by JT Rice
We're back from our Disney trip and even though we signed an agreement not to tell our friends and family about Walt's new ride, I just couldn't help myself. They have a new similated car experience at Didsey now; It's called "Test Drive" and it's AWESOME! They set you up in an empty parking lot and you try and get out. It will help us especially in WNY that the Holidays are comin' up fast and we'll be dealing with a lot of Canadians soon (Thank you for your money, WNY economy needs it).
Sandra snapped this picture of me on the ride and I had the hardest time getting out. Out of the car that is. We ate well my friends, very well.
well my little family is home, sigh!!!
needless to say, it was a fun filled evening, that started with picking up the fixxits at the airport, and hearing all there glorious vacation stories, that started with that everything that was in the USA store was made in china, quess who gave me that bit of info, to watching my daughter unpack her suitcase which resembled clowns in a clown car, one priceless souvenir after another, and then we viewed 356 pictures, no that is not the price of gas, that is her actual picture count!
glad everyone is back safe and sound...
the mystery thanksgiving guest, mmmm there may be more than one???
Headed to Beantown tomorrow. Just a one day work thing. thankfully.
I tried to call my sister yesterday to find out everything about her trip, but there was no answer. I wonder what time she went to bed???
So many family mysteries. Who cares about a tv writer's strike. I need to know how many vacation days my nphw will HAVE to take before the first of the year? I need to know why nc jll, despite all of her complaints keeps going backto boston? Seems to be some real attraction there. The t-giving guest list continues to grow on Adam st. Who next? Did the fixxittt's do their pirate shopping at the chinese store in orlando? All of this and so much more.
That's a colorful picture you just painted anonymous. Have you ever seen the movie "A Christmas Story"?
I can't wait to find out who the mystery guest is. It's tugging at my inerds.
Could it be my long lost god-mother? Who is that again?
usually check this site out to see what the football conversation is, I quess the Bills are not your hot topic. What about the Bulls?
You guys should get the buffalo news to list your site on their web page of WNY blogs. Lots of people would enjoy what you have to say.
we need to all get behind him!
sign the petition, and pass it along, togother we can make this a better world.
how come jll only comes to boston "for the day"? I think she's avoiding me. Just think jll... I could show you all the wonders of the city. we could start at fenway, change some diapers, head to the home of the patriots, change some diapers. it would be great. you could even stay here, provided you get up and soothe a 6 month old every 2 hours.
Sounds like my grandson is making up for lost time. Sorry son of mine, but that's what kids do. I think having nc jll there to spell you would be a real good idea. Nice to see the Gore-ites still out there trying to drum up support. Hoping for an Akron upset tonite over miami u. to make our bulls game meaningful on Sat. Marshawn out? fifteen and a half won't be enuf.
Gore got an Oscar and a Golden Globe, wasn't that enough payoff to keep him out of politics? Good lordie.
Thanks WNY Blogfan for the kind words, are you the mystery guest on Turkey Day?
Where's bourbon swillin' KDH? She would have had a great time at the Wine and Food Festival at EPCOT. At least she wouldn't have passed out in Germany.
I predict the Bills win this week 17-16. You heard it first. Of course we're getting 15 points so we only need another safety.
who passed out in Germany? Now THAT sounds like a good time!
Glad to hear everyone is home safely. The good news from down south is that the governor's prayer service worked -- it RAINED last night!
I would so come to Boston and spell A&A, no sight seeing tour needed the only sight to see is Mr "O"!
Mystery guest on Thanksgiving is Scott Boreass,now that A Rod is negotiating his own contract, SB will need a free meal!
KDH, your gov prays for rain, our gov wants the illegals to have a drivers license. and what illegal aliens are in WNY? Canadians? GO figure
AL Gore, where did that come from??
Our loyal fans never cease to amaze me! Count down to roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, dressing oyster/plain, corn casserole, parker house rolls, fresh cranberries, all the cocktails you can inbibe, coffee and pies, cookies, breads and cakes. I better get busy!
KDH claims that she has stopped shopping in, now, wetlanta because of all of the canadians. The distances that those folks will go to take advantage of the newly empowered toonie. A-rod is now screwin' his own agent. What's not to love?
How could I forget to stop by the blog and not wish Rick a Happy Birthday!!!!
Have a great day, love ya and miss ya!
Dinner will be at 3PM, as George has to work 7-3.
seriously where does time drift off too????
Everyone was busy today on "The Blog". Is it not the blog of choice in WNY, or what? Rick is celebrating year #39 at a church meeting tonight... how times have change. I remember him on a bar floor once doing the amaeba dance... Or maybe that was me?
Count the Rice's in for Turkey Day at the Cookies, we're looking forward to it. I'll call to see what we can bring.
Wet'lanta??? It just doesn't fit. It's funny though.
If Jnna doesn't do a Disney blog soon and going in, just cover me.
Yea, the Pilaf's are coming!!! Hip Hip JORGE!!!
Just heard from thrillie, she is sitting at the airport, could so have gone and seen lucy and oliver today! As she was denied access to the construction site!
So she trekked in the pouring rain, but in the end she won, she and her traveling companion racked up a 75$ lunch!
Pilaf's bring each and everyone of your disney pictures, appetites and smiles, oh and pick up gramma ruth and dorothy, Ok love ya thanks
gramma, ruth and dorothy? rapidly approaching a majority of the home. that is really nice of you. looks as if rod and betty are about to do it for another t-giving. thought that this year might be the one, but she still has one left in her. rick at 39 wow! do you suppose that he will acknowledge the one next year?
I want everyone to know that I attempted a blog last night but it wouldn't let me post the blog. So, a blog is a coming!
YEA it is Friday!!! I am so excited that the work week has ended, man it was touch and go for awhile, but here we are!
Thrillie finally got home last nite after numerous delays.
drove into work this AM, and the flakes were flying!
Apparently Dorothy is not coming for thanksgiving, but the invitation was extended. so jff its just a 2 p/u @ Luter M.
I can attest that Jnna did try to post her pix last nite and kept getting bounced, I thnk that algore groupie messed up our site!
Happy friday to all, enjoy the day.
Finally made it back to Buffalo last night after an eventful trip to Boston.
I got kicked off a construction site, because I didn't have an "appointment" Oopsy that just slipped my mind! But the man whith the holey sweatshirt was realy nice about it.
It was pouring the entire time I was outside so my colleague and I stuck it to the big man with $75 lunch which included lobster bisque and other really expensive stuff.
Headed to my gate last night where I proceeded to wait 4 hours to get on a flight. The lady with the mohair boots and sparkly jeans was not happy!
Off to the hockey game tonight. Maybe we can pull out a win.
Have fun at the game tonight.
What's else is going on? II got nothing.
Last weekend before Thanksgiving (where does the time go?) and a "BIG GAME" this Sunday at 8:15... can the Bills do it? Does JP lead his team to victory?
my last count, 3 blogs behind, one san antonio, 2 disney
pick up the slack
You're absolutely right anon., come on peeps. Let's get 'er dun.
Just looking back at last Dec. blogs and it seems that in lieu of San Antonio and Disney we have to look forward to 1 year blogs of nc jnn's new job, bourbon-swillin daughter's not so new company, and the upcoming turkey bowl, that is unless nphw jff has finally hung up his cleats forever. I think that the biggest problem seems to be getting the blog site to cooperate when we attempt to download some new material.
Came upstairs becausethe sabres scored first for the first time in 15 games and I can't bear to watch.
1 more year playin' in the Turkey Bowl. I just have to do it. Plenty of stats and stories to be told at the Cookies Thanksgiving day Hoopla. Even if I have to make them up.
just one more honey...the story of his life!
never let the facts get in the way of a good story. way to go nphw. I await with great anticipation. sabres hung on. my strategy worked
Last weekend before Thanksgiving (where does the time go?) and a "BIG GAME" this Sunday at 8:15... can the Bills do it? Does JP lead his team to victory?
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