I'm not sure if you've ever seen this movie, but I like it. I think one of the TV stations plays it around or on Christmas day. Okay, enough already... you obviously know I'm being sarcastic. Presenting the BEST Christmas movie ever. Simply titled "A Christmas Story"
Just a few things to think about before we meet on Christmas.

Here's some easy questions and maybe a couple to think about:
Name Ralphie's brother?
Name Ralphie's friend who stuck his tongue to the flag pole?
What did Ralphie want for Christmas?
At the end of the mmovie, what did Ralphie say hit him in the eye and broke his glasses?
Why did the adults think what Rallphie wanted for Christmas was a bad idea?
What was the name of the store where Ralphie saw the toy he wanted and where he saw Santa?
The story was based on the life of what humorist?
Name the bully?
What features were remarkable about the bully?
What happened to Ralphie when he said a bad word?
What did the Parker's eat for Christmas dinner and where?
What was the name of Ralphie's mother's magazine where Ralphie hid the ad for the toy he wanted?
What did Ralphie send away for in the mail?
What did Ralphie's Aunt Clara give him for Christmas?
What was the "major award" Ralphie's father won in a contest?
What did Ralphie's father battle with in the basement?
What did Ralphie's father buy "by the gross"?
What phrase spurred Ralphie's friend to stick his tongue to the flagpole?
What did Santa suggest Ralphie should get for Christmas?
What grade did Ralphie get on his theme paper, "What I want for Christmas"?