Happy Thanksgiving to all Holtz's, Rice, Koch's, and anyone else who stumbles onto this popular website. I have to backtrack a day and let everyone know that the Christmas wreath is on Grandpa's grave. It was touch and go for awhile, as Claude the "Gatekeeper" closed the gates to the cemetary 4 minutes earlier. Grandma demanded that we get in there and slipped him a fiver and he unlocked the padlock.
I tried calling Grandma before her arrival to tell her the travel ban for North Tonawanda and the City of Tonawanda. But, she would have none of that. Even though it wasn't true. Grandma came over promptly at 12:30, tossed her boots to the side and threw her jacket on the floor. She made a mad dash to the hors de vours. Grandma made her football picks for Thanksgiving; Detroit and Denver. Of course she was rooting for Detroit. "You know who would always pick Detroit." In the first half, Detroit had turned the ball over twice and was was down 17-0 at the half. Grandpa picked because of the tradition she said. Grandma had a bell next to her on the table; when it rang, someone had to bring her a Labbatt Blue Light. Grandma said a touching prayer at 2:30 prior to us diving into our food. She had two helpings of food, licked her plate; then scooted back to her chair. Fifteen minutes later, we were falling asleep to ELF. I had Austin poke her, just to make sure she was okay.
After a quick nap, only because the turkey made us tired; we awoke and were ready for more rounds of drinks. Jeff, Sandra, Zach, and Emma came over. It really made Grandma's day. We sat and talked. We didn't talk about global or national news. We talked about the popularity of "our" website. Although, our website should be national news. We were all given the rules of the game for Christmas. I would like to designate Sandra to bring the rules book; just in case there are any protests. We also talked about Grandma's 90th birthday. We thought of a bus ride to visit family in North Dakota.
Lots of laughs today. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I must cut this short. It's 8 minutes to 6 pm. I am sure you are all aware, but at 6 pm, A Christmas Story is on Channel 56. "Fragile, it must be Italian." I can't wait to see everyone on December 25th, I am sure this will be the topic of discussion. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Just ask Grandma, we all have a lot to be thankful for. Grandma and I will venture out tomorrow on Black Friday in search of the perfect Christmas gifts.
greetings from fargo. i just showed our holtz family the website. it was our entertainment for our thanksgiving. your family has a bunch of comics. irving must be proud of his family. if your ever in fargo stop by and say hello. happy thanksgiving
I don't suppose Grandpa was ever stationed in Fargo during the war, was he? Do we need to be concerned about someone protesting the will?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I missed you all today, and am looking forward to the Christmas season -- Christmas means polish sausage, gift giving, and of course -- the best movie of all times, because I don't think a football is a very good Christmas present!
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, I did. The elk was done up just right. Mmmmm... as Andy Griffith would say.
I do remember Gramps tellng me a story about this guy and he walking aimlessly in Iowa, snipe hunting, but I don't think he was up in N.D.
I love it when Kristen feverishly writes with her penny pencil, wow thats sounds great.
you know, I was all set to wake up this morning and write some smartass comment (like Schwartz maybe?). Perhaps something like
BUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!. But then I read Antie B's response to the other post and almost shed a tear. It was getting dusty in here! Merry Christmas season to all, and I'll take a 3 hour moratorium on the smartass comments to honor the beginning of the season.
Aww. who am I kidding. Josh Beckett Rocks!
One of the great things about this family is that no sentimentality lasts for long. A very short break and then, back at it. Sounds as if everyone came out of yesterday well fed and ready to become engaged in the bacchanalia (sp??) 30 days hence. I think that we all need copies of the complete rules for gift exchange and that they need to be in our hands at least 3 weeks prior in order that all may search for self-serving loopholes. Jeff, it doesn;t look good for local golf for December. Anything open in the northtowns??
I'll check for places up here to golf.
Jill, dry sarcastic humor is what the Holtz's are all about. You must fulfil your destiny. come over to the dark side. We can make fun of rick. Living in asheville to hock buffalo chicken sandwiches and nascar promotions. The fool!
(fl)rick? (fl)rick? Who's (fl)rick?
Seriously, though, where is he anyway? I mean, he's certainly got access to the Internet all day while he's at work. I think he's the only grandkid not contributing! No pressure there .... but he must know by now that absence only ripens mocking in the Holtz-world, right?
Jenna, how was Black Friday? I made the mistake of going to Old Navy. The woman in front of me was buying sporty half-zip fleeces for what looked like the entire little loop football franchise of the Washington DC metropolitan area. She needed boxes to carry them out of there. I'm sure she won't miss that one....
Adam, tell us how your job interview went today?
My Black Friday shopping began at 4 am. Comp USA opened at midnight. I was in search of the perfect gift for our game. Some lucky weiner is going to get a cyan colored sweatshirt with the Flintstones on it. ( Gram got that for me when I was 12). It sure was a crazy morning. Gram did fight off a few people with her purse. She really wanted the 27 inch plasma tv..... FOR..... Oh, I can't tell you guys that!!!
Adam, a job interview??? The blog family was not notified of this. Will you have to relocate to North Dakota?
Jill, welcome to the Blog. FINALLY!!! You are now addicted!!
Okay, so who is bringing the directions??
yes, it is true, i had an interview at borders bookstore this morning at 9:30. I ws interviewed by bill, whose horrendous breath was matched in disgustingness only by his incredible flaking dandruff. I said to myself, "this would be my... manager". but what can I say, my baby's gotta eat. Amy too.
BABY ? BABY ? BABY? What in the world is going on?? First the loss of Erv == it really wasn;t the same this Thanksgiving--and now I find out over the internet that my son needs a job at Borders to care for his wife and BABY. Good Grief,What next? Did we all agree to give Jill a C+ on her theme?? Welcome to the fray Jill. I take back much of what, as an old Canisius fan, I have always said about the Purple Eagles.And as far as sarcasm goes, I find it hard to believe that anyone in this family would ever resort to such a cheap form of humor. It is SO far beneath everyone involved in this, . And as far as Rick is concerned, I think that even he will eventually respect our family in North Dakota who, by now, must be really concerned about him and the situation in Ashville; unless of course Stacey won't LET him respond to all of this, or maybe its the radio stationthat won't let him participate? But I know that he will surface, eventually.
Jill don't leave us.
I was awaken from a peaceful slumber this morning, most likely dreaming of future blog posts. My puppy dog has taken a liking to sleeping in our four post bed (designed and produced by Gary) It takes her a four feet running start to jump up but once she hits you know she's there. She had my legs pinned down and I was loosing circulation. Being the resourcful one I reached for the TV remote and wedged it under her belly to try and pry her off me. I needed Sandra's stuffed animal Eoyore to get true leverage for it to work. Why am I telling you this? Maybe I'm just throwing out hints that I need a biggger TV remote for Christmas this year.
first of all, do not spread rumors, unkie c. no grandkids in the works. I PROMISE. 2nd, as antie b stated, its STACY. THERE IS NO E. although, if you're trying to get a rise out of rick, that might do the trick. and 4th, the Holtz's from around the world are coming out of the woodwork! its amazing. Was grandpa ever really in Europe during WWII? I'm thinking he was stationed somewhere in the midwest.
Just a curiousity -- why are there no Holtz families in the Hamptons, or on the Vineyard, or even in West Palm Beach?
Jeff, we want a picture of the puppy. Post one, please!
We also have not heard from David! Does he know any of this is going on? Where in the world is David???
OOPs! My apologies. I do remember hearing of the "e" controversy, although at that point I was not an active participant. Kristen's point about the geographic location of Holtz families is well taken. The good news is that so far no reports from Gary, Indiana or East St. Louis, Ill. I am concerned about Jeff's complaints about the size of his remote, although I guess it would be worse if it came from Sandra. Sorry to hear how badly the Northtowns were hit with snow last nite. Me, I have to go out and get rid of the 8" we picked up yesterday. Any chance that someone might offer a new snow blower in the gift exchange? I came close to getting an x-box at Walmart yesterday, but I tripped over a lady who fell on the rush into the store and all that was left when I got there was a football. Close enough.
I get the most blogging done when I'm procrastinating from other work I should be doing. That's GOT to be the American way!
As for the directions for this "game" we're playing on Christmas, I'll happily take the first crack at creating a flow chart/powerpoint presentation/manual that will provide structure and clarity to our gift giving. With all my experience working on government projects, i'm confident that I can come up with something that is useful and clear as a friggin bell. What say you all?
Kristen, will this powerpoint presentation of the game's rules need to be decoded?
I was told bby my lovely wife last night that it's not the size of the remote, it's how many channels can you achieve with it that counts. She is so wise and worldly.. I am not worthy.
Can I have a shout out from the Holtz' in Utah please?
Decoder? Of course! Check your mail box for the little orphan annie secret decoder ring!
A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!
How can such "witty" people be so clueless...for those of you that missed the rules posted on Nov.22nd...
Everyone who wants to play brings one gift/wrapped/under 20.00 (make sure it is a gift that some will fight for and not the can of bag balm--the JRices have to shell out 80.00--thanks mom for the price limit--so no cheezy gifts!!)
Everyone who is playing picks a number out of the hat/empty oyster stuffing bowl...whatever...
Number 1 picks a gift and opens it
Number 2 can take the gift away from #1 or pick a new gift to open
Number 3 can take #1 or #2 gift or open a new one
And so on...
You cannot steal a gift back from the person that took yours RIGHT AWAY but if you lose one later you can take back an old gift
If you get the same gift in your hands 3 times you get to keep it and no one can steal it from you anymore
The person that opens the last gift ends the game
Whewwww! If you don't get it now...
"I said in a minute!"
Hurry up Ralphie Randy has to go to the bathroom.
"Be Sure?" Be sure to what?
What does Annie want me to do?
enough with the useless banter. as like my sister, I check the blog when procrastinating. So, figured, why not combine the 2? So here's your task. I have a 10 page paper due next tuesday, and we can all take turns writing it. The question is, " write an essay offering your reactions to the following statement: to a considerable extent adolescent love is n attempt to arrive at a definition of one's identity by projecting one's diffused self image on another".
I figured since you were all talking about remote control size and romantic basement dinners, you could arrive at something a little more constructive. I was thinking of having you write something on the changing role of women in islamic society, but that probably needs references. Holtz's in Des Moines and Fargo, feel free to chip in your thoughts. I need 10 pages here.
Not to name names, but wouldn't that mean that SOMEONE on this blog's true identity is a skinny Cuban gay man?
I don't understand the question that's being asked, but I'll still throw my two cents in.
I disagree.
There, less than 1 page. Yeah, baby!!!
Oh wait you need ten pages, sorry.
I'll give some help on those paper topics a bit later. I'm busy right now. where did that anonymous reference to the Gay Caballero come from? Was there a blog from Brigham Holtz that I missed? You students, and all of the rest of you who still are gainfully employed, need to get back to work.By the way, what is to prevent the Rice's from getting 4 of the same gift and taking advantage of purchasing in quantity? Plus, who is going to keep track of all of the exchanges and the number of times each person has each gift? I am already getting nervous about this. I vote for Gary to be in charge.
Okay, first of all. I never laughed so hard in my entire life. I went out for a few drinks last night, came home, remebering nothing; and found out I had 20 e-mails. I felt popular.
On to the next subject. I would love to help my family out with papers. First, can you tell me what all those words mean???
Sandra, thank you for the update. I do need pictures. I learn better with pictures. That's how I learned my ABD's. Is there a way you could incorporate pictures?
Adam, if you get that job at Borders; would it be possible to toss my name in the management hat? That guy sure sounds hot!
I haven't talked to Gram in two days.
Surfing the blog kingdom and came across you site. Man this is some funny s---! Are you all related? or just fraternity brothers or something like that? Will follow your blogs to the 25th, hoping it all ends well. this just in from the city of brotherly love
Just curious I went to buff state with a Kathleen Holst? In 95 and 96 are you related to her? If so, do you know where she might be?
i just figured it out. our forebears, as unkie freddie would point out, owned a circus. We, the 21st century Holtz's have created a new circus, entertaining folks from philly to fargo to des moines. Jenna, of course, is the ringmaster, Unkie C, maybe you can try out for the bearded lady. Jeff, the man with the humongous "remote control". the rest of us are just clowns, unless you can make a case to be a circus freak.
I don't know who this Kathleen Holst is, but she's not getting any damn pie on xmas. Who are these people reading our blog? And why don't they have anything better to do!
In other news, I got part of my xmas gift for the "game" with the complicated "directions" that we're going to play on "xmas". Ya'll are going to FIGHT over this!
now THAT is some serious cousin synergy -- Jill and I posted at the EXACT same moment just now. Wowza!
Don't worry about the skinny gay Cuban, he'll be traded/waived before the 2006 season begins. He can't handle the NY Holtz' pressure.
Boy, I can't wait to see that Canisius jacket... there's good fishin' on that lake. Jill does it have a big picture of a large mouth bass on the front or back?
I am literally trimmming my eye brows every 3.5 hours, literally. Do the North Dakota Holtz' have this problem or is it just me?
I'm a Buff State Aluumni (not sure if anyone knew that); a lot of people go to school for 7 years. I'm not familar with K. Holst though, I had a very weird outing with a gal named Holsteen once. I was young I needed the money.
Well!! I think I lost my blogging duties. So not only are we related to Irving but also Kathleen Holst? I just want to know what my initiation is for the Frat brotha's? Let's call ourselves phi beta gamma holtz;s.
Just finished my shopping for the gift exchange. But again, will there be pictures for rules?
BIG day with Gram tomorrow. Maybe we will come across other family members. I think these people who say there related to us only want one thing, PRESENTS
Thank you to all. My blog entry beat antee b's. NAH NAH NAH. We have Jill addicted to the site now. She has joined our blogging group.
Go Bills, but they won't win. Who am I kidding?
If anyone wants me to post pictures, I will. Aunt P, do you have that picture of Gramps basting?
Any word on the card tracking? Did gram get hers yet?
Jill's story reminds me that I once sold my shoes to a man in a Pittsburgh bar. They were a very nice pair of stilettos, but they hurt my feet -- I'm not saying my judgement was compromised, but I do wonder sometimes what's happened to those shoes now ...
Kristen, was his name Dom Wooganowski? You know, Woogie. He was into shoes.
When it comes to blogging, he who snoozes, loses. People are afraid to go to bed for fear of missing out on something. Also, it now takes about 5 minutes to scroll down to the bottom just to see the latest comments. I was never aware of all of the obvious "clothes fetishes" that this family possesses, both in acquiring and disposing.One of the rules for gift exchange is that it cannot be an item of apparel that you acquired in a way other than purchase. And, for jeff, I don't think that any of us have a good handle of what school(s) you happen to be an alumni of. And yes, this family is a circus of sorts, but no longer closed. We have become open to the public. Please Jenna, no other family pictures on the site, it is better that we all remain unidentifiable.
I know Dom! Met him down by the river one night--I swear--NOTHING happened!!! Jenna, keep the pictures coming. Who cares if people can identify us? As for the basting picture, it was returned to Gram but why not take a picture of the card and post it? Maybe it would lead to a business opportunity for me since we are being "Hit" nation wide.
Besides, a picture of Dad might lead to him being id'ed and we will find out once and for all that he wasn't stationed in Louisiana, but in Fargo in 1943
And Jenna, no fair upping your "comment count" by slacking on the postings. It's time for something new! You could set up a complicated system of "guest bloggers" -- family members only, of course -- where we help you with this massive task. Wouldn't you all be fascinated by the wacky pictures of my daily life down here in DC? ;)
I 2nd the idea of having guest bloggers on the site... we need to get this "f dash dash dash" frat going nationally I have compromising pictures of snoozing uncles that might increase my present intake on xmas morning if used correctly. Plus, so far, Gramma is getting most of the national attention. I'm hoping my picture will allow oprah to "discover" me. And aunt betsy, I'm expecting you to mail me a couple of bills dogs, since i can't make the game today. you can send the cod.
i mean send them c.o.d. I don't want any fish sent to me in the mail!
I have decided to delete the Holtz family Christmas website. After careful thought, I am going to make a personal website about ME. JUST JOKING!! I think it's a great idea to incorporate what our family is doing. That's why I have inacted the "Frat Brotha's and Sista's Daily dish soap." That means, anyone can post a blog during the day and tell us what your up to.
If you want the username and password, E-mail me and let me know. I will try to change the settings. I wouldn't want strangers telling us about our day. But, a day in the life of a Fargo Holtz would be a great piece.
I have to get ready to go get Gram. I told her I would pick her up at 12:15 and she said she would be in the lobby.
More Christmas shopping today.
PS. Unckie C, you don't need to read all the comments again to get to the bottom. You see the grey arrows to the side? And the track that separates the two arrows? If you click towards the bottom, it takes you there in no time!! There's some Tech news for you! I know those arrows and the track have names, just not sure what they are called. Somehow you can make a comment bold, I can't figure out how just yet though.
Aunt Patti!!! In a van down by the river?
Good to see, that like all true Holtzes, there were no postings until after the Bills had lost. And then new blood: How did Sue and Gary get on line, and what is the card game that Gary was talking about?
you know, I was worried that because of this blog we would all have absolutely nothing to say to eachother on xmas day. But my fears have just been allayed; uncle gary can regale us with his tales of father-son strip poker. On 2nd thought, between this and my mother's admonitions of pre-marriage dalliances with men of every ilk, I may be in therapy from now until the new year. Hope YOU ALL have fun on christmas, just hope you know I am now completely scarred for life. The only thing worse would be if grandma has a few too many labbatt's blues and tells us how great a kisser that grandpa (bless him) was.
Part of Grandma's conversation today was how Grandma and Grandpa didn't "do it" on their honeymoon to Honoeye because she had her period. That should put you over the top Adam.
God bless you Jenna. God bless you. you are a saint.
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