Dilemma #1: Finding a ride down. This was quickly solved by latching onto 2 Bonnaroo Boundians who were the friends of friends of our friends.
Dilemma#2: Trying to fit everything into a Jeep Cherokee. We didnt really need to see out the back while driving apparently.
But after all dilemmas were solved, we were off on what was supposed to be a 12 hour drive, but turned into 15 after waiting in line to enter the farm for 3 hours!
As you can see space was at a premium that weekend. Let me tell you a little about our neighbors. To the right of us was a group of modern day hippies from Massachusettes, one young man in particular was wearing a skirt and selling granola out of the back of his mom's Lincoln. On the other side was a group of Miami college boys who drove in on their BMW SUV.
75 bands....100,000 people....and enough marijuana to put the DEA out of business. This is what Bonnaroo is all about! It was quickly noted that me and my 3 traveling companions were the minority, where everyone else in the place was high off of some drug. That weekend Summy and I were offered a myriad of drugs, mostly because the person was sorry they just spilled beer all over us or puked on us. It was a nice gesture. John, our driver, was stereotyped as an acid user. Consequently the same hippy came to our tent every morning to see if John needed a replenishment.
This is the 'Shroom fountain, the water smelled like Sulfur, but as you can see people really seemed to enjoy it even though the smell was burning my nose hairs.
Lets not forget that through all this excitement concerts were actually going on from noon until 5am! But Summy and I found it more important to beat the crap out of these giant bobbleheads!!! We weren't too sure whether they were supposed to resemble someone famous.
We did see some pretty amazing bands: Tom Petty, Radiohead, Phil Lesh, Beck, yadda yadda...
This is The Cat Empire from Australia, obviously a lesser known band because I had such a close shot. When the bigger bands came on I was obviously pushed to the back.
Thats Beck to the right..........>
One of the best concerts that weekend was by Matisyahu...a jewish rapper. (im serious) He was amazing and let the crowd know that everyone on this earth was put here to make babies, so make them right now, right here. Im not sure if anyone followed through on his demands, but the crowd seemed to support his declaration.
This is Summy and I in the Silent Disco, the music was streamed only through the headphones...One nice girl who was wearing a bee costume for no reason told me I needed to shake my booty a little more, I have been practicing ever since.
It was evident all weekend, that I wasn't dressed appropriately.
My preppy style did not fit in and I seemed to be the outcast. However this seemed to be the dressed code all weekend.
It was easy to forget that the festival was all about peace, love, and saving the environment. But a few good people remembered the purpose of Bonnaroo and were gracious enough to remind us.
On Sunday (Father's day) one nice gentleman reminded all of us to call our dads...."But not while tripping." I had no idea "Call" was spelled that way!
After Sunday night's concert we drove the 13 hours home. Back at home on monday, while sitting in my new hand woven hammock which smelled of cannibus.....
I examined my severely swollen ankles and I tried to come to grips with the amazing, eye opening, jaw dropping weekend that I just experienced. And then I started planning for next year's voyage to Bonnaroo.
Posted by JilltheThrill
My sissy did come back with a shot glass from Kentucky for me. But, after reading the blog; I was hoping she would have brought back some "digits" for me. That indian is right up my alley.
I must be at that strange age where I've heard of all of the bands (yes, even Matisyahu), but the whole experience seems very unappealing to me.
Adm, Adm, Adm (in my best Cary Granite voice), I'm disappointed in you. Of all the Holtz' I figured you to be cutting edge. I'm there with you next year Thrllie and I'm gonna kall everyone when we get there, not just my dad.
Great post.
I just read Fargo returned. Yeah Fargo!!!
Yeah stupid career goals!!!
outrageous post! good times, good times. Loved the update. We didn't do ANY of those things in Sante Fe!
Hi all! Sorry I haven't said "hey" in awhile but got stuck working a convention the entire weekend (speaking of career goals!) and then had my baby graduate from Kindergarten!! She was too cute!
Congrats Fargo!
Zach's team finally won another game! By one point--this can be very stressful for the mom---"don't get the last out...don't get the last out..."
Oh...by the way Lucy...cousin Casey turned two today and is enjoying the new bone!
Jill...you forgot to tell the story re: the grill...great post!
One point??? This isn't basketball, you score runs in baseball sweetie. Come on!
I've taken a few run throughs done to Elam Park for Holtzapalooza, trying to get my times down.
Oops, spelling.
Another reason why such a large part of the world hates us---Bonabaroo and the fact that we have it and Iran doesn't. All of the memories that it brought back for me and my days touring the country as a Frankie-Don head. Great job jll. I can see that the press credentials that "the quiet one" provided worked wonders. It looks like you had a memorable experience prior to your full time entry into the world of "career goals" and all that goes with it. And, this retirement stuff is not all that you might think it is. Yesterday was the Bisons game at 1 pm, the EAHS men's faculty steak roast with the mandatory softball game at 4 pm and poker at 7 pm. Yes, there was time for a few beers in there, but I am exhausted today.
I loved the pictures, especially the one of the fountain. Unless my eyes deceived me, there seemed to be a bit of a butt crack issue there. And congrats to the Pirates on their victory as well as his kindergarten graduated sister.
Unckie, still playing poker with the boyz??? How'd you do?
The pictures were awesome, I agree. But I got to see some pics that were not shared on the blog. And I'll be honest with you. I was scared. I awoke last night screamin' again. The horror, the horror.
We'll have a pre-Holtzapalooza meeting at noon on August 5th. Whatever we're missing, we'll send Mr. Fixit to go and get it. But, it's gotta be cheap.
OH, to be young again! But jlly~were you careful? It sounds like it could have turned dangerous at any moment! My ankles/feet are still swollen so maybe I'm not so old after all?
I have one Holtz ankle right now. Too wierd... and don't forget the eyebrows.
Saturday... big day, Emma has VBS singing at 10 AM and then we're going fishing. After getting all grubby from a successful day from the shore. We'll take the kids down to the river to eat or somewhere else. Maybe "Field Days" later or a drive-in movie at late night. Big day.
We'll have to get Zachary and Austin together.
Maybe you could bring him over one night and we could cook up dogs and they can terrorize the yard.
Uh, I thought holtzapalooza WAS on aug 5. somebody, please tell me its on aug 5. I was told it was sat aug 5!!!
It is, that's why I said we could have a pre- Holtzapalooza on that day also. We show up, see that we're mmissing something (like green ketchup), and then send your unckle Gare to go get it.
Wow! Offline for two days.
Maybe, just 1?
I think that we are finally getting a handle on this day/date thing but remember that the day starts with a best-ball scramble golf tourney at Spruce Ridge in Arcade, aabout 12 miles from picnic site ground zero, at 9 am , and then there is the pirate gift exchange before the invited guests arrive. Maybe breakfast at Earl's prior to golf and at some point we have to have the ankle measuring contest. By the way, I completed my part of this with golf in the 100th consecutive month--friday, June 9. I think that jll needs to do a live remote--again--for nphw rck's, the quiet one, radio station. From Ashville to Tenn. to Emery Park new york. It would make him world famous.
Good luck with the interview.
Ankle measuring contest, I love that one. Ahhh good times.
I can't wait until 8/5/06. Golf to start and I'll be ready. Pirate gift exchange, rumor has it Mr. Fixit found himself a winner, that scares me. Everyone check out his paper when he arrives. Then guests and hot dogs, maybe not in that order.
Congrats on 100 consecutive months of golfing. And here's to your next 100.
When's Summi going to do a blog??? I bet she has a few stories.
Good luck Jill on interview number two. Me, I am off to Tonawanda today. Mom was complaining about being bored, but the only day this week I can get fit in is today. Looks like a library run and lunch. this rain can't be helping Zach's baseball schedule.
Is it raining there? really? I'm not sure I know what rain is... seriously, we've broken the record here in MA. Our 2 month rain total has surpassed 22 inches. but its not raining today! just 92 and muggy! I'm moving to alaska.
speaking of new blogs... mom and sis went to n. mexico- we got a blog. Jll went to bonnaroo- we got a blog. The rice clan went to disney world- we got a blog. Unless I'm mistaken, somebody else has taken a trip, but not yet blogged.
Hmmmmmmm... who could that be???? Didn't he fly in a lil' plane?
Zach's last regular season baseball game is on Friday at 6PM. Then the layoffs start. Mr. Fixit seems to think the remaining 7 teams are full of ringers.
Susan Tedeschi tonight at Artpark. I'll be there with Bro-in-law Bill ans Zach. Sandra doesn't want to get wet.
Did KDH get that project done?
Playoffs, not layoffs. Ooooh, don't tell father. He got the summer off twice because of a layoff.
Deep thoughts from Austin -- I love it!
Back in place, fam, after a few days in my previous stomping grounds. It poured like no one's business in DC while I was there. Nearly biblical. I got out between storms, and am happily re-ensonced in HOTlanta. Yay for me!
So here's a discussion topic for the day: Did you all see the asheville manager's hijinks?? It's here, if you'd like to see it again.
I know cuz Rck is the quiet one, but he MUST have seen this as it unfolded. Any comment?? From anyone?
i wrote this whole comment, then the blog crashed!!! basically, good tirade, where's jff, jnna and jll?
Wow! Powerful words from Austin. From the mouths of babes...Didn't hear from Mom if her scratch offs were winners. She was out to brunch with Pat this morning so that is why I was assigned yesterday. Just got a not from jff that he is ready to play golf again so I have to go down and work on identifying my golf balls to be prepared. I too need more info on the Ashville meltdown. And unkie gare is on strike?? When did that happen?/
don't get too excited antie b. I was hopeful that anyonymous was a new poster... but alas, the grammar and syntax are unmistakably my father's. Oh, and by the way, screw arod and the yankees.
Did Adm just say "screw"? Hmmmm! Thanks for the update on "Cars" Austin...we'll have to check it out.
I am here!!!!!! Just an FYI, there is a new blog looming.
I love syntax, First Gamora and now Vegas. It's worth it. I'll pay them want they want.
I think it was a clever play on words, antie b. syntax= sin tax. city of sin. Oh Jff, you kidder! and yes sandra, I did say screw. Screw the yankees!
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