Sunday, November 20, 2005

Feast of Christ the King

Apparently the last sunday in November, is the end of the Catholic Calender , and it is a Feast day, and the following sundays of course are advent leading up to christmas. This came as a surprise to gramma, I quess this falls into the category of learn something new everyday. As we entered church, gramma loudly proclaims that we are so early they have not even turned on the lights, well the lights were on and the church was half full. She had her Leonardo DiCaprio aviator glasses on.
Side note:There are no pix so if you struggle with text, you may want to breakdown the reading.
Our sundays usually start with Church, the most startling thing about church and gramma is the same 3$ she has put in the collection plate since 1956. She firmly believes the catholic church has more than enough money. She is probably right! We scoot out early as she is clearly falling asleep in mass, her head is nodding more than a bobble head doll. And it was th e priest she can hear! She attributes this to as not having eaten any breakfast, she needs something to eat. Off to Bob Evans! They have good coffee! Her menu choice was the waffle with fruit, but they had no strawberry only rasperry and they were skimpy on the whipped cream. We then continue down the blvd where her stories are pretty much the same, how nice the creek was when it was blue, not black, how grampa used to fish there and he caught some pretty nice fish, how the blvd was all farms, with absolutely no houses or traffic. Today was a reflection on winter snows, the winter of 42 and 77 she says with absolute certainty were the worst. In 42 when she walked from the grove st house, which was Mama's house at the time to the train station on roosevelt the snow was up to her hips! She was boarding a train to Louisiana to see Grampa. He had some free time while in basic boot camp before being shipped out and she went to see him. She ALWAYS says he was the handsomest private in the Army.
We always stop at his grave, where today his grave was the only one on the block with out a christmas wreath, I tried to convince her that he would not care, but she would hear none of that, she did not want anyone who may stop by to see there loved ones final resting place that he was not cared about, or his family didnt think enough of him to put one there. Rest assured this will be righted tomorrow. Gramma comented on how thanksgiving was grampa's favorite holiday, it was a day when he saw the people that meant the most to him, ate his favorite foods, and watched football. He loved Pumpkin pie, mincemeat pice, any kind of pie. I quess this explains his diabetes !
On to TOPS for thanksgiving shopping. What a nitemare! I think I am taking her up on the idea of eating out! But no, a bird will be cooked, with enough leftovers for her for a week of dinners. Happy Thanksgiving to All, to those I will see, and to those that I won't. Please know you are in my heart! It will be a day where I will hear Grampa's voice as clear as a bell, " is the oyster dressing done?" " Did Detroit score"?
submitted by Betsy


JT Rice said...

Nice job Auntee B, not to be a pain but, I really enjoy the pictures, it helps me stay focused and from not departing the text.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

I like the spam blogs. Mmm spamblog pie.

JT Rice said...

On a sidebar: I may have to agree that Thanksgiving too is my favorite holiday. I think it's easy to say your favorite time of the year is Christmas and "I don't think a football is a good Christmas present". Thanksgiving is a day of just eating and laughing. You have very little resposibility on Thanksgiving, the cooks aside. Eat a couple helpings of good food and then sit back a take a lil' fiver during the Dallas game. Life is oh so grand oon Turkey Day.

Anonymous said...

Adam, why no comment on the censureship of your web page? What did jff write?

JT Rice said...

Ooh... what about spamberry sauce?

JT Rice said...

The 'e' is no longer silent in Jeff. I ran into some legal issues. You can now call me @&.

Jenna Koch said...

How come Auntie B gets more comments than I do?? And, I put pictures up!!! I am somewhat offended!!! She has a few grammatical errors as well!!

JT Rice said...

My keeeybooard is ssoo sensitive.

Anonymous said...

five weeks from today is christmas, and I am still not very clear on the game o' gifts we are playing? Is it one gift per person that fits all ages, sexes and major league baseball preference?

JT Rice said...

We overlook the gramatical errors to the newbies.

Jenna you are doing an awesome job. Keep it up.

Man, I wish I had a nickle for everytime I heard that. Ahh, 13 years of marriage.

JT Rice said...

I'm bringing a really loud rooster that crows everytime it dispenses soap.

(Insert sex joke here)

Anonymous said...

I'll make sure Jff or @& wraps his in green so no one gets the rooster but his sorry A**.

Welcome back Adam. Do you think Rick is lost in blogger space too?

Anonymous said...

There was certainly a lot of activity for a Sunday evening. Although I did notice that Jeff's postings ended just as Desperate Housewives began.Nice job Auntieee B.The text only was fine by me because of my acute powers of concentration. Although I must admit that there were times that I thought that it would have been great for you to use your picture cell phone to capture some of the "in church moments". The worst Thanksgivings were going to Aunt Corrine's on Broughton St. No leftovers. I think Uncle Larry took them to his fellow postal workers so they wouldn't pick on him, and the Detroit-Green Bay game, the only game of the day, was turned off while we ate. Talk about an uncivilized society. Have a great holiday everyone, and "God Bless us all, everyone"

Charles Adam Holtz said...

i think the tremendous number of posts is due to the fact that I'm not quite so dumb anymore. Thanks to sandra. And I don't think rick is lost in cyber space. I think he's just too cool selling his "best buffalo chicken sandwiches in the world" down there in the home of buffalo chicken, asheville, NC. is ist asheville or ashville? I know the e is silent. and jenna, i think you need to give unkie c some blog duties, as he obviously has nothing better to do than sit at the computer and hit refresh.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

on a side note, has anyone checked out this "legitimate home business" opportunity? obviously someone has singled out this particluar holtz clan. probably because of our witty banter. but seriously, if i weren't in school full time, i'd jump on that like white on rice. or flies on poop.

Anonymous said...

I am way too, too, too busy to undertake any additional responsibilities. By the way Jenna, what happens after xmas to this blog site? Also, Adam claims that he listens to Rick's radio program on the internet. How do you go about doing that?

JT Rice said...

Just copy and paste the URL up above to your favorites and listen in 3PM to 7PM to Lil' Ricky ramble.

He's quite good he'll tell you.

JT Rice said...

Junkie C you're quite astute noticing my departure from Blogland whence the Desperate Housewives start their run. I didn't thiinkk anyone woulld notice.
Kristen can you forgive me?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

two words for ya. Josh Beckett. How you like them apples?

JT Rice said...

After this Xmas season has passed this Blog lives on in another communication forum. "Countdown to Chowder", rumour has it someone is hosting a decade party at his/her estate in the country (also someone has golfed 100 months in a row)... and it's not Bob Hope... he's expired.

JT Rice said...

Beckett will be a Ranger by noon tomorrow. Hmmmm Rangers and Red Sux have a trading history. Oh wait no they don't, ARod went to the Yankees.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I came across your website today while trying to find ideas for christmas gifts. I love this website, I was laughing hysterically. Your family seems very close. I will check this site often.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

auntie B, uncle lou will be at thanksgiving on thursday, right? I'm not coming if he doesn't show up. I need to find out who's going to win the national championship so I can place my bet. The dinner will be held at the same place, 2600 Sheridan Drive, Tonawanda NY? Tell Uncle Lou so he's sure to be there. Friends want autographs.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Uncle Lou, last time I was in Atlanta, I called to extend my car rental another day, and was asked if my first name was "louis" and my affiliation was "espn". I said yes, and told them that I'd need the Hummer with the fuel option and the cheerleaders delivered to my hotel room, stat. Thanks Uncle Lou!

Can someone teach me how to post a picture?

JT Rice said...

It seems that Uncle Lou owed some money down at the American Legion 248 on Oliver St. and will be unable to attend Thanksgiving dinner. Doris, who's usually at the front door collecting, had given Uncle Lou a few warnings that he had put off. In the end, Doris knew people, who knew people and the short end of it, Uncle Lou will be mending in bed for a few days.

JT Rice said...

I wish I could put up a fancy picture like Adam's. I have this lovely one of me at the zoo on reptile day. It practically looks like a making out with a bearded dragon.

Jenna Koch said...

I just wanted everyone to know that everyday I wake up, I hear the sound of my mom's pompous laugh that her blog entry recieved more comments than mine!!! And, I post pictures!!!

Yes, we will continue to post entries even after Christmas. I hear it's someone's 60th, 50th, 40th, and 30th birthday year. Plus, we can't forget my 24th.

My blind date was a bust. He hates baseball!! He wouldn't fit in with the family!!

Anonymous said...

greetings from north dakota we are also a holtz family perhaps were related somehow

Anonymous said...

This is getting nuts. Auntie BEEEE makes a token appearance for Corpus Christi Sunday and now we have people from all over the world.I wish I had known about the North Dakota Holtz family. I could have dropped in on them. And by the way, what's wrong with living with one's parents in the basement? That was my most endearing quality when I was courting my beloved. I guess that speaks volumes in and of itself. And I have it on good authority that Uncle Lou will be stopping by this weekend. We need a posting of Jeff with the Komodo Dragon. And a few more "spam-a-lots" and I may be tempted to take a peek, after all, there was a story in the Wall St. Journal today about a guy who is becoming a millionaire by selling pixels on his web site for a buck a piece. Instead of wasting our time doing this, why didn't someone come up with that idea?? Yeh, and who remembers where they were 42 years ago today??

Sandra said...

Personally...not born!

JT Rice said...

Greetings North Dakota, Do you know Everett?

JT Rice said...

Pixels??? I hate fairies, they have this demeanor about them I just don't like.

It was a bearded dragon named Camelot, he was sweet and he understood me. He deeply cared about me. I'm trying to set up a weekend visit with him.