Friday, October 26, 2007

Glacier National Park, Kalispell, Montana

Below are some pictures from Glacier National Park in Northwest Montana. Even though most of the park was shut down due to the winter season, we were able to sneek a peek (without having to pay the $25 entrance fee) into what this place had to offer. The road to the sun is a 50 mile long road that goes up into the mountains. Once you are at the top of the road you can see Glaciers. Unfortunately we were only able to travel 16 miles into the park. So we could not see any glaciers. It was such a beautiful place, I know I have to go back and really experience everything this park has to offer including the gift shops, which I must add were also closed. The first time I got out of the car, you are hit with the strongest scent of pine. The whole park smelled like a Christmas tree!

Kalispell was a great little town. The airport is surrounded by snow capped mountains. And although I requested a 2-4 person intermediate rental car, I was stuck with a Chevy Suburban! Most of their roads are not paved and they have no thruways with exit ramps at least that I saw. They have a main road called Hwy 2 which is just a 4 lane road, 2 lanes in each direction. And the speed limit is 70mph.
I must admit that while I was there I had to try some Bison and Elk. Not Buster Bison though. Both were mighty tasty!


Anonymous said...

OMG! Those pictures are awesome, they look like a postcard that you would send someone!
Great Job cookie! Great Pictures thanks for sharing!
do you order elk medium rare? or no?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! WOW!!!

I was going to ask the same question. Does elk come in hot, medium, or mild.

Nice job... keep the pictures coming of places you visit.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Did you know Consumer's did Growlers? You can go on their website and checkout what each location has on tap. The one on elmwood and sheridan have some pretty cool beers.

The waitress told me you order your Bison like you would order your steak. Also, Elk is very lean so it can get dry if over cooked. So they recommend cook it to medium at the very most.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Great pics nc jll. Glacier is one of the places on my list to do someday. To be able to go there on the company dime is just great too. Auntie and I are finally back on line after a virus put a final bullet thru the head of our, what Kristen insisted was a 8 year old computer. I didn't buy it, but Auntie and K went out shopping and K spent all morning setting up our new laptop. Hopefully this will solve the problems for a bit. Any baseball observations out there?

Anonymous said...

Sure did, Jll. I even bought an extra growler (already had three) from Consumer's and filled with Southern Tier's Rasberry Wheat. Mmm, mmm, good.

Oooooh, a laptop. Now you have a computer for all those future baseball trips.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No baseball comments, I'm getting physically ill from watching the World Series. My favorite time of the year too.

Anonymous said...

well here it is Monday. How quickly that seems to roll around!
felling somewhat ill this AM. Not sure why?? Oh wait, maybe its the weather, actually had to scrape my car this AM!
mmm lets see, what is going on.
Jnna took gramma out on saturday, I worked. And I have some sad news to report, grampa's watch finally gave out. Kudos to Jnna who literrally went from all over godsgreenearth to try and find someone who could fix it. To be expected GG was distraught!
Yea JP!!! do we have a quaterback controversy on our hands??
have a great monday everyone!