Thursday, March 19, 2009

It Be A Lot Funnier If It Could Be Read

A baseblog opinion
JT Pilaf


Anonymous said...

I pretended I read it, LOL. Unkie do you want me to call you?

Anonymous said...

I read it. I neither understand it nor like it. But I read it.

Anonymous said...

Just click on it and it will enlarge the comic...SO everyone can enjoy it!!!

Happy Friday all and the first day of Spring!
Is it 4:30pm yet????

Anonymous said...

I love spring! I have a good feeling about the Braves chances this year -- and the best part is, no one else in the family either loves OR hates the Braves!

Anonymous said...

I can not even begin to see that!
Good news family, I just came from my one year Job evaluation, has it been a year? And I got a nice raise, so that was exciting, so no lint brushes for christmas for anyone!
Has everyone seen there fantasy team? I must say the creativity and ingenuity impressed me with names this year! Kudos to all..
Who has western Kentucky moving on?? Yea, me neithor nor did BO!
KDH- I have to admit I am not on the fence with the braves, and it all goes back to Ted Turner and his ex wife, Hanoi Jane, sorry its not personal its political!
Happy First Day of Spring, phew we made it through another WNY winter, it was touch and go there for awhile!

Anonymous said...

read the comic, that made me chuckle!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't get back to you, Jenna. We had to move my dad quickly and so he went to Asolute in OP-closer for my sisters. If I mention your name there will you still get $? Tough week for him and us but we're hoping things are improving.

Anonymous said...

Auntie, I will make sure that he is taken great care of. I have already emailed the Administrator. His name is Dan, if you have any questions. But if you need anything give me a call and I will make sure he gets what he needs!

Anonymous said...

Jnna, I could use a fresca.

I used to like the Atlanta Braves... but that was when Biff Pocoraba used to play. I loved that name.

Happy Spring indeed, hopefully we can get through this stretch with no snow... but we all know it's coming, don't we?

Anonymous said...

I love Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I have a new idea for Palooza '09. I see us all sitting in the first few rows at the new yankee stadium enjoying "America's team." let's do the math: 4 Rices, 5 Kochs, includes good g, 2Holtzes, gramma, 3 Boston Holtzes, 2 NT Rices, Kristen. That will run us about 54 Grand, but we will get hot dogs AND soft drinks. Anyone want to volunteer to pick up the tab? For me it was golf at Ironwood yesterday. It was their opening day, and i was the 4th person of the year on the course. Found 47 balls and that made it a much better round than anything in Jan. or Feb. As far as my March Madness picks, I knew I should have gone the opposite of Obama

Anonymous said...

54,000$ surely you jest!
But the time we spend together
My picks for March Madness, I was done when Sienna advanced!
kind of a gray sunday, recharge your battery, because you know what tomorrow is??
Dont you!

Anonymous said...

$54 grand... pocket change to some of us. I mean, seriously, no one I know. But, how often do you get to use that line?
How about the Batavia Muck Dogs instead??? We could all probably go for less than $50.

I've got Pitt over Memphis, but I had Wake in the final 4. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

A lot of things happened today... not in my lil' neck of the woods. But, somewhere a lot was going on.
Did anyone hear that OObama thanked himself in front of Ireland's prime minister? Teleprompt error.

Is everyone taking advantage of Buffalo restaurant week. Get out to dinner and take advantage of this. $20.09 special dinners and various locations.

Anonymous said...

Lets see what went on in my corner of the world, mmm got gas, got .10 off a gallon for the million dollars I spend at tops, so gas was actually under 2 dollars a gallon, now thats fun.
Went to work, forgot my lunch, mooched food off co workers all day, now that too is fun, Hey I'm the boss who is going to tell me no!
cooked dinner, did laundry and am now watching my favorite Yankee Pitcher AJ Burnett, mow down the dreaded and dirty sux, yup that is alot!
I concur nephew, I concur!

Anonymous said...

Cookie is off to Salt Lake City tomorrow. Raise your hand if you have ever been, yea me neither!
You dont think she will run off and become wife number 16 for some nut, do you??? She is staying til Thursday..

Anonymous said...

So I had a horrible day at work yesterday, felt like I was 2 inches tall, got yelled at from every angle, and today I received a bonus. Not sure what I did from yesterday at 5pm and today at 1030 am, but it was worth it!

Anonymous said...

Next time when you're getting yelled at, do what I do.. burp, hold your stomach and with wide eyes excuse yourself... this can work all day.

Anonymous said...

Day off for me today or a bereavement day depending on how it'll end up on my paystub in two weeks... either or I'm home.

Pay day today!!! Sandra and I are off to the Eagle House tonight and then later to see Rusted Root at the Hard Rock Cafe in Niagara Falls, USA... "Send me on my Way".

Has anyone taken advantage of "Restaurant Week"?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Jeff! GG and I are taking full advantage of it tonight. Torches on Kenmore.

I survived SLC! Not sure if I saw any polygamists. If they drive REALLY slow on the thruway then yes I saw a lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Quiet week here. Auntie has been down for the count with some bug or another so I have been, of course, ministering to here every need. Hearing of all the good news about raises, bonusus, travel to the west and days off for various reasons, I too decided to take today off. The official reason is of course, continuing taking care of my beloved wife. Maybe I can better care for her from the Racino? Looks like Fargo got out just in time. My favorite Fargo memory was being on a golf course in Fargo and being "in distress" that required immediate relief. The nearby stream, a tributary of the Red river meant that my deposit eventually found its way to the Arctic Ocean. In the same vein, there is a spot down by Jamestown, nph jff, that if you perform that act "in a bit of a circle", half would eventually wind up in the Atlantic Ocean and half in the Gulf of Mexico. Tasteless but interesting. It's Friday!

Anonymous said...

I was caught in an impromptu blizzard in the mountains south of SLC just last weekend jll. Never saw THAT coming! It did prompt me to do all sorts of research on the mormons, helped along by a pbs special last night. Fascinating story, that is.

Love the pee stories, dad. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday one and all!
Take Bereavement nephew, people will give you a card instead of just asking why were you off!
Have been on phone repair duty with my mothers phone. It seems to have a loud humming noise in the background, and it is hard for her to hear. So I went to walmart bought her a new big number phone, plugged it in, still sound quality very poor, next step is to give handyman rob a note to check connection, then its on to Verizon, to see if they can or will make the situation better?
Restaurant week, had big plans of taking full advantage of it, but never played out??
If the MFS cafeteria was not on the list, did not partake..
Great Basketball games last nite!
GO Sabres!
Does anyone care if TO attends optional workouts? If work was optional would'nt we all stay home?

Anonymous said...

So many questions so many stories, where does one begin?

Nothing better than pee trivia... maybe it's a guy thing. The question is how does one track their pee when unloading down in the Jamestown area (did you get that info while on Lucille Ball's museum tour?)

Torches menu looked very intriguing. Jll, you'll have to tell us if you liked it or not.

jt said...

Wow! Pee info scared everyone off... nice job Unckie.

Jnna said...

I have been afraid to show my face around the blog and Tonawanda since yesterday's events. See family, my mother called me while I was out with my cousins and nephew heading to lunch saying that there was breaking news, Ralph Wilson has died.
I was so shocked Emma had to catch me from falling, and fan me to stop me from collapsing. As I blurted in the restraunt, "Ralph Wilson DIED?!" My mother confirmed the breaking news, and I preceeded to tell EVERYONE at Red Robin, who began to text and call their loved ones.

Only to find out that this was in fact just a rumor....... Note to everyone before getting Breaking News information from Btsy, make sure that a credible news source has confirmed.

Jill said...

Jnn, I almost fell for Mom's trap myself...Good thing I had GG with me to squash that rumoe and save me from embarrassment!

Last Monday in March! Yippee!

unk said...

Since my last entry caused the longest gap in blogging history, plus, apparently helped to foster the Ralph rumor, I am afraid to put anything up here other than I was all over syracuse on thurs. and oklahoma yesterday. Enuf said. What a beautiful Monday for the second last day in March. Enjoy it.

Betsy said...

Alas, I was one of the many people who went around saying Ralph Wilson was dead, WYRK radio, did too! mea culpa, mea culpa
As a health information professional I quess I should have waited for another source to confirm. But I have been watching the Canadian news this week, well mostly sports, and they consistently talk about the Bills relocating to TO.. I bet it was them that started the rumor, dang blasted cannucks!
Last Monday in March, whoo hoo!

jt said...

I like it when gap and blog are used in the same sentence.

It's cold today on this last Monday in March, why is that? Sandra won't speak to me because I turned the heat down and now she's buried herself under a mountain of unfolded bed sheets. The only thing I can hear is the muffled sound of teeth chattering.

jt said...

On GR55 website:

RALPH RUMOR AFTERMATH: Are you thinking the Buffalo Bills will eventually leave town at some point?
Yes. I'm trying to come to grips with it. It's inevitable.
896 Votes ( 41% )
I don't know WHAT to think about that. There has to be some plan, right?
918 Votes ( 42% )
No. The NFL won't let it happen.
380 Votes ( 17% )

Total Votes: 2194

Betsy said...

Is she laying there like a slug, it is her only defense!
I love quoting a Christmas Story in March!

Sndra said...

Rob can't help with GGs phone--he is in California--the on-call guy for EMERGENCIES only--Gary!

Betsy said...

GG's phone is fixed. You can now call her and she can actually hear you!
And Verizon only hung up on George once, I call that a success!

unkie said...

Talked to Mom last nite and she was coming thru loud and clear. Plus, with her new phone, she can see the numbers and has an extension in her bedroom now. Can't say that I am sorry to see March come to an end, but it certainly was not a bad travel month, right nc jnn?

kdh said...

wait not to panic or anything but I have one more day left in March, right? Don't make me think March is over when I have a big deadline in April family! Ack!

unk said...

It depends on how you define "day left". Counting today, you have, well, half a day left now. If you think of today as basically over already, then you have no more days. Good luck!

jt said...

At 11::18 AM... the day is over for me. Feet up, eyes closed, and mayo on my chin over.

Sorry KDH... you missed your deadline in my world.

Betsy said...

KDH, JT is correct the financial piece of health care, March is over. I hope all your unbilled dropped on time!
bring on april!

unkie said...

Sorry K, this family has been known to rush things along, but now March is "officially" gone. Happy Fool's Day all. Here's hoping that you don't fall victim to the many pranksters lurking in our midst. As Phil Esterhaus always said: Be Careful Out There.

Jenna said...

Thrillie is stranded at ATL airport KDH go save her but I want to take this moment be the first Koch daughter to wish my lovely, talented, successful, caring, funny, amazing mother a happy birthday!

Jnna said...

Hope your day is everything you wanted and then some.

kdh said...

oh jll -- I can ALWAYS rescue you from the Atlanta airport! Or at least tell you which concourse has the best bar!

unkie said...

Got so distracted by yesterday's beautiful weather that I neglected to give my baby sister a BIG H. B.!Hope that your day was great and that you spend the entire weekend celebrating it. All of those storms in the southeast grounded nc jll. I would suspect that bourbon swillin' daughter might be of assistance in bar choices. Enjoy the friday all.

jt said...

Sorry Auntie B, I too got wrapped up in yesterday's beauty and warmth. Happy Birthday and enjoy your weekend, have a drink or two on me.

Can we have a do-over today? Man, rain, rain, rain.

unkie said...

What happened???? Power out last nite/this morning, snow plows out/ bring back March!!! It happens every year at the start of baseball season, dadgummmit.

AntieP said...

Happy Birthday, Betsy! Sorry I'm a little late. I stopped coughing for a few minutes so I rusheed to the computer to send my wishes!

kdh said...

Happy Birthday weekend Antie B! is everyone treating you wonderfully and showering you with attention and treats? I hope so!

jt said...

Southtowns got a lil' snow yesterday... ugh.

The kids and I went to see 'Bedtime Stories' yesterday and took advantage of the $5.50 movie/drink/popcorn deal. Funny movie too, so all was worth it.

Sandra's not feeling well. And she probably wishes it was the cold that's going around.

unk said...

winter storm watch up for Tuesday? What's with that? Looks like one more rough drive for me and nc jnn. Good luck. I wish vacation would start 2 days earlier.

Betsy said...

Well thank you one and all for the Birthday wishes!
I had taken some time off work, as birthdays are a reminder to get "those certain things done" .
And I was also told by my daughters to clear my calendar for Friday, Saturday and sunday, and to pack an overnite bag, and be ready to be picked up at 1PM on Friday. So I did what I was told, and I was picked up and taken to the airport where we flew into Baltimore took the train to washington DC, for the Cherry Blossom Festival!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I had talked numerous times about taking my mother down to see the blossoms, and now having done it, yes that is never going to happen! First off, I have never seen so many people in my life! Constitution Ave was wall to wall people!
Currently working on my blog, but it was a great gift, I had the time of my life! And KDH I can honestly see why you love DC, It is vibrant, electric, it is the whole world in one place!
BLOG to come...
Oh and don't tell my mom, she thinks I worked all weekend!

unk said...

Great story! Glad you had such a wonderful trip. Looking forward to the blog. Unfortunately Karma dictates that so much fun must be balanced with a totally horrible week in fantasy b-ball. GO BEER!!!Or is it Go For A Beer! Anybody for watching 4 or 5 games today?

Jill said...

Yes we had a great time in DC! The weather was beautiful as evident by all of our sunburns!

Sndra said...

So...when you go to DeGraff hospital for tests AND you have to go with an empty stomach AND if you look hard enough (like right in front of you), you may see a Baked Goods sale full of chocolate treats AND it might be there to tease the starving/having tests folks waiting AND you might see Uncle George checking out the table AND completely ignoring you--AND after the marching band passed AND three people faint, you might still see Uncle George ignoring might's a gallstone--surgery pending-yuck!

Betsy said...

KDH, please verify???
How far is it from the White House to Dupont Circle??? 5 miles??
10 miles?? an eternity?
Cuz that is one of our "walks" on Saturday.
Sndra, sorry you were ignored by geo but dont be mad, he would always choose a cupcake over a pretty girl!

unk said...

gallstone surgery?? That is NOT a good thing. Is nphw jff some sort of carrier? Stress related? That I could understand. When it comes to distances in DC, K never admitted that anything was more than 6 blocks but I KNOW that the White House to Dupont is a lot more than 6 blocks. What was at Dupont circle that you wanted to see?

Jill said...

Just Hello Cupcake Unkie C!!
My mother and sister are convinced that the White House to Dupont Circle is 5 miles. KDH please tell them they are completely mistaken!

Sorry Sandra about the possible surgery.

Stay tuned for an announcement...And no, GG and me aren't engaged.