Given the recent events that you read about in the previous post, UG was certainly out to protect his loved ones. One day AS was given a very important duty to hold on to 2 Mickey Plastic Plates (UG wanted to wrap them up as the Pirate gift). The plates were somehow stolen out of my dear Aunt's hands. When UG heard of this horrific story, he was set out to find the culprit who pried them from his lovely bride's hands.
During the journey, which took us to new heights, we searched near and far for these plates. Everyone was a suspect, even his family.
When Austin admitted to the theft, he decided that he should receive some type of punishment. He was held against his will (its a fake smile), until his cousin Emma fought off the evil guards and freed Austin.
The three older woman decided it might be best to part ways for the day, while at EPCOT we were approached by NBC to participate in a new show that is about to premier. I thought this could be my big hit. When we were escorted to the costume room, they applied pretty makeup and this nice hat. I guess that was my 15 minutes of fame. Well once our gig was over the scary producer was impressed with our style.
We tried to make the best of our vacation; and wished success and fame to Sandra. Although, we missed her terribly. There was a sense of jealousy among us that AS and I weren't picked for the production.
Jeff was completely distraught that his wife left him for Hollywood. I just had to take him out for a drink so he could collect his thoughts. The bartender and the gentlemen behind him both let him cry on their shoulders.
As our trip was winding down, Sandra returned back with us after Hollywood gave her a little break and allowed her to return back to us. When we told Sandra it just wasn't the same without her, she was moved; to tears.
What a wonderful trip. Filled with memories to last a lifetime. Thank you for such a great time!
And I get to be the first to comment too?? What an honor, and what a story!!! It had everything!Suspense--would we ever see Sandra again? Drama==will mr. fixxitt ever be able to find another pirate gift? Pathos--poor Austin behind bars. Deep thought as my favorite nc jnn was obviously in as she contemplated all of those empty glasses.. Another side to the adventure, just as exciting and equally thought provoking. way to go jnn!! That's a big huzzah.
i turned on the game and saw it was 7-0 Patriots. i thought they started out at 0-0. just your luck buffalo.
Great Job Jenna!
I hate New England, I hope a piano falls on billbellichucks head!
I thought we got 15 points to start the game??? That's what Vegas said.
Great job Jnna, I remember the search for the plastic plates as if it were yesterday.
this game is to painful to watch. i wish the writers strike was over.
I think the only bright side to last night's horrible football game is that Buffalo doens't have to play the Pats again until next year!
It's Monday family and I have a 5 day weekend coming up...I just have to get through today and tomorrow.
5 day weekend... it's good to be you.
What happened last night? I was watching the Bills game and then I must've fallen asleep and traveled to another bizzarro universe. Too wierd.
Jnna, I read it again and laughed like a lil' girl and that's when I was reminded of Mr. Fixxit, "screaming like a little girl" on the tea cup ride. The Alice in Wonderland character/ attendent asked Mr. Fixxit to leave, he was scaring the other passengers. Kinda like SouthWest on the return ride home.
mr. fixxitt created a scene at the teacup ride? I need more details!! It would be tragic for the man to be barred from Disney.
It could've happen this way, Esmeralda from "The Hunchback" (who knows what she was doing there) was not a happy camper. She started yelling at Mr Fixxit and threatening to have him flogged at the center of town. He just stared at her and said "Bring on your worse". He's my hero.
Well, the Fixxits are off to North Carolina tomorrow leaving at dawn's break (11AM in retirementville), so they should be there early Thursday morning. Mrs. Fixxit swears it only takes 11 hours to get there.
So day one of my off week, and I told gramma I would hang with her, and do what she needed to get done.
Which is lunch, hair appt and budweys. So I get to gramma's and she is on fire! She needs to get to the bank and talk to the bank manager ASAP! So I had to go to the ATM, and gramma is waiting to talk to the manager, but they were all busy. So I finally asked her what she was all fired up about, and apparently she did not get her checking account statement she got all her other statements, but not her checking account and she has been waiting for it! So I asked to see her statements, she showed me, I turned the paper over, and it was on the back, she sheepishly looked at me and said lets get out of here!
too funny!
a rod MVP!
dick Juron, pink slip now!
so its day two of no work, and I am very much enjoying non stop TV, and getting ready for turkey day!
gramma is out with corine and cathy today, so she is good and the fixxits are traveling south..
KDH, I am very concerned for your adopted city, still no rain and the church scandal! sigh, its good to be you.
so thrillie is off to south dakota next week, and will just happen to be 40 minutes from Mt Rushmore! Now in the grand roadmap of ones life, Mt Rushmore has always been a #1 must see architectual wonder, on my agenda, or maybe its just the hope of seeing Cary Grant!
But I am very envious of her next adventure!
OH FYI, scott boras is coming for thanksgiving, but ruth isnt.
so ixnay on ankyeeyaay alktay.
If your keeping score Ruth's plane to Philadelphia left at 8AM this AM, I am quessing she is in Reno about now.
2 hours and 15 minutes before I startmy 5 day mini-vacation. And boy is time moving slow!
1.5 hours until my 5 day mini-break. I shut my door and I am googling random things that pop into my brain to pass the time.
I have already found my future dog, 37 ways to brighten a room, and the meaning of life.
Very few things better in life than random googling.
I just got off the string and nutshell with Mustafa (the squirrel, if anyone forgot) and he denied rumors of him showing up at the Cookie Thanksapalooza on Thursday. So my question is: If it's not Mustafa or Sally from accounting, who's the mystery guest? I really have no desire seeing Super Agent Scott Boros.
I would've posted earlier, but I was stringing Christmas lights. It is beautiful outside.
I am so proud of my family and all that they have accomplished today. So how many mystery?? guests are coming to dinner? Sidney Poitier? No, he was never chased on Rushmore was he?
I highly recommend the "random page" button on wikipedia. I've procrastinated most of the day away using that. Now its 6pm and I really should get to work!
All this thanksgiving talk is making me crave oyster dressing!
Mmmmmmmm... oyster dressing.
I have to go to work again this morning. Gosh, I need a vacation!
One more day until Turkey Day!
I have always felt that the day before thanksgiving is the most anxiety ridden day of the year, will you have enough food, beer, wine, witty conversation, clean forks etc... so I quess I better get busy, but I think thrillie wants to go to the movies, so I may have to take a break!
have a great day all!
Glad to see that at least nc jnn is out there working today. I doubt that bourbon swillin' daughter will get much done, and this MUST be one of nphw jff's floating holidays. nuthin goin on in ea.
hey now, hey now!
bourbon swilling -- YES -- I just taste tested the batch of egg nog I whipped up last night. The alcohol won and the samonella is dead and the bourbon with a dash of cream and raw egg is ready for eating!
but non-accomplishing -- NO -- i have a very busy 2 or 3 hours planned!
well, I just finished a very difficult 1 and 1/2 hour day of teaching. this day before tday is the lamest excuse for a school day ever. Although I am definitely looking forward to the big QNQ football game tomorrow.
on a side note, its very interesting to see the comments on this board. when arod opted out, he was a miserable greedy sob. now that he's back, he's an angel and boras is the loser. hmm...
at least the sox have a ws mvp on their team.
WS MVP!!! He's only good enough to play first base for the Yankees, that's where they wanted him to play. You know, Les Nessman played first base in the WKRP softball game too. Coincidence??? I don't think so.
Les Nessman? The turkey drop guy? That episode should run 24 hours on Thanksgiving Day I think..classic!
Way to go Sabres! Miller shut the door tonight.
I know, I know, it's early. Zach woke me up. We have two hours before we leave for the annual Turkey Bowl game and I think he's a little excited (his first). Zach's already dressed in his best "get muddy" gear. Me, I just need a few more hours shuteye.
Here's hoping my TD passes exceed my interceptions. That's my yearly Turkey Bowl toast.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The bird is in the oven and were anxiously awaiting the Rices to come over, oh yeah and Grandma too. We will take lots of pictures!
sigh where did the year go???
Me, I have not finished painting as I still consider us new mover inners, its been 2 years, but I think I still fall in under the wire.
All my prep work is done, table is set, beer is cold, bird cooking, yup I just checked my list that is everything.
To my family, please remember chairs can be added and so can plates, silverware, cups and napkins which I always have on
hand, so if you have no where to go Adam st you can land.
Much love to you all
You all make me grateful for what I have.
and for the record I have never referred to Arod as greedy??? Adm, where did that come from?
Happy Thanksgiving Oliver!
so what time does the beer get opened? nphw jff playing football on a day like today? not nice out this way
The beer has already been opened at Adam St.
Happy Thanksgiving Family! I miss and love y'all!
and that's not just the 'nog talking!
I love "nog talk". It opens up so many doors.
The 22nd Turkey Bowl (Zach's first) is officially recorded and in the books. It was a close game, although the weather wanted it another way. Though it did cooperate with us for a little while (snow and sleet falling vertical rather than horizontal, making that tough on those who wear glasses). But, I digress, the game is over, our beer and gab session is done and now I'm ready for some golden brown turkey and family conversation.
Emma said "I think Disney World was not fun without anyone else."
"Happy Thanksgiving to everyone."
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