As the Blog Administrator, I have to admit I became quite jealous that all the attention was diverted from me to my mother; who made many grammatical errors on her first attempt at a blog entry. As a fact, when I read the latest blog entry to Gram she replied, "She lies, I don't remember doing that." When I suprised Gram at the hair, I quickly snapped this picture before she could argue with me. In the upper right picture, she complained that her hair was cut to short. I told her we could pick her hair up from the floor and glue it back together. In the spirit of the upcoming Holiday, I felt it necessary to call Gram and have her recall many memories of her favorite Holidays. I put the phone down while she talked, so I could clean my room, vaccuum, do the dishes, and finish some laundry. When I came back, she was telling me about the Thanksgiving on Grove Street from 1965- the late 1980's. She went to explain the Grove Street Thanksgiving's had two tables (one adult table, one child table). She said the children's table was always getting yelled at by their parents. "Adam wasn't at the kids table, we shoved him in a high chair", Gram said. She went on to say that she did all the cooking. "It was chaos when everyone was there."
Grandma's Top Ten "What I'm Thankful for List"
10. "I was Born"
9. "Being able to visit Gramps"
8. " That I get to go out to eat almost everyday"
7. " That were going to be together on Thanksgiving, some of us
6. " That everyone's okay, I think; but I don't really know
5. " My friends who are still alive, Ruth and Dorothy
4. " Trips the kids took me on; Gettysburg, Honoeye, Athena's, and Lou's.
3. " Jenna, and my other grandchildren"
2. " I had grandpa"
And the number one thing Grandma is thankful for is.............
1. " I'm still alive"
Grandma said "Wish we could all be together like on Grove, but have a happy one anyway." How sentimental. She went onto say that 42 years ago today; Gram was working at St. John Baptist Church.
Due to the overwhelming popular demand of my mom as a blog writer. I am going to allow a new person to enter a blog each week. They are allowed to mention anything they would like. That will spice up the blogsite, and will attract new Holtz members. I really hope the Holtz's in North Dakota will participate in Christmas this year.
As I mentioned in the comment, this blog will not stop. 2006 is a year where someone turns 60, 50 (my mom, don't tell her about the suprise party, I mean), 40, 30, and 24 (Hey, the Blog Administrator can write whatever she pleases).

I will also be taking Grandma Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving at 5 am. I will be sure to get the best deals then. We have a Winter Storm Warning for Southern Erie tonight. I think I had enough snow already. This is a picture of a random car. If you look close, Gram is trying to "hotwire" it.
i love the blog. i found another website holtzfamily.org. are you related to that family? i am sorry for the loss of irving. have a happy thanksgiving
your family in north dakota
I have an Uncle Erv...he's not dead though...at least I hope not 'cause he's in charge of our turkey on Thursday! He also brews great beer and Jeff would really miss that!
i cant tear myself away from your website. i spoke to all my relatives and told them to check it out. thank the lord i stumbled on this website. how about a holtz family reunion in north dakota. are you involved in the other website www.holtzfamily.org, is irving a relative
your friends in north dakota
Rules for the game...one gift per player...
Each person picks a number out of a hat
#1 picks a gift and opens it
#2 can take that gift or pick a new one and open it
#3 can take either gift or open a new gift...and so on
If a person has gotten a gift THREE times in the trade off it becomes theirs and they are out of the game
The person who unwraps the last gift is the creep that ends the game
*sidenote*anyone stealing the 5yr. olds gift is just labeled a scrooge!
What is the limit for the game? 15.00?...someone decide...how about Kristen----you decide...15.00 ok?
We have Niagara Falls...what would bring us to North Dakota? Do they have golf courses 'cause Chuck might be into that...otherwise...
Do you happen to have room for about 21 Holtz's? If so, were there! I already checked out round trip flights to North Dakota. Who is bringing Gram? Where in North Dakota? Won't the Holtz's overpower the state?
Origin: German
Spelling variations include: Holtz, Holtze, Holz, Holze, Holzer, Holtzer, Holzman, Holtzman, Holtzmann, Holzmann, Holtzel and many more.
First found in Swabia, where the name came from noble beginnings and gained a significant reputation for its contribution to the emerging mediaeval society.
Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: John Holzer, who emigrated to England or America with his wife and son in 1709;Johannes Holtz came to Philadelphia in 1733; as did Hans Georg Holtz in 1738.
i live in bismarck but have relative in grand folks, fargo, and minot. would love to go to niagara falls. i have neever been there. my brother everett read the website to my mother. if you want to come to north dakota drop me a email. happy thanksgiving to one holtz family from another.
your family in north dakota
Wish I had known about the North Dakota Holtzes when I was there in Sept. both Bismarck and Fargo. Ever see the movie Fargo?Already played golf there. The pictures on their family website look a lot better than us. I thought that the gift limit was 20 bucks. Gary was politicking for 12, but Sue decided that it had to be more. And as far as gift "ownership" is concerned, it wouldn't be a holiday without some "give and take". I think that the key will be to not let on what you really want.The North Dakotans don't want us to kick in for flowers for Uncle Erv, do they? By the way, I had planned to take Mom to lunch on Wed. but I am on the waiting list. Seems that Corrine and Cathy beat me to Wed., Jenna has Friday and I think she has a date with the guy from Athena's who was admiring her Honeoye sweatshirt on Sat. She got mad when I said that I only remembered having Thanksgiving at Corrine's. I guess a lot of those years are a bit hazy. Oh yeah, and 42 years ago today was the Kennedy assassination and everyone is supposed to remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. You young punkies probably only remember things like the low speed chase, etc. Have a great Thanksgiving and for all our friends and relatives in the mid-west, make sure that you cook the elk thoroughly, and you better get started because you have a lot of stuffing to make for that sucker.
evening all from ND. I read allthe posts from bottom to top and laughed my tush off. Thre are alot of Holtz's out there. Did happen to enter this in my favorite places. Keep the laughs coming. I will chekc this site daily/
"First found in Swabia, where the name came from noble beginnings and gained a significant reputation for its contribution to the emerging mediaeval society."
Well, I knew we were swabian, but the whole part about the noble beginnings? contribution to medieval society? That must be the fargo holtz's. maybe we should change our last name. Griswolds?
sounds a bit more fitting. Sorry about Irv. maybe he'll be the one at 2600 sheridan drive, tonawanda, ny. $20 to the first person who can tell me what is located at that address.
oh crap! I just looked at the "good holtz's" from fargo website... and, well, I don't know how to put this, I think we're jewish. There goes christmas.
I know where I was on Nov 22,1963. Pat Dunn and I were down by the river watching the submarine races.(I swear nothing happened!) We all grieve in our own way!!
Nice to know that none of her kids made Mom's Top Ten List. Oh well, just one more disappointment to deal with. At least Dorothy and Ruth will feel better about themselves during the Holiday season. Ah yes, the noble origins of the Holtz family name: Meaning "wood" in German, I am sure that our woodcutting/chopping/working ancestors were always on the A-List at all royal events. I think that we need a picture of Mom's first communion on the website, or some verification of the contributions made by Dad to Salem Church. As long as we are going ecumenical, let's do it right. Is anybody else out there,besides Adam, concerned about our potential Swabian heritage?
Because of my lack of funds, I decided to take a ride up and down Sheridan Drive to locate 2600. I passed Anderson's Icecream, Tempted to get a Lemon Ice. Then I played a round of putt-putt golf at "Putt-Putt". I located 2600 and found Amigone Funeral Home. You may bring your checkbook or cash Adam, but I will not accept Swabian funds. How do we break it to Kristen that she is Swabian?That was from Antee B. $2 to the person who can tell me where Swabia is or what it is?
Since we will be observing Hannukah, Is the Christmas game off?
Who is #1d-inI?
Swabia: A small country located just north of Detroit, population 37... wait 36 (we'll need to set up a sunshiine club for flowers). Swabia is best known for their exports in ear swabs and imports are everything else.
Sorry to hear about Irv, I had no idea he was even sick.
Uncle Freddy was under the weather but Irv was as strong as an elk.
I was fishing up in the Thousand Islands, Clayton, NY on that fateful day when time stood still. June 17, 1994. It seems like just yesterday to me when OJ and Al outran the law. I'll never forget that day. I'll still tear up just thinking about it.
It is me, Jenna!Aunt Patti. Not just the #1 Daughter in law, but the only CURRENT SURVIVING daughter in law.
Jenna~ We need to talk about your date. I can testify that just because a man lives in his parents' basement doesn't mean he's all bad. UC took me on a very romantic date when he and I were dating and he was living in the basement on Grove St. If I remember correctly it involved steak, a bottle of Mogen David and of course the two of us. What an impression the man made on me that night as he ran up and down the basement stairs(the stove was upstairs) in his best madras plaid shirt and with a brand new crew-cut to boot. Forty one years later later and the sight of a damp basement and a charred steak still turn me on. (I swear nothing happened). So I say~give it a chance, especially if Mogen David-a kosher wine- is involved.
eww eww eww eww eww. Eww. EEEEEEWWWWWWWW. First the story about watching the submarine races,which, if successful, would mean I'd probably be a red head. Then the comments about your... feelings when seeing a damp basement???? This is too much for a jewish swabian who just lost his uncle Irv to stand. Happy thanksgiving all, and Jenna, I expect a full report, complete with pictures by friday at noon.
ps. I have currently begun taking donations from "legitimate real estate businesses" to send grandma to Fargo for the new year. I figure once she gets there she can figure out her way, and the "good holtz's" will take care of her. Jenna, I'll put your $20 towards that. Anyone else like to contribute?
I could actually use some pointers navigating a damp basement. Were there candles involved? Was that identifiable sweet smell lingering in the air. Was the angelic voice of Gordon Lightfoot on the radio box? #1 D in L, please any advise would help.
Of course I heard that's what did Irving in.
YOU PEOPLE, as Uncle Gary would say, are AWFUL!! You took a wonderfully poignant moment,with memories of Perry crooning Memories are Made of This, and turned it into something tawdry with all of these references to a wet basement. The Grove st. basement had one of the best sump pumps ever, and probably the only one that had to deal with a shower that was placed over it. But that sure beat the kitchen sink as the personal mini-bath of choice. And no candles: we relied on the Village Inn to supply the ambiance in our lives. And Jeff, no elk jokes for our N.D. relatives. They tend to be a bit touchy on some issues.
My day with my blind date began at Zebbs, where I met him standing outside smoking a pack of Marlboros. I thought okay, maybe I can look past that. When we sat down at the bar, ESPN began talking about spring training. He interrupted me and said, "I can't stand baseball and what it stands for." I couldn't look past that. He then began to tell me he is a fan of Friends, Golden Girls, and the Gilmore girls. I just nodded. When the bill came, he slipped it towards me, and said; "Since you drank more you have to pay." That was the end of the date.
Adam, I will update the site tomorrow. I hope that everyone will have access to a computer and our family's website. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
As a matter of fact there were candles, (citronelal left over from one of the back yard cookouts). The music was The Kingston Trio, singing "Stay Awhile" one of their lesser know hits and that sweet smell was air spray (lysol-I believe)an attempt to cover up the damp smell of the basement. UC was quite the guy. He had thought of everything! As far as anything else sweet smelling, I have no idea what you're talking about Jeff. And as I said before, NOTHING happened!! Honest, Adam.
Thanks Aunt B, we'll be over at 3:30 for Jill's apple pie and some coffee. Could you also make up an extra bed for us just in case we decide never to leave?
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