A Sledding Blog
by JT Pilaf
Zach and Emma love to sled and I love taking them. The sun was out, there was very little wind (unlike the day before), and the hill was in peak condition for sledding ready to be matted down by our inflatable vessels of doom.
The walk back up was a bit tiring, maybe my ol' body is telling me it's time for gardening.
From the safety and warmth of the truck Sandra was there to lend ummmm... hmmmmm... I'm not sure she gave us anything. But it was nice to have her around. Is that a McDonald's bag? I don't remember going there before sledding.
Zach with his 11 year old reckless abandon attitude would fly down the hill and then lean as hard as he could to wipe out. I can do that without leaning.
And then the sun fell to end our time out on the hill until another day.
Those are beautiful pictures!
It almost makes you want to embrace winter, I said, almost!
Loved the sunset!
So here it is Friday..
The day to end all days of the work week, we all feel energized for a productive weekend!
dont forget elder garys birthday is on Sunday, is a surprise party in the works? We should do that for gramma??? maybe not.
Have a great day one and all
Great Job on the BLOG!
It will make all our southern fans jealous they are not here to enjoy the snow, the cold, the wind, the ice, the list is endless..
No we are not jealous or envious!
Just keep shoveling
Just keep shoveling
(sung to the tune of "just keep swimming" from the movie, mmmm cant think of the name, with the voice of Ellen Degeneres, and the clown fish, well you all know what it is!)
Finding Nemo!!
So it looks like Gillebrand, or whatever her name is will be our new Senator. For some reason everyone is excited the she is from Upstate NY. Did anyone else ever consider Albany as upstate??? Ya me neither!
I guess it's north of NYC... I dunno, that's all I got.
Finding Nemo!!! It just came to me. Was I right?
TGIF!!! I'm off on a men's retreat tomorrow, filled with beer and guns. Pray for me.
guns and beer, sounds like a republican convention!
peace be with you, my newphew!
Just so everyone is aware, Katie (jenna's friend)had her baby boy this AM at 3AM.
His name is James. And he is a cutey!
And Jenna who has been off of work for 10 day, flew up to Childrens and infected the whole place!
Anastasia is feeling better, took her out for a fish fry, and she ate every bite, ( and it was the dome beer batter, which is pretty hefty) no styrofoam container this time!
ahhh the weekend begins!
enjoy one and all, enjoy!
I have been out of work since Monday due to pnemonia. I did go up to the hospital today, but was properly protected. I had to meet Mr. James today!
Tell katie congrats from us all.
We were up at the Dome last night too, we must've just missed you. We then stayed for some putt-putt golf afterwords.
I'll be complaining about our future socialistic socirty, so yeah it'll end up being a republican convention. Too funny Auntie, too funny.
gray, cold, very snowy, sigh
Another day in paradise
No motivation to do anything today, UGH to cold.
think I will read/watch tv all day!
Does that make me a bad person?
Dont get me started about politics, they are all stupid!
esp that blinking gov!
Back in WNY and i have to say that as pretty as these pics are, i am not quite ready to embrace winter. 75 when we left phoenix, 5 when we pulled into EA. Good news for Katie, plus Mom is feeling better, and I hope that nc jnn is on the mend. Auntie and I did have a chance to look around Tempe and ASU looking for remnants of nphw jffs time there, but no one we asked seemed to be able to recollect him. Stay warm all.
Welcome back home to balmy WNY Auntie and Unckie. Odd that there no remains of my short stay in the Tempe/Scottsdale area. Did you drive by Alice Cooper's house?
Yesterday at the Gun and Duck Club out in Oakville it was cold, cold, cold. But we managed to have fun despite mother nature's attempt at making our fingers and other appendages fall off. Now it's tiime to get a lil' shut eye.
Good mornin', is it cold again? Not much going on here. Mom and dad come home tonight from their vacation and that's about it.
Have a good day everyone. Stay warm.
Sounds like there is another foot of snow headed our way. Is it June yet?
Well here it is Tuesday already.
So Andy Pettitte outwaited himself to 5 mill dollars poorer. I could be his agent with decisions like that being made.
Citi Group got 145 billion dollars of bail out money, and have a brand new jet at a cost of 150 million. I could be a CEO of a major corporation making decisions like that!
Niagara beat Canisus, that is always a yea!
Jnna is back to work, yea
Pitchers and Catchers report in 18 days, now that is a big YEA!
Learn your rules...You better learn your rules. Because if you don't you'll be eaten by a bear! Raaaaahhhhrrrr!
welcome dwight. You're my favorite TV Character of them all.
The weather map of WNY is scary today people -- is that giant mass over top snow?? Its rainy here, but warmer, I would guess....
The sickness has hit KDHRC and half my staff is out with one bug or another. I'm lysoling the daylights out of things!~
It took me an hour and a half to get to work today, and an hour to get home.
Apparently the WNY area needs a plow plan just like Buffalo.
I'm exhausted, I was up most of the night last night taking care of little James.
So this AM, I am taking gramma to aunt ruth's funeral, you all remember aunt ruth? small in stature, round in stature, but an infectious laugh!
And I think she has been "sick" for 50 yrs! None the less, we will forge ahead!
KDH, forget the lysol, bleach and water and just wipe everything phones, the elusive door knobs, keyboards, etc...
If you are employed by Erie Co and do not use any of your 10 sick days at the end of the yr you get 500$, do you do that at KDHRC?
well enjoy friday eve people, cuz wew all know what happens tomorrow???
My bailout money comes???
I was down in Lackawanna today, you know the city that never plows, yeah, I was there doing an audit.
What's for supper tonight?
KDH, half your workforce? How do you get things done in times like these?
I confess that I spent the better part of yesterday on line after I discovered that both the major league and minor league 2009 schedules are in place. It allowed for a lot of fantasizing about possible trips and that was a whole lot better than shoveling. You think that texas will be too hot at the end of June to do the Astros and Rangers? At this point of the winter does anyone think that anything would be too hot? What say you Dwight?
Not sure why I came up as anonymous before, but that was me.
KDH, what if your staff isnt sick, what if they just called in and are out job hunting??? I've done that before.
so gramma, does make me laugh.
Aunt Ruth's funeral was very small, but it was very nice. The pastor played the flute, and had a very nice eulogy, and of course when asked for stories from the 20 people in the room if they wanted to share anything about Ruth, a funny story, anything anything at all, nary a word from nancy..
But she did lean over to me and say, I better have more people for my funeral than this, so word to the wise, we all need to bring a friend!
She also leaned over to tell me my brother has been winning quite a bit lately on scratchoffs, no not him the other one, and she did not use her inside voice either!
still snowing, still shoveling, sigh- almost February!
I've been putting together (in my dreams of course) my fantasy dream minor league trip. Besides Christmas, opening day, the first day pitchers and catchers meet, my birthday, my kids' birthdays, Sandra's birthday {if Sandra's reading this... then this is in no particular order] Thanksgiving, ground hog day, new lunar year, my wedding anniversary, ... where was I? Oh yeah, when the major league and minor league schedules officially come out, it's my favorite day of the year.
Me too nphw, in that order also. Great minds do think alike. And, to clarify the scratchoff situation, I did cash some winners and because I did not share she became a bit miffed. That was, of course, after she had told me that she had stopped playing. I thought that I was trying to help her keep her resolution, but apparently not.
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! it's Friday! Yahoo!
Big plans this weekend, big plans!
Good Morning on this BRRRRRRRR saturday. Getting ready to get my taxes done, let's hope Uncle Sam comes through for me this year!
Who are we rooting for in Super Bowl? Ralph Wilson was inducted in HOF. I am rooting for the Bills to stay in Buffalo.
Always have to root for the AFC team, just out of habit. Good for Ralph, good for Bruce, too bad about "dre". hard to believe that it has been a mere 15 years since we had our boys in the superbowl. Enjoy the game. Me, I am trying to decide which, of the many parties that I have been invited to, to attend. maybe I will just stay home and watch the ice dam leaks
Unkie and I posted on the 18th minute, just separate house...... Just an observation.
I will be heading to a "gathering" at cookies house for the Super Bowl. All I was told to bring was: KDH's eggnog.
KDH do you happen to sell that on your companies website? Maybe I could just add to cart, and have it expressed shipped?
All companies need to diversify in today's tough economic climate. I suggest that and Uncle Mart's cough remedy. The booze market is always there.I think that both nc jnn and myself are hoping for a better travel week upcoming.
Big storm a brewin'. Get to low ground.
Okay, I've got the Steelers plus 7... any takers???
We're at home today (took the best option on the invites... I was holding out for Cookies) We're having a friend and his kids over until half time, that's how we roll. No KDHRC eggnog, but plenty of beer from our good friends at Flying Bison. So that'll be nice. We're desperately trying to get Zach to finish his homework so he can watch the game, but he keeps on finding other things to do... like have wars with his fingers. I wasn't like that, was I?
Is it really supposed to be that bad this week? Good thing I have AWD, I might have to crawl my way to work since I missed 2 weeks due to whatever sickness I had. Heading out to Cookies for her SB party. I took Bills +3. Oh wait, thats how many we inducted in HOF. I am just hoping it's 18-15 at Half time, so I win money!
And a most happy super bowl sunday to one and all!
Me, I will vacuum during the game and watch the commercials like I always do!
bye bye January, double UGH to you, too cold, too much snow, too much wind, just too much winter to bear!
Helloooooo February! Another unbearable month, but one month closer to spring!
Me and Unckie were both at :00... to cool.
How much did I win with Pitt +7???
has uncle mart's cough syrup kept everyone healthy, or after just a couple of spoonful's do you just not care if you cough or not?
Just curious, as cookie and I are researching Aunt Emma's Arthritis Elixer for next yr's gift!
Happy ground hog day...
did everyone win lots of money yesterday, yea me neither!
Have a productive monday one and all
Productive??? Not sure.
I gotta have me some oof that cough medicine. The only thing is I have a lot of beer to drink before it goes flat.
Sandra may have found our next Holtzapalooza activity. Details at a later date.
Happy Tuesday!
I am excited, our next Holtzapalooza site????
Now that is something to look forward too!
Interesting juxtapostion this morning. How about that for a word so early in the day, anyhow, clear in the southtowns and snow and lousy driving in the northtowns. Life is never dull.
Isn't it almost time for the Holtz Fantasy Baseball to start back up, Commish? I'm very excited about it this year. Can we do it again please, pretty please?
History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.
Yeah! First one to post. Great blog (insert name here).
I'm just practicing for the next blog... hint, hint.
I love any word that starts off with "JUX".
We can take a vote to see if we have enough teams this year. Don't worry we won't neglect anyone this year, like our defending champion did last season. Whos in?
We're all in over here. I want to win a t-shirt.
AND...that's not how I remember it happening last year... hmmmmm
Happy Wed to one and all..
Did everyone hear bill oreilly say the new york times attacked him?
and barackobamba says he screwed up? and macys laid off 8 thousand people.
Now I know why I only watch ESPN
Yesterday in the mail I got the BEST picture in the mail. Thank you so much for my picture. No one makes me smile like my nephew Jff!
Other than that nothing else going on.. A new blog, yes that would be fun, how about the most recent Arizona trip from my brother, or the recent florida trip from my sister? Both great ideas!
Hi Friend! What a beautiful quote!! I might have to use that sometime. Thanks for stopping by. Welcome to our blog.
I'm in for fantasy baseball. I will have to check with GG. HD has blocked him from all sports websites, so he may not have the time.
I'm SO in! and I'm kickin around an idea for a new blog, so we'll see if I can get it together. Don't hold your breath!
I got juxted again today. What's going on with the snow in the northtowns? I admire the tenacity of our anonymous contributor. Me, I have always lived by the adage: if at first you don't succeed, quit. Stop making a fool of yourself. I had an idea for an Ariz. blog but it requires the assistance of Auntie, and she has been curled up on the couch with a comforter around her for 2 weeks.
The snow in Tonawanda has been ridiculous! I slipped and slided all the way to Degraff this AM for my meeting.
I am kicking around a good name for my fantasy team, how about Ken Burns Fantasy baseball, uh huh how does that sound!
For two weeks!?!?!?
Over the hump day, I made it. Now we've got date night tonight (even though Sandra's sick I still make her go) and it'll be Friday before we know it. Thank goodness.
Zach's bball game in the AM and then UB at 2, it's going to be a bball kind of day.
Come on Friday get here already.
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