I was supposed to post this a few days ago for Gram, but I have been busy with preparing to start my full-time job!! I may have to modify what she said. But, she did provide me with really great pictures. I hope you all enjoy. Happy Birthday to Me!
To celebrate Gram's 89th, I provided entertainment. Rocko made balloon animals all evening. Rocko made Gram a birthday candle out of one balloon. Then he had a hard time breathing. So he had to stop.
So here is Gram's blog:
"The big boss has spoken: Gram, it is time for one of your blogs. Actually I am not a really good blog writer. I have a tendency to do a lot of rambling. As the old saying goes; my train seems to leave the track too often. I am not quite sure what that means. I have been frequently accused of trying to stretch my birthday celebrations to cover a whole week (Aunt Sue). This is of course, partly true. So far, I have only reached 6 days of treats. This year, because I am next door to 90, I have a good reason to prolong it, not because of presents ( I do like them) but because I like the personal attention from my lovely family.
I do not have any favorites, they protest this statement very strongly and say I play one against another. Being a sweet elderly lady, you know this is not true. See what I mean about the train and the track. Getting back to my big day. Unkie C started the celebrating on Saturday the 18th by coming to get me and taking me to East Aurora for a lovely day. Auntie P had cooked a delicious dinner of Roast Beef, potatos, and vegetables. We finished it off with a home-made apple pie (my favorite) with gobs and gobs of whipped cream. Added to this was a lovely tote bag full of goodies for my trip to Texas, next month. What a great day I had! (We were so full that I asked if I could relax for a minute on the couch. But, Unkie beat me to it).
Nothing happened on Sunday the 19th. That was my day of rest. So we can't count that. Oh wait, I forgot my friend from upstairs (Lois) gave me a box of assorted greeting cards which I really appreciated.
On Monday the 20th, my lovely granddaughters; Jenna and Jill treated me to lunch at a place that serves the greatest polish scramble, polish sausage and eggs on a roll. We had a great time, they got a little giddy and I had to chastise them.
While Jenna and Jill played outside, I decided to make a snow angel (my most favorite pasttime).
On the way home we stopped to see Gramps so I could wave to him and talk to him. The ground is to uneven so I stayed in the car. Jenna braved the cold and walked out to him. Then Jenna took me to Tops so I could order my birthday cake for my birthday that was on Tuesday the 21st with the gang at Luther Manor. Add icecream and coffee which they also enjoy. My party was a great time. Jeff and Sandra and the kids came and helped serve the icecream. Here are some pictures from that evening.
On Wednesday the 22nd, I had dinner with John and his friend Lori. We went to Payne's. It was a great time. I also got a gift certificate for Kauffman's. On Thursday, Sue and Gary took me out to eat. I am having such a great time. On Friday, Bets took me out to dinner at the Legion and I had a fish fry. It was very good.
I received a lovely bouqet of flowers from granddaughter's Kristen and Amy and from grandson Adam and cards from longtime friends. I can't thank everyone enough. Well that was my birthday week. I wish I could celebrate it all year round. I loved all the attention I was getting. I guess I have to wait 365 more days.
hey hey, the first to post! Great blog gram, sounds like you had a great week... although, I noticed that my wife has taken top billing over me. I was the last to be mentioned. am i reading too much into that?
Adam, Gram has liked Sandra better than me since we said "I do". Don't worry about it until you get a brown bathroom towel.
Great blog Gram, we had fun serving all your cronies ice cream and cake at "The Manor". Tell Dorothy she cuts a mean cake.
It's been some slow blog activity lately. We need to pick it up just a tad. I think we might need a new blog to liven this up a bit. Cousins Adam and Jeff. What do you think?? We need to get Jimmy back!!!
Definitely. Poor Gram, she'll be loser blog of note. Not a good way to be known as, considering the Olympics and all.
Here's a question; what's up with tomatoes being fruits?
ahh, Jffry Jffry Jffry. everyone knows that seeds on the inside mean fruit. here's a question, what about cucumbers?
I hate to report bad news on the family blog, especially on a Monday. But, I really thought everyone would have wanted to know. Well, here goes: Darrin McGavin passed away on Saturday. You will all know him from "A Christmas Story." To the best of my knowledge, no funeral arrangements have been made yet. He was 83 years old.
Albany Blog fan, returning to the fold. Was off for a few days, have been basking in the sun elsewhere. Is anywhere gloomier than NY. By the looks of things I did not miss much. Looks like you all are loosing a bit of steam. You do not even come up as the Blog of Choice this week!
Happy Birthday to the Gramma and Mother! Congratulations on your milestone.
Did everyone enjoy the Olympics?
Hoping for some interesting comments to spur on a heated discussion.
johnny who? oh yeah, that old dude who used to play center field. I'm all over that. Coco's the man!
********This just in!!********
Due to a stray soccer ball- Grandma has been squished...Emma's reply...oooppps, sorry G/G...
The Adventures of Flat Grandma have begun and will appear here, first, next weekend!! Stay tuned!
No where is gloomier than WNY from October 1st - June 15th and that's just the way we like it. That way we don't burn our European skin.
Cucumbers should be vegetables and that's all I'm saying.
Now that the Olympics are over I can concentrate, once again, on my family. I just have to find them first.
I have had a hard time getting onto this site lately. some engineer is working on it, whatever that means? Does that mean one of you in this family is an engineer and is working? Oh well I enjoy this blog, and it has been down alot lately. did you guys know that?
Yeah, it's been tough to access lately. I think that's why the comments are down. Hey, I'm on now.
Okay, who's going to watch the WBC (World Baseball Classic)? I am.
oh my god, i had to go for almost 2 days without being able to get onto the blog! I almost died. I was slipping into a coma, but figured I could check one more time before unconsciousness set in. but i am revived! Jff, any yankees participating in the wbc? oh, i forgot, george won't let them.
Good Morning Family!! I am off to my first day at my full-time job as a Recruitment and Retention Specialist. Sounds professional???
I was rather disturbed that our site has been down!!
I was downtown yesterday closing on my house and I met some interesting people that I invited to Holtzapalooza. I hope you guys don't mind!
oh my goodness I've missed you all! 72 degrees here -- very nice. And Antie P and Unkie C are having a grand old time. Mom's bday was excellent, she says!
car trouble with your search engine? haha have tried to get on for a few days and no luck. hope this site stays up and running I have reading to catch up on!
Howdy family, things are great(sarcasm). Sandra's in Wisconsin (any anonymous cheeseheads out there?) proving her worth as a Parish Ministry Consultant. I'm home with the kids being a daddy. 5 hours into being alone I drove Zach to the wrong building for soccer practice. She can't get home sooooon enough. The house is getting a lil' discombobulated. No worries mate, I'll be fine. CALGON!!!
This just in, American Johnny Winter just finished the men's 5 meter cross country race. Search party still out looking for his teammate Bobby Joe Deerschuck. Man, I love the Olympics.
wow, the wife takes off for a day or two and you get all loopy? is that what I have to look forward to?
Oh yeah, I should have paid better attention to Sandra's explicit directions. Even with the post it notes canvasing the house I have no idea what's going on here. Be afraid, be very afraid. Don't ever let Amy out of your sight. It's a big, big world out there. Homework, lunches, eye therapy, soccer, AWANA, is it a no TV night?
i was just passing through and came across your blog. very interesting people. i have to catch up on the reading.
interesting!!! we've all just been called interesting! I think that's the highest comment a holtz has ever gotten.
I received a ... "hmmmm interesting" once. I didn't know how to take it.
Man, is it snowing outside. I came home prepared to snow blow my drive way and my wonderful retired neighbor already had done it. You gotta love those folks.
Fantasy baseball draft next Saturday the 11th. I'm hard at work preparing for victory.
so, I have a "history of witchcraft and persecution" midterm in 25 minutes, and i'm sitting here checking the blog. its not god. hmm. oh well.
NOTHING NEW???? I check this site often, it always gives great watercooler conversation! come on people step up, something has to be new????
I have inside information that a new blog is just around the corner.
But, don't ignore Adam's witchcraft midterm. That's good stuff.
"She turned me into a newt". What's that from?
A new blog!!!! Yippeeeee!!!!
Cookie's in Washington DC for a softball tournament this weekend. She brought her laptop and camera and was given strict rules to take pictures for the family blog!
oh washington dc -- I miss you so!
I think we're losing momentum with the blog here, people. How to fix? jenna, more about the new job .. jff, more antics about when the wife's away. And bro, how'd that midterm turn out?
Sandra's working on her blog.
Kristen, my apologies, I haven't burned Tedschi yet. I'm sorry. I'll do it soon and send it down.. I'm with out jewel cases and just haven't gone out and gotten more. I haven't forgotten.
Monty Python reruns are coming back in April to PBS.
YES!!! A new blog coming soon!!! I must admit I have been "slacking" on the blog. I used to call Gram and give her an update on the blog. Instead, I told her it's been "down" for a few days. So if she starts calling any of you for an update; just go with that story!
Awwww... the things we keep from Gram.
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