"Well Folks, I was just given a direct order to write about son Charles Birthday. I don't know if this will go over to well with him, but I guess I better take a stab at it and try to do a smoothie. He is a little famous for being born at DeGraff Hospital on June 29, 1943 at 10:30 pm; during a city wide blackout while WWII was taking place.
We lived with my mother-in-law on good ole Grove Street while his soldier father was overseas in the army. His uncle Fred followed in Gramps footsteps and joined the Navy. He was surrounded by women, who spoiled him rotten. My mother-in- law, sister-in-laws, and aunts were at his beck and call. When little Chuck was two years old, we thought he might have a career as an actor. He was quite accomplished singing and dancing to the tune of "Bell Bottom Trousers", which was a song that was very popular duri

His father was stationed overseas from September 1943 to May 1945 when he was injured and sent home with a medical discharge. He traveled through Germany, France, and Belgium protecting our nation.
Chuck was almost three years old before we were reunited as a family once again. So, his dear father never changed any of his stinky diapers (and there were many).
Charles played football, baseball, and basketball at Tonawanda High School. His athletic abilities earned him a scholarship at Ithaca College to play sports for the Ithaca Bombers. (While doing research at www.ithaca.edu, I came across the coaches for the above sports; Bucky Freeman was the headcoach who retired in the early 70's). However his athletic commitment was put on the back burner so he could work to pay for his education; which proved to be the right decision as he received his teaching degree and was not picked for the NFL or the MLB draft. He made quite a name for himself, being popular with his students, an excellent and knowledgeable teacher; who went out of his way to help his students succeed.
His teaching career began at Cardinal Dougherty on Hertle Ave and concluded at East Aurora High School, after 40 plus years of service.
His father and I were so proud of "our little singer" who grew up to be a outstanding gentleman. Tomorrow is his birthday and I am going (page 3) to call him in the morning and sing Happy Birthday for the 63rd time. I am sure my voice will crack, but he will put up with it. He came in to see me yesterday and of course we went to lunch. He tried to con me into paying for his meal, but I reminded him that I bought the last meal. I guess he is getting forgetful. I don't know where the time has gone seems like just yesterday he was my little boy. Today he is a family man with a daughter and a son who are both following in their father's footsteps by being successful, hardworking, intelligent, (yada yada blah blah, Gram did say that).
I guess the saying is true; "Time marches on."
Happy Birthday my dear son, I love you.
P.S. I am sure your dad is very proud of you, and wherever he may be I hope he makes your special day a happy one.
yay dad! Thanks gram et al, for getting me teary eyed first thing in the morning!
Does all of this nostalgia require me to attend my 45th high school reunion? I hope not. Being around all of those old people would depress me immensely. Thanks for all of the great sentiments and good wishes. I am not sure what today holds. Auntie P. has already used the terms "incredibly self-indulgent" to describe me, and it is only 9 am.
Happy Bday father o mine. Dang. 63.
Happy birthday UnkieC (sniff) & Bets--not growING...no more babies! Just growing up!
Didn't see such a lovely write up for the two daughters birthdays...hmmm...
Adm..."screw?"...and to think you will be shaping young minds!Ha!
MAN, I gotta play golf with this guy on Wednesday. How will I live up to his hype?
Happy Birthday Unckie, we love ya. Even Rck, the quiet one.
Thank you nc jnn for all of the time and effort that you put in on this saga. Mom called this morning at 7:30 to sing and asked if I had checked the blog yet. I called back to thank her and she told me how much time you had put in on this. I would definitely take issue with her reminiscence of my time in Ithaca. It was "checkered" at the very best. I am still amazed that I got out of there with a diploma. And the family pecking order is only determined by who has been by lately. Time to go watch the Mets and Sox. Does another camping trip mean another blog?????
Happy Birthday Uncle C!!!! I hope you had a great day. Next time you stop at the Tiki Hut there is a free lunch waiting for you.
Well Everyone, I was just informed that I am going to Jail on Wednesday July 19th at 10am. Apparently, my business partner signed us up for LOCK UP FOR JERRY'S KIDS. (No, Jerry is not one of my kids) It's some lock up for MDA. So to make a long story short, Katie and I have to raise our bail money.
Don't feel sorry for us, we will be locked up at Buffalo Wild Wings with unlimited drinks and a buffet lunch. If you can contribute to my bail money, I would greatly appreciate it.
Happy Birthday UNKIE!!!!!
Happp Birthday Chuckie from Tonawanda Barb!!! Hope your day was great and I also was very teary eyed reading your mom's comments!!! What a sweet woman she is!!!
I didn't get teary eyed, but I enjoyed it. I liked Adm's "DAG" comment more.
jnna~we would love to post bail for you but we need to wait and see if Jillie needs bail after her "camping" weekend first!
Wow! Tornado warning in Cheektowaga and my mom calls to tell to get in the basement. Unfortunately iit's heading towarrds Elma at 35 MPH. I'm kinda surprised it didn't hit on 8/5. Well. there's still time for a calamity.
Is Fargo bringing the corn?
Will we be playing the pirate game? What is the limit set at? Almost a month until the big day!!!!!What am I in charge of? Party gifts? Renting clowns? Kegs? Or bringing gram?
mom has a good story about the tornado. where are ya, ma? Oh, and I saw the new design for the sabres. what are they thinking???
Is Jnna out of jail??? How did she get caught up in that scheme?
Jnna's got hot dogs just like the rest of us.
Zach's Pirates played 4 innings last night and were destroyed by the Mariners ~20-4, Thank goodness the lightning came to stop the game. He did manage to go 1-1 with a nice single between third and short and get hit by a pitch (he didn't like getting hit). He did get the single after getting hit though. I thought he'd be scared. Both times he got left at third.
Other news: We are without kids this weekend. Can I get an AMEN from the congregation? They're down at Camp Pioneer with there grandparents. So after dropping Zach off last night (after the game), Sandra and I headed down to CastAways on RT. 5 for a cold refreshing beverage and eats. Decent place, great view on the lake. No sunset last night.
Tonight we're off to Schimschack's and then a stroll in Lewiston for the Garden Show.
Everyone have a great day.
Cigarette lighter shmores are the best.
Everyone is so busy today. I never realized how creative niece jll was. smores with a cigarette lighter??? That rivals the mentos in a 2 liter diet coke story. And my sister had to use the Greg Louganis analogy for my diving exploits. Would have preferred a more "manly man" comparison. Good luck with Mom today sis.
Just finished making the patio bigger. Man, am I dirty. Nice day today so far... enjoy all.
If only I knew pick up lines like that.
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