticket and that is what you get to see and smell? Ya gotta love the falls!
Cousin Rick is coming home this weekend, so I am sure there will be some scheduled get together. More to come on that.
Sounds like Ms Emma is already for her Senior Year, and that will fly by!
Did some of the Buffalo Garden Walk on Saturday, did the west side, and normally there is a strong police presence that day, oddly did not see one car, come to find out there was a shooting and a fire!
Word out of Training camp sounds so exciting, doesn't it! Do we dare hope?
Have not been to nearly enough Bisons Games!
Other than that, the twins seem better, and Gwenn did get sick on Saturday
Gary had a wonderful Birthday.
Glad to hear you had wonderful time with the Holtz/Twombley family, but how can you not!
I am sure Oliver can hold his own on the ball diamond! Enjoy
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

JT said...

HEY!!!! I found it! Woo Hoo! Back in the game.
We have a cousin Rick?
I'm glad Uncle George is feeling better... that's great news.
We've only been to one Bisons game and we only have one more planned, maybe we can sneak in a third or travel down the 90 to Batavia for a game.
I'm going to miss July. It was chicken finger sub month at DiMarcos.

unkie said...

The 3 AM departure is based, on past experience, avoiding the traffic on the rte. 19 connection between 77 heading north, and 79 into PA. At 5 in the morning there is no backup and we can get home early in the day. We both eschewed the boogie boards. Maybe next time. Good to see nphw jff back and better than ever. Oliver's team was a bit overmatched but he did great despite the month layoff, pitching two innings, striking out 4 but taking the loss. Got my lawn back under control but am still in recovery mode. Bills wise I see a 14-2, a split with NE and as a result second in the division. Based on the bit I saw in the news yesterday and today, that is the only logical conclusion. A dinner invite tonite in Jewettville with #1 son on vacay this week Enjoy

Betsy said...

Thanks for the explanation, just curious, how does a 3AM start time go over with your lovely bride?
Popped up on face book today, that it is the one year anniversary of the Koch's capturing the gold at Holtzapalooza! Such a great time!
I had put the thought out there that 2018 maybe a great time to get together again?
Had my brother in law, repaired his wadders? Has the price of rubber duckies gone up?
Thoughts family, always lots of milestones to celebrate!
George while he convaleces was thrilled watching the trade dead line yesterday and to think the Yankees swept in and got Sonny Gray!
So Oliver was on the bump! How exciting!
Missed you Jeff, you can update us on your mom and dad and family!
Jeff, sorry to see the Chicken Finger Sub end, that's harsh!
But its your birthday month! 31 days of Jeff!
How can that be anything but right!
Other than that, can you believe its August!
The summer just flies by, doesn't it?
Welcome Home Jeff!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

Betsy said...

Happy Middle of the week:
Couple of things, so yesterday after a mad cap work day, filled with merriment and hijinks, said no one ever, after cooking dinner, cleaning up after dinner, I noticed I missed a call on my phone, but a lengthy voice message was left. Upon listening to my VM, I hear Charlie telling a tale of her knee was stepped on, which Caroline immediately questioned? How is that possible Charlie to get your knee stepped on, your knee Charlie. Charlie went on to defend her statement, telling Caroline she was not present, so why would she challenge her?
Next topic of discussion was the completion of workbooks, and 10 were handed out but they were for the whole year, and Caroline needs to work at her pace and every Friday the girls and their Dad will get together, and whoever completes the workbook gets some cash! And the conversation went on for about 10 minutes a discussion of chore assignment, which Kristen wants to think about chore assignment.
I have to tell you it was a wonderful discussion! To hear the girls so excited, and Eric encouraging them, made my day!
Other than that, with Rick coming home, or according to my sister, 99% chance that he is coming home, lots of family stuff going on!
Geo headed back to work today, I know I know
Other than that, no one got fired by 45 today, and Mulberry's is moving to Snyder!
Enjoy this day!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday!
I was going to run out and get some lunch but that sky looks ugly!
Will probably just do my usual yogurt and 1/2 banana
Lots of layoffs at work and cut backs, so you just kind of wonder if you are next?
George is feeling better
The twins are wonderful
And other than that, nothing else really going on
Happy Birthday Adam! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Enjoy! and Cheers!
Next week we are headed down to Orlando to celebrate David's 40th.
It started out as a surprise visit, but with schedules and sorts, no surprise
Stay Dry!

UNK said...

Hey! It's the weekend! Not sure that it is worth 2 exclamation marks since all is gray and quiet in the southtowns. Treated son to lunch and beers for his #41 yesterday and later joined the Jewettville Holtz family for cake. Tentative plan for golf tomorrow with the Rice family. Honored to be the outsider allowed to participate. Gotta hang in AB at work. Another 8 months and you will be a volunteer, and that changes things, a lot. Can't believe that there are layoffs at Kaleida. This is the best economy in the last 123 years, so sayeth our beloved leader. Glad UG is feeling better. Can't believe that he is back at work already. What a trooper! Enjoy your Fla. trip. Hopefully the tropical depressions will keep their distance. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, but hey its a short work week for the Koch's!
Super weekend filled with twin duty, saw my sister for a brief visit, geo is getting his strength back, at least I think he is, as he did trim the hedges for me,
the COT had its ribbon cutting for the HUB of the city bathroom and lockers, and the Ferry started making runs to Grand Island!
I see EA is on a water conservation this morning, no extended showers for those folks I guess!
Rumor has it we are doing Anchor on transit this Wed, so that sounds like fun!
Other than that, not to much else to report.
Kind of a gray day, and the Bisons only have 10 remaining home games.
How is that possible?
In April the season seems daunting, and in August it is fleeting!
I see is in Maine, sounds like a fun time!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

Betsy said...

Happy Hump Day!
So the Koch's are leaving tomorrow for Orlando to celebrate David's 40th birthday,
we are looking forward to that!
We are meeting Rick out tonight for wings, and looking forward to that as well
However, Warrior Walk Wed, is featuring Goose Island! So one can just imagine the stories that will be told!
Other than that, all is well in the COT!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unkie said...

A most enjoyable golf outing on sunday with all of the pilafs. As usual UG carried the old guys to a disputed victory over the young fellows. Looks as if we won't be making tonite's get together in Amherst but we send our best to all. We will also be missing the opening of the Fair once again, as well as the Bills preseason opener. Not exactly sure what will be done. Enjoy Fla. AB. I think that Dad's Goose Island stories were better than any that an official tour guide might ever have to offer.

Betsy said...

Thursday, pre season opener, day 2 of the fair, and Dwayne Wade was in Buffalo!
Had a most enjoyable wing evening yesterday! Wonderful to see Rick, as he did order 50 HOT wings! There was a lively discussion of who ate more wings, son or Father?
My brother in law thought that he had consumed more, only to be challenged by Rick.
Looking forward to our quick trip to Florida, staying at the Reunion Resort Homes in Kissimee, we have passes to Disney on Friday, not sure if we will go, as they are currently in record breaking heat! lounging by the pool sounds best!
And of course being with David and Tristan!
Travel home safe Rick!
I hear the Goose Island tour last night was a hoot! 45 people came!
Lots of fun, so we were told!
And lots of folk lore!
Enjoy today
And, is it too early to say GO BILLS!

kristen said...

you know, it makes me so happy to read the blog! Yay!

unc said...

Hope that AB had a most enjoyable trip down to Fla. Hard to believe that our little boys, Adam and David, are now in their 40's. I am off tomorrow AM, by myself, Auntie was not yet up for another road trip, to scenic? we will see, Clinton IA and Beloit ws to see the Lumberkings and Snappers respectively as well as a number of other stops along the way. Details to follow. Met the Fixxitts on friday for lunch and it certainly seems as if they have been most busy, with their details regarding a number of outings they have made of late. It is Monday so make the most of it.

betsy said...

Happy middle of the week!
Travel safe, brother! I am kind of surprised Aunty did not want to sit in the car for another road trip!
Had a wonderful trip to Flordia! It was beastly hot, and humid rained every night, but was gorgeous during the day! Stayed at a 5 star resort, that has the most amazing golf courses! Lots of fun! Met a lot of David's friends, and I guess when you don't have family around you need great friends! And he has surrounded himself with great people! Tristan is doing great! Just cant wait to go back!
Work is work, and other than that, not to much else going on
Baseball is winding down at Bison park. Did not see nearly enough games!
Kindergarten enrollment is up in the COT, so we and everyone else is looking for teachers!
Enjoy this day and all that it brings!

unckie said...

I'm glad to hear that AB had a good Fla. trip. For me, I guess that I have to approach it from the direction that a lot of people my age are not allowed to go to the store by themselves, so 2100 miles in 3 days and finding my way home, I have to feel pretty good about it. Hearing the itinerary I followed, Auntie feels that she made a good decision. Disappointing that my scheduled Beloit Snapper game was rained out on Wed. night. I thought that NYS had a monopoly on highway tolls but Illinois was unbelievable. A toll booth about every 10 miles. If you are a Ronald Reagan fan, don't miss Dixon Illinois. The Clinton Lumberkings game on Tues. was fun. A community owned team and they were literally trying to carry me to my seat, my $8 seat in row 3. Sitting with a view of the Mississippi, within walking distance of a riverboat casino, Me and 707 others enjoyed the game and, on the way out, I almost got hit with a foul ball that left the stadium. First game ball in awhile. Another highlight was visiting the Field of Dreams in nowhere Iowa. Free entry: run the bases, go into the cornfield where Shoeless Joe emerged, etc. A Don't Miss if you are ever in the middle of Iowa. Looking forward to resting up this weekend. Enjoy it. We are running out of summer quickly. I will with hold judgment of our Bills for the time being.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday!
Hope everyone got through the week unscathed! Jill and Gary are out this weekend so we have our overnights with the twins, which is always an adventure!
I still cant believe Aunty handled twin duty as single handidly as she did!
Looked at flights to Atlanta, not godawful as of yet.
Barcelona is not on my intinerary for my upcoming trip, nor is Finland.
Tyrod, Tyrod, Tyrod, what more can be said!
I thought the defense looked awesome!
While Rick was home, I told him I thought he resembled Coach McDermott, anyone else think that?
Does everyone have their Eclipsys glasses? I still remember my brother running out of the house, standing in front of Long House on Grove ST, and pretending to look at the Sun during the Eclipsys of 1964, traumatized me! Not saying which brother mind you, but I will give a hint, he is my older brother.
Finalizing our trip plans on Monday, with our travel agent.
Picking up our Louvre tickets, our Anne Frank House Tickets and our OverLord Tour tickets. Again, thank you Mom!
Enjoy today and all that it brings
Enjoy the weekend!
Cus Hey Monday will be here before we know it

Betsy said...

mmm lost my post, and it was such a good one!

unk said...

I hate it when that happens. Getting dark here all of a sudden.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday, hope everyone survived the moon overshadowing the sun, gotta tell you, did not see to much darkness taking place, oh well 2024, we will be the Eclipse hot bed of activity, order your glasses now!
I keep telling my daughter to put a new blog post, but I do love the photo of my Mom when she was receptionist Extraordinaire at KDHRC, with her pen upside down ready to work!
And we started this blog in 2005! 2005! Imagine that!
Our family history, if you ever have the time go back and review, they are classic readings!
Oh well we did survive our twin weekend, but my daughter always says, we look relieved when they get home!
In one 10 minute span, Henry fell and cut his forehead open on a brick in the garden
the dog almost captured our resident rabbit, and Gwenn ate her popsicle starting in the middle!
Other than all that it was an uneventful time!
So our new sign is retiring? Wants to become a philanthropist?
Porch Fest this weekend in COT
And Sandra is singing at someones house, maybe Jeff can post that info
Enjoy Tuesday, 8/22

Unknown said...

My long commute to East Aurora will be coming to an end soon. I accepted a position within Catholic Health. I am really excited about the opportunity to work at Sisters Hospital. 😊

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday!
A little chilly this morning, wouldn't you all say?
Yes Jenna has accepted a great job with Catholic Health!
Wonderful opportunity for her professionally, so excited for her!
She is grateful for the opportunity, to never have to drive the 400 again!
Other than that, nothing else to report on...
Warrior Walk Wednesday was the Gastown Review, always a fun walk!
Enjoy your day!

unk said...

Another week pretty much in the books, but eventful. Eclipse aside, Jenna moving on to a new opp is great news. I know that she will miss the 400 and southtown snow events, but there is always some loss with each gain. Speaking of gains, the unloading of gas pipe at the corner and the conversation with a worker indicates that the next 2-3 months will be highlighted with everything being torn up for new gas lines down the street. Can't wait. Last weekend of the summer pre labor day. Make the most of it. How did the porch sing go? any reports? All sept. itineraries in place for Europe? Is Rick Steves joining you?

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! Does Friday still have the same meaning when you are retired? Just curious! Having made several trips to WNY Urology, I can honestly say I have not bought any lottery tickets passing that gas station on Harlem, so close!
So had an emergency board meeting this morning to approve the hiring of 2 new teachers, looks like enrollment in the COT is jumping!
The Everett's return from the Adirondacks today.
Aunt Corrine turned 93 yesterday.
The Porch Fest is this Sunday, so update forthcoming.
Trip to Europe, all settled.
Cept the dollar versus the pound, not so much, only .78 cents!
The Euro is .85 cents, where last year it was .87 cents.
No Rick Steves, but who wouldn't love to travel with him!
Great Brawls during the Yankee's Tiger Games, does everyone enjoy the bullpen running out onto the field as much as I do!
Construction for the next months, ugh to those words!
Hope everyone at the Holtz house is eagerly waiting to get back to school? Oliver, Audrey and Ben? All set to begin another year?
No long accidentally dialed phone calls from my niece to hear what is going on in Asheville, sadly.
Hope Rick is doing well?
Hope Harvey misses San Antonio!
Plugging away at work today, so everyone enjoy this beautiful weather!

unk said...

another weekend has come and gone, and in this case, the last of august. Mother Bunts hosted a luncheon get together yesterday which was very nice. The good folks at Wegman's provided the sandwiches and she really seemed to enjoy having everyone together, especially the great grand kids. Lots of talk about Atlanta in October. Will be interesting to see who actually goes. Did not invest in the sat. nite fight. Figured that the one in the tigers/yanks would have been better anyhow. Rumor has it that the Bills are trying out Rick Cassata for qb. Just another piece of what I am sure is going to be a memorable season. Everywhere I look outside, another yellowjacket nest in the ground. Another thing to take care of tonite. Happy Monday to all.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, 08/28, good numbers to play!
Such glorious weather this past weekend! As those pictures out of Houston were horrible!
Got an email back from cousin Pat, there new home is closer to San Antonio, so they were just experiencing rain, but not the deluge that Houston was getting.
PorchFest, was a lot of fun!
Great singers at all the homes, and just a great time!
The COT is so small that you could ride your bike from house to house, just a very nice event!
Hope nephew Jeff, had a wonderful birthday
The bills need something, not sure what, but they need something!
Enjoy the last week of august

Betsy said...

Happy Wed, 08/30
Always like to start out with day and date, so everyone knows I am oriented to time!
Missed seeing my sister at the twins yesterday, we are super busy with moving Children's, so got out a little later than I like
Reading all the articles on what I have to do to prepare to retire, I am thinking they should be read by all 30 year olds, not 61 year olds!
You have a life time to plan, so just do it
Bills final preseason game tomorrow, any predictions?
I see Marty Biron is joining the sabres as a play by play announcer, so that is enjoyable
Sue and I are trying to pick a day to go down and see cousin barb, so that is a work in progress
My sister said Rick is doing good
Other than that, nothing else going on, Labor Day already!
where does time fly off too???
Enjoy today and the people that show up!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday, August 31st
I guess summer is over!
The big debate in our house, is as follows, do we go to the Bisons game tonight or take in a Rochester Red Wing Game this weekend?
Rochester is home all weekend against Pawtucket
The other debate is whether to get a flu shot before Europe
I say yes absolutely, and cousin cathy already got hers, but daughter feels no not necessary...
So that is the big discussion at 431.
Other than that the world news is just depressing, North Korea and the flooding in texas, cant imagine the clean up in Houston! Water damage just never goes away!
We had one other issue that needed to be resolved, the twins did not have enough Fisher Price little people, Aunt Jenna did come to the rescue with a run to the EA FP store, but some 60$ later, I think the twins are now all set.
Yankees got swept by Cleveland, how is that even possible?
The Bills last preseason tonight, so can we win with Wenning???
Enjoy the last day of August, bring on September!

unkie said...

Gotta give my sister all of the credit in the world. She is so responsible. Almost every day a newsworthy update. Good for you sis! Me, not much happening in my world. Did make it a point to watch the YES network from 1 yesterday until almost 8 pm. Most enjoyable. Lots of little jobs out here to occupy our time and effort without a lot of visible results. Will probably avoid the Bills game tonite. Too many starting next week that I will feel compelled to tune into. When does nc jnn finish in EA? They actually had a band playing last nite in the parking lot at Absolut, ironically the same band that is playing this sunday at the place which we frequent. Good sign or not? happy almost start of the long weekend/

Betsy said...

Happy September 1st!
Wasn't it just Memorial Day!
Looking forward to the long weekend, with a long list of chores to do!
Probably none of it will get done!
Good bills game last night, good yankee game last night
Heading to Rochester on Monday afternoon for their final home game
Other than that, just work, family, school board meetings, other stuff.
Trying to get ready for our trip, Jenna got her flu shot this morning, I will get mine next week
Other than packing, getting our money, picking up our tickets, I think we are ready to go..
Enjoy the last blast of summer!

Betsy said...

Well its Tuesday!
Back to work, back to school!
Had a wonderful day at Rochester Red Wing Stadium yesterday!
The weather was divine!
Great game as well!
Lots of fun to sit in the sun, and sip ice cold beers!
Have a super busy week!
tomorrow, we have COT dinner, with the proceeds going to Charity
we also have our last Warrior Walk Wed for the year!
Thursday, I have my Erie County School board Executive Meeting.
That is a meeting that drags on forever!
So just work, and school board, and getting ready for round 2 to Europe!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unkie said...

I guess that today marks the official beginning of fall. Had a fun picnic yesterday with the Jewettville Holtzes altho it was a bit breezy. Quite a lightening display last evening. Auntie is still dozing so I am not sure what today holds. one more vacation day for the kiddies?? What is up with that Board member? Were you on the calendar committee? A bit dreary and drizzly but I will endeavor to make the best of it. Saw the Fixxitts on sunday for lunch and despite the weather we had fun. Enjoy the short week. Go Nathan Peterman!!!

Betsy said...

So it is Wed. Which really feels like Tuesday, but its Wed! So briefly saw my sister yesterday, she was with the twins, and if I get out of the car, I will not get back in! Funny Gwenn story, she loves her meal time! Jill had taken the twins grocery shopping and had left the cart a little to close to the EL Fudge's, well Gwenn helped herself, to as many packages as she could grab, and then put a death grip on them! Jill could not pry them from her hands, with that going on I am told that all the customers in the Wegman's cookie aisle were roaring! Round 1 went to Ms. Gwenn!
A little bit of panic is setting in with our Florida family, with Irma breathing down there backs. So hopefully, the Weather Channel is dead wrong, and it peters out in the ocean!
So hopefully everyone remains safe!
So how vile is it that the sux won in 19 innings!
Is everyone excited for Sunday's home opener?
Tyrod is cleared to play, is that a good thing
It seems like it has been ages since I have seen the Jewettville Holtz's!
Here is hoping life is good for everyone today!

Unknown said...

Eyes glued to hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Jose and then Hurricane Katia. I want the job of naming hurricanes. That sounds fun. Hoping our family in the south stays safe and has plenty of drinks on tap.
Last day at Absolut is next Friday. Certainly will be bittersweet. I will miss the 400S from December- February (said no one ever). My friends at Pasquale's, Bar Bill, Ricks, Rookies, and other restaurants may see a decline in sales. So hopefully my EA family can pick up the slack for me.
Hard to believe it has been almost 3 years since Gram passed. We have all, no doubt lived up to our promises to her.
Do I dare ask for a prediction on the bills season? 3-13? Or is that too optimistic?
New job in 2 weeks, Europe in 3 weeks. Things are looking up.

unkie said...

you tend to forget how many people you know in Fla. until something like this comes along. Betty's sister lives in a trailer park at 97 in Dunedin and they are talking about mandatory evacuations of trailer parks in different places. Here is hoping that everyone finds a place to stay safe down there. Looks like our weekend forecast is a whole lot better up here. Enjoy it.

Betsy said...

3 years goes by in a blink of an eye, doesn't it?
David and his family are evacuating tomorrow morning.
He has a great circle of friends, who are pitching in with kids, and pets, etc.
House is boarded up, and they will be safe
Praying Betty's sister stays safe as well
How wonderful is it that New England lost...
Prayers to our family and friends in Florida!
Fingers crossed for a Bill's win on Sunday
Everything's crossed for Yankees win!
Cousin Cathy's daughter in law is having Brain Surgery next week, so keep her in your prayers, they found discovered these tangled vessels early and the prognosis is good.
Promises made to Gram kept? Mmmm I don't call my brother nearly enough, or at all for that matter...
Sorry Mom
The big discussion with the schools at our ECASB Meeting last night, which East Aurora was not present, whats up with that? Is the elimination of class rank?
3 Schools are presently reviewing that.
Not in the COT, at this time
Word out of the cities we are traveling too, is that it is a chilly fall
So sweater up!
So last year we melted in Italy, this year we will be wearing Bills sweatshirts!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way
Stay safe Floridians!

unkie said...

So Aunt Rita, Betty's sister, started having physical problems when all of this started and had to be hospitalized, Probably a good thing for her, safer in a hospital than a trailer, but the sad part is that the rest of her family had to leave and wound up going to family on the east coast which is better/safer for them but leaves poor Rita all alone, Don and Bonnie Wagner just bought a new place in Naples last spring which I am not even sure that they are totally into as yet. They are still up here but are having real concerns, understandably. 3 years, hard to believe, Hope that the European weather improves soon, Hoping that the Bills live up to the Jets negative expectations,Nicest weather in the country here I do believe, Enjoy the day and the upcoming week,

Betsy said...

So its Monday
David's family is safe, the restaurant he works at is intact, the house is intact, so all good news out of Champions Gate Community
I guess, quite a few of the Trosin's are in Sarasota, Tom and Laura posted they were fine.
I found that coverage of that storm to be quite nerve racking, its gonna hit here, its gonna hit there
At least when it snows, up here, we all know where its gonna snow
Hopefully sunny skies ahead for all
I hope Aunt Rita can return to her home soon, and Don and Bonnie's house is unscathed!
Florida always sounds so nice in February, but not so much in September!
The Jets are a pretty bad team, aren't they!
I wonder who the Ryan Brothers rooted for yesterday
Oh well
Enjoy this week all!

unkie said...

Aunt Rita is out of the hospital and back home as the damage in their area wasn't too bqd. haven't heard any news from Don about Naples but it was fascinating to watch the live coverage from the weather channel as they were broadcasting live just a short distance from Don's place in Naples. Glad that I don't have any reservations for anywhere in Fla. in the near future. Atlanta Holtzes did lose power yesterday as everything there was shut down, Power back on today and that is good news since we are supposed to go there on sunday as Kristen and Eric head to seattle. Ben's first day of pre-k was yesterday and he was really excited.Me? I got nothin'.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday!
Glad to hear that Aunt Rita is out of the hospital and back home!
I would call that dodging the bullet!
The weather channel is always fascinating, especially when they are showing places that you have been. Just lots of clean up and hard work for everyone, but its all doable! David and his family have gotten a hotel room, with no power and no air conditioning, its to brutal! so for a few days, and hoping the power comes back on sooner than later.
This is daughter's last week driving to EA and I have to say she is thrilled!
Have your lovely wife send a text message with Ben's first day of Pre K!
Enjoy your time in Atlanta!
Travel safe
Enjoy today, and all that it brings

Betsy said...

Well hey its Wednesday!
So much going on...
So two weeks from tomorrow we leave for Europe for 2 1/2 weeks
And I am so not ready for this trip, but it could not come at a better time!
As politics heats up in the COT, its always time to get out of Dodge for the time being!
David and his family have moved to a Hotel for a few days, the sweltering heat, floods and no power, have tested their resolve.
So hopefully Florida will get some reprieve soon!
Work is extremely busy, so that is also keeping me from getting ready for my trip
Other than that, looking forward to Atlanta
George Jenna and I are making the birthday party trek this year, should be so fun!
Did everyone listen to Rex on Monday night football???
Yea me neither
I am on the fence on waiting for the Sabres season, will they be better than last year?
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way

unk said...

Here's hoping that nc jnn enjoys her last day, for the foreseeable future in the Southtowns. It's been a good run for you, Hard to believe 11 yrs. Sounds as if the Atlanta October bash is taking on the trappings of a great family party. Thanks K, we need more of them, Spent an hour on line this Am protecting ourselves from identity theft. Thanks Equifax.I love how these big businesses, think Enron, savings and loans, etc, etc can screw up, costing people all sorts of time money and anguish and it's "oh well", Yes 45, we definitely need more business deregulation, That's my little rant for the day, Weekend coming. Supposedly the first all summer with both days 80 degrees or better without rain, Enjoy it.

Betsy said...

Its Monday, and it was a warp speed weekend
I am convinced, the world does not need bombs or nuclear weapons, just dissolve the economy and destroy the internet, that should pretty much cripple all of us!
The action we were all advised to take was to freeze our credit, how feasible is that to people, who travel, who charge, or who are leaving the country?
It is a lacksidazical attitude of the powers that be, that affect all of us
Don't get me started on #45, who now refers to the North Korean President as " Rocket Man", I wonder if Elton John will call him out on that?
Horrible Horrible Bills game yesterday! UGH
Yankess lost
But at least the weather was beautiful!
Other than that, not to much else going on
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way

unkie said...

Down in warmlanta as K and E are currently enroute to Seattle. Got the girls off to school this Am without incident which hopefully will continue for the duration. Did not see any of yesterday's bills game due to travel which would appear to be a blessing. Warm here and have already had occasion to enjoy the pool. with the girls on the same schedule we are free from 8 until 2:30, which is quite a change from our previous responsibilities. Is nc jnn at her new job today? Take care of WNY in our absence.Keep the nice weather coming.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! Glad you can enjoy Hotlanta! I am thinking you would need 8-2:30 to gather strength when everyone gets home!
So much activity, and so much the girls would need to relay from a day at school!
Enjoy your time!
I always wondered why Mom and Dad just relished the grandkids, but I think we all know why, nothing is better than the grandkids, nothing!
You are however getting gypped as the weather is beautiful here!
UGH to the sux who continue to win in extra's!
You were lucky brother that you missed the pewtrid bills game, just same ole same ole!
Other than that, enjoy the nice weather

unk said...

Schedule here has gone well. The after school activities have carried over into dinnertime, and we have taken the easy way out and dined out every night, which has carried over to bedtime, and the girls, knock on wood have slept well, which means that auntie and I also sleep well, and then we begin another day. K and E seem to be enjoying themselves, Mariners game, hiking in the Cascade Mts. and today they are heading to Olympic National Park. Hot here but fun times with the g-kids. :Yankees can't seem to lose either. Stressful. Sox have secured a post season spot so that is the best news of the day I am sure that we agree. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Hip Hip Hooray, its Friday!
I have not said that in forever, an oldy but a goody!
So as our epic trip looms closer and closer, my habitual procrastination looms larger as well!
But I guess to quote someone famous, it is what it is.
Other than work, and planning for our trip my world is chugging along
Last night a Peace Rally was held in the COT, was a very nice turn out and always a nice reminder, that we are all on this journey together!
So just be kind!
Our weather is still fabulous, enjoy it
Enjoy the weekend!
Go Bills
Come on Yankees!

unkie said...

Well we have made it to Sat. another 12 hrs. and we go off duty. Last nite I took Caroline to her "friday night lights" swim meet. Lots of fun. For kids 12 and under. She won her heat in the backstroke, finished 3rd in the butterfly and 4th in the breaststroke. Pretty amazing for a seven year old. Hot here too. Looks like all of the warmth that Wny didn't get this summer waited for sept. We are ready to return. Got a short week home and then leave next friday for quebec city and new brunswick. Yeah!

Betsy said...

Well here it is Monday after a Bills Win! Now how many times can we say that!
Swimming is such a great sport, so glad Caroline enjoys it! I love swim meets, and was always grateful no one swam the 500!
So we are wheels up on Thursday, and very excited for our trip.
The German election was held over the weekend, and Angela Merkel will continue as German Chancellor for the next four years, so I am glad the election is over, as sitting in a German Beer Hall for the start of Octoberfest, is literally #1 on the bucket list!
Pictures a pleanty will be on FaceBook, so please follow us!
Enjoy your travels Brother, I am just curious when are you going to Australia, as I do believe that is one of the few continents you have not covered!
David and his family are resettled back in their home after the hurricane.
Other than that, nothing really else going on, just trying to wrap things up at work and looking forward to our adventure.
And I a side note, I will always stand, with my hand over my heart for the National Anthem
Hey, that does not cost anyone any money$!
And in the words of someone famous, ( my dad) If it does not cost you any money, its harmless to you!
So it that a good thing?
Enjoy the day of 90 degree weather!

unkie said...

With my sister travelling the continent, there would appear to be a shortage of familial updates. Auntie and I are back from our week in the Maritimes and tour of the Bay of Fundy, that if Fundy, not Fun Day, another thing entirely. Another 2,000 in the driving total. Hope that all is well with all. Can't wait to compare notes with nphw jff on Acadia N.P.

Betsy said...

aww kind of sad no updates on the blog! I guess face book has replaced the blog, well for some anywho!
so it is day 2 back to work after 14 days traveling from London to Prague, down to Venice, through Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Belgium, with 2 days in Paris and ending the tour on the Beaches of Normandy.
It was quite the tour, I have to say, extremely busy, lots of traveling, we logged over 6 thousand miles, on land and air, but made it home safe and sound.
I think my take aways are, the world loves Donald Trump! From the cab drivers in London to the tour guides in Paris, they all love #45!
And the worst tourists in the world are Asians and refugees are everywhere!
Other than that, it was a wonderful trip and I am very glad to be home.
Other than that looking forward to our Atlanta bash!

unk said...

Glad that my sister is back on this side of the pond. Can't wait to hear the details of the trip. Another week and a half and it will be time for hoping "hotlanta". Two weeks until Halloween?? Two weeks and a day until November. Time does fly when your having fun.

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! Saw my sister yesterday, and she says she is arriving in Hotlanta around 4, we wont get there til around 9, I believe
All are having to leave after work that day
But so looking forward to our mini reunion!
Yankee's had a great win!
UGH to the Sabres, will they ever be worth watching again?
Enjoy your day and all that it brings

unckie said...

It seems as if the gods are conspiring to make my life as miserable as possible. Everytime I think that there was finally been a stake driven thru their evil hearts, they make another comeback. Woe is me!! At least the weather is good. I thought that the Sabers were supposed to be better this year? Keep them on the west coast. At least it eliminates any temptation to watch them.

Betsy said...

A Monday, after a Bill's win, now how often do we say that!
My personal pick for the WS was Cleveland and the Dodgers.
Who could care even less, Houston and the Dodgers!
The sabres did come from behind on Saturday for that win, so that was great news!
got our birthday bash itinerary, looks like such a great weekend!
The Koch's will be the last to arrive, so we will see everyone Saturday AM!
So looking forward to our mini reunion!
And both George and Gary are coming! See the braves game of last year, has just enticed everyone!
And this year's events look even better!
See the family on Saturday AM
Enjoy this week!

unk said...

Travel safely Kochs. Trying to figure out how all of these events are going to come together. I am thinking that it is going to take all of Uncle Garys organizational skills, and maybe his waders. Me, I'm bringing my whistle, just in case. See yoo Sat.

Betsy said...

Happy Wednesday!
Hope everyone has their bag packed, and their itinerary!
So looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating the birthdays!
Hard to believe how much Caroline and Jefferson have grown!
Great Sabres win last evening!
Maybe they are worth watching?
Hard to root for a team that has yasiel puigh!
Again even harder to root for Houston????
Oh Well
Had lengthy board workshop last night, so it is a 3 cup of coffee morning
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Halloween's Eve Eve!
Hard to come to work today, after such a fabulous, fun filled, food filled, booze filled, family filled weekend!
Our gracious and generous hosts, K and Eric, we so wonderful and treated all of us like royalty!
Seriously, how lucky did we get!
So to recap our adventure! Our initial flight out was delayed until 10PM, so we missed the Friday festivities, we did arrive in Atlanta around 1AM, and our fabulous Uber driver, Gordon, took very good care of us!
After a wonderful nights sleep, in a fabulous hotel, compliments of our hosts, the party started Saturday AM, with a huge breakfast, and never ending supply of Mimosa's!
Everyone should start their day with a Mimosa!
Just such a wonderful weekend!
Always ends to quickly!
til we get together again!
Happy Halloween!

unkie said...

Gotta say that it was a MOST enjoyable weekend. So lucky to have a family and a get together such as we had. From the ridiculous, "let's watch The Blob" and comment irreverently, to the sublime, having my niece, nephew and b-i-l with me at my favorite Atlanta bar, Cowtippers, it was a BLAST!! My only regret was having to go by myself to the Atlanta Bills Bar on sunday afternoon to watch the Bills, along with a hundred or so true believers dismantle the hated Raiders. Everyone would have loved joining in with "the Bills make me want to shout" after the Milano TD interception return. It was the best rendition since May 2005 at the Stageneck Inn in Maine. Obviously excited to be back in time for the snow. Xmas 2017 will be a tough match after Palooza 16, Bash 17 and what I am looking forward to with the Twins 17. We also have xmas 17 and the 100th on 3/2/18 still to come. Lots to be thankful for. thanks again to all!!

Betsy said...

Happy All Saints Day
Happy Birthday Sandra! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hope everyone enjoyed Halloween! Kind of chilly for the kids, but lots of great costumes, we only had one #45, I was kind of surprised by that!
We had our usual 60 kids, and still have leftovers to take to office staff.
Also an FYI, Woodcock's 5th birthday party is November 18th starting at Noon, just a reminder in case anyone is interested in attending.
I agree with my brother, who is luckier than us! such a wonderful weekend compliments of Eric and Kristen! It was wonderful!
And just so everyone is aware, after Geo took a header in the tram, I did purchase him a sweater in the airport!
So all is good!
Lots going on the next couple of months, which is always very exciting!
Enjoy November!

unk said...

Sorry to hear about the UG tumble in A-H airport. Having been victimized by the escalator there, I know personally about all of the traps for the unsuspecting. The poor man finally gets a sweater on the way home?? How he avoided frostbite for two days shall remain a mystery forever, Got over to see the Jewettville Holtz kids AFTER they were done. Wasn't a fit nite out by my standards, but they had fun and got lots of candy. No one here for 30+ consecutive years. Looks like I am going to have to invest some time tonite in football. Can't believe that they got rid of Dareus and got Kelvin benjamin in a week. What's not to like about the new regime. Will and Grace nite at "Tippers" so we know what won't be on there. Go Bills !!

unk said...

Once again I hate myself for falling for the early hysteria. Had all weekend to pout and make all sorts of promises to never stay up to watch a nite game. Not the most picture perfect of weekends weather wise out here. Very quiet. Went nowhere, did nothing. I guess that's the hangover from last weekend. Another week coming along. Make the most of it. see everyone next sunday.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday!
so glad this election process will be over in a less than 36 hours!
UGH to the adds and ugliness
Looking forward to the twins birthday celebration!
Other than that, I see there is a sink hole in East Aurora?
At least the Bills did not lose yesterday
Not to sure what to make of the sabres season? Hopefully that ship will be righted, as I can not imagine another winter, and no hope for them!
So upcoming we have the twins birthday party
And then the Woodcock brewery celebration
Then Thanksgiving
Time flies!
enjoy this evening!

Betsy said...

Happy Election Day!
Don't forget to vote!
Bitter chill is on its way, so I am guessing my brother is planning another trip!
I have to be honest with you, travel does become very addicting!
I keep getting these updates on my phone about Cracow, and I have to tell you, I think I need to go to Poland!
I am now the firm believe to travel while you can!
So I think I will start looking at Poland, but don't tell anyone, I have yet to be home a month
Other than that, Rick completed another Iron Man event and rolled his ankle on mile 4, he was so kind as to post pictures, and man o man did it look painful!
Other than that, work has been very busy with the Children's move happening Friday morning
So stay out of downtown buffalo that day folks!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way

Betsy said...

Happy Veterans day!
I find it interesting, Dad's was the last generation that had so many Veterans!
The Children's move is going very well, knock on wood
There was a brief yet pretty impressive snow squall for a bit, but it has passed and the sun is out now.
they are just starting to transfer the ICU infants, so, so far no issues.
Other than that, Go Bills!
Anyone feel a W coming on Sunday?
MMMM not sure
Twins birthday on Sunday
Hope everyone can come, it will be a great time!
Looking forward to the Woodcock birthday party next Saturday, the 18th
Then its Thanksgiving Week!
How crazy is it, that time goes so fast!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Thank you everyone for coming out in the cold, and the middle of a miserable bills game, to help celebrate the twins second birthday!
I hope everyone had a great time!
When we got them home last night, they pretty much were ready for bed and did not get up until 8AM this morning!
Again thank you to everyone!
This week, we have the Nash Rd Rices's traveling to Asheville, and the Woodcock brewery's birthday party!
So another quick week, with lots of plans going on!
Heard that MSM's production of 42nd Street, was a huge success!
And our Ms. Emma a star!
Im sorry we missed out on a performance!
But Congrats to Emma!
A miserable Bills game, but thankfully we had a party to distract us!
It has been suggested we get the Balloon guy for our upcoming Holtzapalooza!
I agree, he was great and the kids would get such a kick out of him!
We have a date for our HoltzFamilyChristmas, which will be Saturday 12/16.
We do have a request that it begin later? 1PM is the middle of the twins nap, so there is a request, that it possibly be a 2PM start? Or even 2:30?
I will speak with the Hostess
Glad to hear that Betty is home, and our prayers offered up for her always!
We are all still talking about the wonderful time we had in Atlanta!
We had so much fun!
Other than that, everyone travel safe for Thanksgiving!
Enjoy this day and all that it brings your way!

Anonymous said...

Well here we are one week from today is Thanksgiving.
And I have to be honest, since Mom's passing, I can honestly say this is the hardest holiday to get through. She loved loved Thanksgiving
She always came over early, always helped cook, and then of course there were the years where she made enough food to feed a Russian Army!
I think it is true, To show those you love, serve good food! And that certainly was her mantra!
I think when the twins are older, we will get out of dodge on Thanksgiving, probably do Disney World, or something equivalent
But staying home and cooking, just way too hard!
Other than that, I hope everyone enjoys their thanksgiving, and shares it those that mean the most!
I have not been feeling that well, but that is another story!
Go Nathan Peterman!
Enjoy tomorrow and the weekend!

unk said...

A belated thank you to all who were instrumental in making last sunday so much fun. Not surprised to hear that the guests of honor slept well. I was amazed that Gwenn was able to stay on her feet, but her and her brother were so personable and so much fun. All in all a great event. Loved seeing all of the kids enjoying the balloons so much. Food was YUMMY!! Short week this week until Turkey Day. I see that our first snow advisory is up for tomorrow into monday. Amy's parents will be travelling to town on monday so hopefully all will go well for them. We are in the midst of prepping for our hosting. Auntie is downstairs with the Hallmark channel trying to get into the spirit of the season. Looking forward to the 16th. Time wise just do the best we can for the most we can. Word has it that the Fixxitts arrived in Asheville. Ironically that is the destination tomorrow for the Atlanta group. Can't believe that tomorrow's game can be any worse than last sunday. How bout them Sabres?? enjoy

unkie said...

just a follow up on yesterday. As far as the 16th is concerned, Amy has to work, we have Bettyann's birthday and so from our stand point, later would be better for us, but that is up to the hostess to decide but any pressure that her younger sister can exert could not hurt.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, OK who am I kidding!
That was the worst ever Bills game I have ever seen!
When there is a game like that, you can not even watch the local news, as that is always the lead story!
Brutal just Brutal! Add the Sabres woes and it is going to be one very long winter!
And no new manager for the Yankee's ? Oh well we will need to plow through somehow!
I will definitely exert some much needed persuasion for my sister to move the party back a few hours? Thoughts 4PM? Is that a better time? We certainly want everyone there, that is why we do our HoltzFamilyChristmasNotonChristmas!
We will get where we need to be
The fixxitts did arrive in Asheville, well Gary did at least have not seen a picture of my sister, as of yet.
We never made it to Woodcock for their birthday bash, so sorry we missed that!
Jenna's friend Jackie did make it in from Idaho, and we did have a great time with her!
Austin is visiting us this week, just before he begins a semester with Job Corp.
He is also flying down to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with David, so wishing the Florida family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Other than that, not to much is going on.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

unkie said...

Hoping that everyone finds enjoyment, pleasure and love int their day today. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

unk said...

Hope that everyone was out there yesterday and got that perfect pirate gift. We are only 3 weeks away.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday!
Life looks so much better after a Bills win.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Cookie cooked the bird, which was delicious! And I provided the sides, it was a wonderful dinner, made even better by spending it with family!
Pirate gift ideas??? I think the sock contraption, that assists with putting on socks is the perfect pirate gift for our group!
Who thinks of these things?
I will speak to my sister tomorrow about moving our Christmas celebration back to 4PM on the 16th to try and accommodate everyone's schedule.
Other than that, enjoy our countdown to Christmas!

unckie said...

The best part of Thanksgiving was watching Gwenn wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Quiet in the southtowns but it appears that Auntie is going to use today's heat wave for outdoor decorating, whatever that will consist of. Right now it appears that will focus around putting lights on the earth movers that have occupied our front lawn for the last 2 months.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday! Watching November wind down.
I usually wait til its a blinding blizzard to put up Christmas decorations outside, but hey that's just me!
Yes we did try to get Gwenn to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! It was kind of jumbled, but the inflection was there!
Have not spoken yet to my sister to push back our start time, but hoping 4PM will not be an issue.
Other than that, not to much else going on,just our count down to Christmas!
Enjoy the no snow days while they last!

Betsy said...

Happy Wednesday!
Did confirm with my sister that our #HoltzfamilyChristmasnotonChristmas can begin at 4PM.
So on December 16th, Saturday, the start time for this Christmas event is 4PM.
Any questions, comments or concerns?
Perfect, glad that is settled!
Other than that piece of news, not to much to report.
we had a potluck dinner at school board last evening, and everyone brought such delicious food! I think the best invitation ever is to either a Holtzapalooza or a PotLuck!
Loving the no snow November!
Hope everyone is getting the most perfect Pirate Gift Ever!
I know I have!
Enjoy today, as November continues to wind down!

Betsy said...

Happy last day of November!
I am always amazed at how time flies!
I am wondering how my brother survived his first year of retirement? Was it everything you had hoped? Better yet, how did Aunty survive!
Looking back it was a good 11 months!
I know we had talked about a summer party, celebration, do I dare say Holtzapalooza?
We should all think about it, maybe when we celebrate Charles's 100th on March 2?
But that's a Friday? We may have to look at that day?
Other than that, kind of dreading the bills game, show of hands?
Looking forward to our ChristmasnotonChristmas celebration
Enjoy today and the weekend, before the gloom and doom of winter descends on us!

unk said...

Echoing the sentiments of an almost snowless November. Glad to hear that we have a confirmed 4 pm not on Christmas celebration ready to go. Meeting our friends from Rochester tomorrow in Batavia which is always our official beginning of the Christmas season. Auntie will be journeying to Rochester on Sat. with the Jewettville Holtzes to see the stage presentation of Paw Patrol. I know that Ben will enjoy it, and I certainly am disappointed that there was one ticket short for me, so I guess that I will have to seek out other options. Have to say that full time retirement has not been as bad as feared. Only 2 weeks until "not on xmas" so shop efficiently.

Betsy said...

Have a great weekend everyone!
Lots going on in the COT! Tonight is an Art off the Wall exhibit, where everything is on sale on the Wall, and the better the entrance ticket number you have the better chance of getting a great piece of ART! So with a pirate gift being needed, I'm just saying, it could be an Art off the Wall Christmas!
And then we have our COT Clinton park tree lighting and our Main Street Christmas.
So lots to do and see!
Go Bills!!!!!! PLEASE!!!

unk said...

So much for the Bills. Quiet weekend but I foresee things getting busier very soon. Gloom, doom and snowmageddon for this week coming from Channel 2. We will see on that one. Guessing that nc jnn, seeing the predictions, is much happier in the northtowns. Looks like I will be joining Auntie on some shopping this AM, something that I am not very good at.It is pirate gift time though, isn't it. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Monday after a Bills loss!
I wonder how many times that has been written over the life of the blog?
Just a pitiful game!
So I was not successful in purchasing any art off the wall at the Carnegie Art Center. So no cultural pirate gift from me this year!
So three weeks from today is Christmas, how is that possible?
Have the wreath for Mom and Dad's grave, but I am holding on putting it on, due to the pending doom and gloom snow!
I think it will be interesting to see what we really do get in snow, lets hope they are wrong!
I had a Christmas party scheduled for Wed, and that has already been cancelled.
Good luck with shopping brother!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

unk said...

So I have officially turned into an old foge. Spent an hour on the phone cancelling medical appointments for tomorrow and thursday in anticipation. Well, I guess that is one of the benefits of retirement--not having to worry about getting anywhere, anytime that I don't really want to. Plus, auntie and I are recovering from yesterday's adventures finding parking places, and that was on a monday!!! Can't even begin to imagine going out among the masses on a weekend. I will leave my sister the honor of the 200th comment. They are already beginning to hem and haw about snow totals so I am thinking that this probably won't amount to much. In any event.....make the best of it

Betsy said...

Drum Roll please, 200 hundred comments, that is 100 from me and 100 from my brother!
In all honesty, I love that the blog is still around , how many years later, that people can still check in and see what is going on in the family.
So the sabres are starting to make some moves, I see? I wonder if that will help?
So Pitiful!
I think I am suppose to find a restaurant for our its not new years eve dinner?
I know Sinatra's was mentioned, and Jeff and Sandra were going to try and attend?
Maybe we can discuss at our Its Christmas not on Christmas Celebration?
I see Gronk got a one game suspension, and #45 is recalling National Park Service land.
And the world just continues to spin doesn't it?
Stay warm, dry and hydrated, and hey its just snow!

unckie said...

I just love it when Jim Cantore and the Weather Channel people hit WNY looking for lake effect. He is down by the Farnham water tower on Rte. 5 this morning dancing around in a half inch of snow. Actually the white stuff is predicted for the Hotlanta area. Always excitement down there when anything like winter approaches.Talked to sue yesterday and she asked about not new year's eve dinner. Our plans have changed and we will be heading south, weather permitting on the 27th so date time and place is strictly in your hands. Sue was reading from her printout so it sounds as if not xmas is well along in the planning. Week from Sat. Hard to believe. We doing 200 random acts of kindness on Dad's behalf? That would be a challenge. Take care.

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