An observational piece inspired by Unckie's reminder that Monty Python is my favorite sketch comedy
by JT Pilaf
It's true; there are days that my brain truly hurts. There's too much going on in today's world and everyone is trying to do everything they possibly can instead of just relaxing. Well, I'm done. It's time for me to just take a time out in my life and enjoy what's around me, take a vacation to my backyard and sometimes my front yard. It all depends on my mood.

Remember the days when guys used to hook up for an evening of cards and drinking... Sometimes we dressed up in character, sang songs , and howled at the moon. If I'm not laid up in a cast, these days actually still exist for me. Soooo... I really don't have any complaints here.

Now it's off to work everyday providing for the family.
Nothing wrong with having responsibilities, as long as you get to wear cool looking hats. My favorite work day is "bring your kids to work ... (insert Austin Powers hesitation here) day" . It's a day I have an legit excuse for being on the computer for 8 hours playing games. I just love that Disney Playhouse.

For what??? Spam?
Mother used Spam as a guise for 4 meals a week. I get spastic anytime I get within 50 yards of Spam now.
And by the way... When is Spamalot coming to Shea's?
So I guess what I'm saying is; it's time mothers and fathers get their lives back. Now, don't let this slip to Sandra, but I ordered this instructional video that's going to bring a spark back into our after hours life. Unfortunately, I tried my outfit on and it's a little snug. I feel like catwomen. Plus I can't see with the hood on.
Jff, you're my hero.
Excellent job nphw; I was hoping that somewhere in your busy schedule you could find time for some "hide n go seek". Was it Sardinia that was the best place to hide? Leave it to jff to bring us all back in. And I thought that Emmit Smith did a great tango!
LOVE Grey's Anatomy!! Also caught a couple of episodes of Project Runway-at Auntie B's suggestion- and now I love that too. Oh me, Oh my, I can feel my brain turning to mush but I do love that boob tube.
Jff~Please bring the info on Fri so Unkie and I can order one of those "kits".
Mario (the cheater) Lopez is definitely gaga over Eddietata "From Russian with Love" Smirnoff. I'm not so sure about Willa. I DID notice Sara's outfit last night. Yeowza!!!
I'll bring all the pamphlets and order forms to Unckie on Friday including the cream.
Thanks Kristen.
Bye Bye Harry
Well, the "boys" did indeed go golfing. I overheard unkie telling jff to dress warm! I guess once a dad always a dad...
I love Walmart even though I know it's wrong
it has been a long time since I checked your blog, still have great topics, and are still pretty funny.
out of state reader
Thanks Anonymous for the kind words we've been pretty funny for years.
Unckie took me to the woodshed and gave me a good ol' fashion whoopin'. He walked away a $1.25 richer. I had nothing for him on the back nine.
nphw jff did not bring his A-game today and most assuredly did not dress as warmly as he should have. I think we were both thrown off by the 40 minute wait for our eggs at Marcia's place on Main St. in Clarence. Marcia got a good review in the "cheap eats" in gusto a few weeks back, but 40 minutes with only 2 other people in the place??Have a good weekend all. Auntie is all excited over the big fiberfest in EA this weekend. I think that I will spend my time on the lawn.
My mom received Sabres tickets for a job well done at work for tonights game. Since Porgie and Thrillie have to work and it would be past gram's bedtime; I was the 4th person she asked! None the less, there will be a blog in place as we will be at HSBC arena early to take pictures of their jerseys.
Just a FYI- We have SUITE tickets!
See, good things do happen to good people. All of that hard work paid off. You missed the yanks but have the Sabres. New blog---yah!!
That's awesome. I love the colors but I'm still not a fan of the emblem. I just wish it could be the swords. Minimal is best.
After the whoopin' from Unckie yesterday I've devoted my entire day to video golf trying to capture the essense of my swing. I've pinpointed it down to a possible two mishaps. 1. We were not drinking yesterday. That's a huge part of my game. and B. I'm unsure if this has anything to do with it. BUT, I don't think I had on fall colors yesterday. I think next time I should get in touch with KDH and go over my golf ensemble.
What a weekend for the sports fans in Buffalo. A thrilling 3-2 win for the Sabres, in their last pre season game. I was almost kicked out of the Suites as I walked into Mr. Larry Quinn's suite. (Hey, he had better food).
Then a thrilling win at the Ralph today!
Happy October everyone!! Were fast approaching the year annivarsary of the blog.
What a game!!! What? Me nervous???
Thanksgiving sounds great. What day?
This is going to be a VERY difficult football season for all Bills fans everywhere. That last 3 minutes of scoreboard time seemed to last an hour. The least that Larry Quinn could have done was to buy a round for everyone inthe nearby suites. I think that Ralph bought the chili for Bubba, and they both looked good in their Bills caps. And Jenna, we need to replace the existing blog ASAP. Looking at that initial picture each time posted by "innocent" nphw jffy, we can all see why he was punished on the golf course.
new blog new blog! I can't wait!!
I was spared the bills agony since they don't broadcast down here. I'm finding it hard to believe its october, since 1) I don't know where the hell the summer went and 2) 84 degrees hardly seems like football weather.
well, after a weekend from hell, I too, need a new blog...
Oh yeah... I was supposed to put one together. I'm too busy trying to track down lost tests.
New blog, new blog!
Anyone, I need, I want. And Unckie... how can you see that? Where is your mind?
Nice day today. So I bought my NYS fishing license today and am now ready for the 2006-07 fishing season. GO BASS!!!
Jff, I too, think dad is the one with the corrupt mind. I had no ideas, until my father pointed out there may be something, er... how do you say phallic about that pic. Dads mind is in the GUTTER!
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