Just pictures, no text. You can make up your own story at the end. Thank you so much for everyone who stopped by. Theres plenty of leftovers if your hungry tomorrow. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
P.S. Adam can you please put Oliver's link up? We somehow misplaced it. :(
wish I could have been there this year... can't wait till christmas!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving! The food was divine!
KDH...Will you be bringing a batch of your egg nog to Christmas? I have told Gary (no not my Uncle) wonderful things about your homemade brew.
yes, what a nice day, spent with nice people. Couldn't have been anywhere else and received such an awesome meal. Thank you, thank you very much.
Ummmm... another vote for egg nog.
mmmm, there were no pictures of the cook/koch? No pictures of gary, jills BF not my brother in law? and no pictures of scott boras with a turkey leg in his mouth, but adorable pictures of emma!
glad all that stopped by were happy with the food! Oh and that small kitchen fire, no real damage.
And KDH, you gotta throw your bird in a 6AM to get good gravy, I thought you knew that.
KDH!!! EGG NOG, now it is christmas that stuff in AWESOME!
I think I still have a little buzz going from last yr's batch, which I drank til the last drop.
I did return the lemonade jug you had it in right? How do you get that on the plane, it clearly exceeds 3 oz of liguid!
did all notice that the "blog" looks different???
Different color..
Different intro...
The blog mistress decided to update. Apparently she can do that.
Once again thank you to all my guests..
Jnna just called me as she is on her way to work and had to stop and get gas, as she only had 20$ she was not there very long, but the gas cashier lady with 4 teeth proceeded to tell her what a horrible thanksgiving she had, her boyfriend dumped her, her turkey was raw and she had to go to her parents house! Jnna will be late for work.
have a great black friday.
Great pics of another wonderful holiday. Definitely a need for a pic of the cook/Koch who was laboring so dilligently in the kitchen. Looks as if there was some serious after meal snoozing. Had a great meal at the Bunts' and most enjoyed my taste of the oyster dressing. Auntie B claimed that she added a little "penguin" to the dressing. How did that go?Hope that everyone shops effectively today. Only 32 days until pirate gifts
OOH! I love the new look for the blog! And consider the 'nog on its way to xmas festivities. Luckily, I have some left over from yesterday that I'm still working on.....
I don't remember napping, it must have been the tryptophan.
I love the sage green backdrop!
Very autumnal!
can you publish the recipe for your Holtz family eggnog?
Good mornin', man, does it look cold outside. I think I'll stay in today.
How's it in Hot'lanta?
Sandra did her powershopping yesterday and left me alone... all day. I was a very sad and lonely lil' boy. Emma went ice skating yesterday for the first time (with her friend Rachel) and had a blast. So, Zach and I stayed home and played PlayStation Hockey and Star Wars. Good times.
The Sabres are back to winning hockey again, I can feel it. Great game last night.
Happy saturday snowy cold and gray day!
Did everyone catch the new and improved max afineganov last nite?
Not sure what the day holds?
Jnna on her way to work, cookie is here to do her laundry, and me, mmm not sure what I want to do, I thought it was suppose to be nice, so I was going to do my christmas lights, :( but I dont see that happening.. maybe I will "rest up"
which means read and watch tv all day.. Yes that is what I will do!
It's a great day to just sit around and watch TV. Maybe I'll stay in my jammies all day, maybe I'll try and rent 6&7 of Heroes last season, who knows. It's one of those days I coulld sit aroound and ponder... all day.
Hi Oliver, How was your first Thanksgiving?
We could publish the eggnog recipe but then we'd have to kill you.
Seriously, will look it up and publish it a day or so. Would you believe the lemonade jar still smells like bourbon???
Thanksgiving was wonderful! Loved the Penquin and appetizers at antie B's.
I believe it. But, I can't wait for this year's batch.
We had a lazy day turn into a productive day, when Sandra got inspired. Translation: She put me right to work. Unkie, HELP!!!
I believe it. But, I can't wait for this year's batch.
We had a lazy day turn into a productive day, when Sandra got inspired. Translation: She put me right to work. Unkie, HELP!!!
Hmmmm... twice the info???
Good Morning. I hope everyone enjoys has a great Sunday! I am heading out to take gram to the movies to see Fred Claus. Of course after the Bills game.
Let's go Buffalo!
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Nice to know that there are those out there trying to help us out with our addresses, but I know the address of everyone that I am interested in. Sorry nphw jff, but I too felt the "productive day" attack. I guess all of that football watching yesterday triggered some female primal response. Anyhow, the good news is that my grandson has been cast in the "title role" in the nativity play at his church. I am sure that there were all sorts of stage=door parents that were attempting to push their infant, but obviously the Holtz acting genes were just too overwhelming. Sorry to steal your thunder Dad, but you snooze, you lose. I am not sure whether it is a speaking role or not. I will have to reference my New Testament.
Back to work after a 5 day mini vacation. JFF I don't know how you do it. Being off for a few days and then coming back to work? What a Bummer!
True, It's tough, (makes you want that sixth day) but a few more years and you'll get it down Jll.
Nice relaxing day at work today. I gradually eased my way into my mail, then billed a little, corrections, blah, blah, blah... I need a day off.
Wednesday night 6:30 at "The Brick Oven", hope to see you there.
Wil Ferrell, too funny.
Yea Sabres!!!
sorry JP!!
Yea will ferrell!
Boo, cold and gray days!
Yea MLB!
Yea to Christmas Music on 2 stations!
enjoy the day and where you are!
Happy Tuesday family! i'd share with you that its a little nippy down here in non-hot-lanta, but I don't think I'd get much sympathy. Seems my WNY blood has REALLY thinned out!
So I'm throwing a baby shower in DC in January and I just found out it has to be kosher because of the woman who's hosting it. I don't know exactly what that means -- is bourbon kosher????!??!?!?
KDH, You can absolutely drink Bourbon with any meal, and that includes breakfast!
just spoke with cookie, she is sitting in the Detroit Airport waiting to head towards minneapolis and on to Rapid City, where it is currently 11 Degrees!
Hope she dressed warm!
Two yea's for bourbon being kosher, it has to be, right?
What a crappy day outside, it just hailed on my head... and I don't have any protection up there.
So Emma had one on one tap dance instruction last night, all the other kids were in Disney World. Lucky Emma.
Happy Wed, which preceeds Friday Eve!
So cookie called last nite, she got to rapid city to late to review the scene of the accident, that sounds so law and order, does'nt it! so all her flights are pushed back today.
She did forward a picture of Mt Everest, but it was to dark, so maybe she will post a new one today!
Oliver is so gosh darn cute! Love looking at the everchanging Pix!
so did everyone see on U Tube the brawling 8 yr old hockey team? Apparently the Niagara Falls Thunder and the Guelph Devils got into quite a scrum and then the coaches jumped in, and it made U tube.
have a great day, enjoy where you are and what you are doing, cuz basically you dont have a choice..
Correction, I meant mount Rushmore!
Mt Everest, where did that come from???
Thanks for the correction Auntie. I was afraid that poor thrillie had been diverted from Rapid City to Katmandu. I understand that happens quite a bit. Was supposed to sub today but got axed when the person came back a day early from funeral in Ohio. Came back home, returned to bed and phone rang ten minutes later. Seems that they had a no=show sub and wanted me back. Auntie P. said NO WAY. Seems like today has become a xmas shopping day. No "black" friday or "cyber" monday for us. Just a "something-something" wed. Going to check out Marshall's for lint brushes.
4 teaspoons maple syrup
2 ounces bourbon
1 ounce lemon juice
3 to 5 dashes orange bitters
Lime wedge for garnish.
In a cocktail shaker, mix syrup with 2 teaspoons hot water. Add bourbon, lemon juice and bitters. Add ice and shake. Strain drink over ice in glass. Garnish.
Yield: 1 drink.
I thereby name that drink a "mount everest". I'll have my sherpa make up a batch and carry them around behind me. Yahoo!
Rumor has it that if you go on Mt Everest, The yeti will jump out at you---just ask Austin & Zach---picture to be shown at Christmas unless Jenna can scan it---hilarious!
Awana night---see ya at the Brick?
Somethng - something Wednesday sounds scary... be careful out there. The blue hairs can get nasty.
I have to have me some of that Mt. Everest drink.
Well here it is Thursday and November is winding down. Meeting my sister and Mother for breakfast on Saturday AM to finalize the christmas plans! Then my mother told me she would like to go Christmas shopping. I told her no, we will go during the week when the canadians can not get over the bridge!
UGH to the sabres loss last nite, that was disheartening.
Maple syrup and bourbon, which north of the border fan submitted that? KDH, does that sound drinkable?
Thrillie got in at 10:30 last evening, I dont think she was to enamored with Rapid City. I am sure she will expound on that.
Enjoy the day family!
Well family...I am back in Buffalo after a long journey. The best thing about this latest trip was Mt. Rushmore, which lasted all of 15 min. You were right Unkie, you can only look at it for so long. It is pretty much a ghost town there during the winter. No shops, restaurants, or hotels stay open. I guess there really isn't a point.
It took me 12 hours to get to Rapid City and the same to get home. What a pain!
I also saw the Crazy Horse, well there is no horse yet. It's just the cowboy's face, yet they still charge you to get into the area to see something that is only 25% completed.
Crazy Horse??? Is that like Mad Cow?
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