My deepest apology to my family. It has been over one week since my last blog. But, a lot longer since my last confession. My day with Grandma began on Friday November 11th, Veteran's Day. She recounted many stories of Grandpa serving in WWII. Many of the stories, I already heard; and will never forget. I know she misses Gramps; we all do. This Christmas, it will be our 4th one since Grandpa was there; but yet, it seems like an eternity. Happy Veteran's Day Gramps.
Now onto the Grandma Gossip: (I really think we could make millions with a soap opera)
Before Grandma stuck her foot in the door, my; I mean Grandma's handicap parking sticker was violently stripped from my mirror without warning or permission. She grabbed it with such force and shoved it in her purse. She began to give a painstaking recount of her day with Uncle Chuck, while he made her walk extra steps because she didn't have that sticker. I asked her if we could get a few extra copies made; maybe we can all get one for Christmas so this never happens again. The week that I accidently had her handicap sticker, I enjoyed the closer parking spots and the easy access to the front doors of Target, Tops, and the liquor store. Hey, it was raining! You would have done the same thing. I will sure miss Cappi (Okay, it's not like you never named one of your favorite possessions).
We began our journey with lunch; of course. It was friday, and she wanted her fish fry. So we went to Squires; because she isn't a fan of Lou's fish. I really think the next time we go to lunch, I am just going to tell the waitress to bring out two diet coke's. If she has one sip left in her cup, and her refill hasn't arrived; then hell will break loose. I have witnessed this many times. She will stomp her feet, roll her eyes, and won't take a bite of her food until it arrives, like she is Ghandi making a statement. However, our waitress was rather prompt with delivering her drink. Grandma is a good tipper, I can say that. She will look around at other tables, and see what tips are left, she does nothing short of walking around table to table; I once saw her eat a french fry from one plate. Then she will try and top that tip, and walk out gloating. "Can you believe he only left her $.36 cents", and point at him. If we go to Lou's, we can eat for $11.00. That's always our goal. We had a good time at Squires. We ate our lunch and left. I didn't know what was in store for me next. She just tells me to DRIVE.
After Lunch was completed, we had to hand in her library books. She walks in the library, and throws her books down so they are immediately checked in. She runs right to the newly released section, and pushes anyone out of the way. She only checks the murder books, the big red M on the binding. After she locates the murder books, she checks to see if her "trademark" was left. If there is no check, she proceeds to read the inside, and ask me if she would like it. "I don't know Gram, just toss it in your bag and let's go." I get so many dirty looks w

Keep in mind that the 11th was a holiday. She wanted to finish her Christmas shopping. So we ventured out to Target. All of the handicap parking spots were taken up, I guess this was my punishment for abusing it the week prior. I dropped Gram off and found the closest parking spot. I walked in, frantically searching for Gram. I finally located her next to the popcorn. I wasn't suprised. She grined at me, if popcorn was the only reason we came here. We grabbed what we needed, cashed out and left. I asked her if she wanted to go Christmas shopping next Friday at 3 am. She laughed, but I was serious.
After our trip to Target, we went to the cemetary to visit Gramps. After we said a prayer, I dropped her off at her apartment and went home.
Gram called me on Tuesday and needed to know "her website". "Say it slow", she barked. "What are you doing Gram, getting a business card published?". It is very hard to repeat a website, this was rather difficult as she kept saying "huh" "what"?
Today, Wednesday November 16th, it is rainy and windy. We have winds of 45-50 mph. I am picking Gram up at 11:45. Don't yell at me if she blows away. I will post more tonight with pictures.
Good to hear from you Uncle Chuck! Where is Kristen?
Happy Birthday Rick!
Veteran's Day AND Rick's Birthday? What an occassion! I've been following the blog carefully and enjoying every minute. Bring on the witty Holtz banter!
Good to know that the mystery of the missing sticker has been resolved. "cappi" huh? And I thought that all her love was directed toward her cat. Happy Birthday to Rick too. Is that number 40? No, I guess not yet. That is his older brother who will be doing the 4--0.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK!!! I hope it was a great day! Had I known unkie c was available as a log in name I would have tried that one, long ago. As every clever, and witty name seems to have already been taken.
The hermetically sealed grove st house!!! LOL! How funny was that!I am sure we were not in immediate danger as I am POSITIVE the Carbon Monoxide detector was properly installed and working full throttle. YEA RIGHT! The gas levels were detected in the house by the change of color of the knotty pine!
Unkie C...I hear you got over a foot of snow. Thats too bad, the Tonawandas are still snow free.
Yes, safety first was always the watchword on Grove St.I know that all of the proper inspection of ingredients was undertaken before the "Fruit of the Month" beverage was prepared. Thank God, that as a beer drinker only, I was never forced to taste it.. Nobody seemed to care that the CREATOR never tasted it himself.And yes, the knotty pine was known to change color on occasion, but there were many theories as to why.
By the way, if there is going to be an "unkie c", there should also be an "auntie b"
Rumour has it that Rick's big 37th Birthday was celebrated that same way we celebrated our favorite Thanksgiviing on Grove St., hermetically sealed and preserved. Lil' Ricky was in his kitchen dry freezing beef jerky when his plastic sealer got a mind of it's own. Three hours later when the emergency vehicles showed up a gracious yet humbled disc jockey could only mutter out to the fire chief how much he loved him. How sweet... and wierd.
thought you gave me the slip, eh? thoughy you could get rid of the bostonian. I haven't quite figured out how to work this internet thingy yet, but when i do, watch out. y'all are gonna be toast. and thanks, Sandra, for helping me out.
We need many more details on this "beef jerky incident" as it shall become known in Holtz family lore. There is way too much left to the immagination as far as what exactly was going on in the kitchen and how Rick developed those feelings toward the EMT's. Where has Rick been? I haven't seen a posting from him since the great vowel debate. Good to see Aunteeee B in the fray. Long overdue as well as the reemergence of the Bostonian. What about Jill?? Haven't heard anything from her either. Go Bills!! And, by the way, where will the focus of action be for tomorrow's shopping, and why isn't it all done yet?
Getting back to the "Beef Jerky Incident of "05". It seems Rick was trying to suprise a certain loved one with a game of the "Naked Chef". When he was right in the middle of sealing his dried beef jerky the doorbell rang... a quick turn to the right was all that is needed when you should be focusing on your task at hand. Like I mentioned earlier the firechief showed up and helped Ricky out of his predicament. That and $20 got him a date on Saturday night.
I'll be sure to make Jff or @& wrap his present in green so no one gets the obnoxious rooster.
Welcome back Adam.
Do you think Rick is lost in Blogger space too?
Just wondering~~~Did anyone get a special Thanksgiving card?
We just got it today. Thank you very much, thatt was awesome and funnny. It's a keeper.
Was Rick really planned, or was it a surprise? I maen they already had theperfect one in Jeffrey.
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