
My day started when Grandma called and woke me up at 11 am. Yes, I said 11 am. When you are the system administrator and the duties are so demanding; there comes a time when you should sleep in. Okay, so I relax 7 days a week, but that's besides the point.
I pulled into Lutheran Manor apartment complex at 12:30 pm. After waiting a few minutes and Gram didn't come out, I walked inside and she was sitting in the lobby. She said she didn't recognize me or the car. Plus she was talking to one of her friends. I also have to inform my family that something tragic has happened. As far as I know, we are all healthy. I really hate to break news over the blog, but I feel that this has to be reported. I have also informed the appropriate media outlets; from North Tonawanda to Fargo. Apparently, there has been a theft at Lutheran Manor. The "good" shopping cart has been confiscated. You know the one with two wheels that folds up to the size of an envelope. Grandma has accused "John Doe", I have withheld their name until this incident has reached the courts and for their privacy. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty. At Lutheran Manor your guilty until proven innocent. If the cart isn't returned by 8 pm tonight, Gram and Dorthy are going (AKA management) to knock on their door (Last name begins with K and ends with IBLER) and demand that they return it. Don't worry, the North Tonawanda detectives have received this case and said it will be solved shortly. They may contact the FBI, for further assistance. Notice, the sign: "Signed the Management." I said to Gram, "Who is management?" Well she said, "Dorothy and I." It's important to note, that on the other side of the paper is Lois's shopping list.
I had to forcefully remove Gram from her security guard duties so we could start our day. We were off to the bank. She asked me to take money out of her checking account for the day. So again, I took more out than needed and slipped the homeless guy who needed beer money a $20. Grandma always donates to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. I felt that this was also a worthy charity.
Then she looked at me and said she was hungry and couldn't wait to eat. I always make her pick where we go, just because if we have a bad experience I can always blame it on her. I think we have boycotted Lou's. We haven't been there in over a month, since the burping and feet incidents. So it was off to Athena's where we had to wait a few minutes for a table. Gram was not approached by any males asking for her number. However, she has done a few things that makes me think there is a mister in her life. First, she got her hair cut and her perm. Secondly, new clothes. Thirdly, she p
ainted her nails pink. When I approached her on the subject, she just quickly responded that she was bored and found nail polish under her bed. Scary thought to say the least. We both had chicken sandwiches. It was the best chicken sandwich she ever had she said. We paid the bill and walked out.
After lunch, we headed to Bon Ton, so she could finish her Christmas shopping. Ten minutes into our shopping journey she decided to take a seat. She was going to get the sweater she is holding, but decided against it. I told her that Uncle Chuck would look much better in pink. So we both opted to get the pink one instead. After checking out, she was rather annoyed with the fact that we had to go upstairs to get the gift boxes. I told her they have only been doing it for 5 or 6 years now. She said she knew that but in the spirit of the holiday she felt that they should keep some by the registers. Gosh, if only she would run for President or Common Council in North Tonawanda. I bet she could really make a difference.
After the Bon Ton, she wanted to go to JCPenny's in the Boulevard Mall. She really wanted to use all her credit cards from the stores she had, (JCPenny's, Bon Ton, Kaufman's, and Dollar General). The mall was overly crowded, and she began to give orders to customers waiting in line. So I felt before this gets worse, we had to leave. When I went to get the car, she waited outside. I pulled up to the curb and saw her talking to someone. When she got in the car, I asked her what she said to the person outside. She goes, "I told her smoking was bad for her and I told her I really liked her outfit and I wish I could fit into it."
After JCPenny's she wanted to go home because her back was starting to bother her. She goes to the doctor's next week and she was going to ask him what he could do for her. It seems to really bother her at times. This time, I walked her to the door so she wouldn't slip on the ice. I walked into her apartment and we talked for an hour. She brought out pictures when she was little and when Grandpa was little as well. She has a photo album of just Grandpa and V-Mails and telegrams he sent her when he was stationed for WWII. She really started to get upset when she talked about it, but they were tears for the memories she said. We found a letter that Kristen had written Gramps in 1999 after seeing the movie "Saving Private Ryan." Kristen, Gram said that letter really made his day. I also found a report Jill wrote about Heroes in her life. She talked about how Gramps was her hero. It was a page and a half that she wrote in 8th grade. I attempted to correct the paper, but she was going to have none of that. She began to talk about the war and how he felt about it. There was an article in the Tonawanda News in 1944, when Gramps was reported missing and no one heard from him in over 9 weeks. She told me that she thought Gramps was captured
during that time, but, he never confirmed that himself. This was later confirmed to have been true. The article in the paper was torn and cut off. I will be in search of that complete article tomorrow at the Tonawanda Public Library. Gram begged me to read VMails that Gramps had sent her during his time at war. Unfortunately, the print was to small to make out. She said she hasn't read them in over 20 years. I was going to see if we could get those blown up for her to larger print. Gram felt a little better after talking about Gramps. Lately, she has been down, because she truly does miss him. I asked her if she wanted to go to the cemetery and she said "Not today." What we would give to talk to him one more time. He definitely was our hero and always will be. That is the wreath that sits on our heroes grave.
That was my day with Gram. On a lighter note, if anyone sees the cart please return it to the Lutheran Manor apartment complex or the management team. I still can't believe the hits our website has taken from all over the world.
Welcome Home Depot man and Mrs. Fix it. Now you can't be the brunt of the jokes anymore. If anyone wants to do a blog entry just let me know. I will release my username and password. But, I can't give it to Fargo Holtz's.
I can't wait to see everyone on Christmas. I think there should be a prize for most creative gift idea. What does everyone think of that?? Okay, I have to post this. I know everyone is sitting in front of their computer waiting for the next blog entry. It was brought to my attention that a certain someone would like the blogs short with less pictures (Uncle C, Jillthethrill, Antee B). I can't please all the critics. But I do accept suggestions. I just won't do it. :) Keep up the criticism and I will delete any comments! That's my day with Gram in detail.

My day started when Grandma called and woke me up at 11 am. Yes, I said 11 am. When you are the system administrator and the duties are so demanding; there comes a time when you should sleep in. Okay, so I relax 7 days a week, but that's besides the point.
I pulled into Lutheran Manor apartment complex at 12:30 pm. After waiting a few minutes and Gram didn't come out, I walked inside and she was sitting in the lobby. She said she didn't recognize me or the car. Plus she was talking to one of her friends. I also have to inform my family that something tragic has happened. As far as I know, we are all healthy. I really hate to break news over the blog, but I feel that this has to be reported. I have also informed the appropriate media outlets; from North Tonawanda to Fargo. Apparently, there has been a theft at Lutheran Manor. The "good" shopping cart has been confiscated. You know the one with two wheels that folds up to the size of an envelope. Grandma has accused "John Doe", I have withheld their name until this incident has reached the courts and for their privacy. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty. At Lutheran Manor your guilty until proven innocent. If the cart isn't returned by 8 pm tonight, Gram and Dorthy are going (AKA management) to knock on their door (Last name begins with K and ends with IBLER) and demand that they return it. Don't worry, the North Tonawanda detectives have received this case and said it will be solved shortly. They may contact the FBI, for further assistance. Notice, the sign: "Signed the Management." I said to Gram, "Who is management?" Well she said, "Dorothy and I." It's important to note, that on the other side of the paper is Lois's shopping list.
I had to forcefully remove Gram from her security guard duties so we could start our day. We were off to the bank. She asked me to take money out of her checking account for the day. So again, I took more out than needed and slipped the homeless guy who needed beer money a $20. Grandma always donates to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army. I felt that this was also a worthy charity.
Then she looked at me and said she was hungry and couldn't wait to eat. I always make her pick where we go, just because if we have a bad experience I can always blame it on her. I think we have boycotted Lou's. We haven't been there in over a month, since the burping and feet incidents. So it was off to Athena's where we had to wait a few minutes for a table. Gram was not approached by any males asking for her number. However, she has done a few things that makes me think there is a mister in her life. First, she got her hair cut and her perm. Secondly, new clothes. Thirdly, she p

After lunch, we headed to Bon Ton, so she could finish her Christmas shopping. Ten minutes into our shopping journey she decided to take a seat. She was going to get the sweater she is holding, but decided against it. I told her that Uncle Chuck would look much better in pink. So we both opted to get the pink one instead. After checking out, she was rather annoyed with the fact that we had to go upstairs to get the gift boxes. I told her they have only been doing it for 5 or 6 years now. She said she knew that but in the spirit of the holiday she felt that they should keep some by the registers. Gosh, if only she would run for President or Common Council in North Tonawanda. I bet she could really make a difference.
After the Bon Ton, she wanted to go to JCPenny's in the Boulevard Mall. She really wanted to use all her credit cards from the stores she had, (JCPenny's, Bon Ton, Kaufman's, and Dollar General). The mall was overly crowded, and she began to give orders to customers waiting in line. So I felt before this gets worse, we had to leave. When I went to get the car, she waited outside. I pulled up to the curb and saw her talking to someone. When she got in the car, I asked her what she said to the person outside. She goes, "I told her smoking was bad for her and I told her I really liked her outfit and I wish I could fit into it."
After JCPenny's she wanted to go home because her back was starting to bother her. She goes to the doctor's next week and she was going to ask him what he could do for her. It seems to really bother her at times. This time, I walked her to the door so she wouldn't slip on the ice. I walked into her apartment and we talked for an hour. She brought out pictures when she was little and when Grandpa was little as well. She has a photo album of just Grandpa and V-Mails and telegrams he sent her when he was stationed for WWII. She really started to get upset when she talked about it, but they were tears for the memories she said. We found a letter that Kristen had written Gramps in 1999 after seeing the movie "Saving Private Ryan." Kristen, Gram said that letter really made his day. I also found a report Jill wrote about Heroes in her life. She talked about how Gramps was her hero. It was a page and a half that she wrote in 8th grade. I attempted to correct the paper, but she was going to have none of that. She began to talk about the war and how he felt about it. There was an article in the Tonawanda News in 1944, when Gramps was reported missing and no one heard from him in over 9 weeks. She told me that she thought Gramps was captured

That was my day with Gram. On a lighter note, if anyone sees the cart please return it to the Lutheran Manor apartment complex or the management team. I still can't believe the hits our website has taken from all over the world.
Welcome Home Depot man and Mrs. Fix it. Now you can't be the brunt of the jokes anymore. If anyone wants to do a blog entry just let me know. I will release my username and password. But, I can't give it to Fargo Holtz's.
I can't wait to see everyone on Christmas. I think there should be a prize for most creative gift idea. What does everyone think of that?? Okay, I have to post this. I know everyone is sitting in front of their computer waiting for the next blog entry. It was brought to my attention that a certain someone would like the blogs short with less pictures (Uncle C, Jillthethrill, Antee B). I can't please all the critics. But I do accept suggestions. I just won't do it. :) Keep up the criticism and I will delete any comments! That's my day with Gram in detail.
sure, Jenna starts a blog in memory of Grandpa, Kristen writes a letter after seeing Saving private ryan, Jill calls him her hero, and what do I do? I comment on his hoochie coochie -ness. I am the bad grandkid. Darn me! On a lighter note, at least now I know what to get gram for xmas. Her very own shopping cart with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.
You're too late Adam, I just picked up a shopping cart today at Big Lots with a compass on the stock and this thing that tells time. "I didn't think a football was a very good present". It has just enough room in the cart for a quarter pound of Sara Lee's ham of the bone, two bananas, & a quart of 1% milk.
Notice that Jeff hit 10 minutes before Desperate Housewives begins. You guys grab all the good gifts. How did you getyour mom and dad involved in this venture, Jeffrey? What kind of promises were made? Does aunt sue concur with the rules of the game? Does Gary understand the rules so that he can see to their proper enforcement? These, and other questions, I am sure will be answered soon.
That was Grandpa's group. I am not sure what all the abbreviations mean. But I just thought everyone would like to look at that.
greetings again from north dakota. this is my favorite website to check out. dont check out the spam from other bloggers. they tend to be porn or viruses. we learned the hard way when my brother in law checked it out. my family and i were thinking of starting a holtz website also. we are wanna be
s. it woud be fun to bring our families together. happy holidays
relatives in ND
I am a veteran blogger, and I fell into your website looking for Christmas Ideas. I read each post, and I was kind of confused, but then I sensed a pattern, yous guys all quote the movie "you will shoot your eye out" That is hilarious! I will follow very closely the upcoming entries, you guys should do a reality show!
Another posting from ND -- nice! And not only did they acknowledge our Holtz-blog superiority, but they also provided a helpful tidbit about "spam". Did anyone else know that??! I find it HARD to believe that, during this the most holy of seasons, the Internet would be used to disseminate the objectification of women, fake "LoRex" watches, or shady mortgage deals. Next you're going to tell me there is no Santa Claus!! I mean, let's face it, most of us are scoffers. But moments before zero hour, it does not pay to take chances.
Another posting from ND -- nice! And not only did they acknowledge our Holtz-blog superiority, but they also provided a helpful tidbit about "spam". Did anyone else know that??! I find it HARD to believe that, during this the most holy of seasons, the Internet would be used to disseminate the objectification of women, fake "LoRex" watches, or shady mortgage deals. Next you're going to tell me there is no Santa Claus!! I mean, let's face it, most of us are scoffers. But moments before zero hour, it does not pay to take chances.
I just talked to Gram. She needs someone to take her to get her blood work done. She also wants to go to the library and do some research. Okay, we do have a slight problem. Gram is a little upset. She can't find Gramps discharge papers is there a way we can request a copy? Does anyone know?
Maybe he was never discharged and is still carried by the military as active duty. In which case at $600 a month, and we won't promote him, the gov't owes MOM $432,000 plus interest. That isn't much to the government, but it would cover our christmas gifts. When is Mom's appointment? If I can take her I will.Greetings to Albany and welcome aboard the "I never realized how much free time this family has" express. Yes, as you have probably guessed, we are, collectively a bit fixated on A Christmas Story. And ignore Auntie B, she is wedded to the Purple Eagles. Fatigue is getting to us though, my daughter double-entered. And for the Fargo Holtzes, some tough weather out there for you folks yesterday. Great pictures of the traffic on I-94 on the weather channel. Hope that things improve rapidly.
Unckie C as you know some men are Baptists, others are Catholics, my father's an oldsmobile man. It was easy setting him up (he doesn't even know about it). Kidding of course.
How did I get attached to the Desperate Housewives show? I swear I was just flipping through channels.
That's it I have to quit my job. I'm get banned at my work computer for message board sites.
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