As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A very precocious two year old
YEAH! I am the first to post. A very happy birthday to my buddy Oliver. All grown up. So very proud of you, and a braves fan to boot. At least it wasn't a Boston hat.
Well at first glance I thought the title was a very precious 2 year old, which of course it totally could have been! But then I read "precocious"! And that he is too! The alphabet song will serve you in life Oliver, it is one of those things you will need to recall numerous times. And you were at perfect pitch on "P" Just returned b from Nephew's Memorial day extravaganza, during the party we were entertained by music, screaming balloons, good food, great beer, and the best of company... Oh and of course we had to text the rice's in Asheville! All our love to the Birthday celebrating young man, sigh where did the time go!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVER!!! Oops sorry, are you sleeping? Didn't mean to yell. Well I hope you had an awesome day, special day. You'll only be 2 for a year or two, have fun.
Back from Quincy and the birthday celebration. Yesterday's weather, not so nice. Today while in the car, a beautiful day. Young O-man and cousin Harry are growing up rapidly. Took them both for a walk in Oliver's new wagon and the only thing that they really wanted was GO FAST! I tried and am paying the price for the attempted sprints. I think that I will spend the rest of my day with the "Land of the Lost" reruns on the sci=fi channel, altho they seem to have lost some of their allure over the 30 plus years.
Holiday weekends are so tough to recover from, are'nt they? You sit and day dream at your desk of everything you planned on getting done over your extended weekend, and what was actually accomplished! Oh well, back to work...
Me, back to work for senior exams and hoping to get the lawn mowed before the rains hit this afternoon. A bit tired from all of the driving, but mostly sad cause all the good times pass by so quickly. At least monday comes on tuesday this week.
Hello Wednesday! Just for the record 527 are great numbers to play! boxed and straight! so everyone lost last nite, it is kind of a gray day, and nothing else is going on.. Cept June is right around the corner. How odd is that?
One of the more rivetting discussions at the Memorial day Soiree, was when will it come out that bigpoppy does roids??? I am saying July 9th. anyone else jumping on this bandwagon?
did everyone see yesterdays #? It was 5-2-9, any good papa would have played that number all week, and made a quick 500$, I am just saying.. Well here we are at thursday already, is'nt this week flying by! Is everyone else as annoyed as I am at seeing jack nickolson on the court? Is everyone else as annoyed as I am about____________ fill in the blank. have a stupendous thursday
A quick 500?? Way to go sis!! Good luck surrounds me. Yesterday Mom wanted a cashword with her $2 winner, they were all out so I picked her out another kind and it was worth 20. Glad to hear that good luck is out there. Enjoy the day.
I did not win any money, sorry if I left that impression. I was saying a good grampa would have played 5-2-9 all week, and picked up 500$( isnt that the usual payout on pick 3) so I have been told. And my mother told me she was not going to get her cashwords anymore as she has not been winning.. did everyone see CC bought 2 suites for the Cav's game tonite? Bro, if you leave now, maybe you can be his new friend
Hey family -- its finally warming up here in the ATL -- mid 80s today, yay! Back from a speedy trip to DC to present at a conference -- 22 hours and OUT. The 6am flight home backfired though -- instead of being able to spend the day working, I'm nodding off at my desk.
No worries Kristen, I do that too. And I've only got a 12 minute ride to work.
Gorgeous outside, even though it's a little muggy. I mowed the lawn last night, then sat down, turned on the AM and listened to the hockey game with my son and a beer. It doesn't get much better than that.
OMG, phew we finally made it to Friday, and it was so touch and go there for a few days, was'nt it! There is so much going on this weekend! The Bombers are in Cleveland, who is making the 90 road trip? The sux are in To, and billclinton and georgebush are speaking up there also, who is making the QEW road trip? We will need a passport or a 50 dollar drivers license to get over the border on Monday, I hope everyone is prepared. It is JUNE, next week! OH and a HUGE billyfucillo HUGE Happy Birthday to the newest member of the TWO year old generation! HBD Mr Oliver! I have not forgetten and your Thomas the Tank birthday card is still above my viser! Have a great day at your work cubicles all!
I've been prepared since January, just call me... ummmmmmmm.
Friday indeed, I've been to Flying Bison already and got me sum Vanilla Bean Brown Ale...MMMMMmmmmmm. I can't believe I haven't delved into already. And now I'm waiting patiently to order pizza and wings for din-din. Let the weekend begin.
Met the Fixxitts last evening for a fish and some adult beverages to get the weekend off to a rousing start. Sounds as if everyone has the makings of a pleasant weekend at hand. Enjoy all.
Gloomy day turned into a nice day. We went out to breakfast with the Fixxits... did they treat you last night Unckie? Then dragged Zach and my dad down to the pond to throw a line in (just 1, but had fun). And then we enjoyed the day outside with the sun warming our skin. Paul Blart will have to wait.
No, the Mr. did not grab the check on Friday, but he did share some stories about bargains that he has found of late. Altho the story that we got was that nc sndr does not always share his enthusiasm for the deals that he is always searching for. Suspicions are that he has already secured his pirate gift for xmas '09. Could it be a Mets hat since the bisons are now so closely tied to their future? Enjoy the day all. I get an xtra drive to Tonawanda today to be part of the graduation. That will take care of a big chunk of the day
Hope you enjoyed a lazy, Sunday drive into Tonanana. The sun was out and its cold enough to keep your beer outside. Mr Fixxit loves his bargains and he'll spend all day driving arond looking for them.
Can it possibly be Monday June 1ST! I have stalled planting my vegetable garden, which is a good thing as apparently it may snow! well that may be a bit of an exagerration, but chilly none the same. The weekend flew by at warped speed, and this work week will probably drag! Nothing special planned, just the usual, work etc work etc... wonder if my brother will transfer his mancrush from Lebron to Kobe? Just things that distract me!
No transfer of affection allowed. King James has been taking a trashing for his hissy fit after losing and rightfully so. But in terms of pure athleticism and watching him play, I still get oogy. Looks like a quiet week here. Auntie is going out to dinner to Salvatore's on wed. compliments of her flushot clinic bosses, but the best that I can hope for is maybe a doggie bag this week. Stay warm all.
Let me tell you family, the Lebron "no handshake" really got my dander up. Especially his comment that it had nothing to do with sportsmanship to refuse to shake the hands of the people you just lost to. Ummm, isn't that the very definition of bad sportsmanship? Shame on him indeed.
So should I stay late to work tonight or head home to my porch? Decisions, decisions.
KDH, I hope the porch won! Work is work, but a spring evening on a porch swing with an Appletini, well that does not come around that often! Here we are at Tuesday, and I am still debating over summer vacation plans, now that cookie and good gary are going to paint the house, geo and I will have some time on our hands, where should we go and what should we do??? I know geo wants to do the scranton wilkes barre extravaganza which I am sure we will do, but I think we have to do something else??? I can not go to canada as I am boycotting the whole enhanced drivers license scam. Not really interested in a big city vacation. Am taking anastasia back to SA in Nov, so what is left??? mmmm I will have to do some research and get back to you!
Mr. Fixxitt did confess that there were times when the word "cheap" did pass the lips of nc sndr as she mentioned her f-i-law's quests. He, of course, did not necessarily see it that way. When G. G. and Cookie finish Adam st., send them to EA. I have a house in need. Vacation plans? You can never go wrong with the Harrisburg, Reading, Frederick, Hagerstown b-ball swing. Plus you have all of the Penn. Dutch country, Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry visiting points in the same general area. Just don't tell mom that you will be in the vicinity of "the brick". Or, the SCWB, Trenton (if you must OD on the Yankees) and finish in Philly. I know it's a big city but it has lots of cool free stuff. I LOVE planning vacations!!!
Vacation plans??? Oh how about a trip down to Yankee Stadium on Sunday to watch the game and snag a free water bottle courtesy of Zales and then up Albany to watch Eddie Vedder perform in front of only 2300 exclusive ten club members?!?!
Thats what Good Gary and I have on tap for this upcoming weekend!
Unkie...I would be happy to paint your house. You supply the paint and beer!
Incredible! How does she do it? Oh yeah, youth is on her side. Say hi to Eddie for me.
Knowing KDH, she incorporated both porch, appletini (or bourbon) and work.
Planning vacations must be in the blood, because I love planning vacations too. Drives Sndra crazy. Of course leaving for the day I still consider a vacation. As a matter of fact, as soon as I get home at 3:04 on Friday, I'm on vacation.
I have a question?? Should a day be measured by what you do do, or don't do? And I am throwing this out there because, number 1, I did not see the whole episode of Man Vs Wild featuring Wil Ferrell, all I saw was he ate his "emergency" twinkie, the minute he landed, and I have not caught Conan O'Brien? So I am thinking I am living a pretty unfulfilled life? Or maybe not?
That is a tough call with will ferrel and conan. I would say, fulfilled, particularly since you are thinking about house painting and I am 0 for 3 on all of those topics. Anyone notice that it is Wed.?
No activity in Holtzland. Well then, I know you've all been waiting patiently, so I'll tell ya. It's steak hoagie month at DiMarcos, that's what's for dinner tonight.
Had to interrupt the JT roll with the announcement that it is FRIDAY!! Hope that others, besides Cookie and GG have developed awesome weekend plans. Where has nc jnn been hiding? Haven't heard much from her lately. Anyone do a blog about their participation in last nite's corporate challenge? Nope, me neither. How about a blog concerning the various poses for consuming beer? JT?? Even I could do one of those. Another couple of hours and I will start my weekend. Yeah! Enjoy
YEE HAW it is friday. I have absolutely no exciting plans for the weekend what so ever! Jnna has been immersed in softball! And has a tournament to attend, geo has killed off his Uncle Auggie for the 3rd time in Rochester to call off work on Saturday, so he can attend. I will probably spend some "mom" time... And then maybe mmmm do something exciting! 3.5 more hours behind the desk and then let the weekend begin!
Ask and you shall receive. I'm going to work on a beer poses blog just for you Unckie. It's an excellent idea, (probably outta the mind of Auntie P) excellent idea. Give me the weekend and I promise to have one up on Monday. AND OH! It will include fury woodland creatures.
Cloudy, gloomy Monday, Zach, his class and I are off to the Bisons game this morning. Hopefully the rain holds off until after the game. Other than that, I've got a blog to create when I get back.
YEAH! I am the first to post. A very happy birthday to my buddy Oliver. All grown up. So very proud of you, and a braves fan to boot. At least it wasn't a Boston hat.
Well at first glance I thought the title was a very precious 2 year old, which of course it totally could have been! But then I read "precocious"! And that he is too!
The alphabet song will serve you in life Oliver, it is one of those things you will need to recall numerous times. And you were at perfect pitch on "P"
Just returned b from Nephew's Memorial day extravaganza, during the party we were entertained by music, screaming balloons, good food, great beer, and the best of company... Oh and of course we had to text the rice's in Asheville!
All our love to the Birthday celebrating young man, sigh where did the time go!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVER!!! Oops sorry, are you sleeping? Didn't mean to yell. Well I hope you had an awesome day, special day. You'll only be 2 for a year or two, have fun.
Back from Quincy and the birthday celebration. Yesterday's weather, not so nice. Today while in the car, a beautiful day. Young O-man and cousin Harry are growing up rapidly. Took them both for a walk in Oliver's new wagon and the only thing that they really wanted was GO FAST! I tried and am paying the price for the attempted sprints. I think that I will spend the rest of my day with the "Land of the Lost" reruns on the sci=fi channel, altho they seem to have lost some of their allure over the 30 plus years.
Holiday weekends are so tough to recover from, are'nt they?
You sit and day dream at your desk of everything you planned on getting done over your extended weekend, and what was actually accomplished!
Oh well, back to work...
Me, back to work for senior exams and hoping to get the lawn mowed before the rains hit this afternoon. A bit tired from all of the driving, but mostly sad cause all the good times pass by so quickly. At least monday comes on tuesday this week.
Hello Wednesday!
Just for the record 527 are great numbers to play! boxed and straight!
so everyone lost last nite, it is kind of a gray day, and nothing else is going on..
Cept June is right around the corner. How odd is that?
One of the more rivetting discussions at the Memorial day Soiree, was when will it come out that bigpoppy does roids??? I am saying July 9th. anyone else jumping on this bandwagon?
did everyone see yesterdays #?
It was 5-2-9, any good papa would have played that number all week, and made a quick 500$, I am just saying..
Well here we are at thursday already, is'nt this week flying by!
Is everyone else as annoyed as I am at seeing jack nickolson on the court? Is everyone else as annoyed as I am about____________ fill in the blank.
have a stupendous thursday
A quick 500?? Way to go sis!! Good luck surrounds me. Yesterday Mom wanted a cashword with her $2 winner, they were all out so I picked her out another kind and it was worth 20. Glad to hear that good luck is out there. Enjoy the day.
I did not win any money, sorry if I left that impression. I was saying a good grampa would have played 5-2-9 all week, and picked up 500$( isnt that the usual payout on pick 3) so I have been told.
And my mother told me she was not going to get her cashwords anymore as she has not been winning..
did everyone see CC bought 2 suites for the Cav's game tonite?
Bro, if you leave now, maybe you can be his new friend
Hey family -- its finally warming up here in the ATL -- mid 80s today, yay! Back from a speedy trip to DC to present at a conference -- 22 hours and OUT. The 6am flight home backfired though -- instead of being able to spend the day working, I'm nodding off at my desk.
No worries Kristen, I do that too. And I've only got a 12 minute ride to work.
Gorgeous outside, even though it's a little muggy.
I mowed the lawn last night, then sat down, turned on the AM and listened to the hockey game with my son and a beer. It doesn't get much better than that.
Sorry Sis, thought that you had a winner. Me, nothin'. Was going to mow the lawn, but it is dark and rumbling out there. Stay safe.
OMG, phew we finally made it to Friday, and it was so touch and go there for a few days, was'nt it!
There is so much going on this weekend! The Bombers are in Cleveland, who is making the 90 road trip? The sux are in To, and billclinton and georgebush are speaking up there also, who is making the QEW road trip?
We will need a passport or a 50 dollar drivers license to get over the border on Monday, I hope everyone is prepared.
It is JUNE, next week!
OH and a HUGE billyfucillo HUGE Happy Birthday to the newest member of the TWO year old generation! HBD Mr Oliver!
I have not forgetten and your Thomas the Tank birthday card is still above my viser!
Have a great day at your work cubicles all!
I've been prepared since January, just call me... ummmmmmmm.
Friday indeed, I've been to Flying Bison already and got me sum Vanilla Bean Brown Ale...MMMMMmmmmmm. I can't believe I haven't delved into already. And now I'm waiting patiently to order pizza and wings for din-din. Let the weekend begin.
I love the Big O vid, just love watching it. Adm, has a nice singing voice... never knew.
Gloomy day today, so it looks like we're going to the movies today. I'm thinking 'Paul Blart, Mall Cop'.
Met the Fixxitts last evening for a fish and some adult beverages to get the weekend off to a rousing start. Sounds as if everyone has the makings of a pleasant weekend at hand. Enjoy all.
Gloomy day turned into a nice day. We went out to breakfast with the Fixxits... did they treat you last night Unckie? Then dragged Zach and my dad down to the pond to throw a line in (just 1, but had fun). And then we enjoyed the day outside with the sun warming our skin. Paul Blart will have to wait.
No, the Mr. did not grab the check on Friday, but he did share some stories about bargains that he has found of late. Altho the story that we got was that nc sndr does not always share his enthusiasm for the deals that he is always searching for. Suspicions are that he has already secured his pirate gift for xmas '09. Could it be a Mets hat since the bisons are now so closely tied to their future? Enjoy the day all. I get an xtra drive to Tonawanda today to be part of the graduation. That will take care of a big chunk of the day
Hope you enjoyed a lazy, Sunday drive into Tonanana. The sun was out and its cold enough to keep your beer outside.
Mr Fixxit loves his bargains and he'll spend all day driving arond looking for them.
Can it possibly be Monday June 1ST!
I have stalled planting my vegetable garden, which is a good thing as apparently it may snow!
well that may be a bit of an exagerration, but chilly none the same.
The weekend flew by at warped speed, and this work week will probably drag!
Nothing special planned, just the usual, work etc work etc...
wonder if my brother will transfer his mancrush from Lebron to Kobe?
Just things that distract me!
No transfer of affection allowed. King James has been taking a trashing for his hissy fit after losing and rightfully so. But in terms of pure athleticism and watching him play, I still get oogy. Looks like a quiet week here. Auntie is going out to dinner to Salvatore's on wed. compliments of her flushot clinic bosses, but the best that I can hope for is maybe a doggie bag this week. Stay warm all.
Let me tell you family, the Lebron "no handshake" really got my dander up. Especially his comment that it had nothing to do with sportsmanship to refuse to shake the hands of the people you just lost to. Ummm, isn't that the very definition of bad sportsmanship? Shame on him indeed.
So should I stay late to work tonight or head home to my porch? Decisions, decisions.
Hey Unkie--the deals/bargains I love... it is the word "cheap" that sets me a shiverin'
KDH, I hope the porch won! Work is work, but a spring evening on a porch swing with an Appletini, well that does not come around that often!
Here we are at Tuesday, and I am still debating over summer vacation plans, now that cookie and good gary are going to paint the house, geo and I will have some time on our hands, where should we go and what should we do??? I know geo wants to do the scranton wilkes barre extravaganza which I am sure we will do, but I think we have to do something else??? I can not go to canada as I am boycotting the whole enhanced drivers license scam.
Not really interested in a big city vacation.
Am taking anastasia back to SA in Nov, so what is left???
mmmm I will have to do some research and get back to you!
Mr. Fixxitt did confess that there were times when the word "cheap" did pass the lips of nc sndr as she mentioned her f-i-law's quests. He, of course, did not necessarily see it that way. When G. G. and Cookie finish Adam st., send them to EA. I have a house in need. Vacation plans? You can never go wrong with the Harrisburg, Reading, Frederick, Hagerstown b-ball swing. Plus you have all of the Penn. Dutch country, Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry visiting points in the same general area. Just don't tell mom that you will be in the vicinity of "the brick". Or, the SCWB, Trenton (if you must OD on the Yankees) and finish in Philly. I know it's a big city but it has lots of cool free stuff. I LOVE planning vacations!!!
Vacation plans??? Oh how about a trip down to Yankee Stadium on Sunday to watch the game and snag a free water bottle courtesy of Zales and then up Albany to watch Eddie Vedder perform in front of only 2300 exclusive ten club members?!?!
Thats what Good Gary and I have on tap for this upcoming weekend!
Unkie...I would be happy to paint your house. You supply the paint and beer!
Now THAT is a weekend plan, plus she still is finding time to paint houses. What a woman!
Incredible! How does she do it? Oh yeah, youth is on her side.
Say hi to Eddie for me.
Knowing KDH, she incorporated both porch, appletini (or bourbon) and work.
Planning vacations must be in the blood, because I love planning vacations too. Drives Sndra crazy. Of course leaving for the day I still consider a vacation. As a matter of fact, as soon as I get home at 3:04 on Friday, I'm on vacation.
I have a question?? Should a day be measured by what you do do, or don't do?
And I am throwing this out there because, number 1, I did not see the whole episode of Man Vs Wild featuring Wil Ferrell, all I saw was he ate his "emergency" twinkie, the minute he landed, and I have not caught Conan O'Brien?
So I am thinking I am living a pretty unfulfilled life?
Or maybe not?
That is a tough call with will ferrel and conan. I would say, fulfilled, particularly since you are thinking about house painting and I am 0 for 3 on all of those topics. Anyone notice that it is Wed.?
I'm already planning dinner for Thursday and can't wait until Friday... Wednesday means nothing to me, nothing!
What's up with Lydia Dominick on channel 13? I'm kinda confused.
No activity in Holtzland.
Well then, I know you've all been waiting patiently, so I'll tell ya. It's steak hoagie month at DiMarcos, that's what's for dinner tonight.
Had to interrupt the JT roll with the announcement that it is FRIDAY!! Hope that others, besides Cookie and GG have developed awesome weekend plans. Where has nc jnn been hiding? Haven't heard much from her lately. Anyone do a blog about their participation in last nite's corporate challenge? Nope, me neither. How about a blog concerning the various poses for consuming beer? JT?? Even I could do one of those. Another couple of hours and I will start my weekend. Yeah! Enjoy
YEE HAW it is friday.
I have absolutely no exciting plans for the weekend what so ever!
Jnna has been immersed in softball!
And has a tournament to attend, geo has killed off his Uncle Auggie for the 3rd time in Rochester to call off work on Saturday, so he can attend.
I will probably spend some "mom" time... And then maybe mmmm do something exciting!
3.5 more hours behind the desk and then let the weekend begin!
Ask and you shall receive. I'm going to work on a beer poses blog just for you Unckie. It's an excellent idea, (probably outta the mind of Auntie P) excellent idea. Give me the weekend and I promise to have one up on Monday. AND OH! It will include fury woodland creatures.
Ah nphw, I can always rely on you. Another reason to keep going. At least I know one person who will use their time productively this weekend.
Sitting here with Gram showing her the Oliver Blog.
Cloudy, gloomy Monday, Zach, his class and I are off to the Bisons game this morning. Hopefully the rain holds off until after the game.
Other than that, I've got a blog to create when I get back.
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