By JT Pilaf

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the bathrooom will be done before Gram's big day. It's really too bad, we all know how gram loves to leave her scent at new facilities (never mind, that's Casey, not Gram). The floor should be coming in this week (which we can put in on Saturday), leaving just the remainder of the plumbing left... the toilet, sink, (both can be done on Saturday too) and then the BIG project of cutting into the sewage line. That will take all day.

For some reason I completely understand this joke.
I can commiserate, jff. My wife has me remodeling our bathroom this week. Although I don't have to cut into a sewer line. Thatsounds messy!
True or False, I have yet to confirm this story... I'm just saying:
It seems that Abe had a $5 confederate bill in his billfold at the time of his death/ assasination.
While Lincoln was visiting states a young African-American came up to him, was so indebted for Lincoln's leadership he gave him the last of his money that he had, he was saving up for his freedom and obviously no longer needed to do that. Lincoln was so moved by the gesture that he always kept that currency in his bifold.
Too bad Adm, hopefully all goes well. Who knows where they get these crazy ideas from.
There has always been a lot of conjecture about the Rebel 5 in Abe's pocket, and nfph jff's story is as good as any, particularly since he was in Richmond just prior to his assassination and was surrounded by throngs. Nice to know that both my son and nphw spent their days productively in bathroom related projects. I happen to know that although p-day is NOT a kdh holiday, Jamie McMurray's birthday is. What happened to him yesterday. He was still in contention with less than 20 laps to go, I called my bourbon swillin daughter to congratulate her and all of a sudden he was gone. I also think that Adam and jeff would get a lot more done with less time on the internet.
If by chance anyone wants to work on my bathroom, I have 1 and 1/2 here. Feel free to raise your hands.
I can't wait for the big day! Are flights booked? Is everyone coming in? RICK, RICK, How about it?
McMurray took out my man (some video evidence would say Little E did it), Ricky Rudd, who was having himself a nice run at Daytaona. An 8th place finish would have been a nice start to the 2007 season. McMurray also ran over a pit crews leg in the pits, no wonder he keeps on loosing his ride every year.
Only 35 races to go.
No Auntie, you were thinking of Fred Mertz, and he was never in my 3 sons.
Unkie-You need to get down off that roof more often. Fred McMurray was the dad on My Three Sons. Fred Mertz was from I Love Lucy.
honestly, antie b, I didn't know they used shrouds anymore these days. And its a pretty funny word if you look at it for too long. A quick search on froogle indicated that there's a number of auto parts that are shrouds, but I wasn't able to find any of the dead person type. how much does a shroud go for these days?
Did episode on I love New York last night -- Jll, did you watch? I had my own ILNY episode in the kinkos earlier today, where a fellow customer somehow thought I was disrepecting her (I was not). After a lot of shouting, yelling and pointing (on her part), she was escorted out of the store and told never to come back. What the hell did I do??? sheesh.
ooh! I got my invitation! I love it!
I love the word shroud. Shhhroud, shrOUd, Shhroooud.
Fred MacMurray was great in the Shaggy Dog, not so much in the Shaggy DA. BUT, he can not drive worth a lick.
Auntie B~ just bring the bus with lots of happy people on Sat and please- no shrouds--of any sort--I already have a table cloth, thanks!(Shiver)
Love the invites, very cool!
I'm looking forward to Saturday, it's going to be fun. It could be a themed event... we have shrouds.
Gram would just love that.
Austin and I went to the Hockey game tonight. We had a blast! So gram has a goal to reach this week. Let's all pull together and help make that goal possible.
She wants to receive 90 birthday cards this week. So please have all your friends send gram a card.
Even VP Cheney sent her birthday wishes! That's why we want BUSH IN 08!
Hi folks...I'm in Wisconsin tonight. I could try to raid the maid cart if extra soaps & shampoos are needed for the party...I could probably get 90...I asked about extra shrouds but they said that there were none availa ble...sorry.
Can you bring home gram a cheese hat? That would be the best!!!!
Of to work as the NYS DOH is in for full survey....... YUCK....
antie b, love the shroud story.
K- love the kinko's story. reminds me of last weekend in beantown. Apparently a 10 year old girl beat a 23 year old woman "severely" in a target store. the offense? She didn't say sorry after bumping into the 10 year old.
90 bday cards for grams birthday.
On record, I was not asked to leave Kinkos. This is one of the rare times that I honestly don't know what I did that might have been disrepectful. I was just ordering my letterhead, and the next thing I know ....
Its thunderstorming here in the ATL. That seems strange for February, to me at least.
What else comes in the shroud kit?
re: party not tombstone -- WHOA. No pressure there, huh? ouuuuuuuuuch.
My favorite drinking nights on Oliver St. were at Soos'. I tried several times, unsuccessfully mind you, to do the "Oliver Crawl" (drinking a beer or shot at each establishment and then moving on to the next host). In the 80's there had to be over 30 bars in a 7
block area. If you look in the Guiness Book of World Records of old, North Tonawanda boasts the mosts bars in a square mile area IN THE WORLD (or maybe that's just lumberjack lore). And now you know the rest of the story.
I did contact Mayor Soos this AM, despite the FULL survey I was under. (I have priorities). He was eager to declare tomorrow, Nancy Holtz day. A member of his staff will present her with her proclamation tomorrow afternoon.
I contacted Senator Clinton's office, what a suprise; they never called back. This is why we will not vote for her!
Sen Maziarz is also sending a card.
I can't wait for Saturday!
so I just read the lineup of DWTS for next season. I hate to be like this, but can someone explain how that is going to work with Heather Mills used to be McCartney? she only got one leg!
Talked with the birthday girl twice already and it sounds as if she is having quite a day so far. Handing out daughter-provided bday cake to "selected" residents, with a fairly steady stream of deliveries and then dinner out later today. She still has no idea about the schedule on Sat????
I called Gram this morn' and phone was busy at 9AM. Two thoughts... Gram was speaking with friends in Europe or UJ was trying desperately to arrange an all day event for Gramma at the Spa. I finally reached her at 9:20, wished her a happy birthday and told her we would try our best to get over there REAL soon.
I've been playing phone tag with the birthday girl all day, and we finally caught up. Seems she's VERY much enjoying the season of Gram. She told me the story of getting a big YEEHAH at the Texas Road House, and how she spent the day doling out cake and visiting. Sounds pretty good to me!
sZach & Em tried calling for over an hour tonight and the phone has been busy...I think the Rice jrs. just got put on the WHOA list...our cards are here too...I think we are dead meat!
Did you see that fight?!! Both goalies a game misconduct!! How about the WNYers debute! 10 minute misconduct... I thought Lyndy was gonna jump & swing at the other bench...very cool!
Final talk with the bday girl last evening after dinner and she was "gushing".She does seem a bit confused that Ruth is coming to her place on Sat. at 1"30. Sabres game had to be something last night. The highlights were on sportscenter within the first 20 minutes as opposed to the usual any/all hockey at 45 minutes into the show.
wow! What a fight! I set the tivo to record the late sportscenter so I could watch it this morning. The goalies fought. And those woosie Senators let their goalie get beat up by our forward. Go Sabres!
What a game last night!!! No, not the Tools (we lost), the Sabres. Incredible. What a bunch of panzies not coming to save Emery No one sticks up for their goalie. Are there no Canadians left on the Senetors team? Are they all European dancers? What is Heatley thinking? He's 6'4".
Saturday night, I'm torn. We may have to postpone Gram's big day.
Not it!
Party #1 is in the books. Good time, good time. We're ready for party #2.
Tony Bennett
Glenn Miller
Buddy Holly
Eric Clapton
Any other requests?
i am SO sad and bummed that I won't be at the party (of course I'll be there in spirit!) The only flight I could find that wasn't $600 had a 5 hour layover in Detroit. Somehow I think connecting through a great lake city in February is a recipe for sleeping on bench in public for long long periods of time.
I will miss you all and be thinking of you. Take lots of pictures and drunk dial me!
Got the satellite radio dialed into the 40's station. Can switch to the 50's, 60's, 70's etc. on request. Already looking out the window for the bus. See you all soon. This needs historical photos for a new blog. Who is in charge?
We have the camera. I already took 2 pictures of her at the hairdresser.
We will miss you kdh. I will definitely drunk dial.
Will have a bourbon swillin' toast for our absent comrades.
I have my party shoes on... they're a lil' tight from last night though.
A mighty fine birthday bash. Looks as if today will be devoted to recovery from all of the celebrating. Have a good one everyone and I hope that Mr. Fixit invests all of his gambling profits wisely.
from the sound of the strange voice messages I had on my phone, it seems as though everyone (including yankees fans) had a great time last night. Wish I could have been there! on another note... NEW BLOG! NEW BLOG!
kudos to both my sisters for all of the time and energy in planning what was, from the sound of the thank you message from mom, a day that she most thoroughly enjoyed. I am already looking forward to my 90th.
What a day. Sandra wants me to start planning her 90th... Is she serious???
Rumor has it Mr. Fixit is planning on spending his gambling winnings on a philly he can train.
Philly like ballplayer or filly like young woman???
sounds like a great party. Can't wait for the blog!
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