Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Part II of our Disney Vacation or How I Learned to Love the Meatball Bomber

By JT Pilaf and his #1 squeezebox

Boxcar Willie Is Not Dead.
I thought that would grab your attention. There are so many things to do down in Disney World. We just have to keep going back. The day started with a refreshing dip in the 82 degree heated pool. Considering it was 90 degrees outside the kids probably thought nothing felt better. I missed swimming. I REALLY MISSED SWIMMING.

As the kids swam, the rents walked through the campground to pick up the golf cart for the day. When they finally got to the rental spot, they decided to reserve the cart for the rest of the week. Nothing like a good 20min. walk to get your head on straight! The campground is huge!

As soon as we got situated at Fort Wilderness Campground we took off for our first destination of our trip, MGM. We hopped on the provided transportation and rode the bus over to the park.

Lights, Camera, Action was a stunt show from Paris Disney that Zachary, Papa, and I really enjoyed. It was loud, they had car chases, Herbie the Love Bug, a stuntdiver jumping off a building, and they were showing us how they do stunts in the movies. Of course Mr. Fix-it knew all the tricks. Emma spent the entire time holding her hands over her ears yelling, "Is it over?"

Passing through the streets of MGM Zach and Emma were asked to join some public workers and help them with a dilema that had arisen. The kids were more than willing to help out . Both were made Junior Public Works employees. I'm so proud! See how well they took out that gator?!

Emma wanted to see Disney's Playhouse and Zach, even though he's nine now, didn't put up a fight at all. Here, Emma is posing with Jojo and Goliath (very close to Davey and Goliath don't you think?).

Everyday the weather was beautiful, but our first day there just seemed extra special. We had been waiting so long for the trip to come and now we were finally there. We spent the whole afternoon at MGM, but finally it was time to race over to our reservations for dinner. Disney gives you exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds past your reserved time.

After a long day we finally settled in at our table. It was a buffett style eatery and it was delicious. Both Sandra and I started our meal off with a cold refreshing beverage. Nana and Papa went the freebie route and just got a pop. Sandra also was kind enough to bring me my food. I left explicit instructions with her on how much I wanted and where it should be taken from on the serving plate.
More importantly the food could not be touching. God, I love her. I'm sure she feels the same.

The night was topped off with the famous laser show Fantasmic. It was awesome and well worth the wait! We couldn't believe how many people were at the show considering that the park didn't seem that crowded. The show consisted of a show on water and on the stage behind. It had lasers, animation clips projected onto sprays of water, fireworks, fire, and all the characters. Thanks to Jff we had great seats too!

The cabin had a seperate room for the kids & us to sleep in which was pretty cool. We could put them to bed, close the door, and join the folks for some ole' fashion sport center...oh, come on, you didn't think that we could skip that did you!

More to come concerning mother's battle with the Intergalactic bird flu. Or as we like to call it, "Woosie Girl Go Home".


Anonymous said...

Plus, the good people at Disney found and returned your memory card. Gotta love those folks. they do know how to entertain their guests. It seems that nphw jff has been paying a very high price for not remembering his age. Sitting next to, but not being able to go into a pool in 90+ weather. Even I think that is too high a price to pay for playing the wrong ball 3 years ago. But you have been able to use your situation for a lot of personal attention. Sandra is a SAINT!!

Anonymous said...

I turned on House with the Yanks down 9-0. What happened?

Anonymous said...

The Yankees game was crazee last night -- they came back from 9 - 0 and the score ended up 14-13 with a Yankees win. Not that changes any of my affiliations, but it was a very interesting game to watch!

Anonymous said...

love the travelog, rices -- and I think the best part may be coming. Has there been a trip where Mrs. Fixit hasn't ended up yakking?

Anonymous said...

Don't we need to start planning holtzapalooza?

Jenna Koch said...

I attempted to buy tickets to game # 3 at HSBC and was quickly denied, no it wasn't my credit card! Tickets were sold out within 10 minutes. Oh rats!!

Off to the Tiki Hut until 9 pm tonight. Yes we are open for business. Who would like to be our first customer?

Perhaps we can cater for Holtzapalooza.

JT Rice said...

We definitely have to start planning for Holtzapalooza. Tiki Hut to cater??? I love Jllie's wraps.

There has only been one trip that Mrs. Fixit hasn't yaked on, it was the summer of love in '69, I believe it was February of '69 to be precise. Nine months later lil' Ricky....

The Yankees win! THE YANKEES WIN!!! What a game. I saw most of it. Jeter goes 4 for 5 with a dinger.

JT Rice said...

Three years of torture for playing the wrong ball (I still think I drove it 370 yards). When will it end?

JT Rice said...

You think. The pressure to be perfect can get to you.

Anonymous said...

Can only speak of direct personal experience of one trip with Sis. Yes, she had significant gastro-issues, and yes, Mr. Fixit was there. So you may be onto something. We do need a team planning meeting very soon. We are down to 79 days and counting= 11 weeks from Sat. Lunch/dinner? at the tiki-hut and then over to Swiston's for a beer? Anytime Sat., Sun. or Mon., but we will have to include Mr. and Mrs. Fixit. Your schedules????

JT Rice said...

Boy, after reading all the things Auntie B wants to do, I'm starting to think this is a big tadoo.

"I'll bring the watermelon... okay king".

We can have a meeting to plan a meeting.

Mmmmmmm... Swiston's for a beer.

JT Rice said...

5. Take No Prisoner's!
4. Holtz's Drink Manhattans
3. The Balck & Blue Tour
2. Barbarella II
1. Star Wars: The Reagan Years

Anonymous said...

Theme--Hmmmm? Definitely good choices listed, but we do need to pick a day to get together to pick a day for a formal meeting. I sense a trend here. Not this weekend, next weekend. Where can we get a good meatball bomber in Tonawanda?

JT Rice said...

I love "Barefoot in the Park". I think Mitzi Gaynor could have a better job though.

What about a Neil Simon theme? Biloxi Blues, My Favorite Year, The Goodbye Girl, The Cheap Detective???

Half-way would put us at the Galleria Mall, what night is Meatball Bomber night at Sbarro's?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

gotta love substituting for a teacher who 1. is so bad, he's already been fired and 2. students are labeled as "highly remedial".

Anonymous said...

Speaking of subbing, I spent the day working with small groups on the difference between cups, pints, quarts and gallons. The good news was, the last of them left at 210 for their special small bus. I was on my way to Openers bar by 2:11/ This subbing isn't bad.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I've been subbing my whole life!

Anonymous said...

A theme? A theme? What I want for Christmas of course. I don't think a football is a very good Christmas gift!

Glorious day here in HOTlanta today -- 75 and not a cloud in the sky. Looking forward to tomorrow 'cause I'm going to the Dixie speedway tomorrow night! That's gotta make a good blog!

What's funny is that I'm not sure dad knew the difference between cups, quarts and pints before today. C'mon dad, admit it. did you google beforehand?

Who DOESN't get confused???

Anonymous said...

Can someone define "highly remedial" for me and let me know if I qualify?

Please don't use previous blog postings against me!

Anonymous said...

Both adam and I were subs yesterday although I would guess that he had more success than I. Is the grad. on Sat.or Sun? Hopefully tomorrow because today is rather Novemberish---great hockey weather!! Congrats Jill on a job well done. I don't think sitting outside in 50 degree weather is the sort of thing that Mom would enjoy. Have a great day everyone. I think that I will be spending some time in front of the tube today. I guess that there is a baseball game on at 1,(I think that Pedro will be pitching--is Don Zimmer anywhere in the area??) Sabres at 2 and perhaps I will journey over to OTB and place a wager to make the Preakness more watchable.

JT Rice said...

Sorry fam, our computer was down for a day. REAL issues. But, we're back. Persistance Swede, persistance.

I like the Tin Man.

Good luck Jill, wear a parka.

GO SABRES!!! 1-1 so far.

Anonymous said...

Christmas in August! Sounds like a plan! Are we playing the game...if so, Kristen, start printing out the rules!

Does that mean that we are doing red & green or is a sparkly gold color scheme better?

Let them play...let them play...let them play...

Anonymous said...