Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Red Sox Sweep Yankees!!!

And the first series goes to the Red Sox by a Sweep! Read 'em an weep, Rices/Kochs!!!


JT Rice said...

I hope you end up with zero comments for this.

Oh snap!!! I commented. I'm such an idiot.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

that's one! antie b, any comments?

JT Rice said...

O'Doyle Rules!!!

JT Rice said...


Manny wears women's under garments.
Mirabelli swings like a girl.
Varitek doesn't know who his mother is.
Trot is a horse's name.
Big Papi has man boobies.
And Coco goes coocoo for Loretta.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

its so easy to bring up the hackles.
go sabres! go sox!

Anonymous said...

12 comments in less than 2 hours? That may be a record. I do have to admit that my sister, with the bambino curse connnecting to job searches, and my nephew, with some individual player slurs, scored some serious points. Let us all try to be friends and for a few days, at least, bask in what is so uncommon around here, the joy associated with a playoff win by our local boys. That was a particularly enjoyable game last nite. And I personally happen to feel that Randy Johnson is an exceptionally attractive man, with a great personality. The sox have no one even close.

Anonymous said...

I think posada's neck is sex-y!~

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, let's talk more about grady sizemore. Mmmmm -- grady!

Anonymous said...

and yes, I know that grady doesn't play for either the yankees or redsox. I was trying to change the topic.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back to that 6 game winning streak for GCC. Is it still intact? Those are the kind of numbers that I never had direct experience with? And what about our favorite public servant in Albany. Nothing on the draft? Did you go out and purchase your season ticket for the train from Albany to catch the home games? You must be intrigued by the direction that the team is going. I see them only a few players away from a super bowl contender.

Anonymous said...

oh the work is done, antie b, but more has replaced it like the mythical hydra --

May 9 is a lucky day so jill should interview!

grady is SO my baseball crush this year!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jll~I bet she was still beautiful and wowed (is that a word?) everyone with her intelligence. It sounds like she needs a vacation!

Anonymous said...

Jill, that goes way, way,beyond what is a typical Holtz bad day is. Hope that all went well on the presentation and I would definitely go for the interview. A trip to Houston and if you ever did relocate there, think of the great geographic spread it would create: from Mass to Ga. to Fla. to Texas (I guess that N.C. would be in there too). Still waiting for an update on GCC.

Jenna Koch said...

Hello All!! Sorry, I haven't posted. Our winning streak was snapped the other day when we split with GCC. Today is dreaded Finger Lakes CC.

It could be a challenge. Jeff, can you get me a picture of PLUTO? He is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

jll, I'm confused about the pre-presentation vomiting: nerves? pre cinco-de-mayo celebration? I'm way too impressed that it still went well!

antie b, hey thanks! that was the little boost my self esteem needed. And I love my middle name!

87 for a high here in HOT-lanta today!~

Charles Adam Holtz said...

sorry 'bout that jill. I will be consuming very heavily about 7:31pm this evening. sorry to gloat.

Anonymous said...

what a hoot this page is. stumbled across it by accident, looking for geneology pages. If you google family history, this is listed among many web pages. It is also listed on blog choices.blogspot. enjoyed jeter in pink, not a yankee fan not a baseball fan either, but it was funny you are all very clever and very funny. at least you have something to follow with the sabres, in my area there is nothing so special. look forward to more adventures

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if everything is sliding back toward normalcy (to quote Warren g. Harding). Glad that my son and niece are moving toward being finished with all of the effort that they have made this year. Kudos to you both. My apologies to jnna for confusing nccc, her school, with gcc. Sounds like jll needs some time with "house", if anyone else happens to be a fan. It is the only weekly program that I go out of my way to see, although the conclusion of "lost" was interesting last nite. Good stuff Dave--keep up the good work. We are under lots of pressure without jff.

Anonymous said...

I am NOT trying to rub it in by stating that I am damn tooting glad I'm finished with my education, after listening to the trials of jll and the tribulations of my beloved bro over IM as he tries to motivate himself to study!

Anonymous said...

Just finished presenting my thesis to my professors...I dont want to brag but I did pretty darn good. And there was no puking in the bathroom.

Unkie C...Love house! Did you watch the 2 parter? pretty intense huh? Although I am a little confused by Foreman stealing Cameron's paper.

Anonymous said...

I will ignore what happened during the Yanks game last nite as I was checking in periodically, to concentrate on "house". I was totally off all series for a number of years, but caught one episode back during the summer and got hooked. Must be his delightful personality. Yes, did see the two-parter. Cameron was writing an article for a medical journal about a case that they had worked on and made the mistake of sending it to house to look over. House proceeded to put it aside and while it was sitting on his desk, Foreman went ahead and wrote an article for publication on the same case. A bit foggy on the ethics of the whole thing and whether he actually lifted any of her work or not, but she apparently figured that he did. Thus the whole "we are colleagues, not friends" bit. Anywhooo, lots of action. Actually though, the stories are becoming a bit too similar and always seem to play out the same way. Have a good day all. Auntie P. and I are out to do the "garage sale thing" this morning. We will see where that goes.

Anonymous said...

Is "garage sale thing" code for some weird senior sex play? Now I'm confused!

Taking someone else's idea for a paper is BAD BAD BAD. But I love the House, even if the episodes are completely formulaic.

jll, does that mean you're finished? What was your thesis on?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

what a game! WHAT A GAME!!!! 3 3 in the 2nd period? I didn't miss it while it was gone, but I'm glad its back.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

ps- Connolly's shorthanded goal prompted that response. but now the sens are 5 on 3.

Anonymous said...

welcome to OT -- what a 3rd period! Thank goodness the Busch race is on rain delay so I could see the 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 6-6 third period!

Go Sabres!

Charles Adam Holtz said...

so the game is tied 6-6 going into overtime, and my father, the "sports fan" is missing it. Asleep. One of the all time craziest best games, and he couldn't keep his eyes open.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

wow! wow. all i can say is... wow. arguably the best hockey game I've ever seen in my life, and I think I may be the only one in the family who stayed awake/watched. K, did you watch? please tell me you watched!

Anonymous said...

I was going to continue watching but Ottawa was up 4-3, scoring on a two man advantage, still had the power play, Max was in the penalty box for at least the third time I had seen, I had my first cinco de mayo beer at one p.m.--no free doc gooden rally here--it was going on 9 pm and Auntie P. claimed that the Style Network was doing a full makeover that she could not miss. Put it all together, with the long history of the pessimistic WnYer, and it was time for bed. I did see all of the highlights on Sportscenter, and Barry Melrose said it was a very poorly played game. And he must know because he is a former coach. People outside of this area don't realize how difficult it is watching a hockey game where the between period show has Don Cherry.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to our softballers today!!

Anonymous said...

I saw it. It was awesome!

Who's doc gooden and why does he need freeing?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

doc gooden used to be a great pitcher. beat the sox in the 86 series. but, like most nyc baseball players (jab) he had some major problems,most notably a white controlled substance.

Anonymous said...

Adam, what are you doing on line at 10:47? I thought that you were working?

Anonymous said...

Do I get blamed for EVERYTHING???

Anonymous said...

Pretty quiet here since yesterday. Nothing new for anyone? No softball results? No Mom stories? Come on PEOPLE!

Charles Adam Holtz said...

I couldn't get on yesterday. somebody must not have been paying the blogger bill.

Anonymous said...

Now there is a story worthy of retelling Auntie B. Not a lot of jersey city stories out there, but that is great! Hope that all breaks good for NCCC and Niagara this fine day.

Anonymous said...

Pressure in on Auntie to stay awake and report accurately on the game. Any word on the Rice's and their return?Talked to Mom yesterday. Took her 4 rings. Claimed that her leg was asleep; I think that it was her entire body.

Anonymous said...

And daddy says a big Happy Birthday to #1 daughter. I will be thinking of you as I am off to provide educational mathmatics leadership and instruction to the yewts of E.A. Go Sabres!!