Yep, I remember when Gram used to sweat and slave over the oven, baking me pies for my birthday. Those were the good ol' daze.
By JT Pilaf
The Rice clan packed up there camping tie dyed T-shirts (Rck, the quiet one, loves these shirts) one more time for a season ending camping trip to Watkins Glen State Park. Even though it was supposed to rain all weekend long... it didn't.

Zachary wanted to cook a hardy breakfast for everyone Saturday moorning and did an awesome job. Of course he thought his egg cooking is better than my eggs and even compared his greatness to Papa's eggs. They were really good though. He also served up some cripsy bacon and OJ.

After our filling breakfast we strolled down the road a bit to the gorge and hiked down to the main town. Both kids finished the trip and no whining was heard... by either of them that is.

It rained during the night Saturday morning so the creek was gushing over the rocks. It usually doesn't rage this much.

Sandra and I hiked the gorge pre-kids, the main reason we were down at Seneca Lake was for the wineries, but found ourselves hiking the gorge later on. It truly is an amazing place.

After hiking, the kids were rewarded and taken to the playground. I got to sit.

The hiking, playing, and just busy day wore the kids out. So nothing is better than bringing a DVD player camping with you and watching "Spy Kids". I remember my parents bringing things like this camping for Rck and I to keep busy. They were called sticks and rocks. And, "go outside and blow some stink off ya".

With Labbatt Blue in hand and a Snyder's hard pretzel I'm a happy boy. I don't need much more in life... well, I was kinda hoping the kids would fall asleep earlier than they did. A boy can hope can't he?
SO close to being the first to comment....
at least by 3 hours or so....
You got an apple pie? She DID like you best!
I will say that the red sox threw in the towel and are suffering through some tough times. I will also say that the yankees deserve a modicum of respect for overcoming their injuries and clinching the division by mid august. However, that article by Bob Cook was ridiculous! Filled with hearsay and a lack of knowledge, it seems Mr. Cook instead decided to chide red sox fans with unsubstantiated ideas.
Anyway, Go Tigers!
Mmmmmmm... apple pies.
Gram does have a lovely singing voice, but she stopped just when the song was getting good.
My condolences to you Adm, the Sox put up a good fight but obviously were overcome with distraught, dismay, and a lack of leadership when your captain went down. And, Manny (just being Manny) complained of a love gone wrong in the clubhouse... AKA "I hurt my knee". And remember Adm, there's always room in Yankee heaven for one more fan.
As Jim Morrison said... "Summer's almost gone", that means our adventures are through, finito, that's all folks.
Next up: I make reservations in October for a July camping trip to Golden Beach Campground in the Adirondacks. Who's in???
well, family, the good news is that I can be in denial about summer being over, since its in the 90s here until at least Halloween.
Of course we get a 2 hour thunderstorm nearly every night, impossible to sleep through.
Forget the Tigers -- root for my HOMETOWN Atlanta braves!! Go Andruw!
Yeah, Braves??? I can't do it. I did have Chipper on my fantasy team for almost 10 years though. I like Larry.
UB Bulls tonight!!! I hope we have fun.
Jim, its "an award". One of the keys to senior English is don't put two vowels together. We are not ready to root for the Steelers yet. the Bills are still undefeated in the regular season, for at least nine more days. Great Blog and great pics nphw and I still have my---let's go back to the 50's---anybody but the Yankees credo to go by. With all of those former Cornhuskers in town today, can there be any doubt that Turner Gill will be 1-0 after tonite. After all, there were other teams, including Temple, in the bottom 10 of all division one teams.
Exactly how old are you,Jimmy?
That's exactly how we set up our picnic. We planned for 18 hours (not in a row) and had family members committed. We were by the book.
Happy Saturday everyone. Lots of news happenings in WNY. Ernesto, UB Bulls win, Bills cutting 22 people, and the largest manhut in nys history which made headlines on Fox News.
Needless to say I will be watching tv all day.
Rain, Rain go away.....
I wanted to go fishing today, but Zach and I went to go see Barnyard instead at the movies. Good movie.
Michigan won today.
That's it... I agree Auntie, rain, rain go away...
We received our garbage totes from the town today. Big news.
The good news was that i wound up with both Culpepper and Chambers of the Dolphins on my fantasy team and I did not have to mow the lawn today. It could be worse. I could be camping in the Mt. Washington, NH area this weekend in a tent with a wet dog. Enjoy all
Unckie, If you need ANY camping gear just ask. I have almost everything. Have fun.
Sandra and I have our fantasy football draft tomorrow morning. I have the first pick and I'm leaning towards Shaun Alexander. Then I have to wait 27 picks before I'm up again.
I'm hanging on to first place in baseball by a string. All my pitchers are hurt (Kazmir, Liriano, Patterson, Prior). I have a shell of a pitching staff active right now and even have Radke still in because there's no one else.
I love it when you don't have to mow the lawn. Today, I'll study fantasy football with a cold one in hand.
Now I have to run out and get some donuts.
Oops, just re-read your comment and noticed the "it could be worse" part. I thought it said "I could be"... silly me. No nead to have fun then , but I'm sure Adm and Amy will make do.
Anyway... golf?
No golf today. Looks like a sit and watch it be ugly day again. Maybe Auntie and I will spend the day chasing each other around the house, but probably not. Have a good one all.
I love being chased around the house. Just let me know when we start!
Ready... go!
Gloomy, gloomy day. I got in a fiver while watching SpongeBob with Emma. That's all these days are worth.
I guess that summer is officially over now and I have to say that it ended with more of a whimper than a bang. Hope that Thrillie got her car repaired. Looks like mine will be heading in for a looksee soon. Can't continue to ignore the brake lite forever. Have a good one all, particularly those going back to school. and starting new jobs.
its a big back to school day today -- not for me of course, but I did come into work!
do I get credit for that at least?
one day down, 179 more to go. Can't say that its been all bad. I got free cafeteria pizza out of it, so I got that going for me, which is nice. I would like to post a "QHS" blog, but our camera is on the fritz, and a blog is no fun without photo documentation
Kristen, yoou definitely get kudos for going into work a day after Labor Day.
Thrllie, you only gave my dad 55 minutes. Come on! It takes him longer to decide between bacon and sausage.
Must admit that I am concerned over nfw jff's sudden slide in fantasy baseball. Thought that was a cakewalk for the season based upon earlier reports, but that only shows how quickly all of that can change when the pitching staff heads south. Auntie P and I made a trip to archie's pitch and putt for eleven holes of golf today and Auntie was in rare form. She insisted that if the Palooza golf outing had been held there, she would have been in attendance since she "owns the greens". It's UB +21 this weekend against Bowling Green. How do those who saw them play live view this game??
I'm hanging on to first place by the thinnest of margins. Francisco Liriano comes back in two weeks though.
+21 for UB sounds a lil' high... maybe Vegas line shoould read +18. What about +9 for the Bills against New England this Sunday. I'll take those 9 points.
Mr&Mrs FixIt called to see if they could come tomorrow to see the kids off in the morning on their first day of school...should we tell them the truth or should we just replay the day...any advise? pizza? Pretty soon you'll be seeking out the free will happen!
Adm, post a blog already. The internet is full of pictures that wil do the trick!
new blog new blog!
All of YOU PEOPLE out there who have actually been doing something have a moral obligation to the rest of us (feel free to pencil in me and Auntie P) who have been doing nothing. Make something up!!
So...the FixIts came for day 2 pics...makes for a good story (and scrapbook) later!
Kids love teachers & school so far!
It might be time for a blog about penguins again.
"Penguins first day of school" Ooh... that sounds nice.
Another opening day of school. Seems like only yesterday it was 1948 and kenny schroeder sitting next to me smelling like chicken noodle soup. Don't remember anyone smelling like a penguin, but then again, what does a penguin smell like?
Ok honey...I'll explain the "smell" comeback...he went fishing did!
jff, were you fishing for cod again?
fish??? cod???
Zach landed a huge smallmouth bass yesterday fishing the Niagara River. Good times.
I'm getting excited! Less than 4 hours to gamne time and my opponent has an illegal lineup. Sweet! Is this the year I win it all? 18 years and counting.
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