I have been pondering:
Recent postings have indicated that there is an increased interest in preparing for the upcoming
celebration, to be known far and wide, as Holtzapalooza-2006. Since this is going to incorporate all of the significant events in our family for the entire year, there needs to be input from and contributions by all. What I am presenting at this point is the direction that I see this going. It goes without saying that Auntie P. does not necessarily see eye to eye with me in all areas, but I am sure that all of our readers out there will be so enthused with the options presented that they will be making their summer plans to include a trip to Western New York to celebrate with us.

As you can see, I have secured a location that has a certain “rustic charm”. The buildings are advertised as “multi-purpose”. I see the day as having a wide range of activities, capable of meeting all of the diverse interests that this family has.
A good friend and retired teacher, has built a golf course just down the road from the park has promised to set aside tee-times so we can begin the day with a mini-tourney. Hopefully this will entice our Alba

Since we will be celebrating a year’s worth of festivities in one day, elements of Festivus will be incorporated and workers have already begun to install

For entertainment I took the liberty of lining up cousin Looie Fronczak and his NT Hotlicks. He has promised to play not just the old stand-bys, but also, for the younger crowd, a variety of rap, hip-hop, and a limited amount of techno.
I think that the “moon-bounce” is a bit tame so I have contracted for a couple of other games and diversions. T

We n

The date, August 6, 2006 is set. I have the permit in my possession that covers from 9:00 a.m. until sunset. That is 12 hours of fun and frolic. All input will, of course, be considered but not necessarily implemented.
FROM: Unckie C
that fargofan is a blogger after my own heart! You'll be happy to know that the box with the bourbon in it reached my new home successfully -- and is almost gone, truth be told.
Can't wait for Holtzapalooza -- and when you say "sunset", Unkie C, you mean sunset somewhere, right? Just like its always 5 o'clock somewhere?
Unkie C, I hope you have the name and phone number of the book seller. I would really like to bring him to Holtzapalooza.
Happy 59th dad!
Fargo, that's my daily routine as well. Pilates and alcohol.
P.S. Would someone please comment on Gram comment. She really thinks its funny.
Great to hear the bourbon reached your hands before the weekend! I nominate cousin K to be in charge of the beverages for Holtzapalooza. Who seconds that?
Excellent blog Unckie C. Even after our brief meeting, I thought we chose Saturday, August 5th, my bad. While pondering who took the picture?
I've tried numerous times to contact Mustafa and can't get a hold of him. I'm nt sure if he'll be around in the summer. He didn't leave a number behind to reach him.
I seem to ponder the same way. I call it "The Thinker with chips".
Thank you to the help of Grandma, the Koch's voted 24 times for Gary/Jerry Rice. (I was forced too).
OK everyone needs to vote for Jerry Rice 1 800 868 3409.
Pavano is toast.
Here comes the wind and our winter storm. BUY WATER!!! Wear two pairs of socks.
Yes, I had a panic attack when nephew Jff pointed out the "date" of Holtzapalooza issue. I began to wish that I had not deliberately destroyed so many brain cells over the years because I was convinced that August 6 was a Sat. and it is not. Anyhow, thanks to Judy at the Erie County Parks Dept. she changed the reservation to Sat. August 5 as it should have been in the first place. So, we are a go for the day agreed upon. If Mr. Fixit is true to his word about making chowder we are on the right path.And I do not want my sainted mother pushing a peanut with her nose. We need to maintain the decorum of the day. And by the way, it now officially SUCKS to see schools closed for weather. That marks my official entry into geezerdom. By the way, I did have a pic of Looie's musical group but I could not get it to download. He must have copyrighted himself. Hey Fargo--- minus 40 wind chill--wow! We are impressed here in WNY. Note lack of comment from my #1 son in Quincy. What is with him??
i had to bookmark this page after i noticed you were blog of note for this week. i never had that honor. i am from new jersey and blogger.com is one of my favorite websites. i have some reading to do. i will check back later. very interesting setup.
Oh good, because I thought I was loosing it for a second (insert joke here). So Saturday August 5th at Judy's house. Sounds good to me. Does she have cats?
Blog of Note!!! Auntie B that's what you're hoping for.
Sweet... and thanks for the accolades.
I saw Looie's band one night at Neitze's on Allen. Not their best set. I think Carl, the tuba player, was messin' with the white stuff that night.
Thanks Marla, from Trenton NJ.
You can say anything except pro NJ Devils comments. Other than that feel free to bust on the Red Sox.
I am just passing through and noticed you were blog of note for this week. You guys sure get a lot of action on here. Okla working mother of 4. Thanks for the break in my work. I needed the laughs. I will check often. Duncan, OK
BLOG OF NOTICE WINNER. funniest blog I came across. these comments remind me of AA meetings I used to go to. my name is EARL. HI EARL. earl is from rhode island. WHATS YOUR PROBLEM EARL? i just wanted to well wish yall on your blog of note.
where is this mysterious "blog of the week" award that we apparently got??? I can't find it, and I'm getting distraught. SOrry I haven't posted recently, but I've been reading up on the intracacies of curling. I kept on hearing this guy talking about busting one past the hog line and into the house. At first I thought he was talking about Jenna Jameson. Then I wised up. Finally, an olympic sport I could do! I wonder if they allow beer cans on the ice?
I know Adam, where do I to look for our blog of notice... wait does that mean we have a notice, like you have thirty days to vacate the blog premesis?
Jenna Jamison! Adam you ol' dog.
Unckie C, $1 romance novels??? How long were you pondering?
wow, now this is exciting! But where is this "major prize" we seem to have won? I want to know more!
68 down here.. with no wind chill!
Trenton, oklahoma and kentucky. I can't wait until Auntie P. posts her rebuttal to how she envisions Holtzapalooza as an event. How many states do you think will show up for free?, well maybe not if mr. fixit has his way, chowder made with Dad's original recipe.
What, by the way, is a "blog of note" and what do we get?
so, here's a poll... does lindsay jacobellis supplant leon lett in the patheon of bonehead maneuvers? I mean, the cowboys were going to win that game anyway... this chick gives up a gold medal in an effort to get some gnarly method air. Discuss.
I saw Lindsey on with Bob Costas (great hair) and she really didn't say what happened. It was more like, I've been training so hard and my mind told me to do something I didn't want it to do.
Definitely a bonehead move.
How ironic. This family finally achieves some recognition--blog of note--and what is the reason for it? My nephew with an unhealthy fixation on a small rodent with an uncommonly over-enlarged southern hemisphere. The man knows what the public wants, and unfortunately gives it to them. We owe it all to mustafa! And yes, Leon Lett made the Sports center not top10 this morning along with some others I had forgotten about, especially the Kentucky football team a few years back; particularly appropriate because of our UK visitor yesterday. What about that game Mr. Wildcat? And I think that AA Earl needs to come to Holtzapalooza. Try to thaw out Fargo. Nice weather.
I am sure our major prize will arrive in a large crate marked "FRAGILE".Expect it any day!
Public polls determine the next blog. And my sources say, Joe Public wants more stories about short, flat people.
Cold in Fargo??? What about here? Brrrrrr... 5 degrees and whats the wind chill? The morning walk was cut short today.
Daytona 500 today!!! Now that Ricky Rudd has retired, I need someone new to root for. Truex in the #1 Bass Pro car it is... how appropriate for me. Who ya pullin' fer KDH???
Ah yes, a "drive fast, turn left" diversion from Johnny Weir and all of the other forgettables from the Olympics. I think that we are on the 44 car, right kdh? Actually, if yu leave now K you could be in Daytona for the race. Heard the Seinfeld take on the winter Olympics yesterday: biathalon makes no sense--skiing and shooting. summer olympic alternative, swimming and strangling; luge--only sport where the participant could actually do it against his will. Put someone on a sled and throw them down the race course---he was funnier. Need a new post; Koch's have been awfully quiet of late--hint, hint.
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