An observational piece inspired by Unckie's reminder that Monty Python is my favorite sketch comedy
by JT Pilaf
It's true; there are days that my brain truly hurts. There's too much going on in today's world and everyone is trying to do everything they possibly can instead of just relaxing. Well, I'm done. It's time for me to just take a time out in my life and enjoy what's around me, take a vacation to my backyard and sometimes my front yard. It all depends on my mood.

Remember the days when guys used to hook up for an evening of cards and drinking... Sometimes we dressed up in character, sang songs , and howled at the moon. If I'm not laid up in a cast, these days actually still exist for me. Soooo... I really don't have any complaints here.

Now it's off to work everyday providing for the family.
Nothing wrong with having responsibilities, as long as you get to wear cool looking hats. My favorite work day is "bring your kids to work ... (insert Austin Powers hesitation here) day" . It's a day I have an legit excuse for being on the computer for 8 hours playing games. I just love that Disney Playhouse.

For what??? Spam?
Mother used Spam as a guise for 4 meals a week. I get spastic anytime I get within 50 yards of Spam now.
And by the way... When is Spamalot coming to Shea's?
So I guess what I'm saying is; it's time mothers and fathers get their lives back. Now, don't let this slip to Sandra, but I ordered this instructional video that's going to bring a spark back into our after hours life. Unfortunately, I tried my outfit on and it's a little snug. I feel like catwomen. Plus I can't see with the hood on.