90... can you believe that. 90 years old. still feisty, independant, fiercely loyal, opinionated, dependable, confident, intelligent and most of all our mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, and friend. This is how her day began on 02/24. A trip to the local salon. She asked for her hair to be washed twice, because it was a special day!
We gathered at Luther Manor at 1:50PM, and waited for ziggy and our party bus to arrive. I sent jnna up to get her, as we waited in the lobby. When the elevator door opened she saw jll, who told her she had to work and would not be able to do "lunch" and sister sue, manning the video camera, so she knew something was up. When Jnna told her she would be getting on the party bus, her response was, your kidding!! as she walked away from LM she shouted "eat your heart out, suckers! referring to the rest of the inhabitants of luther manor. I liken that phrase to "let them eat cake" by marie antoinette.
gram and her friend ruth, notice the margarhitta glass she is drinking out of!

After a laugh filled ride, in which we toasted her, and jff read a moving tribute to the pillsbury dough boy, per his dads request we arrived at our destination. 1070 Grove Rd! At that time, she looked at me and said, I knew it, I knew it.
mixing and mingling at the Holtz's. Gramma talking to her sister in law, Pat. A view of our hordouvre table, YUMMY! Our hostess had wonderful pictures of gramma everywhere, to which she asked, how did they get here?
After lots of laughs, drinks and wonderful apps! We set off for dinner!
Little did we realize, our adventure was just beginning
Great job Mom!
Very nice, very nice. What a fun day.
Nice to see that someone used yesterday in a productive way; me, I was toast. I hope that part two of this saga captured the true nature of the card game. I don't think that the 1880's poker games in Deadwood had the rancor that was so apparent on Pickford. There was no "Christian Charity" at that table, particularly from those that I most expect it from, the Fixits. Me, I have until 1 pm tomorrow to continue recovery when baseball season officially kicks off with the Mets and Tigers on the SNY network. Not a moment too soon.
have not checked on my favorite family blog in awhile. and come to find out you had a birthday, happy birthday anastacia!
count your blessings not your troubles
Excellent advise, thank you anonymous.
Auntie B, you forgot to mention we all had heart ons for Gram. :) Two days later and still going strong.
It's about time the baseball season is starting. I may have to only work a half day to catch that game.
and a very happy birthday to the birthday girl. if your family parties are as funny as your blog comments I would have paid to attend
may you have many more memorable birthdays
love the blog -- and I feel like I was there! Can't wait for part deux ...
Heart ons, Giggle, giggle...it's still not old!
I know... it's classic.
How come she didn't answer? We had 1917 trivia that we could of used her help for!
I really hope Emma can bring those "stickers" to Christmas. That's the best $1 I ever spent.
I'm starting to piece together the parts of the drunk dial I blocked out to protect my psyche. So there were heart stickers? THAT is what that was??
Heart on? I don't get it. I have a runny nose, if anyone cares.
Yes daughter, little red hearts on everyone. Happy Birthday Auntie P. No party bus for you. Maybe in 29 more years.
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