Well many of you have been wondering where I have been. If you haven't, well here goes anyway. As many of you know, I have accepted a full-time position as a recruitment and retention specialist. But, in my spare time; which happens on a regular basis; I help my best friend run her restaurant. Everyone meet Katie. Katie meet my family.
The Tiki Hut has personal and family ties to Katie. You see, her great grandparents built the business and her house next door in the 1940's. Her great grandparents opened the business and then passed it on to Katie's grandparents, and now it's in Katie's hands. Back in the 1940's when it was called Haines River Walk the hot items were candy, cigarettes, and hot dogs. Now, we have developed a healthier style menu and serve; wraps, pitas, salads, smoothies, etc. (To the right tipping customer we might throw in a Marlboro for old times sake).
It has been a great time in my life helping run a business. Although it can be difficult at times; the positives outweigh the negatives by far. For my loving family who may not have the luxury to try one of our famous wraps or pitas; here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.
The location is almost like a postcard view. The Tiki Hut sits right on Niagara Street overlooking the Niagara River. The view at night when the sun goes down is priceless. In case our customers want to relax, we have placed chairs and a few tables for them to enjoy. We are currently in the process of putting an addition on the place, equipped with two skylights and an overhead for the shade and protection. (You know seagulls can be dangerous during this time).
But Katie and I always discuss ways to generate more revenue and help attract more customers. So, here are a few ideas that we have talked about. Perhaps my family could provide feedback.
1. Cousin Jeff has been added to our payroll this year. Since he has volunteered to wear his coconut bra and hula skirt our sales have increased by 40%. In fact, he even asked his friends to join in on the fun. But, I do suggest he goes tanning. He has sca
red a few customers away.
2. Every Saturday nights we have Karokee from 4-9pm. It draws a great crowd, especially since we tell our customers its an audition for American Idol. Every Wednesday night, we have sumo wrestling competitions. Here is Chia as reigning champion last Wednesday. He decided to wrestle one of our regulars, so we might have to cancel the Sumo idea.
3. We have just installed a new security system in case of an emergency. Just in case we have thieves that decide to hold up the place.
So, as you can see I have been pretty busy. Now on to planning Holtzapalooza. BY THE WAY, THERE WAS A BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!! Great post!!! good times!!!
Thrillie, I was wondering if you had any leftover textbooks from your criminal law days that were taking up room. You see, I am the new criminal law teacher at QHS, and I have no idea what I'm doing. Any and all help is appreciated. I was thinking, if you still had some books that you were planning on donating, maybe I could grab them?
Nice blog Jnna.
Thrllie, You may not borrow the coconut bra. The coconut bra is not supposed to leave the house. I have no idea who took that picture, but that was for Sandra's eyes only. I'm sorry I snapped, you can borrow it. I'm just a lil' sensitive about my jungle love outfits.
I am willing though, to help out in other ways. Like maybe, I could bring over all my woodland fury creatures over and play a song with them. I could still dress up in costumes, if that's what your costumers need.
thrill- may I call you thrill? it seems so informal. basically, I have to create a 1 semester course about "criminal law". I can do whatever I choose. I was thinking of just showing them old dragnet episodes and police academy movies and naked gun movies, but I guess I need some substance to go with those case studies.
Nordberg needs some drugs. "Heroin" Nordberg, that's a tall order but I think I can get you some.
I'm sure Sandra will comment on the Princess party but I thiink it went very well. Zachary and I made an early exit before the guests arrived.
For some reason Zch wouldn't stick around and play the part of "prince" for all the photographs...party was a huge success--crafts, pizza, a castle cake and games (pin the lips on the frog) all went off without a hitch...they were all adorable and enjoyed the lessons on lifting the pinkie with tea and the proper way to wipe their pizza faces.
Note to self ( and hints for the cousins) NO MORE than 2 hours with 12 little girls in a room...you could lose your mind...oh, yeah, and if you want to make wands with feathers on them-don't...stick to ribbon that doesn't float all over your house for days...
Jill-my suggestion for the big trip--get one of those mini-size flashlights, add a string and wear it around your neck--could be handy at night on the walk back...
One more party hint--always have extra stuff on hand for the two that show up to the party that didn't respond--not enough wands could be an issue!...hey...is that sentence allowed?!?
Great blog Jnna--you forgot your favorite dishkid Em who cleans every table at every visit to "The Hut"
So here is a good one...my mom made a cake for Em for tomorrow so she can celebrate with both sets of grandparents after church who did not want to do the "princess thing"...anyways, when Jff & Z took off, they took the dog to my mom's so she wouldn't spoil the party (she's not very good at acting princess-like)...anyways...guess who ate the cake...need I say more?
Good morning.
Man, it's a lil' on the chilly side today. At least it's not raining. Sorry Adm.
Tropical Davd??? What an honor. I'm known as Flu bug Jeff. Sometimes bacterial infection Jeff.
Jllie, hopefully the comfortable Bonnaroo shoes work.
Can't believe I missed so much in such a short period of time. Excellent explanation of the camping/concert trip and I think that Mr and mrs fixit are satisfied. All sorts of help on party planning and a truly epic blog. Part travelogue and business primer, as well as some of the most provacative photos I have seen of my nphw in some time.It has everything. Word had it that Auntie B. was creating an English style garden on Adam st. Any truth to that?? Sounds as if the week started busy with Zck style baseball and the planned camping trip. I too am leaving for Tenn. on Thursday and I will be looking for thrlly, although I have no tickets for the Barbaroo concert. I thought that he was the horse with all of the screws in his leg. Have a great week all.
All holtz-roads lead to Tennessee! I spend the weekend in Memphis meself. Pretty dang fun, if I do say so. battlefields, minor league ball, golf and I even squeezed in some drinking, believe it or don't!
Can't wait to hear the bonaroo story. I will be expecting a blog!
love the tiki hut. Love the wands!
Having David live and on the spot is almost as good as having Jim Cantore in the family. Dave's WNY background has served him well. I still need to know what a bonaroooo is???
You may remember a lil' gathering called Woodstock, well, Bonnaroo is the new milenium's version of that. Past bands and artists that have graced Manchester's 700 acres were Dave Matthews, Phish, Bob Weir & Ratdog, Phil Lesh & Friends, Widespread Panic, Gov't Mule, moe., Bob Dylan (though he doesn't remember being there), Joss Stone (for the ladies), String Cheese Incident, Keller Williams, Stevie Winwood, and many, many, more. To truly appreciate Bonnaroo's impact and atmosphere you should visit the website.
Today I took a day off from work and went fishing at Lake Chautauqua. Two words: FREEZING!
I caught some fish though... perch, crappie, and a bass... Shhhhhh... it's not bass season yet. But, I caught it on my worm rigged hook, so it's okay. I'm not in trouble.
Three days to BONNAROO.
Joss Stone for the ladies? Jff, have you ever seen Joss Stone? I would sit through her concert any day.
I've seen Joss Stone (very pretty)and it's about the music for me. You have to remain focused Adm.
Have fun Thrllie.
I am great with all of the events and reports but the Keystone beer. There ARE limits. I get a headache just walking past their beer display. I now understand Bonabarboo, I think. Thank you for the info. But beyond Bob Dylan I was in the dark about the artists. Frankie Don wasn't invited? Father's Day will be big in EA. Adam and Amy will be at a Rhode Island wedding and Auntie P. and K. will be celebrating it in Santa Fe, NM. Me, I will be ..... I am so depressed that I think I will go in and see Mom today. Can't get any worse.
not sure any of you are watching hockey these days, but did you SEE Commodores beard? Ronald freaking McDonald -- it was damn near pink. I yelped.
go hurricaine alberto!
I love me some joss stone. Not sure what adam would say that implies.
Any chance we're Chinese and don't know it? I could use minority status for that company I'd like to start.
I think that I am missing out on something with this Joss stone stuff. Mom and I did Athena's for lunch with the mandated scratch off run. She's obviously feeling better and was quite personable. I think she would like to go to Tenn. with Thrll and Summmi
Gram would be fine in Tenn., I'm not to sure about Summi though. Joss Stone would probably be fine in Tenn. too. She'd confuse the natives with her English accent and hippie beads. Though she could probably trade the beads in and own half of Manchester Tenn.
Father's Day weekend opens up Bass season. So I'll be ... probably at home doing whatever Sandra wants me to do.
Once again, auntie b has it covered. It's all about the BILLS!! Willis not showing up for precamp camp; Greg Nall the quarterback of the future. Only two months to preseason games. Actually me, I am more excited about nphw jff finally being able to find time to take a day off work and go fishing. You have been working way too hard my boy. Remember, all work and no play...
Been a couple of days since I shaved, but no mustache/beard. Mom was supposed to call Sue and let her know that she didn't have to stop for the scrip. Sorry sue. Can't see why our former "checker-inners" are no longer interested in this blog with all of the great topics that we have. I could go on at length about lunch at Athena's yesterday. That would bring people back. Mom did call to let me know that she won 10 on the extra scratch off that I bought her. We didn't do the tiki yesterday for lunch cuz it was too cold so I haven't seen the new umbrellas yet. When does the shortcake season begin?
I wasn't go to say anything Thrllie, maybe you could practice being Welsh? It seems to work for Terry Jones... Monty Python folks. I should have said Catherine Zeta Jones.
Blog ideas??? We could talk about our hairy eyebrows again? With pictures???
And in the dark of the night... she's gone.
Good hockey game last night. I care... unfortunately I love hockey, so I'm watching.
Okay folks, Losman, Nal, or Holcomb??? That's the question.
Nal looked horrible on day 1 and better on day 2. Losman looked really good on both days and who cares about how Holcomb does, he's steady.
We'll get day 3 report today from Paul Hamilton...Bills beat reporter. Music please.
4 more minutes to Thrllie's debut on Roock 104, Rick's station. I'm soooo excited... pinch me.
I'm still waiting.
I'm e-mailing Rick.
now you got me listening. did I miss anything?
No Adm, Rick was just ramblin' about the heavy traffic in Asheville, boo-hoo. I had to leave at 4:45.
Zach went 2 for 3 tonight with 2 rbi's and 1 rs. His 1 out was an rbi fielder's choice. They lost to the Yankees 6-9, probably because I wore my Yankee t-shirt.
Tomorrow's game is at 1PM and he might be making his pitching debut.
I was e-mailed by Rck, the quiet one, that Thrllie was on at 6:20PM. Did anyone catch that? No word on Summi yet.
Mr. Fixit was asked 3 questions by Rick about our youth and got everyone wrong.
He tries, that's all I can say, he tries.
Thrllie complained about $5 beers? Well sure, she bought 3 cases of Keystone for $5.
Are we going to get a Bonnaroo, a civil war, and a New Mexico blog when our travelers return?
Zach's team lost today (a lot to very few), Zach went 0-2 w/ 2 walks. His pitching debut was uneventful. After catching 6 innings last night and the first three innings today, he really looked too tired to pitch and only threw to 3 batters, walking alll three. He tried, but couldn't get anything over the plate.
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