Times Square! Looks a little different than it did in 1970, huh? Shops and restaurants! Sights and sounds! And the local flora and fauna...

As this innocent tourism of the "Big Apple" unfolds, little did we suspect that the night was about to take a different turn. Near tradegy is sneaking down 42nd street, the Holtzes in his proverbial sight.
Great shoes in the window of Banana Republic. An enthusiastic crossing of the street. Construction materials wantonly left in front the road of Rockfeller Center. And a tricked out Escalade with Westchester Country Plates.
And the next thing you know, one of the group is in a crumpled heap on the ground, bruising instantaneously. One is saying "oh JEEEEEEEEEZUS!". And one is laughing her ass off. I'm not naming names. I'm not. I won't. I'm not!

Near tradegy was averted due to fast thinking, advil, ice, and a $20 to the guy in the escalade.
Ask to see the bruises. They're really something.
AWESOME!!! How do we miss out on these trips? You covered everything and used the word wantonly. I've seen the bruises... someone posted them on the internet right next to the picture of lil' baby Surri. It looks a lot like Gorbachev's head. Same colors too.
The picture does not do justice to the roach which, could have easily carried a small saddle. Nice to know that my daughter was capable of putting together a brief blog in between her trips. Needed a pic from Yankee stadium tho.I have a few which i will try to get on line. One of Auntie's bruises is the size of Gorby's head, not just his ID mark. Thanks for taking the heat off K.
oh, i wrote this so that there's room for further blogging re: manhattan. Naked cowboys and yankees games forthcoming, I'm sure (no pressure, dad!)
I just love blogs with chapters.
3 friends??? How'd you get to be lil' miss popular?
Fast fact: Termites outweigh humans in the world 10:1
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