The plan was hatched between K and Auntie for a trip to NYC. They charitably offered an invite to Unkie knowing that he would probably refuse since he had been boycotting the city since 1968. Having been disappointed by the Rodex watch he purchased in Time Square he vowed no more trips to Sodom by the Sea.

The area around the stadium, with the bars and shops, was surprisingly pleasant. Unkie, a card carrying Yankee hater since the mid-50’s was beginning to show signs of relenting. He reminded himself of how the hated Bronx Bombers had for years used their major league farm team, the Kansas City A’s, as a source of star players, and this was even before the days of George and the Evil Empire. As our hardy little group plopped down the first 20 for two beers and began our trek up to what seemed to be the top of the world, it quickly became apparent that we were the only people in the stadium not wearing a Yankee and/or a White Sox shirt or hat. We almost lost K when we found our seats and she looked WAY down on the action.

Even with that mob all leaving the stadium at the same time, we were still back on the subway and at the hotel in 45 minutes, denying unkie of one other possible complaint.

There was even time the following day for shopping and sight seeing. Auntie was a bit disappointed that the promised flocking did not occur and had to satisfy herself with the Museum of Folk Art and lots of stores. Unkie took the Rodex back to Times Square to look for the sales person but had no luck in getting his five dollars back.
He did have success finding some ba

We did have plenty of time for gourmet food and never missed a chance to try something new and different even if we didn't know what we were eating.

Our stay would have meant nothing if we had not sailed past the "grand lady" herself on our trip to Ellis Island.

Part II; keep 'em comin'. You guys had great seats!!! You were so close you could see the ants on the field. Or were those Yankee fans looking like fans because you were sitting up in the second layer of atmosphere?
I have a Rodex watch I'll sell you for $4 and I swear it works, it comes with papers.
Kudos Auntie B, who's bringing the beans?
Great Job Unkie!!! Well I slipped into Jill's room to blog while she is downstairs counting Cheez It's to bring to Holtzapalooza. I have invited two friends to Holtzapalooza, both with kids; which should be a great time. Clayton today said, "Mommy can I go to Palooza and see Emmie?" I asked Lois to make beans, she is on that.
What time is golfing? I have been practicing with my golf stick at Putt Putt. Whose on my team? Tiger?
I can bring some beer and drink boxes for the kids and water balloons and cranium and cards. And of course the Pirate gift.
Well Jill is back....... I have a fear of Subway's. I was stuck in the door, while it started moving. (Yes I was 16 but it did traumatize me).
on record, I swear there must be a better picture of me in NYC SOMEWHERE. Thanks for leading with that Dad!
Maybe the next blog will feature a picture of the 4 pairs of new shoes I bought!
so what am I supposed to bring to H-pooza?
Auntie and I went over our notes from the big meeting and I am waiting to get everyone's current e-mail to post our version, which I assume, will be open to lots of amendments. Sorry about the pic K, that was one that Mom picked out to lead the blog. I understand, but cannot condone, my little sister's feelings toward the Yankees. I will admit that there was a feeling there, like that of Wriggley and Fenway, that was pretty special. I suspect that someday I will include "the Ted" in that list too. "Looza" email, with details, will be forthcoming. The good news is that I talked to Judy at the Parks Dept. yesterday and we are ALL SET!
AutieB~does that mean the fishnets?? Maybe you could borrow a pair of the NYC shoes K bought to go with the fishnets.
Mom, you can't wear the Holtzapalooza underwear tomorrow, I put them on today.
Unkie, you have my email so just let me know what I am scheduled to bring, then I can pawn it off on Gram.
Lots of blog action today! I love it!
ok, I just have to say that antie b's "mackerel" line has got to be way up there on the blog top ten. I'm dying!!
I'm on the ashtrays and toothpicks. I'm on it.
I am with Kristen. Auntie B is the greatest, but still a misguided Yankee fan.
Rumor has it that Auntie P invited everyone for breakfast first! I take my eggs over easy (mostly cause Jff just loves hearing me say easy).
Sorry-no breakfast~~I'll be golfing and having my breakfast at the Zider Zee.
You can't beat the Zider Zee for breakfast, see ya there Auntie P.
I just love it when Sandra says "EASY".
We're bringing charcoal, rumor has it, we need 20 bags.
Mr. Fixit is very concerned about early morning golf. He has been retired for a few years now. It throws off his day if he's up before 9 AM.
I'm starting to feel trapped!!! Everyone is golfing to avoid the pick up!!! I think that leaves me on Gram duty!!! The only spot I have is in the back of the truck...hope she doesn't flop around too much!
Gramma will fit fine on top of any vehicle, ala National Lampoon Vacation.
Okay Let's make a deal here. Jeff, can I bum a ride golfing with you? Antee B said she will pick up gram.
I am trying to explain the pirate game to Austin. Any chance I can get that power point presentation faxed over to me?
Or maybe you can just recite the directions on the blog. That would be great thanks!
I need a refresher.
JUST AN FYI, Blue light on sale at Wilson Farms for 10.99.
Yep, you can ride with me to Holtzapalooza golf. And Jill should play too. We'll find room... right Unckie?
My mom rented a mime to come explain the "Pirate game" to us. If that doesn't work we can grab my dad's gift a beat the mime silly.
I noticed we haven't heard from Adam lately. Is he out shopping for the paper supplies for Holtzapalooza?
I just talked Jill into golfing on Saturday. Now, I really better keep practicing! I did want to go to the driving range in Tonawanda to hit a bucket of balls. I just like yelling FORE when I drive by.
Silly Jenna
Jff loves it when I say "Weenie"!
I love it when Sandra says "weenie".
7 days away. Sandra and I tentively went over our Holtzapalooza list (for packing purposes), somehow fuzzy handcuffs and heat gel ended up on the list. I, a lil' red in the face, mentioned to Sandra that those items were for next month at Exoticapalooza. She then got up and put away her Wonder Woman costume. Whew, that would have been embarrassing. So many things to do over the few summer weekends.
WHAT???? No costumes allowed? That throws my plans to the wind. I had my T sweater and plaid skirt all set. That was my 'down by the river to watch the submarine races" outfit.
Now i have to find a costume too??This is way too stressful. I may have to reduce my stress level today with beer. No, I did that yesterday. By this time next week the golf open will be history. Champs will have been crowned and we will be on to the park. Yea park!!
I'm still coming dressed as my favorite patriot's wife, no not Mrs. Teddy Bruschi, I'm coming as Mrs. Paul Revere. Surprised? There was a completely different reason he was out of the house that historic night.
Let the golf crowning begin.
Gustavo Chacin is pitching tomorrow in Syracuse.
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