With trembling hands I tore open the box that held the path to all my dreams. And what to my wondering eyes should appear.......... you guessed it. Clothing!!

If I auction these items off, how much can I reap? Enough for a new home? A trip to Tahiti or enough to buy my own tickets to the world series?
All is not lost, however. I will not have to venture forth when the wind is howling and the snow is blowing. My Christmas Pirate Gift is taken care of as is my son's Christmas gift!
The only disappointing part of today is that Auntie P will not allow me to display my treasures in our front window. She said and I quote, "Over My dead Body!!" I explained that it's a major prize and I am contemplating surprising her in the morning if I can stay awake long enough to arrange the display after she's in bed. She can be so unreasonable.
Thank you, NYS Lottery!!!
Posted by Unkie-Sept. 7, 2006 5:15pm
burn it!! burn it!!!!! seriously, the one "lucky" thing that's ever happened to you, and the prize is THAT????? Its not even the glow of electric sex in the window worthy! Damn the yankees!
Way to go Unckie, "Welcome Home". 4th place nothing. I know for a fact that you had your choice of a major prize. And Irwin M. Fletcher "You choose".
Yeah Yankees!!! Yeah Holtz luck!!! FRAGILE Yeah Italian words!!!
I went to my local watering hole to engage in a little "quick draw action" figuring that my luck was running as good as it was and proceeded to lose my shirt. Further evidence. The only good news is that the local proprietor, kicked out of school at 16 and of course owning/running the most popular place in town is a HUGE Yankee fan. I told him of my "good fortune" and he seems to be interested in what I have to offer. I may be able to parlay this into some beef on weck and pizza. Congrats sis on you win? to see the yankees play.
a prize a prize a major prize! It's a banner day for the Holtzs!
Tonight, tonight, hot damn tonight.
I think that I will spend the day sitting by the front door waiting for more good things to be delivered.
What would you do if Ralphie came running through your yard? $225,000 reward. That would buy more A-Rod jerseys.
I just love re-reading the major prize story.
Well... let's see, Saturday and gloomy. Fishing? Go to the farmer's market? So many options.
What's Hotlanta' like today?
No more Bucky to talk about. Auntie and I took advantage of yesterday to go to Evangola--we had the whole place to ourselves--and lunch at the Beach Bar at Mickey Ratz. Retirement does have some advantages. Everyday is Sat. We need a Home depot post. Where has our new security person been?
That sounds nice. Yesterday was nice for most of the afternoon.
It's decided... painting, then fishing with Zach as Emma attends another birthday party. She also lost her front tooth yesterday. It seems she was struck with a mirror. The details are a lil' foggy.
Oh yeah... saw the dr. yesterday and he said I should be jogging more now and in October can go full access. Hockey starts for me again inn October. I'm baaaaack.
You are a good daughter Sis. Saved me 70 miles of driving. Everyone got their faces painted for today's one pm kickoff. I think that I spent a little too much time watching yesterday, although, and I may very well be the first to have ever said this, it would have been great to have the UB game on tv yesterday. 9 against Temple who gave up 63 to Louisville and then 40 against Bowling Green. Go Turner Gill. Go JP. Go Takeo! Make Belichek cry!
What a shame. Great game. JP can't get sacked for the safety... but what a game. They're (oh boy) going to be good this year.
Adventurous weekend in the ATL -- headed North toward chattanooga for some camping at Sloppy Floyd state park. The accomodations were rather luxurious and bug-free (unlike that last camping trip ... )
So I missed the Bills game. They won, right?
Besides breaking my heart on a weekly basis, they will cost me a fortune in long distance calls to Mass. This is going to be grim.
Can someone update me on the Bucky story, please -- they're not covering it in the Atlanta news for some reason!
The "Bucky Burger" is no longer for sale.
Unkie C...congrats on the "major award"! If you want to ditch it...you could send it my way...I could wrap it up for someone we know for Christmas and save a few bucks!
Hey did someone say Christmas!!!
Is the countdown back on?!?
Just e-mailed out pics of Emma to you all...check out her smile!
Double over time for the tooth fairy. She looks so cute!
She's a keeper.
All I have is looking forward to some golfing on Friday. Hopefully the weather stays decent. So far, it's just supposed to sprinkle.
Yanks are winning 9-0 already are you kidding me!
What's up with Big Sapi begging for the MVP. That's classy. He's got my vote.
Had to bail on golf for friday with nfw jff. Just one more on my list of people that I have disappointed. Must be a sign of old age. Looks like today will be a good day for a Tonawanda run. Seems like not too much exciting stuff going on anywhere. At least auntie b has a YANKEES game, ugh!!, to look forward to. I don't understand how she is going to get there for a monday night game when there is work to be done.
pouring pourting pouring here in Atlanta -- good thing I'm in a hotel basement, manning my company's display booth. Working hard ... mmmm hmmm
Do you get bowl of soup with that display booth?
Uhhh, the oldies. Gotta love 'em.
No worries Unckie. We've got all fall. Ummmm... in Buffalo. Oohh boy, we better fit 'er in soon.
Did make the Tonawanda run which included the mandatory stop at Tops for the single jelly donut and single banana for Lois. I thought that Dad was the ultimate pessimist never buying green bananas, but one banana at a time???
Ah yes, there were the required scratch offs. At least I now have her looking for the letter keys so she knows what she has won. I hate to say it, but I am sure that she threw away some winners over the past because the crossword game and the bingo game are very easy to miss. And there was lunch at Athena's with the food that "keeps on giving" long after the meal is finished.
ok family, I'm hooked -- completely hooked. Just happened to watch "dancing with the stars" last night -- who knew?! Its firmly entered into my tivo, but there's an overlap problem with House on Tuesday nights. Any suggestions??
I am so glad that other people are hooked on Dancing with the Stars! Unkie is unrelenting when it comes to giving me grief about that program. Maybe he will back off when he realizes that 2 of the brightest and best of the Holtz clan are as into it as I am. Let's beat him up if he continues to mock such a fine program.
not to get off the "dancing with the stars" love fest, but I just had to share. I put together a GREAT lesson plan on the difference between being illegal and immoral. All prepared to talk about gambling, underage drinking, adultery. But what do the kids grab on to and discuss for 30 minutes??? fishing without a license. Ah well, at least I "engaged" them.
sure you're not in Georgia, bro?? FIshing licenses??
As for dancing with the stars, I don't have a favorite yet. But that emmitt smith sure can dance! Wowza!
I love those gram stories.
Put Sandra and me down for "Dancin' with the Stars" watchers. It miight be a lil' harder for me to watch because Stacy Keibler is no longer doing it. BUT... I'll definitely be rooting for AC Slater. I was a HUGE "Saved By THe Bell" fan. Tiffani Amber SOOOOOOO fine.
Both Sandra and I are taking off today. We're probably going to the zoo and then out to eat for lunch. I don't think she'd want to go trout fishing with me down in Springville.
So Adm, what did the class say about fishhing with out a license. I hope their not for it. They could loose all their tackle if caught.
"Done like dinner". Tiger Williams
sounds like slacker Friday -- I'm heading out for a little golf myself!
Here i am dilligently working as a sub at EA high and I get on the blog to find that my entire family has been won over to the dark side of dancing... etc. Where has public education gone wrong, probably in allowing discussions on fishing with or without..., to bring us to this point as a civilization??? I can only lament for the future of our society. You all know where this is going don't you? Next year it will be "so you really think that you can fart"!! Who would be on the panel of celebrities??
I love Spongebob. He would definitelly win. His chops are too righteous.
Are you sure Mario has no daanciing experience? Can you believe he cheated on Ali Landry? She's babeicious.
Curtain Up.
Too loud, sorry. What to do today? Fish? Golf? Unfortunately, none of those favorites. Sandra will have me painting today after a hardy and nutritional breakfast. Enjoy today all and never talk to wombats with umbrellas singing show tunes in the rain. They're not to be trusted.
No I can't go. I would love too though. Maybe if I were 14 years younger.
Michigan/ Notre Dame... second biggest Saturday of the year.
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