Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Bathroom Also Rises

This great work of literature
By JT Pilaf

With careful precision the craftsman works his blade like a fencer working his foil. Sweat beading of his brough, the craftsman never blinks, making sure each splash of compound has it's own residence.

And like magic the cedar tongue n groove is up. Lovely. Just lovely. The smell of cedar filled the room bringing us back to the mountains of the Adirondacks. Then again... it may have been the adhesive glue that made me crave for honey and a bed of pine needles.

Sandra wanted something special and unique downstairs in the bathroom and I think we may have come to an designed arrangement that makes us both happy. This does strike a blow at own's self confidence though.

After a hard day at work it's always good to know that my best friend will be there for me with a smile.


Anonymous said...

wow, you are making some serious progress! I wish I had an at home project -- other than work that is!

I spent the last three days at Golf School. It went realy well! I should be ready for Holtzpalooza Redux!

So what's the latest on the party planning. Any updates?

Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous. I'm bourbon swilling kdh. Silly blog.

JT Rice said...

Silly blog.

Talking about golf, it seems that I'm ready to retire from hockey (only one more regular season game to go). To take up my time on Thursday nights, I'm going to the golf dome now. There, I'll hit a few bucket of balls and wash that down with a few cold ones.

JT Rice said...

Yep, the bathroom is motoring along. It's going to look really nice. Sandra is going to decorate it "Disney Style".

JT Rice said...

Auntie B, if your leg is bruised you should sue... Sue (hehe). How rude to kick her own flesh and blood under the table. I've been there... so I know hhow it feels.

We just need a time on the 24th and we'll be there.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

So I'm home from work today, nursing myself back to health from the brink of death, and I see the new Jeep commercial. Anyone else see this? It shows the new jeep traversing all of thes arctic areas... The Alps... The Himalayas... Siberia... the Yukon Territory... and last but not least... (wait for it)

JT Rice said...

We saw that commercial last night and I told sandra it was a local commercial. That is totally bizarre. We're famous! The four corners of the Artic World includes Tonawanda, NY. How sweet is that.

JT Rice said...

Oh yeah... get better. Of course, get better.

So what's going on? Is the 24th the date? I have to know. We're planning on going to Rochester on Friday the 23rd and coming home for the party.

Anonymous said...

The date is Saturday the 24th. The time is TBA. So all family near and far can travel in. I was thinking of taking Gram and Ruth out for happy hour. Does anyone want to join?

Get better cousin Adm. I did not see that commercial. I am jealous.

Anonymous said...

So I just talked to Gram. She was under the impression her Birthday Party was in 2012. I told her yeah that's it.

I also heard that my cousin KDH is in New Orleans! How fun!! I think KDH should start a collection of shot glasses to all the wonderful cities she visits and that could be her pirate gift for Holtzapalooza. (Just a hint).

JT Rice said...

Just need to know what time the dinner is at so we can be back. That's all.

Father Hubbard??? Are you looking for a response?

JT Rice said...

Thrillie's up at 11:30??? What could be so important?

Whatever Gram wants. It's her day. If she wants a mass, so be it. It'll give me some time to catch a cat nap.

Poor Jnna, careful out there. Sunny here today... but the storm looms.

JT Rice said...


That's a great idea. Or maybe we can download a mass onto Gram's IPod. Then she can listen to it during horse' doves.

Anonymous said...

Jeff the comment about Gram's ipod made me giggle. Harry, her next door neighbor would be quite jealous as he is equipped with a cellphone and computer.

I drove by the Holtz homestead on Grover Road. You will be happy to note that it is still in one piece. I was en route to Burger King and I thought I would do a driveby.

I grabbed your mail and cashed your tax return, I hope you don't mind (hence the reason I was at BK).

JT Rice said...

Money well spent on the $2.99 deal meal.

Sandra said...

Jnna--when I worked in West Seneca I used to ask them the same thing about the you people own snowplows? I would drive out there and then...wham...knee deep in the streets...what's with that?!

Charles Adam Holtz said...

Big to-do in the greater GBA today. Bomb squads, "suspicious package detonations" etc. damn kids.

JT Rice said...

GBA... Gramma's Big Announcement? How come people are being arrested?

Hey, Adm, how about a GBA blog?

Anonymous said...

They had no blogs in ancient Rome...coincidence I think not with the oppresion of the masses how shall we be free to comunicate?? When does the government let go stop feeding the corporate machine. Boycot Mcdonalds, Home Depot and Budwiser be free to start from the start the creative building of minds and children. Be you not GAP or Abercrombie run to your song and breathe democracy!!!

Anonymous said...

I had such a nice retort to anonymous written up, but the blog crashed. Antie B said it better than me anyhow. Doesn't anon. know that those are the things we hold most dear?

AP and UC will be here for a visit to the ATL on Friday. I'll get them all caught up. There may even be photo documentation to be shared ...

JT Rice said...

What's up with anonymous? That's not Scotch, that's crap (said with deep Scottish accent for dramatic response).

Are you sure Auntie B... You'd better confer with your two (or three) siblings first. There's time to make reservations at Leidenhouser's.

Longerhand's??? What's the deal with that? I feel like Seinfeld.

Anonymous said...

yeah what the heck did happen in Boston yesterday? Cartoon characters? Bet they feel silly ...

And speaking of silly, what's with Biden and his sweeping statement about "clean"? c'mon now -- I'm not running for president and even I know that's not a good thing to say!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hillary CLINTON NO WAY! She gives me a migrane thinking about her.

Not quite sure if anyone saw the news but the Miss America Winner is a crack addict. She was on the Today show apologizing to her fans.

Glad to see Boston is back up and running after that scare.

JT Rice said...

Anonymous Clinton fan is no longer welcome on our friendly lil' sight.
No one here is voting for that joke. Tell me anonymous, what has she done? Seriously, what has she done? What a joke.

Wook... that's all I have.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton has headed a private group that raises money for the troops and there widows. She was instrumental in the planning of the new Ground Zero projects. She was one of 14 member comittee that monitors violence in video games. She is in favor of the U.S. pullout of Iraq however she has cast her vote to increas troop numbers to ensure the safety of the troops. Hillary also pushed the bill through congress to prevent Fred Phelps from protestin at the funerals of gay soliders and that protesters are not to be with in 1000 yards of any funeral. Hillary has worked to reform NY welfare program. She is credited as a civil rights activst and humanatarian to the poor. Further more a female or african american president would give this nation the credability it has lost with the rest of the world. We need to catch up with the times and realize lying and creating false wars has damaged our image our dollar has decreased compared to the world market. She is well educated and proved family means alot. She supports stem cell research and hopes to turn the economy arround. Durring her husbands presidency we had a balanced budget, a lower drop out rate and the percentage of drugs was down as well.

Anonymous said...

Man, do I feel out of the loop. A few days away and so much going on. My vote is for Mickie d's. They always did a nice job with parties and I spent all of my money on golf and Margaritas for Auntie. Spent the afternoon with K at the new atlanta aquarium which is really something. Left Fla. yesterday in the middle of their "weather". What a ride from Tampa to Tifton, Ga. Still have three more days of driving. Hopefully Wny willbe back in the 60's by then. Have a great super sunday all. Did you know that there are no Sunday liquor sales in Atlanta. We won't be here.

JT Rice said...

WOW! Sounds like Hillary has her name attached to an awful lot of things. And the things she is in favor of and has pushed through I'm against.
I'm also not surprised that you're giving her credit for an American congress enforced balanced budget during the 90's. Remember Newt Gringrich's "Contract with America"? Hmmmm... And her Health Care Plan was such a huge success (the only job she was in charge of when her Sugar Daddy was in office). Plus, I'm in favor of the war. I want to add troops. I want it cleaned up over their so the country of Iraq has a fighting chance to succeed.
So go ahead and waste your vote on her, I already know the person you are.
Take God and prayer out of our schools. Take it off our money.
You probably blame the NRA and guns for the Columbine Horror.

Don't come on our family site and throw Hillary crap at me.
Get a job. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop asking the government for help and to take care of you.

Bush/ Cheney 2008 !!!

I'm done with you. No more responses from me. You just wasted 5 minutes of my life. I hope your happy.

Anonymous said...

Support Clinton in 2008 by purchasing wrist bands. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Clinton for president fund.

Anonymous said...

Well thanks for getting cousin Jff fired up.

On a lighter note, the 400 was still not plowed! What does it take to get the DOT to plow and salt the 400??

I am very proud of Jill, she has registered to vote and will more than likely vote for Ross Perot as he makes his 10th attempt to be the next President of the US.

Anonymous said...

Since we are all submitting websites to view, check this one out-

JT Rice said...

How about Hillarytakescreditfor

Front of my car... Very funny Auntie B., that was very funny.

Hi, I'm Hillary Clintoon and I'm designing a new and improved ground zero. The roof on that building over there... that was my idea.

Anonymous said...

Hillary I need to say more. She's not even a New Yorker! Wake Up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Grampa tell us to never discuss religion or politics?

Man, that aquarium was COOL!

Anonymous said...

Man, I can't believe where our blog has gone over the last 3 weeks! I am off duty and this former refuge from all of the daily real world nonsense has been transformed into a virtual soapbox. Attacks on dedicated politicians--now there is an oxymoron, and even the Erie County Highway Dept. What next?? YOU PEOPLE!! Well hang on, I am on the way and we will get this back on track. Nothing about the superbowl game?? Minimal sabre reports? No Bills updates?

JT Rice said...

Good morning all, wow! that was a blast of snow (it's fine now but coming back at us). I was up at 6:30 and nothing. One hour later and wahla... "snow, wind, and cold". That's a Buffalo version of a Dead song.

No worries though, the driveway is cleared and the neighbors too. Sandra is off working all day and the kids are rambunctious. It might be time to tell them to "go outside and blow some stink of ya". Mr. Fixit's famous words to a youthful JT and his quiet brother, Rck when we were getting a lil' rambunctious.

I think it's definitely going to be a movie night tonight, popcorn included. Who's in? Jnna?

Anonymous said...

Sandra said...

Hey bourbon swillin'...we nixed the Atlanta/aquarium idea 'cause you said "not worth it"...hmmm! Maybe you are speaking of another?

JT Rice said...

The weather even shut down bathroom work today.

Anonymous said...

Since Super Bowl XLI is tomorrow, I felt it is appropriate to be the first to predict the score tomorrow.

21-7 Bills.

Oh I forget they didn't even make the playoffs. Silly Jenna!

24-21 Bears. I am only basing this prediction on Peyton Manning's high forehead.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the young Payton tango on on sportscenter this morning? What a forehead!

Room not big enough? Who's coming to this shindig??

I was just changing the topic from politics, Sandra. Its too early in the season to ask how the Red Sox are doing to change the topic ;)

I'm going to pour me a bourbon.

JT Rice said...

Bourbon for everyone.

We just got done watching "The Princess Bride", what a great movie.

Anonymous said...

Grandma's prediction today:

17-16 Bears

Nothing special going on today. No company. "I am going to sit here and drink."

JT Rice said...

Is Gram running the Super Bowl squares this year again at the manor? I heard there was controversy last year with the 2nd quarter winner.

Have a SUPER day today everyone. I think I'm rooting for Chicago today. I like Urlacher and that defense. I'm really just hoping for a good game.

JT Rice said...

We may be running out of time to get a room at a restaurant now. And I'm pretty sure that the room at Loughran's will accomadate at least 25 people.

Sandra's excited about "Casino Night" at the Rice's. She went out and bought a visor for the big poker game and she's taking lessons dealing a black jack table. Man, she's turning me on.

JT Rice said...

Auntie B, my mom is on a need to know basis. And I figured we could tell her later. Nah... just kidding, I just never thought of it.

Morgan's is really nice and they have good food. We've had work events there. Everyone will be happy with Morgan's.

Anonymous said...

I don't KNOW! I barely noticed because I was on the way to her namesake city, and got a phone call in the cab on the way to the hotel that the meeting had been cancelled. Dang! SUGAR! Now there would be worse things than being in NY with no meetings to go to, but it was only 9 degrees last night, and there was nothing resembling walking going on last night. Oh no no no. BRRRRR!

JT Rice said...


The party plans here at the Rice Estate are going swimmingly. When we return from dinner at exactly 6:07 (give or take 2 minutes travel time because of weather conditions), Sandra has us all playing a name game. It's fun, disguises, masks, capes, and many other garments. We (just Sandra and I) played it last night and we laughed and laughed. Then, at 6:21 we're going to pass fruit around with our necks. This game was (I believe) introduced at one of my mother's first parties in the winter of 1967 (it's all documented on reel to reel film). And then at 6:48 PM, Twister!!! It's going to be Gram's Bashapalooza! I can't wait. Thrllie, I hope you don't mind, Sandra has you in charge of neighborhood securiity.

Anonymous said...

Jff sure does give me a lot of credit...I wonder why...wait...silly always "i'm always on his mind"

Anonymous said...

hi ever jenna awake well any ways hows the bath room going tell zack and emma I said hi. jenna.. hi

Anonymous said...

AUSTIN!! Did you do all your homework? Show your teacher the blog, you will get an A I am sure!

JT Rice said...

Hi Austin, how are you doing?

Zach and Emma say hi.

JT Rice said...

Somehow Sandra got Dave Foley to come to our house and supervise the Texas Hold'em match. How she does it I'll never know.

Anonymous said...

dave foley or mark foley? Gotta be clear on that!

JT Rice said...

Dave Foley, Kids in the Hall, not that guy who plays with a socks. You watch wrestling?

Anonymous said...

Hey Austin! Welcome aboard. Hope you are staying warm. Great to be back in WNY and have the opportunity to snowblow 3 feet of snow out of the driveway to get in. Almost lost Auntie out there as the snow was waist deep on her. Got caught up on mail but found out that IRS only sent me a Burger King wrapper in place of my return. Another mystery. Sounds like the party is a go. Nice job folks.

JT Rice said...

We're all excited here at 98 Pickford for the "big" day. We have someone to watch the dog at night so we'll be uninterupted while playing cards. You know dogs and playing poker. She's just as bad.

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh! I love velvet paintings, especially of Elvis!!

Anonymous said...

The Jimmy misses all. Enjoy the snow. I would love to go to Grams b-day Happy b-day!!!!!

JT Rice said...


You can't beat great art on velvet. I want a Christmas family portrait on velvet for the dining room.

Anonymous said...

now there's a pirate game gift idea!

Can we do the pirate game at Gram's party? Or is that inappropritae for a birthday party?

Anonymous said...

Seems as if the pirate game has really connected with the sado-masochistic Holtz gene that we share. Hey Jimmy! WAZZUP?? I bet you miss those English papers, huh?

Anonymous said...

Only Jeff could get close to 100 comments on his bathroom construction blog.

JT Rice said...

Snowing again today and I have a game out in Orchard Park tonight. What's the chance of clear skies by 7:30?

I was at Home Depot just moments ago to pick up my bathroom tub caulk. Nicest people there. Big plans for this weekend. There definitely be a Monday blog with pictures of this weekends progress.

JT Rice said...

I think this blog has run it's course. How about a Florida trip blog?

Anonymous said...

I think we all need to take a moment of silence to moarn the death of Anna Nicole Smith.

Okay, I vote yes on the pirate game for grams party.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Family. Gram called me from her friend Dorothy's phone and said Jenna if your trying to call me my phone is broken, so don't bother trying.

She called 20 minutes later. Dorothy plugged the phone in, so she is back with the communication world......

Any suggestions on Birthday presents for gram?

JT Rice said...

Tools took one on the chin again last night 4-1 to the Red Wings. We're just trying to get through the year. We had to play with only one sub and I was logging in Ray Borque minutes. I'm used to Rob Ray minutes, not Ray Borque. Man, was I tuckered.

I love Fridays.

How come Gram never calls me, to tell me not to call her. How lucky are you?

Sandra said...


Sandra said...


Sandra said...


Sandra said...


Sandra said...


Sandra said...

AuntieP & UnkieC...make some storage room...all 5 boxes are coming to your house along with the cradle+

Anonymous said...

She's the best

Anonymous said...

i wonder how much i would get off of Ebay for a yankeeys derick jeter and a-rod cards and others

Anonymous said...

hi guys

Anonymous said...

bye guys

Anonymous said...

im still waiting for jenna to get up

Anonymous said...

happy valentines day!!!!have a great day