Friday, May 09, 2008


Hope your day is wonderful from beginninig to end. I'm proud to be your mom and would do it all over again.Even the 12 hour labor and the breach birth. Even when you give me a silly hair-do. Love you and miss you!


Anonymous said...

awww that is an awesome picture!!
Love you and miss you too, KDH..
And in honor of your birthday, I am going to have a few beers this evening and toast your day!! No No thats OK, I will gladly raise a glass to my favorite niece!!!
Sandra your my favorite niece in law, and stacy too! Oh and Amy,
shoot I hope I have not offended anyone!
Any whoo KDH, enjoy, we all love you and wish we could be togother!

Anonymous said...

How appropriate that the last comment on the last blog was for anxiety and depression, the basic hallmarks of this family. Happy birthday bourbon swillin' daughter and I didn't take offense over the picture that you sent from up close and personal at yesterday's Braves game. Continue to enjoy your celebration. Looks like we have lunch covered tomorrow in NT. travel safely home nphw jff, I have missed your "pithy" comments.

Anonymous said...

I had a great day yesterday and today is just as nice. I got the extra bonus of a "happy birthday" from my answering service -- gram sang to her too, before she figured out it wasn't me!

Anonymous said...

OK so we pick up gramma to take her out to La Marina, which is billed as the best seafood restaurant in Buffalo, she immediately gets in the car and says, who's phone can I use???
So we all look at each other, jenna hands her, her phone, and she says Oh Nuts, I dont have her number, oddly enough Jnna has KDH on speed dial, and gramma is able to complete the call! too funny!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday cuz! I hope you had an awesome day. And take your time recovering from your staff outing at the local mill celebrating your big day.

Cooperstown and the Otesaga Hotel were wonderful and I spent plenty of time on their veranda just like HOF'ers past, I just love that quaint little town.
I didn't enter the museum this year (the fam is heading back this summer), but I did shop at the store and buy Sandra a T-shirt that's too big. Now it's mine, and she keeps on questioning my intentions. How coulld she think that.

I too would question an ERA of zilch... something smells funny comin' out of Austin's Papa. I'm glad to be back.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home nephew!
So UC be prepared Anastasia has quite the list of stuff to do today!
Had a wonderful dinner with her last nite, and an adventurous ride home, as jnna spotted baby joe mesi and tried to keep up with him!
Happy Mothers day eve to all the moms out there, enjoy the day
any word from the fixxitts??

Anonymous said...

Dang, i missed depression and anxiety awareness week!
Where was I, depressed somewhere I quess!

Anonymous said...

Nphw Jff. Kudos on the hotel. That is supposed to be really nice. Have always wanted to stay there but it is beyond my finances. Always better on someone else's bill. Everyone has such excitement in their lives. Chasing Baby Joe? Could be a Fox reality show. Can't wait to see what Mom has got on tap for today. For 91 the old gal is sharp, using someone else's minutes for her long distance calls. Happy day after birthday daughter of mine and an early best Mother's Day wishes to all of you moms. On behalf of us dads, thanks for doing all of the hard work.

Anonymous said...

By the way, here it is only Sat. and UG/s pitching staff finally got an ERA for the week. Thank you Troy Percival!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than enjoying the finer things in life on the company's dime. Nothing better.

Yes, the Otesaga is beautifully old and historic. Sitting on the same porch/veranda and having a cigar watching time pass as Walter Johnson, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, (I could go on and on) have done, really made me appreciate life. Appreciate life on company time, that is.

Just thinking about Jnna chasing down Baby Joe scares me a little.

Anonymous said...

You're check arrived today. You're in for two tickets.

Anonymous said...

Did KDH pay for my ticket as well? Thanks Cuz!!

Jff, Do you accept post dated checks for 2010?

Did everyone get there GW check? (Let's talk about it because it gets my sissy rilled up)

Anonymous said...

For the record, Bzl 8228 is BJM license plate number. He drives very erratic. Thanks to gram who put her hands on the wheel so I could snap pictures for the Buffalo News. He made a right turn onto the highway from the left lane! I clocked his speeds up to 60 in a 30.

Anonymous said...

Gram had control of the wheel???

Oh boy!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!
Enjoy your day today.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's day!!! Enjoy your day today. (Sorry Jeff, I had to copy you, I couldn't think of anything else.)

Anonymous said...

According to the IRS website, I can begin to look for my check on or about June 27. If I, like some others, had received a tax refund, something that has not happened in a long time, I would have a direct deposit, like nc jnn, by now. I did take pop bottles back, and rounded up enough cash to send nph jff a check. It is just enuf for me since auntie said just give her the cash and instead of the game she would go for a pedicure. saw mom yesterday. she is always so enthusiastic when it comes to a free meal. enjoy the day all

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there! It looks like a beautiful day today, geo just gave me my gift, a garden weasel! Weeding made easy!
cooking for Anastasia today, her only real request was strawberry shortcake, on a biscuit with ice cream and whipped cream! Happy first mothers day Amy! I hope your boys treat you right!
Oh back to the menu, that is desert, and a turkey.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Who is this Baby Jo character??
Good news -- I continued my birthday weekend celebration by watching the Augusta Green Jackets play the Columbus Catfish last night. The Augusta mascot is a bee in a Augusta Master's green sportcoat. Classic!

Anonymous said...

dressing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, and rolls.
KDH, baby joe mesi, was one fight, one concussion from a heavy weight title bout. Since he has been hit in the head one too many times, his octorsday ixednay his fight. He lives in Tonawanda, and is running for the senate! He does have some skeletons in his closet though, seems he was in quite a few bar fights! but who hasnt been?
KDH, take it easy on your ole aunt today! she's killing me!

Anonymous said...

A bee in a green jacket???? That is classic.

Just had lunch with the Fixxits, it seems their vacay went very well and they gathered up plenty of souveniers (made in china).

I have to wait until the 4th of July for my GW $... how patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Talked to Mom last nite and she had a great M-Day weekend, particularly with the strawberry shortcake. Glad to hear the Fixxitts had a good vacay and look forward to the blog of it. Rainy days and mondays always get me down.

Anonymous said...

The more I thought about it, the Holtz family blog should have a mascot. Any ideas? Who are we nominating to dress up?

Anonymous said...

gray monday! UGH so off to work is not such a chore..
had a nice dinner with mamacita, she said she had a great weekend!
A Mascot, now that is an excellant idea! I think it she be Mr fixxitt as a nascar pit crew member, as we are always moving forward, hows that?? Show of hands?
Or a flocked costume??? I love flocking!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was so supposed to get my economic stimulus check by last week friday and I didn't.
Had a good weekend in Cobourg, Ontario. The hockey themed Stag-n-Doe went over very well as expected. And the bride and groom seemed to take in quite a lot of money.
Try and survive Monday all.
Happy belated Bday KDH

Anonymous said...

Once again this family is cutting edge. I love the mascot idea but ever since I heard about the trouble in Milwaukee when they wouldn't add a veggie burger in their sausage race, I am afraid that unless we are careful we could become the target of a lawsuit from some"anti-defamation" group. Nphw JT is in charge of the "political correctness" of our mascot. we have to include all elements to make everyone happy. Let's all get to work. Mr. Fixxitt is a good start but with no female NASCAR drivers I see trouble.

Anonymous said...

My father WAS the leading vote getter at the latest Rice reunion for "family role model", and he does have experience wearing costumes (thanks to mom's experimental 80's). The only problem I foresee could be the enlargement of his ego when he leads us down Main St. in NT at the 4th of July parade. He'd be tough to live with then.

"Bring it on down to Omeletteville"

Anonymous said...

I just might have to take a different direction to work today, How about that 190 incident?

Thanks to Good Gary with the scanner, I felt like I was really on the SWAT team.

At gas at almost $4, luckily I wasn't stranded there or it could have gotten real ugly!

Because WKBW didn't air my show last night, I had to watch it this AM.


Anonymous said...

I watched 2 hours and 50 minutes of the 190 standoff, then I decided to get ready for bed. Which of course is when SWAT decided to move in on the crazy guy. Best part of the whole thing was watching the people run in front of the camera on Niagara St.

Anonymous said...

smooth sailing on the 190 this AM, thank goodness for that!
Just way to many nutz out there for my liking!
A holtz mascot is an exceptional idea.. As usual my BB is the voice of reason, sigh, what would we do with out him! Political correctness and all..
enjoy tuesday, all

Anonymous said...

The only good part of the non-stop "hostage drama" last nite was watching and listening to my beloved wife "go nuts" as it became more and more apparent that DWTS was going to be delayed. Good thing she wasn't on the SWAT team. He would have been toast at 7:55

Anonymous said...

Unckie, $ arrived and thank you, very kind. Soooo, as it stands 18 (19, sorry forgot gram) tickets are accounted for. Leaving us with 11-13 tickets to go. Time to invite the frends.

The I90 fiasco brought back memories of OJ. I was in St. Lawrence at the time on a fishing trip. Nothing better than eating pizza and drinking beer at night watching a white Bronco run from freedom... at 5 mph down the highway.

Are we forgetting that the IRONPIGS!!! should be our family mascot.

We can play Black Sabbath's Iron Man and just scream out IRONPIG instead.

Anonymous said...

could you please fill in us "out of towners" as to what the heck is going on?

Anonymous said...

ok, so I just read the account of last nights activity on the buffalo news. Was anyone else reminded of the scene in blazing saddles where Cleavon Little holds himself hostage and the townsfolk believe he's just crazy enough to do it?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Amy,

I am calling and blogging at the same time. I will be at a job fair on this Thursday. So send me your resume so I can hand them out for you!

Don't forget. Don't worry, I will be dressed nicely and will get you all the contact information.

Anonymous said...


1. Lakeshore Central Schools has teaching openings, apply at Applications are due by May 30. Please send resume and letter of interest and credentials to Jeffrey Rabey, Superintendent Lake Shore CSD 959 Beach Rd. Angola, NY 14006

2. Ledgeview Elem School in the Clarence School district is seeking teachers and principal. Visit

3. Secondary teachers for Lewiston-Porter and complete online application before May 21,2008

4. Elem and Secondary teachers needed for Medina school district,

If I find out you interview for any of the above positions, you MUST declare your love for the NY Yankees.

Anonymous said...


Gowanda Nursing Home is seeking a part-time and full-time dietician.

Call 716-532-5700
Fax 716-532-5703

Anonymous said...

The above post was by me. Now I am really going to bed. I'll keep looking.

Anonymous said...

"Everybody stand back or the ** gets it"

And one of the ladies yells, "Somebody help that boy!"

Anonymous said...

JT quoting blazing saddles at 2:30AM. Must be a story there. Plus nc jnn was very involved last nite too. Me,I was asleep. Have a good one all

Anonymous said...

Jnna, has now become the family headhunter, she will find anyone a new position.
so I am winding down from my current position, my cubicle, a place I have called home for the last 15 years! And I have not been very emotional about it, It is hard to explain, somethings are presented to you in life, and you just have such an inner peace about them, you believe that this is what you are suppose to do. Like meeting the right person, finding a friend, and so on..And this is my feeling about leaving the Deaconess. So yesterday I was very busy, I had projects I had to sign off on, I am training my replacement and I had a meeting, and I repeatedly am getting summoned upstairs to meet with the administrator, now I must explain that I really only respond to a very few select people. Others, can wait. So one person I always jump for is our director of nursing, marianne. So after I had blown off my boss and my other boss, they sent marianne after me, so I came upstairs, and it was a huge party, HUGH, billy fuccillo HUGE. With tons of food, home made food and LaNova Pizza and wings and just tons of stuff! And IT was for me!!! I was absolutely floored! People who I used to work with, old friends, it was just very nice.. Lots of Gifts!
Very overwhelming! It was a lot like AP's retirement party..
So the nursing staff came up and presented me with a card, and the card said, You need a new wardrobe and in the card was 500$ for clothes. Can you believe that. I was very mucy speech less and overwhelmed! So I will definately be better dressed, but I dont know if I can ever have better co workers!
enjoy wed!

Anonymous said...

Very proud of you mom. You will be a huge success at your new job. Your co-workers will love and respect you, just as you have won over the hearts of so many people at the deac.

I am a bit concerned why Jff was blogging at 230AM.

Sissy, did you get your check yet? Just checking.

Anonymous said...

WOW -- antie b that just rocks. Reminds me of how I left danya. Or not. But I'm going to make it the model of how people who leave KDHRC (voluntarily) go out in style!

I still don't know what was going on on the I-90. Can someone hook me up with a link because I'm just too lazy to search for it?

Anonymous said...

thanks headhunter. I applied to lakeshore and clarence previously. I did not know about lewiston or medina. Good lookin' out.

Anonymous said...

Adm, your cousin jnna will not rest til Oliver has a WNY address, So I seriously hope you really want to move, cuz even if you dont you will now have too!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why I was up at 2:38, let alone... quoting Blazing Saddles.

I90 fiasco continues... our poster child for highway violence complained of chest pains today. Could it be the stress?

Anonymous said...

I90 update for our out of town family...

A 66 year old well groomed male (that was sarcasm) was beating up his 55 year girlfriend on the I90 and then decided to pull out a gun and point it at his own head for 2.5 hours while SWAT, police, and state troopers held back the southbound and northbound traffic. This was all live on channel 2,4, & 7 with a beautiful sunset and the Niagara River in the background.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Sis!! That is so nice to hear.What generous people and it is obvious that they are very happy for you. You will be missed there I am sure, but new challenges are always a good thing. Nc jnn you are amazing. All of this HR stuff has you on the cutting edge. Do I smell another new business here? We will hunt the heads for you! See KDHRC for pointers on getting started.

Anonymous said...


Albion Central currently has teaching vacanies.

To be considered for employment with Albion Central School, please submit the following in writing:

Cover Letter
Proof of Certification (if necessary)
Credentials Packet (optional)
References (minimum of 3)
Be sure to indicate which job you are interested in and send materials to:

Albion Central School District
ATTN: Mrs. Sharon Lang, District Office
324 East Avenue
Albion, New York 14411

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The above post was from West Seneca High School.

Anonymous said...

RICHARDSON, Texas — A substitute middle school teacher suspected of being drunk in class was too intoxicated to complete a sobriety test and was arrested, authorities said.

Thomas Brownlee, 56, was in a classroom Tuesday with students and another staff member for about 20 minutes, Richardson school district spokesman Tim Clark said. Another teacher suspected Brownlee was drunk and told a campus police officer.

A Dallas police report states that Brownlee "had slurred speech, breath smelling of an alcoholic beverage and bloodshot eyes."

The officer stopped issuing a sobriety test out of concern for Brownlee's safety, according to the report.

Brownlee was charged with public intoxication, police said.

A telephone listing for Brownlee was disconnected.

Clark said students were never alone with Brownlee, and that the district had used him as a substitute teacher before without incident.

Adam, maybe you can work here.

Anonymous said...

So cookie calls me around 5PM, and she was totally annoyed, I know me too! But she took a gamble and took the earlier flight out of Indianapolis so she could get home by 7, however that flight went through Newark and she has been sitting in Newark ever since. holtzluck..
But the accident she investigated was at the new Colts stadium, and of course she got the tour! I wonder if Payton was there???

Anonymous said...

OK seriously jnna, why would adam want to work in Albion????

Anonymous said...

sent our resumes to your aim address, cous jnna. Does that one still work?

Anonymous said...

Got them! Printed out 10 copies each and will gladly hand them out to anyone and everyone who will listen.

Ill let you know who I speak with.

Anonymous said...

Adam do you have your NYS certification?

Anonymous said...


NT is looking for a Director of Curriculum & Instruction. To apply: Please include a copy of this advertisement with your materials.

Please send letter of interest, resume, copy of certification, transcripts, and placement folder to:

Mr. John Tylec, Director of Personnel

North Tonawanda City School District

175 Humphrey St

North Tonawanda, NY 14120

Anonymous said...

How about this one Cousin Adam?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hamburg is looking for a principal.

Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed. While I'm sleeping my favorite nc jnn is out scouring the highways and biways for a job for my son. Me, I like that Texas sub gig. Who would have ever thought that could happen in, of all places, Texas. I figured that continuous intoxication was a job requirement for most anything down there.

Anonymous said...

You know that between jnn's late evening posts, nphw jt's middle of the night visits, and me with the early morning covered, we have pretty much become a round the clock blog. All of this after almost three years. Most prove something. Anybody have any ideas as to what that might be?

Anonymous said...

In answer to my own question, I think that it is our ingrained need for an audience. My friends still comment on the performances that they witnessed Dad put on at different times and I guess that we all inherited a little of that. Playing to the crowd.

Anonymous said...

I have thought to contact MTV and pitch them an idea for a reality show on our blog. They could insert their own actresses and actors.

So I had a dream that my boss told me she was going to "set me up" with one of her friends named Jeff. What do you think that dream means?

Anonymous said...

Adam, This one sounds interesting (at least to get your foot in the door).

International Student Advisor

Advises international (F-1 and J-1) students on immigration matters and on matters of personal and cultural adjustment. Keeps abreast of changes in relevant immigration regulations. Helps develop and implement programs designed to enhance the overall experience of UB international students. Assists with SEVIS reporting. May represent the University as a Designated School Official.

Master's degree and one year of experience as an international education services professional are required. Also required are excellent communication skills, strong customer orientation, demonstrated intercultural skills, first-hand experience in a multicultural setting and strong computer skills.

See for details.

Applications must be submitted via by June 11, 2008.

The University at Buffalo is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Recruiter.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Wow, is all I can say.

Auntie B gets $500, instead of being sent on TLC's dress better show.

25 school districts are looking for janitors.

Manny being Manny

This family is cutting edge.

Anonymous said...

Jff, LOL!!! You so make me laugh out loud!
so my new boss took me to lunch yesterday at Chef's, OK I am kind of scared, she used the phrase you need to be up and running ( insert just about anything) ASAP! 5 X's
KDH, what exactly does that mean in the corporate world???
We are all attention seeking, no matter how small the audience.

Anonymous said...

Adm, I absolutely think the multicultural liason for UB has your name all over it! How much more multi cultural do you get than East Aurora to Quincy!

Anonymous said...

Went to Indianapolis yesterday. Got to go inside Lucas Oil Stadium, which is the new home of the Colts. It should be completed in about 90 days. But it is pretty awesome. It is across the street from the RCA Dome and makes that place look like the size of a pea!

Other than that, all I gotta say is I hate Newark Airport.

Anonymous said...

I know who I'm asking if this kdhrc thing doesn't work out for me and I need a new job! go Jenna go!

But I'm happy to announce that kdhrc was just awarded its 4th federal project -- and word has come down that 2 more are on their way. Did I mention that I still don't have any other full time employees? Gotta get on that!

Anonymous said...

A one man (woman) wrecking crew!
That's okay, you won't miss anybody on mailings then.

Anonymous said...

I am pleased to report that Amy was VERY successful today. Her resume was distributed to Elderwood, Kaleida, Schofield, McGuire Group, Catholic Health Systems, and McDonald's (just in case)

Adam's resumes were distributed to the Navy recruiter, Erie 1 Boces, Niagara County Community College, Buffalo School district, and McDonald's too.

Plus after I managed to hand out my cousins resumes, I was asked out on a date.


Anonymous said...

So lets see, Amy has a job, jenna has a date and adam is going into the navy???
Now that is a full day of work!

Anonymous said...

If I get drafted into the NAVY, I might have to draft dodge to Canada.

Anonymous said...

Do we get a free supersize with our meals if they get hired?

Anonymous said...

Zach's team took one on the chin last night making them 0-5 (actually it was their best chance to win... the other team wasn't that good). Zach played 3rd and caught and went 0-1 with 3 BB's. Stranded on third twice.
Emma got dirty playing and spilled chocolate milk on her shirt. Pretty much a usual Thursday night for the Rices.

Anonymous said...

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