By JT Pilaf
Auntie P, always the cautious one, suggested that we take precautions with the Asian Bird Flu getting close to our infallable town. Our strong headed family was reluctant but we conceded and all wore these outfits so as to not become infected from lingering viruses.
We all gathered at the Pickford Castle and quickly dove into our cold refreshing beverages.

I had on the agenda a few games before we started our meeting. I thought we could do sack races or anything really to break the ice and get our brain juices flowing. I handed out the sacks for the races, but was surprised that the participants had no idea how to use the sacks. All of them put them on their heads and just started runnning around.

After explaining to them how it worked I teamed my father, Mr. Fixit and my dear uncle up together. My dad thought that a three legged race meant he should put both of his legs in the sack and then try and run. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was wrong. Suprisingly they won.
After a meet-n-greet with the Fire and Ice girls we tried to get the grill started for dinner.

We tried everything to get that grill lit. Explosives, gas soaked wood, everything.
You'd think Mr. Fixit would have had something in his car's trunk to help us out.

Unckie C was willing to use his head and blow on the fire to finally get it going.
We all cheered uproarously and then doused his head in water to put him out. Thank goodness he wasn't wearing mousse that day.

I grilled up our dinner and everyone really seemed to enjoy it. Then I handed each of them a note.
Ahhhhh, good times. I love playing the

After dinner we started our meeting. Unckie C tried to capture sunlight in two coconuts as a offering to the Holtzapallooza gods.
We started talking about what we should bring, food, entertainment, etc... Then Auntie B suggested that maybe Hottie McPhee might be available to perform (she did lose to Taylor). Chewbakka's name was also suggested... maybe they could do a duet?

So... basically we're all bringing three bags of charcoal..
because that's all I can remember. I tried writing everything down. But the thoughts of Hottie McPhee and Chewie singing together just made my mind wander. Can you blame me? That Chewie can really sing.
Well, everyone left and it was time to clean up the backyard. Hopefully, we don't get cleanup duty at Holtzapaloooza.

That wasn't chicken? No wonder...oh, never mind!
I'm pretty sure that pic of the yard is really the inside of my house (I've been at work all day). What a family!
I'll work for num-nums tonight.
Surprisingly, that is much the way that I remember it too, except the part about Chewbacca. You always need to have a successful practice run before the main event, and I think that with all of the kinks worked out, we are well on our way to a successful outing. I remember RED catsup for mr. fixit as well as the horseshoes, with or without the horse. The charcoal is a new one on me, but I accept it. I wasn;t aware that nphw jff was taking pictures last monday, but it was probably a good idea to have a photo journal. Where was jll in all of these pics?? Oh, I remember, she wason her cell phone trying desperately to get away, being the smart one in the group.
RED ketchup, not an off-color purple. That's all we'll need.
Frankie Don rules!!!
Who was placed in charge of contacting Frankie Don? Was it Mom?
I am not seeing a lot of response to the party planning. PEOPLE!!! We need to ratchet up the enthusiasm. Adm,krstn,jnn,jll. I know that Auntie is very excited, event tho she has not yet been able to put it into words.
two questions:
1- what is my duty. I've only been told its an unwanted duty, and I may have to wear wading pants.
2- who the h-e-double hockey sticks is frankie don?
sheesh people -- I go away to the beach for four days and I miss about 104 blog comments. you are machines!
Poor lindy. Poor sabres fans!
I'm bringing the portable mud pit and the little people to holtzapalooza. That, and the frozen daquiri machine. What else?
wait a sec. lets see if I get this straight. We're celebrating Gramma's february birthday in august? Is that correct? Is it her 2006 birthday celebrated late, or her 2007 birthday celebrated early? Amy and I got married in may of '05. can we celebrate that too? NOW I'm confused.
And Jill, its Big Papi. Big Poppy makes it sound like you want a bagel that "may" give you a false positive on a heroin test.
I have a bagel with poppy seeds every morning. I'm just saying.
Zach went 1 for 1 tonight (single to RF) with 2 rbi's and 2 rs and 3 sb's. He also got walked and had a sacrifice grounder.
They lost 18-12. But it was a lot closer than the score indicates.
Big Papi Seed?
Hold on now -- do we all get gifts at Holtzapalooza? I mean its going to be kind close to my 40th birthday (at least if you subscribe to the kind of "crazee" math my father does). If we turn holtzapalooza into a gift giving celebration, all hell may break loose. Why don't we do the game again???
Just on record -- I looooooooove Big Papi!
and my HOMETOWN Atlanta Braves are really in a slump!
Ah yes, it is all coming back thru a Molson induced haze, that the gift giving game will be celebrated prior to the arrival of other invited guests. Unkie Gare talked down the cost to $10, fair trade value; that is, if you can get it cheaper, all the better, and regifting is allowed. He smiled on that one and I suspect he is going to go thru his "stash" of gifts. I don't know what birthday sue is celebrating and I had the advantage of talking with/to her on the phone. Just humor her. I am getting a bit concerned that Auntie P. has still not officially acknowledged all of the fun and frolic to come. She must not be able to put it into words. Way to go Zack!!
Saw a "bounce house style" water slide the other day--it was too cool! Kinda pricey but very cool!...I forgot the "plan" re: invites for friends etc...was it after noon? Sorry...Jff took notes remember? i think I had the relish...
I'm scheduled to work that day...hmmm...will have to fix that one...
By the way,Gar is looking for the map!
I did not mean to ignore the plans for frivolity. Right now I have to concentrate on getting Betty home from the rehab center. This is suppose to come down on Friday morning. After that I will focus on the biggest, bestest party ever. And then turn my attention to Holtzapoloza;)
Rod said he received a beautiful bouquet of flowers at the condo today. He was really excited because today is his 84th birthday and he thought they were for him. Then he read the card and realized they were for Mom. He is going to pretend they are his until Friday and Mom can't wait to see them. Thank you one and all for being so thoughtful!!
oh PHEW! My braves finally won last night, thanks to a ripping HR by my boy Andruw!
couldn't be any more beautiful here in Hotlanta -- 76 and sunny for the 3rd consecutive day!
guess what... its raining here in Boston. I notice a trend.
No bloggin' going on?
My rehabin' is going great. I'm walking fairly smooth and it's loosening up down there. I'm getting really excited about Holtzapalooza golf.
Zach was hitting the ball today in the batting cages. He's getting better and more confident. Next game Friday at 6 PM against the Yankees. Who do I root for?
Sandra tried to throw something out tonight in the trash. I snagged it and after washing off the mildewy smell, will regift it, hoping Mr. Fixit thinks it's a winner.
Seems that the blogmeister arbitrarily chooses certain individuals to bar from access to the blog. My turn was last nite so I was away for a bit. Everything seems to be under control. Mother was a bit miffed that I would be unable to come in as I was working thursday and golfing at Legends in N.Falls on Friday. Thus she will have to call on my bro to assist in her errands. Seems that she feels a bit left out of things. I am nominating her to move in with Rod and Betty to further assist in the rehab, unless there are other volunteers.
Jnna~ What a treat it was to finally eat at the Tiki Hut last night. The food was delicious, fresh and generous. Would you consider opening your second restaurant in East Aurora? (Loved the key lime pie and I'll keep it our little secret;)
Key Lime Pie??? I got a stick.
hey, guess what... its raining.
Well...Em had a birthday today and is holding a princess party with all her little girlfriends tomorrow to celebrate...hope it doesn't rain (Adam-keep it in MA) or we could have crowding issues at the Rices...anticipating Disney frenzie for sure...
Z hit a double today...right down the third base line...we are pretty sure he could have made it to he would say "it was sweet!" For some reason Jff & my brother-in-laws went out to celebrate and left me home with the kids...what's up with that?!?
Oh, by the way, the hit also brought in two runs--it was very cool! to make fairy wands (how many of you can say that will be occupying your time tonight!)
Well, I pulled a "thrllie" last night, stayed out to the wee hours of the morning... ummmmm 12:01... hey at least I made it passed midnight.
We had a few alternative brews at 'Alternative Brews' and then continued the party at Duff's for wings. Good times, good times.
MAN, I wanted to stay home and make wands too.
Sorry about your rain dilemma Adm.
I hope that Mr. Fixit has been placed in charge of quality control over the wand production. We would not want anything of questionable quality used by the little ones. We need a post from Adam of Lucy and Stout enjoying each other's company and most assuredly one of the princess party celebrants. Me, the best I got is 16 holes at Legends golf course in Canada yesterday before the rain drove us from the course. Today I plan on enjoying the nice October weather. haave a good one all
When is the Tenn. camping trip?? And yes, we did hear how jll scored tickets from jff by way of what's his name in NC. Mr. fixit was a bit miffed that the ticket offer didn't go toward him and the missus. DETAILS???? EXPLANATION??
I'm sorry about your coffee maker... you wonder if sometimes the coffee gods just want us Holtz's to accomplish nothing during the day. I refuse to work if my day doesn't start with coffee. I advise the same to you.
Tickets... where to begin? I've been wanting to go to Bonnaroo since it's beginning, sharing this information with my brother for at least the last three years now. Ol' "what's his name in NC", being astute and quick offered his radio station's tickets to me. I recently found out that Sandra, dear Sandra, will be working a convention that same weekend. Thus, I asked my local, recently graduated, cousin (sorry Adm) if she'd like to attend, since there is absolutely nothing holding her back. For example, a job. So Thrllie, as my eyes & ears, will enjoy libations and music down in the hospitable city of Manchester, TN. to enjoy Bonnaroo 2006. Whew... I need a cold one.
hey, guess what? its raining! I only bring it up, because its rained for 28 of the past 31 days. The other 3 days it was 90 degrees and humid as hell. so what can I say, the weather's gettin' me down. And for all of you who don't understand my father's reference, stout is my brother in law's dog-a black lab mixed with a bunch of other stuff. Very anxious and driving lucy crazy. so its a great weekend all the way around.
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