I have been pondering…..
Since Unkie was asking for opinions on the day’s activities for Holtzapolooza I thought this was my chance to get my two cents in!
How would it be if we start the day with Mimosas while taking a hot air balloon ride? We could watch the sunrise while taking in the breath taking beauty of the surrounding landscape. Of course, we would stay tethered because it would be just to frightening to actually be air born. With Unkie onboard we wouldn’t have t

After “landing” we could take horse drawn carriage rides through the park to explore all the glorious places we viewed from aloft. I’m thinking perhaps Pink Ladies would be the perfect choice of liquid refreshment for this exhilarating jaunt.
By now it would be noontime and

Of course

ladies would want to wear our gorgeous hats to keep the sun off while we tramp down the sod. Cosmos would be the most perfect, sophisticated drink for this thrilling venue.
The polo match would bring us to teatime. There’s nothing more refreshing than a good “cuppa” after a thrilling match. A tiny shot or two of Baileys in our oolong makes i

As the day winds down, I picture a performance by our very own Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. I took the liberty of contacting them and they do indeed have the day open. It can be ours

A bit of ballroom dancing would be a heavenly way to end this most perfect day, fireworks exploding in the air as we sip our martinis

you can tell she's not a purebred Holtz -- lookit the class and decorum she's injected into the Holtzapalooza plans! Love it Antie P -- love it!
What if the rules of the pickup kickball game were that you have to wear a fancy hat at the same time?
And as for Daytona, we're rooting for my boy Jamie McMurray. He's running the 64 car now, Dad. Sheesh.
Auntie P, I just love when you post. I had just purchased a beautiful Carmen Miranda bowl of fruit hat just for our occassion.
Can we wear our fruit hats during our kickball match? Who will be doing the agenda for Holtzapalooza.
If the girls are changing hats, does that mean that the guys will have to change their underwear? I am not changing with Adam. He too has a perspiration problem. Must be genetic. Cousin Looie or the BPO, come on guys, there is no choice involved there. And please note, that unlike my alcohol-obsessed wife, there was no mention of "spirits" in my view of the day. Sorry K, I forgot that Jamie went from #10 to #64. It was #10 wasn't it???
Awesome blog Auntie P!!!
McMurray was in the 42 car.
Our first of many surprise 40th birthday parties. The subject was unsuspecting. So if you ever face the chance of an FBI agent hunting you down, hope that it my bud Bill.
The kids were away and I was promised a night of frolic and illegal activities (no mention of fury woodland creatures). Unfortunately Sandra passed out at 10:20 and I was left watching Ohno take the bronze.
marla checking back in on you. my town is getting hit with 10^ temps. just a few more weeks until the spring. i am rooting for tony stewart in the daytona 500. i will now become a regular to this site.
this is a true story: my parents USED to live in ND before i was born. they moved because they weren't fond of the people. do you like the people fargofan?
I am afraid that Jerry's dancing victory was tainted to say the least. It seems that my poor mother was coerced into making 6 calls for jerry and she doesn't even watch the show. On top of that, apparently Jnna insisted that Mom go thru the senior citizen building waking everyone up and demanding that they too call for Jerry. It is situations like this that make me wish that Kenny Mayne was still alive. Have to go back down to watch the next episode between the 17 and 20 cars. By the way Fargo, you have never met Jff, but you sure have him figured out. Welcome Marla, you former North Dakotan you; we will try to keep your interest
KDH-Hats and Kickball? I'll have to consult Miss Manners on that but it seems hats make any occasion special.
Jenna- Fruit hat? Where can I get one??
Auntie B~I've noticed the persiration problem too.
Birthday Girl~ claimed she hated green beans but ate them all and asked for extras when I packed her doggy bag. She also took home the container of Cool Whip but only after Unkie and I insisted.
Tomorrow thrillie and I will be taking Gram out to lunch to celebrate her birthday. In other words, I am going through the drive-thru and getting her a kids meal.
I hope you gave her a "big" take out container. Her biggest pet peeve are the small containers. Those force her to shove her half sandwich and 3 chips in. That really aggravates her!
I just love the "Keep Jerry Alive" campaign.
We're all home today to celebrate our favorite presidents birthday. First we turn off the lights and heat and sit for hours reading a book by candlelight. Next, we put in wax teeth (couldn't find wooden teeth) and try to talk to each other. It's going to be a glorious day.
Jff~Speaking as a former dental professional~ keep those wax teeth away from the candles! I've seen the sad results of many an unfortunate accident.
ok people. there's a serious problem here. I went in a BAR yesterday, to have a LIBATION while watching the 500 and found out that there's no drinking in bars on Sunday. Why in GODS NAME was the stupid BAR open then? Just to taunt me??
Jamie ran the #26 Crown Royal car (yes, another taunt of my sobriety) yesterday. He was in the top 10 most of the race, until he crashed in the end. That's my boy.
We've taken out the wax teeth (TY Auntie P) and instead put them in Casey's mouth... what fun seeing her go mad trying to get them out.
Good Daytona 500 race yesterday. Being a Ricky Rudd fan for so many years I needed to find a new driver or car to root for. Yesterday's race helped me narrow the field down to 1. Tony Stewart (Sandra's favorite) 2. Carl Edwards #99 car and 3. Martin Truex in the #1 (gotta love Bass pro, have ya heard there coming to Buffalo).
Bars closed on Sunday in Hotlanta... that makes no sense.
Hey Jff, can the wife and I com over for the president's day festivities? we have no traditions of our own, and are hoping to build some... I thought truex was a prophylactic name, not a NASCAR driver. learn sumpin' every day i guess. I have a new favorite olympic athelete. her name is tanith blelin... mmm. tanith.
YOU PEOPLE are supposed to be spending the day honoring all of the great men who have served their country as president.If you accept a paid day off from work, This is the time to be thinking about the James Buchanans', the Warren Hardings, the Calvin Coolidges', the Millard Fillmores'--the pride of East Aurora--the George hw Bushes. Let us spend the day as we should, not with wax teeth in our mouth or fantasizing about whatever it is that Adam and jff fantasize about.
And by the way, I think that it is great that the sovereign state of Georgia has seen fit to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages on the Sabbath. Hear that Auntie P??
There's another reference to perspiration. Too wierd.
Adam, by all means join our family in wax teeth day. We've been doing it for years. The kids like goofin' on words thinking they just made something up. Always a good time.
I called Gram yesterday and told her I would take her out to lunch on Monday to celebrate her birthday. She could pick ANYWHERE she wanted to go. I thought she would pick the Bubble, Sawyer Creek, Swiss Chalet, or Warrens (if it weren't for the fire). Well she decided on Deb's, so she could get her polish scramble. And, they don't even serve pepsi!
After lunch we went to Tops to order her cake for the party tomorrow. On the cake it says "Happy 274th birthday George Washington and Happy 89th birthday Nancy." I was going to light 274 candles, but I wasn't sure if the fire alarm would set off.
She also had to get EXTRA icecream because she was unsure of how many people will be there. The cake serves 30-36 slices.
Gram is doing a blog for Wednesday. It was her homework assignment for the evening.
According to the Ellen show; the least talked about President was our 21st President, Chester McArthur. I guess you really do learn something new everyday. I always thought he invented the cheetos.
No, that was Douglas MacArthur. He never would have made it through the war without them.
I thought cheetos were only found in zoos...
Probably most famous quote is: Chester Arthur President, God save the country. Most historians agree that he was not as bad as everyone expected him to be. Other than that, he is a New Yorker as an adopted son but his home is somewhere up in Vermont. Gramma said that she was shocked by the behavior of her granddaughters; something about jenna being stabbed in the back of the hand with a fork and Gramma and Jill being assaulted with a snowball attack as they sat in the car while jnna carried out the visit to Grandpa.
That's awful, who would ambush Gram like that? Poor unsuspecting Thrllie.
I thought Chester Arthur said, "what's the second fork for"?
In my defense, Yeah; I don't have one. Thrillie stabbed me in the hand with her fork as I tried to nonchalantly (thank you cookie) try a piece of Jill's souvlaki. The service at Deb's was rather slow. We had to entertain ourselves somehow. I also recall Gram asking to be stabbed with the fork as well.
Now the jury can decide.
As far as the snowball attack. It was not a sneak attack. I asked my sister to come with me to see Gramps. I know Gram likes to be alone and talk to him. She didn't budge. So I felt she had to be punished. Then, we made snow angels.
You see Thrillie didn't tell the WHOLE story. Our conversation at lunch was; if you could participate in any winter olympic sport what would it be? Thrillie said the Super G, Gram said figure skating, and I said speed skating. That's where Davis and Hendrix came up in conversation. Then we talked about Cheeks, but Gram never heard of him and insisted his first name was Butt.
That's my story and I am sticking to it.
For the first time ever, my mother's version of events make far more sense than either of my niece's versions. How will we ever get the needed input for planning "the palooza" when distracted by all of these attacks. I hold their mother to be responsible!!! What about this Bets?
ya'll are feisty this morning. Neat!
K~Y'all sound so Southern this morning!
Jff~ I thought Chester Arthur's quote started with " stick a fork in me"!
Just a FYI, there is a party today at LM starting at 5 pm. I will be there to assist in cutting the cake, handing out drinks, and in charge of the music. Would anyone like to request any songs????
According to Gram, she had so much fun yesterday. In fact, there will be a new blog tonight or tomorrow written by the birthday girl.
Auntie P you are absolutely correct. Chester did say that, "Stick a fork in me, I'm done". It's all coming back to me now.
Auntie P and I will be leaving tomorrow AM for a little R and R.We will have to rely on kdh and adam for updates so don't have too much fun in our absence. Feb. and march golf calls.
Have fun you two crazy kids.
Charmain Carr??? She made 1 movie.
Why, Leisl Von Trapp of course.
The winter olympics always remind me of the "Sound of Music".
a new blog was promised. i don't care if she's hung over from celebrating her 89th for the past week, a promise is a promise.
new blog new blog new blog! It took gram nearly 20 minutes to tell me about her birthday activities to date, so there's got to be enough content in there for a blog!
where the heck is everyone today? Jff, antie b? jnna? thrillie? jmmie?!?!!??
I'm here.
I'm engrossed iin the Olympics. I think I even know the rules to curling.
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