Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lookin' Good!

Happy Birthday Mom, Nonna and Antie P! Hope you have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from the Rices!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE P! What are you doing on the big day?

Great pic! I would frame that one.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!!
Great picture of you and your main man!!!
anonymous??? from the rices??? could the fixxits be hooked up on line????

Anonymous said...

Auntie had both me and my full attention yesterday. I think that says it all about the quality of her birthday. Looks like the fixxitts are with us. Yeah! Gotta get them to move on from anonymous land. Hey UG, went to Yahooo fantasy yesterday-confused-do we have an existing league? Did somebody pony up 25 bills for a league? Was I the wrong place? Could you send me an email, or even do it here, of what I have to do to register

Anonymous said...

AP, I hope you had a great day!
with UC undivided attention, how could you not!
LOVE the bison email, I will go whenever or whereever.
I just dont want it to conflict with the durez picnic.
we all started as anonymous, so we will give them some time to figure it out.
I am going out on a limb and saying that no geo did not ante up 25$, you are in the wrong place..
I wil have him email you.
brrr very cold.
so jnna is working a half day, so she can stand in line at barnes and nobles to get kevin everetts autograph. If I can manuever the camera there will a photo
GREAT sabres win!!! Brian Campbell who???

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Auntie P!!
Its Thursday people, which means its almost Friday, which means its almost the WEEKEND!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the good wishes! Had a great day. It involved movies, milk duds and champagne, as per the plan Jeff and I worked out. I got lovely cards, BEAUTIFUL roses and dinner out with Unkie. I'm a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

what a good looking family you people are.
happy february birthday to one and all.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Auntie P!!!

You can''t beat milk duds and champagne... what a combo!

Plans to be shaping up for the Bisons game... 8/4 was an excellent suggestion. Anyone else?

UC when in Yahoo fantasy baseball go to join existing league. We have a public #. It's on the previous blog from Uncle Geo. I believe it's 125336

Anonymous said...

will do. looks like an August plan afoot. I love plans! I have rejoined the family chant. Come on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Friday, Friday Friday!!! We're finally here, and to think it was last week we celebrated GG's day. Where do the daze go?

No plans for us today... hopefully going to watch "Big Bear" score 2 more goals for the Sabs tonight.

Enjoy today everyone.

Anonymous said...

Well its friday and Feb 29th, how awesome is that.
I hope all of you saw Jenna and I on channel 2!! The Kevin Everett book signing was a lot of fun, and Jenna got some great pictures. After that adventure we stopped at the golf dome, for some re hydration and lo and behold mr fixxitt was at the bar with his 5 iron, I did not know he traveled with it???
Enjoy today all, it only comes once every 4 years!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Fixits yet---I hit the anon. button

Anonymous said...

Emma said that she knew Papa was "drunk" last night because he was trying to prevent rain with her drink umbrellas! Who taught her that word!?

Anonymous said...

Could be anyone?

FRIDAY!!! I'm suckin' down some Edmund Fitzgerald as I write. What a great tune.

Sabres and Pizza tonight, that's all I got.

Anonymous said...

Made it thru a "professional development day" this afternoon, something that I never thought that I would have to endure again. Need more info on the m. fixxitt caper. What is going on with that man? No computer yet and honing his golf game while intoxicated??

Anonymous said...

I should tell you that my story with mr. fixit at the bar might not match up his. But, he couldn't walk straight I swear. I had to practically carry him to his loyal brothers car who picked him up.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I thought I would post the directions to join the yahoo fantasy team to drum up some support:

go to

in the left hand corner, click on sports

in the upper right hand corner in an orange text box, click on fantasy

in the right hand corner it says fantasy games, click on the first one fantasy baseball 08 "sign up now".

then under baseball 08, click on join a league

if you don't have a yahoo id, it's easy to sign up for one. if you have a yahoo id, just enter your username and password.

once your logged in to yahoo, click on the join custom league.

this is where you need the login id number and password

the login is 125336 and the password is Anastasia

then whats your logged in you can create a team name and select the jersey and hat color. you can even add pictures as well.

were up to 6 teams, we need 10 to start, 12 max.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all of the hard work of nc jnn, we are now up to 7 teams. Hopefully, by today, bourbon swillin' daughter will make it 8.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Unkie and thanks Jnna.

If we need teams Sandra will join. And Rick probably would too.

Anonymous said...

I smell some tough competition in our league, our two newest teams Unkie and Auntie B, put us to 8.

I wonder if keeping track of my fantasy league and blogging would qualify me for FMLA.

Anonymous said...

so very sick of snow and cold!
hope all enjoyed there saturday.
Me, I worked.
Am very excited for our holtzapalooza part deaux. August 4th its a date!
sad sabre game, niagara lost, and
its still snowing
sigh, think spring!

Anonymous said...

I signed up! AND I spent way too much time creating a custom logo for my team. I think you all will be impressed. Thanks for the instructions jnna -- there's no way I would have managed that without instructions!

Anonymous said...

What the!?!?!?? Where did Saturday go?
Ok, so it's Sunday, Sabres tonight... need a win... BAD!

Emma entertained the Fixxits yesterday to a pre-Hawii trip luau. I think she's trying to suck up so they'll take her.

Jnna, any suck up tips for Emma?

Anonymous said...

A custom logo? How do you do that?????

Happy 90th birthday Grandpa.

Anonymous said...

Well the bottom lip quiver always works.

But I can't reveal any secrets because I have been trying to suck up to them so they take me.

But I need to focus on my fantasy team.

Does Emma want to join? Erica? Erica's newborn? Sandra? Jill? Gary, good or bad? Fargo? Grandma?

Anonymous said...

so, how 'bout them bills? Kiwi Mitchell? Marcus Stroud? Good signings? what's the buzz 'round B-lo? I feel out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

The sun is out, the Bills are in the news and actually acquiring players, the fantasy b-b league is growing by leaps and bounds and we all have today to use constructively. What is the deadline for securing a spot in the league? Auntie said that she would register if there was a need to even out the numbers, otherwise we will compete as one. I need input for the design/purchase of the league trophy. Cornell, almost my alma mater, first to the Big Dance. Never heard whole story on bad garyand the dome. what about their computer? when are they leaving? People, I am out of the looop here. Do we need a deposit to secure the fourth? So many questions. who is providing answers? pick any of the above.

Anonymous said...

Custom Logo!!! Lua??
and all my bro's questions???
Ya gotta love all the excitement!
When I first read adam's comments I thought I read J-Lo, not B-Lo? Kind of funny how you think you read something, I am quilty of that ALOT! So the J Lo news is she named her twins Max and Emme, initials M E, kind of self absorbed, dont ya think
The sun is out, taaaa dahhhhh!!
Happy 90th birthday Pop! We will pop a cold one in your honor!

Anonymous said...

Okay Male Holtz's you must have had your WHEATIES this morning.

Let me try to answer all those questions:

1. The bills aquiring Stroud and Mitchell. It looks like they want to beef up the Defense. But Stroud was suspended for failing the substance abuse policy. GREAT! Not sure it's worth it to give up 2 draft picks for. I am just waiting for JP to hit the trading block and actually get some quality players.

2. 9 teams so far and we can have up to 12. We just have to have an even number. Once we get enough teams, the draft will begin. I think we have until March 21st or somewhere around there. So we are in good shape. But the commissioner will know more information about it.

Trophy design hmmm, that's a good question. I am not that creative.

Well I am going back to play WII with my sister.

Anonymous said...

Sis is over playing Wii?

Those were a lot of questions. Where do you begin?

I'm excited over the recent 3 signings. And I AM BUFFALO.

Sign Auntie P up, she'll love to play. Then 2 more teams. Sandra said she'll play and I know Jill wanted to play. So there you have it.

Anonymous said...

Jill said she will play. Count Jill in.

Jill you better sign up. If you need instructions on how to sign up, please review the instructions.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Auntie P and Oliver, just wanted to say that again.

Goooooo mornin', 53 degrees today. Fishin'. golfin', what shall it be? Enjoy the day everyone.

FYI: Sandra sent out an e-mail to someone with Bisons connections regarding the suite on 8/4.

Anonymous said...

Nephew I would so do Yankee Stadium against the bosucks on your birthday!!!
Happy Monday,windows in my office open, wind from the east side just blowing the germs out of my office!
For our holtzapalooza part deaux, with the game being a Monday, would sunday be breakfast and golf?
Everyone check out Olivers blog!!
Our fantasy league is picking up steam, that is fun!
sorry sabres performance...
survive your monday all, cookie is on her way to new jersey, in her words I hate traveling on a monday and to new jersey no less!

Anonymous said...

So if nc jll is in, that brings us to 9? If that is the case and Sandra wants in, we have an even number. Would about the good gary? If he's in that is 10. Are we done? If he's in and Sandra wants in, then auntie will be in too, right? Or, if good gary doesn't want in, then is Sandra in for an even number? Or will auntie be the even number? It must be the heat. I can't handle all of these numerical combinations. Where is the commissioner? Who is the commissioner? PEOPLE! PEOPLE! We need executive decisions here. I'm exhausted.Someonehelpmeplease

Anonymous said...

The commissioner is George. I have nothing to do about the league. Well, except for the flow chart we have posted in my room along with the league schedule and teams. So here's how it goes. Sigh, We need 10 teams. Were currently sitting on 9. So in order for the draft to take place we need to be at 10. However, the max amount of teams we can have is 12. So, the following Holtz Family Bloggers do not have there own team, but may be participating in another team:

Auntie P, Sandra, Emma, Fargo, Oliver, Erica, Jill, Good or Bad Gary, Rick, Jimmy, Gram; and anyone else I may have left out.

So we need 1 or 3 teams from that mix. Then the draft can begin, and the trash talk, etc.

On another note, what is with this heat? I love it!

Anonymous said...

Tell Emma that the fantasy league is similar to a webkins, she would love it.

Anonymous said...

I made it back from jersey in one piece, but suprisingly my flight out of Newark was delayed. How shocking!
Apparently Jenna signed me up for the league. So what do I do now?

Anonymous said... to your sister. If you can talk me thru, you can help anyone.How was the 400 today? See.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we have done it! We have our 10th team. Welcome aboard the Cookie Monsters.

The automatic draft will begin tonight, then trading will begin.

I love the 400 when it's nice and warm out.

Anonymous said...

Okay, we have done it! We have our 10th team. Welcome aboard the Cookie Monsters.

The automatic draft will begin tonight, then trading will begin.

I love the 400 when it's nice and warm out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Unk, I face you in week 1. Take it easy on me!

Anonymous said...

I just edited my pre-draft rankings. ALL YANKEES. That way, I can get some really good deals in trades from all you yankee posers

Anonymous said...

Is that considered cheating?

Anonymous said...

Commissioner, change that back!

Okay the Commissioner just got home from work. He is pressing the button for the draft now as we speak! Sit tight folks, the draft will begin.

Anonymous said...

Well the draft has concluded. You can all find one of my players, Manny Ramirez riding the pine at 431 Adam.

Adm, you might want to suck up to Austin to trade David Ortiz.

For $50 I will trade AROD.

Anonymous said...

Wait, let's have 12 teams and then Auntie P and Sandra can play and then we're done. Is that okay?

Anonymous said...

Too late.

Anonymous said...

Whats a yankee poser???
OK anyone that thought Jnna was going to wait to see if we had 12 teams, well no that was not going to happen.
I think I got Roger Clemons? But I am not sure?
I dont think I like UC working? We never hear from him anymore
Meeting with Jff tomorrow to plan our trip to the bronx, so excited!
brrr, a little different today, than yesterday..

Anonymous said...

I think we can add 2 teams, right?

Anonymous said...

WHat is going on?!?!?1 WHy can't I pick my own players?? Why did Jenna give me the name Cookie Monsters, thats not very intimidating! Are we just doing American League? I want Jake Peavy on my team!!!!

Anonymous said...

And how do we trade players because I am not happy with my pitching roster! This is so confusing!

Anonymous said...

I have Jake Peavy and after you bad mouthed the team name I gave you, It will cost a lot to give him up.

Anonymous said...

To view the draft picks, you can go to draft results

Anonymous said...

Jill it was an automated draft set up by the commissioner, take it up with him if you have complaints. I gave you the cookie monsters because I thought you would have liked it. We are doing both American and National League.

Thank goodness I took the day off from work today, so I can answer all these questions.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid to look to see what I have. With my luck I'll probably have to start Choo Choo Coleman.

Anonymous said...

Choo Choo "the train" Coleman??? He used to mow them down. I wish I had more.

So the league is set and Zach is very excited to have Albert Pujols. And I think Unckie is excited to have Don Baylor an Ernie "Coach" Pantusso on his team. He hasn't said anything yet though. Isn't there a category for HBP, Unckie's got that one wrapped up then.

Boy, I hope Franny Liriano pitches like he used to.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew who half my players were. Luckily MLB 2008 came out for Wii today, so I ran to the store to buy it.

Jill is sitting on the runway, if anyone wants her players I know her password and we can work something out.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the waiver button means? I have 10. I am not sure what that means though.

Anonymous said...

POMINVILLE SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

White Knuckle Wednesday!!!
phew, at least I am at work!
GREAT Sabres win!!!
That was actually an enjoyable game to watch!
Austin wants A-Rod, lets see if Jenna gives him up!!
Thrillie has chipper, AKA larry!
I think we need a power point presentation, cuz seriously this looks as complicated as the pirate game!
IT is Wed, let the weekend countdown begin!

Anonymous said...

After sitting on the runway in Buffalo for 4 hours, I finally made it to Orlando at 1am. That beat my 3 1/2 hour wait on the runway in Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

so no more badmouthing atlanta, jll!

I need some help on this baseball thing. Love my lineup though. Good stuff. First off, can we clarify the team names? Who's who? I'm the bourbon swillin braves, in case that wasn't clear.

Anonymous said...

Yo Soy Bronx Bombers!

Anonymous said...

Austin - Dundee Scotts

Anonymous said...

Jill - Bad News Brewski's formerly known as Cookie Monster's

Anonymous said...

so here's what the waiver wire means. If I drop Mariano Rivera because he's a no good stinking bum, and everybody else claims him, the person who has #1 waiver wire gets him. But then he moves down to wire #10 and everybody else moves up a spot. make sense?

Anonymous said...

After reading all those comments, I think I am very glad that I didn't get a chance to do this. Or did I?

I don't like Unkie working either. Don't tell him but I sort of miss the big guy.

Anonymous said...

It's official... we have a Bison suite for 8/4/08. Unfortunately, even though we had “an in” we didn’t get any special treatment/rate; whatever.

I got the Game Room Suite for $550 (I put it on my credit card) and it includes: 20 tickets to the game (each additional ticket can be purchased for $8) a $100 food credit, Bubble Hockey, Computer Golf game, and a Wii game inside (will Zach and Jnna even watch the game?). So that’s $27.50 a person. If we get 10 more people at $8 dollar tickets, that brings the price down to $21 per person ($630/30 people); very manageable for us working stiffs celebrating a 3-hundred years of Holtz’s.

We can order food at a later date. The tickets aren’t in yet so those will come at a later date too.

Sorry, I don’t have any of the Fargo Holtz’s e-mails.

Mosey dotes and rosy dotes and I’ll be home for Christmas

Your ever loving son,

Queen Victoria

What show was that from? And who wrote it?

Anonymous said...

we will have a blast!
mmmm now who would call, "sand man" a no good stinking bum??? any one know??? any ideas???

Anonymous said...

awww AP I miss Unkie too!
But he does not expect you to go back to the 9-5 grind, does he???

Anonymous said...

I thought Sandra was going to say something?

Anywhoo... it's going to be a fun day. We can celebrate Adm's day v. Indianapolis sitting in the laps of luxury (hopefully Mr. Fixxits lap will hold us all).

I have the Bisons menu, I'll try to scan it (have to find someone with a scanner) and e-mail it along to our elder statesmen/ women so we can decide what to munch on that day. So many decisions yet to be made.

Anonymous said...

AP showing the love. It must be REALLY cold in EA today.

Anonymous said...

So I did the "white knuckle express" this morning, THE 400, to THE 90 to THE 290 only to arrive back home and discover Auntie comfortable on the couch with the fireplace goin', a glass of wine and a book. I'm not sure that what she says on the blog truly reflects how she feels. I think that nphw did a great job gettin' this Bisons thing set up. Sounds like a great time, but it's a lifestyle that I am not real used to. My comfort level is down the rightfield line in the $5 senior bleacher seats.

Anonymous said...

well here we are at thursday already, phew I did not think I was going to make it!
Had a most lovely evening with Jff, his lovely wife and an assortment of family and friends!
Jnna dragged gramma out with us, and she had a grand time, but it was lots of conversation and good food! so whats not to love!
So we have our suite for the game, what else, what else can we do to make holtzapalooza part deaux the funnest ever???? Lets put our thinking caps on. Should we tailgate at the flickinger st parking lot??? Should we do a walking tour of downtown b-lo before the game, and catch the sites, the sounds, the smell of this bustling city? Should we stop at the cobblestone casino, mmm lets see there are about 30 of us, so we can go in in groups of 10
we could tour the non developed waterfront? There are so many possibilities! But lets make Holtzapalooza part deaux, the best holtzapalooza part deuax ever!
enjoy the next 7.5 hours, your getting paid for it!

Anonymous said...

Unkie C went back to work??? Auntie P's idea of working sounded so much better!!!! Alcohol, a book, and a fire. That sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Nothin' makes me happier than "reply all", that can really fill up an inbox can't it?

I had a wondeful Thursday today capped off by BBQ pork chops on the grill with mash potatoes and a Killian's.

Sandra's off to Titanic the musical (is there such a thing). Wouldn't that be an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...

Well here it is Friday, and so much gloom and doom re the weather, that is not good. Snowing pretty hard on the east side. So it looks like a stay close to home weekend! I like AP's schedule on snow days, fire, wine, book.
Not alot going on, things are kind of quiet.
I am liking the fantasy baseball, but I do need an inservice. I like our preliminary plans for Holtzapalooza, we have our "WOW" factor, but now we need our preliminary "WOW" piece of the puzzle.

Anonymous said...

Well Good Morning everyone! I hope all the WNYers are staying indoors with this "blizzard like conditions" snow storm looming.

I will spend my morning studying my fantasy team and making a necessary pit stop at Frank Liquors to stock up.

Pictures will be posted later. I promise!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what EA or NT got last night (it is a competition), but the snowfall in the T of T was quite impressive. And it's still coming down. Sooooo... I'm off to snowblow and then get my ritual of donuts from Paula's (she's nice).

Stay classy Buffalo...

Anonymous said...

round one with the snoblower this morning got me to MickeyD's and bfst. Looks like more to come. Seems as if someone has proposed me a trade in fantasy. Will have to study it closely. Color me suspicious because the last time I dealt with this guy he tried to convince me that I should give him my 3wood in exchange for his 1 iron and "future considerations". Any baseball on the tube today? I need a hint of spring. Rumor has it that the ol' burbun swiller was on her way to Atlanta Speedway today. Can't imagine all them rednecks sitting out there in 40degree temps watchin' cars goin in circles. Had my first experience yesterday in a very long time of a semi on the outside lane of the 90 hitting me on the outside lane across the median with about 400 lbs. of slush.You had that happen nc jnn? Amazing how fast you lose all vision of road and how slowly the windshield wipers kick in. Stay warm all