As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Antie P!
Happy Birthday Antie P! Full of creativity, caring, humor, passion and always a little touch of class -- the Holtz clan is lucky to have her! She's an inspiration to me every day ... so have a GREAT birthday Mom!

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Anastasia Camille Fronczak Holtz
90... can you believe that. 90 years old. still feisty, independant, fiercely loyal, opinionated, dependable, confident, intelligent and most of all our mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, and friend. This is how her day began on 02/24. A trip to the local salon. She asked for her hair to be washed twice, because it was a special day!
We gathered at Luther Manor at 1:50PM, and waited for ziggy and our party bus to arrive. I sent jnna up to get her, as we waited in the lobby. When the elevator door opened she saw jll, who told her she had to work and would not be able to do "lunch" and sister sue, manning the video camera, so she knew something was up. When Jnna told her she would be getting on the party bus, her response was, your kidding!! as she walked away from LM she shouted "eat your heart out, suckers! referring to the rest of the inhabitants of luther manor. I liken that phrase to "let them eat cake" by marie antoinette.
gram and her friend ruth, notice the margarhitta glass she is drinking out of!

After a laugh filled ride, in which we toasted her, and jff read a moving tribute to the pillsbury dough boy, per his dads request we arrived at our destination. 1070 Grove Rd! At that time, she looked at me and said, I knew it, I knew it.
mixing and mingling at the Holtz's. Gramma talking to her sister in law, Pat. A view of our hordouvre table, YUMMY! Our hostess had wonderful pictures of gramma everywhere, to which she asked, how did they get here?
After lots of laughs, drinks and wonderful apps! We set off for dinner!
Little did we realize, our adventure was just beginning
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Beat Goes On
By JT Pilaf
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the bathrooom will be done before Gram's big day. It's really too bad, we all know how gram loves to leave her scent at new facilities (never mind, that's Casey, not Gram). The floor should be coming in this week (which we can put in on Saturday), leaving just the remainder of the plumbing left... the toilet, sink, (both can be done on Saturday too) and then the BIG project of cutting into the sewage line. That will take all day.
For some reason I completely understand this joke.
By JT Pilaf

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the bathrooom will be done before Gram's big day. It's really too bad, we all know how gram loves to leave her scent at new facilities (never mind, that's Casey, not Gram). The floor should be coming in this week (which we can put in on Saturday), leaving just the remainder of the plumbing left... the toilet, sink, (both can be done on Saturday too) and then the BIG project of cutting into the sewage line. That will take all day.

For some reason I completely understand this joke.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Happy Birthday George!

Happy 60th Birthday George! I know these pictures have been used before, but these are past and present pictures just to show what he has accomplished in 60 years! I am sure his mother and father would be so proud, just as his family is....... On a side note, I sware I saw my mom wear the wedding dress last night..
Happy Birthday DAD!
Okay, family meeting time..... Since, this is the only way I know how to reach everyone near and far.... A few items I have to discuss with you... Do I have EVERYONE'S attention?
1. We have a new blog... Google e-mailed me quite a nasty letter that said we are one of a few blogger sites that are still using the "old version". So they demanded we switch to the new blog site. Our website did not change, but the method of posting blogs has. In order to post a blog you log in to blogger.com and then you click on the NEW VERSION (google). The username and password has not changed. If you have any questions, please let me know. They sent me a card after it was complete. I was so moved by it emotionally, I wanted to share it with my family.
"Congratulations! Your move to the new Blogger is complete. You can now access your dashboard at http://www.blogger.com/ using your Google Account and start using the new features right away. Happy blogging,The Blogger Team."
2. So gram's birthday is next week. The other day, I had to go fetch her Diet Pepsi and Icecream. She ripped the icecream out of my hands, grabbed a spoon, and went and sat down. She proceeded to moan as she ate the icecream. Hey, If I had to hear it; then I was telling it! Does anyone have any suggestions on gifts? Mom and I are taking her to Gettysburg in April. All are welcome.
3. That's all I got.......................... HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE
Friday, February 09, 2007
On The Road Again.... with Auntie & Unkie

What an adventure we had! You all know how our trip started as we spun out on the NYS thruway about an hour into our trip but things did get better. We were gone for 28 days and with only each other for company and we used the time to strengthen the bonds of our 41 year marriage. We shared so many different activities that it's hard to remember most of them-or have we blotted them out?

Golfing, as always, proved a pleasant diversion until auntie out- shot Unkie and things turned ugly. (Auntie got her first birdie, which really set Unk off as he ended up with a 4 for the hole.) Unkie was upset that auntie seemed to have a gallery all her own and threatened the revenge of a consquistador on the unlucky blokes.

In an effort to cool his temper, Unkie went for a swim with a buddy he met at Blue Springs State Park. Can you guess which one is Unkie? Unfortunately the manatees wanted nothing to do with Unkie and he had to find another way to vent.

As beer is usually the one thing that calms Unkie right down and he quickly changed into his speedo only to find out that speedos on men over 63 are against the law. Boy! Was his face red!

We stumbled across many strange and wonderous sights while walking on the beach. We saw jellyfish and birds, shells and there was even a humpback whale that washed ashore but this was truly one of the most fascinating. There were hundreds of these on the beach and we were informed they were Portuguese Man of War. Auntie was REALLY mesmerized by them and Unkie had to put his foot down when she wanted to take one home.

Such an adventure! So many things to see and do. Casino cruises ( Auntie is not a good sailor), dolphins and wild green parrots. Alligators and eagles on the golf courses, and breakfast on the beach.
Steamed shrimp and margueritas and more margueritas. Driving thru snow and ice to get there, driving through a tornado and more snow and ice to get home. Ahhh to be home again!!!
View from the window of the FL room.
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