This is Grandma's First Communion Picture in not sure of the year.
Due to the overwhelming activity of the blog from strangers, I felt it was necessary to upgrade to smaller and daily posts so they can be one with us. My day with Gram started this afternoon when I called her because the weather was so nice. I felt maybe she would want to get out of the house. Our first journey was to the bank where she withdrew $100. Apparently, she has money on the game tonight or she needed to buy an enormous amount of Cashword scratchoffs.
After the bank, she wanted to get some desert. So we went to Lou's for some pie, where she saw her favorite waitress. So I snapped their picture. We stayed awhile, so Gram could talk to her friend. Gram said she wanted to get a little something for Cozy and drop it off before Christmas. Looks like I will be celebrating Christmas Eve at Lou's.
After Lou's we went to the library to do some research. Unfortunately, we didn't have much luck. I didn't have time to go through the microfilms, because she was tugging on my sweatshirt to leave. "I said what are you in the hurry for?" Well it was just known to me that it's 24 hours of Christmas love stories on the Hallmark channel. She didn't want to miss anymore movies.
After the library, I dropped her off at Lutheran Manor and guess who was standing at the door? "John Doe", opened up the door for her with a smile on his face. The ATTENTION ATTENTION letter was defaced, but the cart was brought back. Oh a happy day at the home.
So, if you already haven't gotten Gram anything, here are a few more ideas: This is what she asked for:
1. A really really good magnifying glass. Not a cheap one she said.
2. Stamps and stationary paper. She is running low.
3. Socks, not colorful ones, just white ankle ones she said. She also has 3 pairs of Hanes underwear left (In case you wanted to know that). She would like a size 11, because she can breath in them she said. The 10's are to tight.
4. Warm sweatshirt. She said it will be a cold winter, and when she goes out she would like something warm to wear. Kristen, she has a GW sweatshirt that she wears religiously, like its going out of style. Maybe she could use a new one.
5. Lottery Tickets. She likes the cashword. No, she doesn't like. She is ADDICTED to them. Plus it keeps her busy and quite for quite a long time.
6. Gift Certificates: (Tops, Lou's, Bubble) Places like that. Lou's has a special. If you buy a $5 GC for $3.50, they throw in a Lou's coffee mug, with the Lou's mascot imprinted on the cup.
7. She needs a new address book. She said she meets so many people that she is out of room on the H letter. Apparently all the Holtz's that stumble on our website will also be getting birthday cards, Christmas cards, and any kind of card from the Factory Card outlet store. I know this because it is one of my yearly trips with her.
8. Lots of visits and phonecalls from her loved ones. She said and I quote, "Maybe this will get them to call me."
9. A bottle of gin and a few shot glasses for her and Dorothy. Just for one Friday night.
10. Her favorite movie is Meet the Fockers, only because it's Cathy's favorite movie as well. But, I already got the DVD for her. Of course it wasn't the censored version. She said she doesn't want anything electronic. Maybe we could look into getting her a IPOD, MP3 player, or a PDA. Grandma also wants this blog with the comments in book format. I am not sure how to do that, But I forwarded this to Kristen. Maybe all the grandkids can go in on it together. Maybe we could do a chart too, with the grandkids that posted the most. Hmmm, Just a few ideas.
Gram's appointment is Thursday Dec. 8th at 1:30. She wants to ask him what is wrong with her back. After that appointment, I expect a full report on the blog Unkie C. I will give you my username and password. Perhaps you could bring a camera for a few pictures.
good day from fargo ND. i check this site out everyday. sometimes 2 times a day. i love all the banter on this page. my mother irma, is 92. this christmas she asked for a photo of the family. would your family like to join? yes a great deal of snow fell here. enough snow to last us some time. what a small world that we all walked into. your mother and grandmother and friend must be proud. do you also maintain that other website i listed? was irving a relative? freezing rain in fargo today. the roads are slippery. i am staying indoors and checking this website often.
HIPAA !!!! Good call Auntie B.
Don't ask.
Hellooooooo Fargo!!! Sorry about the ice, 58 degrees here in sunny Buffalo... as usual.
I've have the same problem with my size 10's being too tight. Is that too much info?
I'm a lil' disturbed regarding the under garments info. Some things are better left unknown.
Two Irish nuns have just arrived in USA by boat and one says to the other, "I hear that the people in this country actually eat dogs." "Odd," her companion replies, "but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do." Nodding emphatically, the mother superior points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk towards the cart. "Two dogs, please," says one. The vendor is only too pleased to oblige and he wraps both hot dogs in foil and hands them over the counter. Excited, the nuns hurry over to a bench and begin to unwrap their "dogs."
The mother superior is first to open hers. She begins to blush and then, staring at it for a moment, leans over to the other nun and whispers cautiously: "What part did you get?
check out my blog at
Why a Christmas tree is better than a man:
1. A Christmas tree is always erect.
2. Even small ones give satisfaction.
3. A Christmas tree stays up for 12 days and nights.
4. A Christmas tree always looks good--even when it is lit.
5. A Christmas tree has cute balls.
6. A Christmas tree doesn't get mad if you break one of its balls.
7. A Christmas tree is always happy with its size.
8. You can throw a Christmas tree out when it's past its 'sell by' date.
9. You don't have to put up with a Christmas tree all year.
10. A Christmas tree is always happy with its size.
11. You can throw a Christmas tree out when it wears out.
12. You don't have to put up with a Christmas tree all year.
13. You only have to feed/water it once a week.
14. It's always there to light up your life.
15. It gets turned on only when you want it turned on.
16. It always smells nice.
17. If it needles you, you can toss it out.
Jenna, I hope you're not counting these SPAM blogs when you're trying to best your mother with replies.
Since I have so little time on my hands, I go to each blog and ask them to stop by ours. Hey you have to win somehow. 65 on the last one!! I think Kristen is doing a blog tomorrow. I think that someone different should do one each day. Maybe title it, a day without gram.
My day without Gramma started as I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and showered. Gram was still missing from my life as I drove to work and thought about ways to "get through" my day at the office.
My thoughts then went to spring training and ways to beat the Red Sux (Gram still wasn't around). Yankees need some middle relief help. Then I thought about how badly Ditka would beat the Red Sux if he played against them.
What if Gramma pitched against the Red Sux and little Ditka was in centerfield?
Just a FYI: I had a nice conversation with one of my favorite cousins, Jff. He told me of a job opportunity that I am strongly considering. However, I feel that this may be his plot to take over the website. HMMMM.
Where are Kristen and Adam?? Did you find a different blog family??
Who is doing the blog for tomorrow???? I have a calendar that I have color coded based on the family's last name. Kristen, I think you are scheduled to complete the blog tomorrow. Perhaps we can title it, "A day without Gram in DC." Please leave out bathroom trips and moments with guys. But, your mom doesn't hold back.
Also, if anyone was wondering; Keith (my blind date that I ditched an hour later) e-mailed me. He got his job back. Looks like I am getting a nice rock for Christmas.
All we are saying, is give Keith a chance.
AAll we are saying, is give Keith a chance.
Aunt Patti, was this song playing on the radio in the van down by the river?
Jesus. If it wasn't bad enough that dad was so addicted to the weather channel that he constantly points out who on the show is banging who, we now have cross-country weather updates. Dad'll never sleep again. He's going to start an internet relationship with a weather blogger from alaska, and that'll be the end of his (almost) 40 year marriage. And Jeff, I know 10 year olds who can come up with better disses against my ball team than "red sux". come on, i thought you were a Holtz. Speaking of disses, Jeff, did you hear why Jeter likes arod so much? He's a gentle, tender lover.
What do the managers at Borders and the Red Sux have in commmon?
They've all had relation with Johnny Damon.
Okay, okay, we've had are fun, now let's get back to Christmas spirit of yesterday. That kindred spirit Gramps had and carried with him for o' so many years. 'snif'
Dear friends and family from Fargo, please do not let my cousin Adam's ill and suggestive remarks put you off. He knows not what he says, he is from treehuggin'hippieville, USA.
Does anyone know Clara Holtz from Des Moines??
Aunt Clara was under the dillusion that I was a perpetual 4 year old and that I was a girl.
Jeff~ It was a 57 chevy and I don't think we called it Keith....
As the eldest scion (look it up in the dictionary and you will see my picture), I accept the responsibility of putting this magnificant blog back on track. I think it best to not even admit to most of these prior 16 postings which included spam, male-bashing, redsox bashing, yankee bashing, and a reference from my wife that I don't even want to think about. We need to return to the spirit of the season; no references to "yellow eyes", and no verbal "accidents" that might hurt someone worse than breaking a major prize. Let's get back to shopping for the ones we care for, and no bowling balls, not matter how creatively they may be wrapped.And for all of the Holtzes out there in the heartland of America, with I-70 closed in Kansas and Colorado, we here in "the Miami of the North", feel your pain. And Jff, I called my good friends at peachtree golf at Niagara on the Lake ( a short par 3 course) and she said that they are "kind of open"--they had snow and no pins in, but they are open so it looks as if I will drive up there on Thursday, Dec. 1--month #94 on the way to 100,
Where's Flick? Anyone seen Flick?
It's a balmy 72 degrees here in DC today, and no one quite knows what to do with themselves. I actually saw an outfit this morning at starbucks that consisted of a wool sweater, cropped pants, flip flops, a fur hat and a giant scarf. I should have taken a picture phone picture to share!
So Jenna -- are you going out with Keith after he ditched you on the first date? Good excuse or not, that's a nonstarter!
I agree with Unkie C. We need to get back to the spirit of the holiday. With that said, Will there be a extra something under the tree for the blog administrator?? Because of her hardwork, copious blogs, dedication, committment; need I go on? If that didn't get you. I was at Gram's for 2.5 hours sifting through pictures from her "short skirts and much to revelaing tops" to her denim jeans and GW sweatshirts. Yes, Fargo Holtz's you may send a gift as well. I live in Buffalo off Elmwood. Your family is welcome to stay over.
Kristen, are you doing tonight's blog? A day in the life without Gram. If not, someone else can take your day.
No date in the future with Keith. He is to consumed with his 2nd shift janitor work at a middle school. He may be at Christmas if he produces a nice rock on my hand. I did take a picture of him when I knew things weren't going good. It will be for good laughs on Christmas. And, I was worried I was just going to sit in the corner and watch Kristen and Aunt Patti pound their wine drinks. Now, this year, I am joining in.
If anyone has a Linens and Things near them, there is a game called shots and ladders. Maybe that could be our entertainment on Christmas.
greetings from fargo. i feel like part of the family here. i do check this site many times and laugh so hard. thank you for being concerned about us holtz's out in fargo. its cold and rainy but as holtz's were tough. i am getting a good idea about who everyone is. no yankee or boston fans in fargo. but maybe we should convert. does anyone else have pictures up like adam? well keep it up. it is truly hysterical. i agree with the one person who said you should start a reality show. we could be your guest appearences
Ah yes, Fargo is "Cubs Country", as sad as being part of "Red Socks Nation" up until 2 years ago. Maybe now it is Go White Sox!! Jenna, I think that Keith needs to be part of our Christmas. I am sure that with all of the interests, or lack thereof, that you described, he would have a ball. What are all of the Fargoites? Fargonians? Fargoers? Just what do they call themselves? doing to prepare for the holidays? All of our best to Mother Irma.Just keep truckin', but stay off 94.
I too caught myself flippin' back to the weather channel during the enticing Colts-Steelers game. My concerns of the I-94 are genuine. I can flip around the remote quicker than a jackrabbit on a date.
Unkie C you blogged at 7:58 AM? I hope you didn't wake Frenchy up when you called him for the golf weather report in Niagara on the Lake?
It pains me to say this.... I'm sorry Adam. If you can forgive one Yankee fan before Christmas, can it be me? I'm not a bully or a toadie, but I feel like one of the many rabble that gets beat on.
there you go again, Jff, talking about your incredible dexterity with the remote again... Just start saying what you really mean. And, no, as hard as I try, I just can't come to terms with a yankees fan. Maybe some day. Kristen, where the hell's your blog? you are slacking, sistah, and you're letting the fargoites down.
crap. I've written 13 and a half pages of a 15 page paper on women in Islam, and I can't write the last page and a half. Jff, Jnna, Betsy, Fargoites, help me out here. For the love of all that is holy, help me out!!!!
I need a Labatt's.
Did you happen to mention that Islam woman believe that Roger Rabbit is funnier than Jerry Lewis? Don't tell the French.
great, that adds an inch to the paper. although an inch is alot bigger than it looks. So I've been told.
Get a copy of the lyrics of the old Ray Stevens record: Ahab the Arab. There is lots of useful stuff in there about Fatima, with rings on her fingers, bells on her toes, etc. Why would anyone prefer anyone, or anything, over Jerry Lewis, a comedic genius. Jill, you will be a better person for watching the weather channel, although now that hurricane expert John Hope has passed on, it is not what it once was. I was a bit disappointed that there was no live W.C. coverage from Fargo, but I did see film of the flashing sign closing I-94 from Moorhead Minn, just across the river from Fargo, to Fergus Falls. That was chilling!
News of the infamous sign at Luther Manor has reached the front office---Gram is in for it now...
"The Managemant"
I'm pretty sure she was framed!
Good call with the Ray Stevens tune Unckie C, it reminds me of a time when I handed in a copy of the movie "Patton" to my social studies teacher for my European studies assignment. I got a D+. I should have used "Rochelle, Rochelle"
ouch, Jenna! That hurt! K and I do not pound "wine" drinks!! We only drink the best Champagne-And really, Aunt Sue drinks more than both of put together. How come you didn't include her? Hoping for an extra present??? Should I bring extra this year??
Thanks for the tidbit of info on "The Fall of the Canadian Government". I knew that when the Winnipeg Jets left for Pheonix that one day it would all crumble up north. Does this mean U.S. Lazik surgery has no competition now? I better wait until Fox & Friends reports this.
Seems that my sister is spending a lot of time tending to current events, ie. weather channel, cnn, fox news, etc. When does this leave time for work to get done? Just how many bottles of Champagne are going to be needed this Christmas, Jenna? I would forward everyone copies of the e-mail that i received showing the new Canadian currency which is guaranteed to be beyond any tampering by Muslim extremists, but the fact that the queen has been replaced on the currency by some Ft. Erie performing artists might be found by some to be offensive. That idea may have been the beginning of their governmental problems
Hey! Careful! I got my performing arts degree at Clifton Hill U!!
It happens to be "top(less) notch"!
There is a great wine selection at Pepppermints, right "#1 d in l"
If Canada's good, will we give them electricity?
Just so you're all on tenderhooks, I plan on posting about my day tomorrow. I betcha I'll have all sorts of interesting things to share with you all -- and our Fargo-ite brethren!
I just got home and I had 20 E-Mails. Dang I miss so much when I have to work!!! Okay, just a few clarifications.
1. Where is our guest blogger?
Kristin is on the schedule for Wednesday and since Adam is whining, we will give him Thursday. I have to take Gram to run a few errands, but guest bloggers take precedence at this point.
2. I was going to see if the yankee fans and Red Sox fans could bring their own shot glasses. We could settle this debate by drinking. The last one standing wins.
3. Aunt P. by no means did I suggest that you and K were pounding down those drinks. You have to drink to stay sane around here. 6 bottles should do.
4. Mom that was pretty funny about the website there.
5. Adam, I learned this in grade school, if you enlarge the font and make it Courier it makes the paper longer. And, change the sides of the margin 2 3 inches. Those are my little tricks.
Well, got that day with Gram. I won't do a blog. We have our guest bloggers this week. There's nothing interesting anyway.
Sandra, you rascal you. I never knew of your ties to the Commonwealth. Did you and Jff meet in Canada? I always wondered why Nephew Jff had such a warm place in his heart for our "Neighbors to the North".
I always bring 6---do we need more than 10?
I was stationed up in Canada for 3 weeks during basic training (I was passed out at Sherkston Beach). During that time we had a weekend offbase (I awoke from my stupor just long enough to start another binge) and met my dearest better half entertaining the troops (it was her turn up on stage). It was then with my Holtz charm (and twenty American dollars) that we got closer to each other (lap dances are extra). Since then we have bonded to form a beautiful relationship with children (the more kids you have the more money welfare gives you ).
Sure seems to have quite a grasp on the "comings" and "goings" of the Canadian Ballet---should I be worried??
sandra, you only have to worry if he starts talking about the ballet in toronto. Its a whole different game up there in the big city. And Jeff, were you stationed in the 'bama national guard too?
Okay, let's review the schedule for our "guest bloggers"
Today- Kristen Holtz
Thursday- Adam Holtz
Monday- Jill Koch
Tuesday- Jeff Rice
Thursday- Uncle Chuck
Saturday- Oprah
More guest bloggers to come.
Failure to blog will result in Gram duties for life and you have to wear a pink bunny pajama suit on Christmas, "derranged easter bunny"
Those daze were a lil' foggy back then. I could have been.
Finally, the recognition that we all most certainly deserve. I was wondering about that telegram and the crate down at the train station. Jff. Glad that you were able to survive that tough duty at Sherkston. Many of your colleagues fell by the wayside. By the way ringmaster, where is today/s update? Is there a time frame that guest bloggers have to follow??
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