While my previous post was done in jest, and as much as I may dislike the yankees, I felt that it was in bad taste to leave the previous post up. Sad news today. I promise a 2 week moratorium on all yankee hating jokes. Perhaps someone can post a new blog to lighten the atmosphere?
I trust that was my son who made the gesture to reach out. I was going to add more to that, but i will wait just a bit. Very sad
When I called Grandma this evening, (after it was a two hour wait for our pizza) I invited her to lunch tomorrow; since I have the day off. She was disappointed to report that she could not have lunch with me because her oldest son was going to take her out. But, I was second in line if that fell through.
Anywho, she said to me; did you hear who passed away? I said who gram? (thinking it was one of her friends or a luther manor resident), "This guy named Cold, a Yankee player; how is your mother holding up."
Such sad news.
So, ten minutes later after I hung up with gram; she calls back to explain that Unkie would not be joining her tomorrow and that I had to pick her up at 9 am because she is all out of scratch offs.
I thought I had the day off tomorrow too!!!!!!
First thing I thought of when I heard the awful news today was of our dear departed captain. 8/2/79 will always be the saddest day of my childhood. I still get choked up watching Thurman Munson Yankeeography. Sandra's not allowed in the room when it's on.
Once a Yankee, always a Yankee. Goodbye Cory, fly forever.
Sorry jnna that you lost your day off. The funeral today for the mother of a friend was, I thought, at nine thirty, but is actually at eleven which puts a very large hole in the prime lunch period. I tried to reschedule for Friday but she is already busy, so I am into next week. Poor Mom. Such isolation. I am really glad that Dr. Miller and I did not head to NYC on our trip. Based upon Auntie P's response to last night's voting, I don't think that they got it right. I was amazed that the woman who lost could hold her head straight up with all of the eyeshadow.
Unckie, I am so sorry for the loss of your friends mother.
11:30 is prime lunchtime. Last night she goes, "Okay what time are you picking me up?" Mom, do you want me to take gram around and take lots of silly pictures? You know I can make her do silly things!
Maybe I will post a picture up of my car and gram standing on her head.
checking in on my favorite family run blog. you guys are the only ones with lidle picture up. nice touch
looks like one more pathetic bills season, how do you guys hold up when that happens?
love your comments, think you are all very funny. love your blog posts too
We have the Sabres. That's a plus. But, we're used to disappointments and sometimes even relish it.
Trust me... if the Sabres or Bills EVER win a championship, we wouldn't no how to act. So it's better this way.
Stay safe NY Holtz family! I will post a blog later. Just to provide a breaking news update a tree has fallen on the KIA.
The snow is falling and a state of emergency in the City of T.
How is the weather in Hotlanta?
I'm so confused. I have no idea what happened on 8/2/79, I really don't understand how it could possibly be snowing there when its 82 here, I'm afraid to even ASK what happened to the Kia with the tree, and I too was mesmerized by Willa Ford's eyeshadow. Help!
oh, kristen, kristen kristen.
everybody, even yankee haters, know that 8/2/79 is the date that Thurman Munson's plane crashed in canton ohio. Maybe Steinbrenner is behind it!
A foot of snow in buffalo???? On oct 13???? you ALL need to move somewhere else. Anywhere else. I hear Nome Alaska is nice this time of year.
Thurman Munson? Like from the TV Show?
Snow? This calls for a derisive blog. Ya'll can't defend yourself because no one has power!
I have captured the moment the best I can. I must admit that Cousin A and Cousin K were the only two not at the Tops on Niagara Street this morning.
There will be a blog!
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