by JT Pilaf

Unckie also mentioned his opportunity years ago to buy land behind his house and turn it into a sanctuary or safe haven for our fury woodland creatures. I was all for this. And... I may even had made a toast. You know my love towards our fury friends of the forest. Soon, with no segue, I mentioned my deepest inner circle of friends. My trusted comrades, my posse', my... anyway, I think I scared Unckie. He pulled his chair back just a little and gave me a nervous smile of approval. And then said " Yo yo, homes, I'll smell ya later".
It was getting late, we were out of beer, and all I could think about was that dove that landed earlier.
But before I left, I left this parting shot at my gracious host, Yakov Smirnoff is the funniest Russian comedian. I mean that too. That guy kills me.
Thanks Unckie for a great day of golf. Next up, "the scene of the crime". You know I'll be practicing.
Come to think of it, I do remember something about Yakov and a golfing trip to Branson, Mo. to combine the two. That may have been after the last of the Labatts. I thought that we were split on world peace but united in our belief that the Miss America Pageant belongs on major network tv. I pity all of you non-golfers and what you miss out on.
oh YAY family! Just a quick check of the blog before I hit the hay and I must say you all came through with a big new blog for me!!
Tough day. My 3pm flight landed at 11pm. Seems there was some "weather" here in NYC. 3 gate changes, 2 concourse changes, 2 hours on the plane, 3 hours circling NY before we could land ... the weekend can only go UP from here!
well hello there all, I used to check this website all the time, but somehow I have lost track of you guys.. with some non stop rain in my area I am catching up on my reading. You guys should go on the worlds funniest comics, you would all win hands down.
looking forward to bills season, and I bet you all are to.
fan in the binghamton area
Sorry about the rejection letter Thrllie, 33 more and you tied me. At least they wrote back.
Thinking back on our post-golf conversation, we were split on world peace, my bad.
Sorry to hear about the 13 hour flight delay KDH, maybe they heard someone was stowing away rum?
It's bourbon, Jff. Keep up, please.
Mom and Dad have been in the city about 6 hours and there have already been incident. Report to come....
Incident????? DETAILS KDH!!!!
Thank you to Jeff, Sandra and the kids for coming to the Tiki Hut. Jff, thanks for the golf invite on August 6th. This gets me out of getting you know who for the party.
So, when I got home from work (so excited that I was the last one picked for a round of golf, now I know how strange kids in gym feel) But, mama put the porch light on outside, I grabbed my batting glove and asked her where I could find a golf stick to practice.
great blog, great blog. Just a quick note to let you know that I am still alive and on a 36 hour furlough from my 24 hour per day, 6 day per week job... 13 year olds are tough!
Glad to hear your still alive... who are you?
She's got eyes like an eagle. Unfortunately, I find it hard to believe she can see them.
Why is Adm with 13 yr. olds? Probably the same reason I had to babysit dogs one summer.
HOT!!! ...and sticky.
"I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle this heat." Biloxi Blues.
We're off to Camp Pioneer today to set up for Summerfest (Lutheran's sitting around Lake Erie drinking and eating Chiavetta's chicken). Hopefully there will be a nice breeze off the lake.
first off, I have never known a Holtz to put off personal gain for the benefit of another. But there's always a first time, eh? 2nd, I have decided (my wife has forced me) to find gainful summer employment for the summer. I accepted a job as a faculty advisor for the Jr. National Young leaders conference. Basically, I get to babysit pre teens and teenagers for 16 straight hours a day. Haven't lost one yet! Think of me as I lead 250 adolescents around boston in 100+ degree weather next week.
3rd and final thought- my parents had a WONDERFUL time at yankee stadium last evening. I may have to disown them. They even lucked out and avoided have batteries/baseballs/urine thrown at them. I think that's a first for "the toilet".
have a good week, all.
Tonawanda Barb and her husband dined at the Tikki Hut last evening for the first time--we will definitely go back for more delicious wraps!!! We even had live entertainment!!!
ok family -- here's the start of an update. Blog forthcoming....
There was no way in HELL that you saw any of us at the Yankee game, even if you did see a blond with a nosebleed -- we were at a rather high altitude. But Adam is right -- we did have a GREAT time. Must be 'cause Damon and Jeter went 0 for 4 and the hometown team STILL won!
I want my pirate gift. But I'll throw a few bucks in the pot for scratch offs for Gram, I suppose.
ps -- I'm in laguardia, waiting for my flight. Mom and dad left me on the street corner down near battery park. They're on their way to romantic Connecticut (!?) to celebrate their anniversary in style.
I agree with my respected cousin from Hotlanta', I want my pirate gift... but I'll throw Gram a fin for scratch offs... she's worth a fin.
We're back from Summerfest. I served beer all day; and YES, I drank all day too (for FREE). Life is too good. Home brewed Cherry Wheat and Flying Bisons Buffalo Lager mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Emma has a bug. High tempature and cranky... stay away.
I do believe in Yeti's, I do.
who doesn't believe in yeti's?
I dont know what "yeti's" are?
a yeti is an abominable snowman, I thought it was a jewish grandmother.
Good one anon...I laughed out loud!
Adm...a summer job!?! What's the point of teaching!?!
Now Emma's puking...goota love the hot and sticky summer flu!
Seriously...who is bringing what to Holtzapoolza? I'm in for my own grill stuff and watermelon...was there something else we were in charge of? No shirts...we are broke! But not broke enough to wave the game...let them play...let them play...let them play...
Saw something hilarious this mornng on the way to work...a poster size sign on the top of a van (like the old election style) that said: Another Doyle-Ford (picture of a) was too funny...esp. since we also got a lemon from them and refuse to go back there EVER!
Just after the "Lemon" the stoplight there was a little old least 101 yrs. old...taking her sweet old time driving down Main Street. The car behind her beeped and...yes...that sweet thing turned evil! Yes...out came the hand and the finger went up! It was hilarious! Then...she drove really slow...shot the bird again and took off down the street faster then Nascar...not a bad way to start off a Monday morning! Wouldn't want to start any rumors but she looked vaguely familiar...
A Yeti may be confused with a Sloth Bear. Or it could be a Gigantasis Pythagon (a gigantic orangutan) from many years ago.
Howdy Fam, I have to admit, I'm not a fan of Mondays, especially hot ones.
Well I would love to post a comment, but I promised my dear nephew I would take him down to cANAL fest. LUCKY ME!!!! Then, mother and I are meeting at 8:15 at the beer tent. If I walk away single, I didn't try harder.
Back from Gotham in one piece, almost. Only major injury was Auntie tripping and careening face first into an SUV as we attempted to jaywalk on 51st St. The driver, like most NYorkers was kind enough not to drive over her and allowed us to help her up and only honked twice.I am sure that K will have all of the highlights when she posts the blog for the trip. Outside temps yesterday and today hovered between 98 and 102. Glad to get back to relatively "chilly" WNY. Almost called Auntie B. on Friday evening as Mariano faced Piercynski---a GREAT baseball moment. Loved the yeti as a jewish grandmother comment. Is it worth driving in for Canalfest? The first 2 drinks I bought in the city came to 20 even with the $2 tip.
20 bucks for 2 beers??? That would be my limit. For $20 at the CanalFest you'd get 10 beers and funnel cake. Oh yeah, and a one size fits all 2006 CanalFest T/S.
Glad your home safe. Enjoy the coooool weather.
I started my strengthening excercises at rehab. Things are going smooth without pain. It's still tight but loosening up everyday.
How's Miami?
How's Hotlanta'?
How's the City of Tonawanda?
That's pretty much America's hubs to the world.
I like "T-Wand" and thanks for your concern on my age and keepin' me fresh wit da in-crowd. I may be going on 40, but I feel like I'm 50. Must've gotten that one from Gram.
I think this summer I'll name it the "Summer of Jeff", it's not original, but the kids are gone for another overnight away from us on Wednesday night.
So, I bought a couple steaks, some clams, and I'll get some shrimp tomorrow after work. I'll open up a nice shiraz and put all my best moves on the floor tomorrow night. Then I'll light a few citranella candles outside and let romance blossum. The "Summer of Jeff", Yeah me!!!
Do you think Sandra will read that last part???
Sounds as if things are "heating up" in jffndsndrwndrlnd. Will there be an announcement of a little "bundle of joy" at the palooza??? 8 pm and a cola run last nite for Auntie B? And word has it that the A-C at Deaconess is not working as designed. Any truth to that?
Funny, after my conversation with my boss at work today, i've decided its the summer of Kristen! i've got me some fun plans for the next few weeks, all which include me avoiding work! Yay for me!
you'll notice the silence from mom re: the great new york falling caper ...
Does anyone else love the TV show "the office"? Please discuss.
I love "The Office", Sandra hates it. My favorite show was the racial slur show. Steve Carrel put racial slurs on his employees' heads and their partner is supposed to call them a name and then they guess what race they are. Classic.
I do like "My Name Is Earl" better.
"One and one and we're done." Meaning: 1 boy, 1 girl, and now I have a four inch gap in my tube o' love, thanks to Dr. "I goofed the first time". Sorry, still not over that one. Did I share too much?
I prefer to call my fall the Lucy Liu roll and tuck. You may have thought it was just a drunken stumble into an SUV but it was really practice. I am sure I looked just like Lucy as I hit the black top. (I wonder if Lucy turns black, blue and purple after her stunts?)
HELP!!! Plans are falling through... Sandra wants to clean and I keep on saying "not tonight". Sound familiar dear???
Appears that we have one more unpleasant day heat wise. stay cool all, as much as possible. Auntie too is on a "cleaning mission from God" and I am trying to stay out of the way. I pity the poor creatures who attempted to set up shop in our absence. They are in big trouble!!
Sandra continued her cleaning scury today as I had a work picnic outing that I HAD to attend. I manned the grill and got the charcoal evenly heated in 15 minutes. And it only took 2 bottles of lighting fluid. I'm in Holtzapalooza mode. Look out hotdogs.
"Good mornin' lil' school girl" blues song, Gov't Mule does an awesome cover version. They'll be at Rock the Harbor, Sunday the 30th.
I'm off to Budwey's to get our camping food for this weekend. On the list is beer, go figure. I'm taking the kids to Allegany with my friendds Shawn, Dave, & Mike and their kids. All in all, 10 kids and 4 fathers. God give us strength.
Enjoy yoour weekend fam.
P.S. In Fantasy Baseball, I currently have 101 points out of a possible 110. I currently have a 22 point cushion over second place. GO OMMEGANG BREWERS!!! That's my team name. Can anyone tell me the significance of what Ommegang is? And where it's located? Come on Google people.
Well since my computer is down, I haven't had time to check the family blog unless I am working. See, Silly Jenna attempted to drink a cold one by the computer and relax. Well, needless to say the cold one ended up in my computer and none of the buttons work.
A good friend of mine will be reparing it this week. And it will only cost me free lunch at the Tiki Hut.
I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL HOLTZAPALOOZA. I already have my gift in mind.
I am slacking on the NYC blog, so I defer to my father. He'll do a good one, I know.
I'm in Key West, one of the best places in the world. And now that its 12:11, I can go get drunk. Yay!
There seems to be a common theme here of adult beverages for the group at various sites. Auntie promised to sit down with me and attempt to recollect all of the events of last weekend in Gotham. Problem is the computer is upstairs, and the upstairs is very warm; based on niece jnn's experience, it probably is not a good idea to work on the blog with a cold one in hand. Don/t have access to a computer savy friend who will work for a lunch.
with holtzapalooza being only 2 weeks away, we're losing steam here people!!! lets rally and get it going. K, you promised a new blog, and I need one. lets get 'r done!
Back from Alle-rainy State Park today. I can not tell you how much rain came down on us on Saturday. It rained for 18 hours straight. 6AM til midnight. Incredible. Kids were great. They played morning, noon, and night. Tent stayed fairly dry. I have no energy to blog.
Fix its got the chowder, the bowls, the plasticware, the napkins and the plates and I think he said an extension cord (but I suppose we could use more of those)
We all bring our own for the grill, the exchange gift and beverages.
Is there a hose for water?
Jffs crew has watermelon, and are we bringing the 'grills" or are we bringing charcoal???????
I also can't remember what else we are supposed to bring...anyone else remember?
How about cups & tableclothes? Condiments?What about ice? Were we supposed to bring a side dish? What time are the golfers meeting? What time are the "we are not exercising crew" meeting?
OK....will someone seriously answer this? Who has the list? Who has Gram? Are we still invited?
To blog or not to blog???
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