As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Given the recent events that you read about in the previous post, UG was certainly out to protect his loved ones. One day AS was given a very important duty to hold on to 2 Mickey Plastic Plates (UG wanted to wrap them up as the Pirate gift). The plates were somehow stolen out of my dear Aunt's hands. When UG heard of this horrific story, he was set out to find the culprit who pried them from his lovely bride's hands.
During the journey, which took us to new heights, we searched near and far for these plates. Everyone was a suspect, even his family.
When Austin admitted to the theft, he decided that he should receive some type of punishment. He was held against his will (its a fake smile), until his cousin Emma fought off the evil guards and freed Austin.
The three older woman decided it might be best to part ways for the day, while at EPCOT we were approached by NBC to participate in a new show that is about to premier. I thought this could be my big hit. When we were escorted to the costume room, they applied pretty makeup and this nice hat. I guess that was my 15 minutes of fame. Well once our gig was over the scary producer was impressed with our style.
We tried to make the best of our vacation; and wished success and fame to Sandra. Although, we missed her terribly. There was a sense of jealousy among us that AS and I weren't picked for the production.
As our trip was winding down, Sandra returned back with us after Hollywood gave her a little break and allowed her to return back to us. When we told Sandra it just wasn't the same without her, she was moved; to tears.