My View by AuntieP
It all began calmly enough. Who would have guessed in 2 short hours, a balmy sunny day would turn into a drive thru hell and back?
You see, I was on duty to drive my parents into Amherst for their routine MD visit. I arrived at the condo and Rod was waiting outside with the car keys in hand. ”Your turn to drive” he announced with a smirk. “Ok!” I agreed with a big smile. Usually we toss a coin since no one wants to drive when Bette is riding shotgun. She NEVER lets anyone else drive because she is the best driver ever and the rest of us are the “world’s worse asshole drivers”. (Direct quote, I swear).
Everything seemed to be going fine until we started homeabout 2:45 pm. The sky did look a little dark but we journeyed on. It seemed a bit unusual to see bolts of lightening absolutely perpendicular to the ground but hey we could handle it.

I hazarded a quick glance at my mother to see how she was doing and was immediately concerned about her BP, which tends to skyrocket on a whim. “Pull over, pullover” she screamed.

“Dad,” I said innocently, “look out the back window. Those look like tornado clouds.” Our location at that moment was Union and Galleria Drive. By now, all traffic lights were out but up ahead it looked bright and so I drove on and to my relief, right out of storm.

Now some may call me a hero but in my mind I was just doing my duty as a loving daughter!
P.S. Any one know who these people are?

How embarrassing that I was home safe and sound while the drama unfolded. I tried to hold Rod accountable, but all he did was giggle because he didn't get yelled at all afternoon. I think that I know at least a couple of the people in the photo, but the girl in the bathing cap his me puzzled. I don't remember my sis Bets ever having a white cap.
Great Post AP!! Is gram the one in the lawn chair sleeping?
Mom, I find it interesting to note that absolutely noone is paying attention to you as your about ready to dip into the water.
Both I and cousin John would have leapt in had the current flushed you toward the falls. So who is semi-asleep in the lawn chair?? Any ideas? Can't wait to see the new addition at the Hut. Have a good day all. Today we will be celebrating Mathew Wagner's 22nd birthday. Hard to believe. Without kids the junior Rice's really drop off the charts. I just hope that this doesn't take too much out of jff; we are supposed to play golf on Wed. but he may be a mere shell of his former self after Sndr finishes with him.
Thank godness those people in the picture are real--I thought I saw them standing beside the road during by trip into terror aka the tornado. For a while I thought I might be having an Oz like experience.
Great recount of the "Terror Ride" Auntie P. Without the weather it still may have been known as the "Terror Ride", just not as exciting. Did Rod have a cup outside the window collecting hail for the icebox?
After completing my manly duties, I can now join the world again. Uhh... the things you have to do when you say "I do".
I'll need a few powerades in me to be refreshed for Wednesday's golf outing. But I'll be fine.
Great blog AP!!!
oh the HORROR! And I thought severe weather only came in the form on Blizzards in the b-lo. I'm so glad you made it through and didn't crack under the pressure. PHEW!
Great blog great blog!
Bunnies do Superman movie
Maybe they could do Holtzapalooza when it's over.
I HAVE to work on Monday; then I'm off on Tuesday and Wednesday (for golf).
oh I'm at work today too -- alghouth I seem to be about the only person in the metro atlanta area who is. Parking lot = empty. Drive to work = 3 minutes. There's a lot of hookey going on today. And in honor of our founding fathers, I think I'll leave work a little early.
big plans for the 4th, family?
If it makes y'all feel better, I have to work tomorrow, on the 4th. Although I do have the month of august off. you take the good with the bad, I guess. In other news, mom and dad's internet got fried in a freak storm last night, so theymay not be online for a bit.
Jllie, did you mention to the CEO how you made shmore's with a car lighter? "Do I enjoy life??? Baby, I am life!"
Dogs for us too, but we'll be down at the TikiHut in the afternoon. Here's hoping their selling shmore's?
That's all I have.
The weather duped me last night. I was expecting rain, so I didn't put up the tent last night in the backyard. We'll see tonight.
Our battle with the elements continues as an apparent lightning strike, which did not take out the power, did succeed in doing any/some/none/all of the following: At 8 am yesterday we had blown the circuit breaker in the garage, lost cable tv, the dvd is dead, the computer was out, and, worst of all, I could not unlock the driver side of my car either manually, with fob, or with inside button. New modem and trip to tech store with eventual reinstallation of computer, we are back on line. Cable tv restored so we can function but no dvd and i have to enter car from passenger side doing ongoing damage to my personal southern hemisphere. Maybe if the "storm gods" had gotten their sacrifice last Friday, I wouldn't be going thru all of this personal trauma. A mother in law would have been a small price to pay for a functioning car door. Enjoy the 4th all. I have no idea what will be happening here; perhaps another freak storm.
Is it possible we get another blog from EA recounting (with pictures)the storm's damage? We don't need a picture of the southern hemishere, keep those pics in the bed room.
Glad you're back on-line.
Happy 4th, Family -- its a balmy 99 here (no gloom) and there are a LOT of people standing around near open fire. Takes a long time to cook meat in these parts.
So glad my family made it through the technology crisis. Dad, try hood-sliding like Bo Duke!
Have a great day!!
It is my pleasure to post the results of today's titanic struggle on the links at Spruce Ridge Golf Club. Nphw jff arrived at 7:50 am and we were off to check out Richardson's cottage, site of "palooza" 06. We received some strange looks from both a lady walking her dogs and a park employee but explained our presence in the rear of the park as being totally innocent. Out to the Zuider Zee for bfst and on to the course. Nfw was complaining bitterly of his physical problems and lack of play while he laced his initial drive about 280 yds down the fairway and proceeded to par the first hole he had played since last November, placing his favorite uncle in an immediate disadvantage. Unkie was staggered by the initial onslaught,but unbowed and he regrouped his forces to fight back. Cigars on the front nine and a stop at the turn for beer allowed a modest recovery by the senior citizen of the group. nphw's putting failed him--allof the work with the windmill yesterday was for nought--and unk prevailed overall and now has current bragging rights. On to lunch at the Holland Willows with more beer, and one final foray to the deck at Grover Rd. for a few more unnecessary beers before young jff headed for home. all in all a marvelous day both weather and golf wise. Score one for the old folks over the young bucks.
Thanks Jllie for the encouraging words and as that one guy said... "I shall return" or was it "Lafayette we are here!". Whatever... we have plans for Unckie/ Nephew II. I had a fun day.
Congrats on slo-pitch softball.. you'll need a nickname now. Howabout "Thrllie .500"? or "Two bibbies" Koch?
99 in Hotlanta??? I have to admit... I'm pretty comfy here.
jll--the game itself and the statistics therein are only important for a very short time. It is what happens afterwards, where the team goes to rehash the game, who buys the first pitcher, etc. that is the really important stuff. Do you have a sponsor?? A bar sponsor??
Can't sleep.
YOU DEFINITELY NEED A BAR SPONSER to provide you with free pitchers of Koch's Golden Anniversary after the game. Ahhh... the Batchelor's Den... good times.
Did you ever get the feeling your boss doesn't trust you at your job?
What is the total number of blogs?? I would count them up but i am currently under a lot of pressure fighting with the people from stubhub. We are supposed to be in NYC next weekend with Kristen and I ordered tickets to===sorry Adam-- Yankee stadium of all places and I am having lots of trouble getting them shipped. I should have suspected. It's all about the NYC conspiracy. Hey Bets, is there a place to park down there or do you have to take the subway?? Golden Anniversary or Keystone?? Let's throw Carlings in there and all get instant headaches.
Ugh.... Carlings. My vote still goes to Koch's as one of the worst. We got 5 free pitchers at The Batchelor Den after our softball games. My body still tremors just thinking about it. It was FREE though.
Sue called and the memory book is on the back burner until mom's 90th. Too much would have to be done in too little time. I will be placing all of my faith in trust in my little girl to get me around NYC with the fewest problems. We "have", if they ever show up, seats between home and first, but I believe that they will be in the top level.
Yeah, I told my mom that Gram's memory book wasn't the focal point of Holtzapalooza. And if she continued to press I'd make up stories about her being a forgetful and negligent mother.
Sandra and I were at a wedding reception (#2 for our friend) last night and had good time with beer and friends.
Enjoy today, feels like a nice one.
Hey family! Back from some camping adventures in Southern Georgia. Warm Springs, GA, to be exact -- and in the words of my historian dad, "didn't some president croak there?". Bonus points to the family member who knows which one (hint, Jimmy isn't dead yet!)
Anyhow, camping was great and the weather upon my return to Hotlanta is gorgeous -- 82 and sunny -- so I think the only thing to do is put off laundry for some golfing!
I have been pressed into service tomorrow for trip to the eye doctors, and I had planned on a stop to the HUT then, but if today pans out for gg, what do I do? Lookin' for some diversion for today out here. Any suggestions?? Have a good one all.
Couldn't stomach the "faithfulness" line at the wedding (#2) very well...esp. since the groom WINKED at her after he said it!...(oh...paradise!)So...I drank heavily--Kristen---no flask needed but I walked out with more than one favor in true Holtz style (they were bottles of wine)
My guess woould be Ty Cobb. Wasn't a president, sorry. The Georgia Peach.
I'd guess FDR too.
Kristen, how was golf?
Auntie B, where is TO? Toronto?
Where's Jnna???
Golfing went ok! I shot a 49 on both sets of 9 holes that I played, so at least I'm consistently bad. Given that I had been shooting more in the 60s and 70s (don't ask) I was feeling pretty good about myself. Just about every single drive goes off to the right though. Any suggestions?
Man, my arms hurt today though!
Yeah, hit it straighter.
Noooo, just kidding. Club face could be open? Could be an inside- out swing? Make sure your right elbow is pointing towards the ground.
So many things can go wrong with a swing. I encourage that you drink more. We'll be golfing together at Holtzapalooza.
I put the tent up in the backyard and the kids slept out last night. They had to come in at 5AM when the lightning started.
I think it's time for another blog.
I knew that I should have taken my camera yesterday. Starts with a flat tire on the Lasalle expwy. Yes, I had journeyed to Nia. Cas. for a quick visit. Promised Mom I would be there between 11"45 and noon so she was of course sitting by the door long before. Called her at 11"45 to explain that I was stuck and that the towing service was having trouble getting someone authorized to go on this "thruway extension". I figured that she was sitting downstairs "freaking out" waiting for me, so there were calls to Mr. Fixit==he is never home--and eventually a call to info for Dr. Wawawa's number==thaat was one that the computer could not handle which got Sue involved. Eventually a call from my wife, who was called by Mom who had sue in the apt. on her lunch hour. "Chris" the tow truck operator from Lewiston eventually got me back on the road. I called Mom to tell her I was on the way and she said "I will go down and wait" I literally screamed into the phone that no, she should wait in the apt. because there could be further issues. She said she would sit on the balcony and watch for me. I knew that I could not drive home on the donut, so I pulled into the lot and she saw me. I attempted to wave that I had to come up and check the phone book for a tire store, but she bolted as soon as she saw me. I called her again and raced to the door to ring her bell, but to no avail, she was down to the elevator before either the phone or the door bell.The woman has the legs of Wilma Rudolph in her prime.Back upstairs to check the book. Got her to the doc, and went looking and eventually found, "used and new" tires across from Walters while she was getting checked out.Picked her up and Time for lunch===its 2:30 by now'' and I have no intention of going anywhere that does not serve lots and lots and lots of beer. Dome is closed and we wind up at Squire's, the only people in the place. Cost me 20 for lunch, and that was using her free lunch ticket. There was of course the mandatory stop for scratchies before I could get her home and drive home myself to find that my Yankees tickets were not delivered because I was not home at 3"19--got home at 3:30. She did call me later to see if i got home ok and to tell me that she had won 25 on a scratch off and it was, and I quote: "better than an orgasm". That was an appropriate end to my day. I hope that everyone else enjoyed themselves too.
Jff and I were talking tonight and discovered that his "notes" from the family meeting are MIA and that we have NO CLUE as to what we were supposed to bring/do/take care of...for Holtzapolooza! A little help from the peanut gallery might be nice...
I think we just enjoyed a new blog (without pics) from Unckie C's wonderful day with Gram and blown tire. Mr. Fixit was serving the rabble at NT's Food Pantry til 12:30,, BUT he heard of Unckie's dilemna and nearly came to tears while telling me that he couldn't be there for him. The pressure that man's under.
oh don't you worry, family -- there will be a big city blog a'coming.
Jff, were you really up at 4:36am?
My boss is out of town on vacation, so needless to say I hit the snooze button a few extra times this AM.
I to am out of the loop regarding HOLTZAPALOOZA. Someone put me in charge of something? Alcohol? (Premier has a sale on all the necessary items needed for our bash. Plus, I am a bonus card member; so I get 50% off sales).
A blown tire before getting gram? Gram saying orgasm? no truck driver to get to the lasalle expressway? WHAT A DAY!
Unkie for future reference, put Dorthy on your speed dial.(She answers the phone to anyone, and let's anyone inside). She can be your main contact if gram is in the lobby hours before departure.
Mom, will you call me in sick to work today??
The woman is definitely amazing, and all she does is complain about being old. I still can't believe that she made it from the balcony to the elevator in the time that she did. I played for one hour at the casino--in order to get to Mom on time--and left with a plus 2.50. For me, that is a major victory. My notes consist of "no green catsup". Anymore help out there?? Kristen?? Adam?? Jenna?? What about Jll?? She was there.
I too remember writing down charcoal for some reason. YET, I distinctly remember that it would take 30 bags of charcoal to get the grill going.
Yes, I was up at 4:36. I've got problems. I'd like to tell them to you if I could.
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