I had decided to take a nice four day weekend off work and enjoy some time off by catching a Sabres game, furniture shopping, relaxing, etc. The Sabre game was quite a treat. As Sunday night fast approached, I laughed as I could stay up late as everyone had to work the next day. My dad worked late that night, and promptly put my car in the driveway. He was sound asleep by 10:30 (See picture). As everyone at my house was snoring,I decided it would be fun to watch tv as late as I could.
Thrillie had to wake up extra early for work on Monday morning, so I was trying my hardest to stay quiet. I have to give her credit, she has prevented criminal activity at Home Depot. So, I managed to fall asleep around midnight.
Since my car was the last car in the driveway, Thrillie would have to leave a few minutes early to pull my car onto the street. But, since the Tonawanda city does not permit cars on streets until 6 am, she would have to pull my car back in the driveway.
At 6:15 Momma woke up to get ready for work and barked at George to go and get her coffee. Antee B is usually out of the house for work around 7 am. George quickly arose from bed and rushed out the door to grab her coffee.
What happened next is all a blur to me, as I was snuggled in my bed hoping to sleep in until about noon or 1. Mother came storming up the stairs and asked where my car was? "What do you mean my car is not here?" As I ran outside and noticed the driveway was clear, I realized that I had been robbed blind. My car was stolen! I thought it was all a dream, a nightmare. But that dream quickly turned into reality. "Please tell me that Jill has it."
After calling Jill's cell phone and leaving voicemail after voicemail, we quickly called the customer service representative at Home Depot. After speaking with Jill we concluded that she did not have to move my car, since it was not in the driveway.
Since it was almost 7 am, it was time for shift change and Tim Horton's coffee and donuts run; the police responded as quickly as they could. They took a mini statement from me and went on their way. I signed a few papers, called my credit card businesses, informed my immediate supervisor, and tried to find a rental car. The neighbors were quick to assist with tips, "I swear I heard a gunshot, " screamed a neighbor. " A bunch of teens were throwing rocks, and laughing and yelling, " screamed another.
After I met with my insurance representative and provided a detailed statement of the events, I drove an Enterprise Kia (slightly larger than a Schwinn) home depressed that I was only a few car payments away from paying it off. On a lighter note, 70% of all cars stolen are returned, and Columbo and Jessica Fletcher are working diligently on the case.
Just how I wanted to spend my day off!!!
It's worse hearing this story a second time.
Hmmmmm... is that really Uncle George on the sofa???
Okay, what day are we meeting for Thanksgiving? All that I got was a LOL, Jff from Auntie B. Never mind, I'm just a sucker for sophmoric humor. That and Monty Python.
so wait... i'm confused. was your car really stolen? Is thrillie aware of the situation yet? more important, are the people at home depot aware that thrillie may have left the scene of a crime this morning, unaware that a large vehicle had been stolen? I think i'm confused because jnna doesn't seem nearly as po'd as I would be if a car was stolen out of my driveway.
Yes, Cousin Adam my car was stolen out of my driveway. Thrillie was made aware this AM. She was under the impression since I had the day off, I was partying it up.
Cousin Adam, I am very angry, mad, upset. After a few sedatives, I took action and called Columbo.
After speaking to the detective today, this is the 2nd car in the city of T reported stolen in October! Gee, it's only the 2nd too!!!!!
I could see this sort of thing happening in North Tonawanda, but the city of T??? Come on! What happened to the serene city of kids playing, birds chirping, always sunny and 80? It disturbs me that the youth today have nothing better to do than go into a driveway assuming someone left their keys on the dashbooard. "When I was a teen" I was out drinking in the woods at the water tower. We didn't have time to steal cars.
I woke up this morning like a little kid on Christmas and dashed downstairs in hopes that the culprit who stole my vehicle would have brought it back.
Wishful thinking! I still have the Kia
I can't believe that all of this has happened since I checked the blog last night around suppertime. Unbelievable!! Were you aware that the move up Adam St. two blocks would take you into a high crime area? Plus, you have a highly trained expert in criminal behavior in residence. It has been awhile since anyone has seen Mustafa---you don't suppose???
So nice of you to bring up that @#$^%$# squirrel!
ohmygoodness! I wanted a new blog, but certainly not at the cost of jenna's transportation! I can't even BELIEVE this story ... did the crime scene investigators come? Were they CUTE, like in the TV show, at least?
you didn't leave your keys on the dashboard, did you?
my god, if my car were stolen I'd be out half my wardrobe, all my national park brochures, and my minimal sporting good collection. Talk about associated costs!
THAT is exactly why we moved out of Tonawanda to the safety of EA.
Did you check to see if your car might be down by the river?
Really, that is outrageous! Wanna borrow unkie's car?
I am back to work today. Yes KDH, all my work items, softball equipment, and personal items were inside my car. So, if you see someone armed with a Louisville Slugger; that's my bat!
The car is not down by the river or at Lou's or at the Tops parking lot, or at Luther Manor. All places have been searched.
These developments just keep happening! Where is FOX news to provide up to date information.
I have a job fair tomorrow and I was speaking to the corporate recruiter who informed me that the Young St. McDonald's was robbed last night.
WOW! What is happening???????
I'll have to come up with an alibi for me and Mustafa. He's a drinker and may need a reminder on where's he's been. Jnna, you're so lucky to have a sister like Jllie rushing home to be by your side. If only I had someone that concerned with me. I get Rck, the quiet one.
I don't go to Young Street Mickey D's anymore... well, not since they put up my picture there.
Look on the bright side, Jnna. At least until your car is returned you have a great excuse to be off 'gramma duty".
This has all been way to much for me. I am pleading to my family from Atlanta to Boston; to our friends in Fargo and Michigan and all over, Be on the look out for a silver cavalier 4 door, AGL 5624
I sympathize with you Jnna. Too much.
Sabres, tomorrow. Are they playin' the game in Hotlanta'? Remember the Atlanta Flames? Phil Myre. Bill Clement.
I trust that Gramma is using her network of sources in this investigation too. What sort of updates are the authorities providing on the investigation??This never would have happened during the days that my group--Herbie Boldt, John Abt, Beazley Berndt, Eugene Holrod--when they were running the TPD there was no crime in Tonawanda!! And I go back to jff's question; why was Uncle George sleeping face down on the couch? And where was Mr. Fixit when all of this was coming down? Almost time for the yanks with Arod hitting sixth. What about that?
Vivica Fox is a little crazeee!
Just my opinion.
Any updates on the car-situation?
Unkie, still no updates. I am however filling out my theft/vandalism inventory form. Did anybody want anything special for Christmas? I really think that I left my Tiffany's braclet in my vehicle.
So yesterday in the mail, I receive my car bill. Am I obligated to pay this, or can I forward it to the thief who stole my car.
Gram is so funny, she is on the lookout for my car. Every car that passes us, "Is that it?"
LOL Mom, so true about the red car!
I will keep you posted. I am working with the law enforcement to schedule lie detector tests for every resident of the City of T.
Personally, Vivica scares me!
You never should have told Gramma about the rental car but then you're young. You'll learn!
I am going out looking for your car today. I thought I'd start at Walmart.
Jnna...sorry about the car but your blog was hilarious!
"The Critter Guy" caught 6 red squirrels in the attic at our office this week...they looked like that band of squirrels from Veteran's Park...wonder how they got in Amherst...hmmmm....
How's Sara Evans doing on the Vegas odds?
Jeter 5 for 5, are you kidding me? Oh captain, my captain. Tonight he turns water into wine, live tonight on MSG.
sabres tied, mets win, yanks???I can only hope, but I am afraid that this year is just another notch on their belt. Nice chat with Mom. Seems she is having a real quiet week. Ruth on Sunday, out with Gary on Monday, out with jenna and betsy on Tuesday. Sorry about today mOm.
Still no update on the car! I am still driving around in the KIA. There is a THS half day tomorrow, I will be patrolling the parking lot at 11:45 when the students get out.
I'm back playing hockey and lovin' life. We won 6-5 tonight, no shootout needed. 1 assist for the old guy. That's 4 games played, 2 goals 3 assists. I'm Baaaaaaack.
I do miss The Office and Earl on Thursdays now though.
Where's Rck, the quiet now?
AT 12:02 am the phone rang to my house and I shot out of bed quicker than a cannon. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my caller ID. It was the Tonawanda Police.
The search for the cavalier has ended!!!!! She was located on Niagara and Crowley.
Thank you to the quick work of the Tonawanda Police. Now getting her out of impound will be a challenge!
In Riverside? Well, that just shows that the bad guys were not Tonawandans, maybe. Hope that all personal possessions were there. That is why we pay insurance, but what a hassle! And a midnight phone call no less. Hope that this reduces the Adam st. stress level. the only bad stress you should have should be a-rod continuing to do what he isn't doing and the yankees bombing in Detroit. Missed playing golf with nphw jff this week, but my trip yesterday to my local course did net me 53 golf balls. Life is good. Some people play hockey, others get their kicks elsewhere.
oh no! now I'm sad too! I hate to see sagas turn out this way -- especially after the hope that had grown when I first read the cavalier had been found.
This is all bad. Maybe if the Buffalo cops got their raise.....? And if it isn't already a complete mess, the bureaucracy takes over.
I don't even know what to say.....
I heard the phrase "snakebit" used to describe when something just goes all wrong. In this case, it seems that Jenna's snakebit.
We need to burn some sage, light a candle, something! I'll do some research to figure out who the patron saint of stolen cars might be.
contenders for the appropriate saint include Anthony (Lost things), Christopher (automobiles) and Jude (impossible situations).
Three candles might be called for!
This whole stolen car saga is incredible. I'm sorry Jnna, that's all I've got. I hate to ask, ""so what happens now"?
Has Gramma spotted anymore white volkswagens?
This has been an interesting turn of events thats for sure. My car was recovered and was in impound. That was an adventure in itself! After the impound, I did head to city hall to pay the $150 to have my car released, where the gust of win whipped the paper out of my hand! Luckily, the wheelchair bound gentlemen who had his whiskey in one hand, rolled it over where I quickly stomped on it!
My car is safe and sound in a auto repair shop, where the quick work of the City of Tonawanda police investigated the car, took evidence which included; gas cans, cig butts, and a can of WD40. I firmly believe that they will not be caught for what they did, but they will get what comes to them.
So, now gram wants to take me out to dinner. I can't say no to that!!!!!!!!
I hope that a dinner can begin to help undo that which has been done to you this week. Next week HAS to be better. God luv ya!
Last night after work, I went to show mother the car. (They are allowing her to have visitors). Still no updates, but fingerprints will be done, and they will be brought to justice on my watch!
I think a nice detail from Delta Sonic and a nice pick me up from Mark my mechanic, and she will be good as new.
I must leave for work early this AM. Have a great Sat all.
I agree, NEW BLOG! Whose up?
Jnna must be part British. Talk about the "stiff upper lip". Plus she gets to go back to work--early too.
Looks like it's going to be a great day ooutside today. Hey, any concern for me. Mytrucks in the shop getting a new windshield. Sorry Jnna, that's all I got. Oh... and a leak. Probably power steering fluid.
It is Happy Thanksgiving for our relaatives up in Harwood. A-rod batting 8th may be the Answer.
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