What an adventure we had! You all know how our trip started as we spun out on the NYS thruway about an hour into our trip but things did get better. We were gone for 28 days and with only each other for company and we used the time to strengthen the bonds of our 41 year marriage. We shared so many different activities that it's hard to remember most of them-or have we blotted them out?

Golfing, as always, proved a pleasant diversion until auntie out- shot Unkie and things turned ugly. (Auntie got her first birdie, which really set Unk off as he ended up with a 4 for the hole.) Unkie was upset that auntie seemed to have a gallery all her own and threatened the revenge of a consquistador on the unlucky blokes.

In an effort to cool his temper, Unkie went for a swim with a buddy he met at Blue Springs State Park. Can you guess which one is Unkie? Unfortunately the manatees wanted nothing to do with Unkie and he had to find another way to vent.

As beer is usually the one thing that calms Unkie right down and he quickly changed into his speedo only to find out that speedos on men over 63 are against the law. Boy! Was his face red!

We stumbled across many strange and wonderous sights while walking on the beach. We saw jellyfish and birds, shells and there was even a humpback whale that washed ashore but this was truly one of the most fascinating. There were hundreds of these on the beach and we were informed they were Portuguese Man of War. Auntie was REALLY mesmerized by them and Unkie had to put his foot down when she wanted to take one home.

Such an adventure! So many things to see and do. Casino cruises ( Auntie is not a good sailor), dolphins and wild green parrots. Alligators and eagles on the golf courses, and breakfast on the beach.
Steamed shrimp and margueritas and more margueritas. Driving thru snow and ice to get there, driving through a tornado and more snow and ice to get home. Ahhh to be home again!!!
View from the window of the FL room.
oh Yay oh YAY! a new blog, and with all the highlights of the Florida trip. What a treat for a Friday night!
Great blog!
so jealous... SO JEALOUS!!!!
especially about the swimming with the manatees thing. My life goal is to swim with every aquatic mammal.
That really is a tale of two cities!
Great BLOG!
Well, tomorrow is gramma duty. I will keep everyone posted.
Awesome blog! Great pics and unckie never looked so good in red. I'm glad you guys are home safe and "ummmmm" sound. Sorry you have to shovel for the next few days. Don't over exert yourself.
Don't work too hard on getting a limo. It would be sitting more than it would be used (not money well spent). Maybe a limo would best be used on another excursion. Sandra threw the limo idea out when we were looking for ideas originally. Just my two cents.
After my cousins recent post, I must inform everyone that the limo has been booked and all are welcome. The party Bus will transport us to EA. They gave us a great deal on a 24 passanger luxury bus. I even met the driver today, His name is Scholomo. Maybe he can join us for the pre dinner festivities.
I think Gramma will have fun. Remember, it's a suprise.
To see the limo that we ordered for Feb 24th at 2pm go to www.abcamericanlimo.com.
Click on view vehicles and then click on the 24 passenger luxury vehicle.
no WAY! holy cow.
Adam -- killer whales even?
How many are driving out in the limo? Need an idea so I know how much Blatz to have on hand. What the hell does a 35 passenger limo look like? Is it yellow with Laidlaw on the side? One minor blog clarification: The Casino Cruise went like this. I was walking past their building and picked up a brochure out of curiosity. The schedule announced "senior citizen day" on Tuesday. Auntie loved the concept and when I saw that it meant free admission plus a free lunch to all over 60, who could say no???? We did discover that if you are not gambling, four hours of UP and DOWN did not sit well with Auntie. Me? $5 Blackjack and free drinks while gambling--even made a few bucks--was great. I was a bit upset that Auntie did not take advantage of the free lunch. I did have to convince her not to try to swim the 12 miles back. Two weeks from today. Yeah, b-day party!!
And rest assured that there will be no cheesey attempts on my part, or anyones, to pad the comment count.
That means by either me or any person who shall remain anonymous.
And that also means my children, or even nieces who rely on my information to get them safely out of EA in times of road closings. by the way nc jnn, there is also a 400 entrance on Main St. in case you should have a problem again. Technically, the shortest way to your job would be the 400 to Jamieson, left on jamieson and then right at the first traffic light which is Bowen. Follow Bowen to the end, Rte 16, left on 16, to the first left, Girard and then right on N. willow.
Mother misspoke, the limo is a 25 passanger luxury limo which is currently in Elma, for anyone in the Southtowns that would like to take a sneak peek at it.
That is to many turns for me! I use my GPS Unkie and Auntie who so kindly invited me over for dinner any night I wanted.
Gram duty starts promptly at 3pm after I get my taxes done.
Also coming in limo...5 boxes of baby clothes and a baby cradle...and a partridge in a pear tree
Also coming in limo...5 boxes of baby clothes and a baby cradle...and a partridge in a pear tree
Just in case you missed the first one.
I love confused grammas, they're so adorable.
I'm confused most of the time. Does that make me adorable too? Careful nc jnn of those navigational systems. Great story on the radio, and we had some time to listen to the car radio, of people who have punched in an incorrectly spelled destination and driven hundreds of miles out of the way before they discovered the error. So if you enter "The Waters of Aurora" you may find yourself on the way to Illinois. Hint: at Fort Wayne, make a u-turn.
Thanks Unkie for the advice. I am heading into EA today so I can get an early start this week.
I think all the grandchildren should "chip" in and get gram something special this 90th.... A picture collage of all of us came to mind from KDH.
Whos in?
Are we playing the pirate game? I have the best idea! Hint..... Lint Rollers.
I'm not thinking "pirate game". Awkward.
Ok. ok, you got me hooked. Keno's a go. "Let them play, let them play"!!!
Please add 1 more Cookie to the birthday bash. Austin will be in town for the big party.
I will bring a prize for the Poker winner.
Keno what's that, I have to ask jeeves about that one.
I love the picture of your patio deck covered in snow. That's a keeper.
I was kinda joking about the pirate game. Though I do need some lint brushes. Things are seriously linty down here in the ATL.
Can I even tell you how many times people have asked me if my family is buried under 10 feet of snow? I can't believe they don't know the difference between Buffalo and Oswego!
One reporter on Fox News kept saying WNY was buried in snow! Geez!
I think everyone at the party should get a lint brush. There on sale at Walmart for .99.....
Off to see my FAVORITE comedian courtesy of mi madre.
Way to go jnn, glad to see that someone has a social life. I trust that everyone has done all that is necessary to make Wed. that oh so special day for all of the significant ones in their world. I will be satisfied with dark chocolate from all of you.
Gallagher II is touring again? Good for him...
Seriously, who IS your favorite comedian. Mine used to be dane cook, but now I'm leaning towards Jim Gaffigan.
Jim Gaffigan is hysterical. Sandra and I saw him on Comedy Central one night. Classic.
Mine used to be Steven Wright. Now I just enjoy laughing at Kendra on Girls Next Door.
My vote is for Carrotop. Any more support out there?
i did i did! and i watched white rapper too. It was quite the shocking night of TV. Here's a hint -- you can download I love NY episodes from Itunes for $1.99!
I have lots of random envelopes--what size do you need?
I'm not really a Carrottop fan.... and I just lost ten bucks to Sandra because someone out there iin the world is. Thanks Unckie.
George Carlin is funny. Not a fan of his football/ baseball schtick though. He was great as the train conductor.
Sandra and I are very confused on the I Love NY show... what's this all about?
Where's the snow?
Here comes the snow! How is it in EA? I must prepare for my drive out there.
antie b, I'm confused. Why are you celebrating Venereal diseases by going to see standup comedy? Is Kathy Griffin syphillis worthy, or is she only gonnorhea worthy?
All that storm panic for nuttin'.
I just stopped by to hear how my favorite NY family is holding up with all the snow you have gotten. what is it now, 10 ft?
hope your shovels hold out
With the smow that I took off the roof this morning we have officially lost a view from the kitchen and the living room. There had better be some significant melting by the 24th, or it will be cocktails in a bunker. Driveway is getting narrower and narrower. How wide is the party bus. It may have to leave the revellers off out in the street. So much for the theory that going away in Jan. will make thewinter seem that much shorter.
Sorry to hear about the snow Unckie. Not that bad here in T of T., only about 2 feet on the ground right now, drifts are a little higher.
Drinking in a bunker? Sweet! Sandra and I can cross that off our to-do list.
I still like Carrottop. He's zany. My second choice would be Gallagher. I think I have been affected by roof shovelling.
Carrottop is freaky. He scares me.
Is that a frozen squirrel in yoour backyard picture? It looks like a frozen squirrel.
hi family -- there was a reported sighting of two snowflakes in the greater atlanta area yesterday. Chaos ensued. And in a strange turn of events, I really didn't have much to do for work yesterday because everyone I work with in NYC and DC had the day off for snow. Strange, huh?
KDH-I hope you went shopping!
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