Do you recognize this house?? Hint: "No grizzly bears by Kuloski's Candy Store."

Black Bart came sneaking over the roof of the shed....

Electric sex! The old man was overcome by art.
Randy, you can come out now.

Soap poisioning!

Fra ra ra ra ra-ra ra ra ra!!!

I am so SO SO SO jealous!!!! Did you happen to find any back issues of LOOK magazine?
Its a Christmas miracle!
What a trip! What a photo essay! I am SOOOOO jealous!
Where was the flagpole? Were there bumpuses?
Its a clinker!!!
I think M&D deserve a prize a prize a major prize for driving the farthest ever to do to a blog!
Auntie decided that the people standing next to me in line had to be Bumpuses, returning to the scene of the crime. We were lucky since we were there on a "quiet" day. Opening day saw 3,000 people and the line to get in was over 5 hours. This is on a street that would remind you of any side street in Gastown with no parking anywhere.We decided that we had to blog in a hurry after last nite's showing and the last two responses to the last blog.
GREAT BLOG! A++++++++++++
All I have to say is I will thumb wrestle anyone for Unkie and Auntie's pirate gift game. This certainly tops my gift of string cheese.
Hmmmm, a 2 am entry from nc jnn, must have been a particularly long nite of work. I think that string cheese makes a very good gift. Not as good as a football, but still a very good gift. GO BILLS!!! SQUISH THE FISH!! I hear that Bryan Cox is coming into town for the game today.
Great pictures... how fun. I can't wait til I take Sandra and the kids down to Cleveland.
You looked awful comfortable on the toilet.
How about dem Bills????
Uh, that was me. How about dem Bills??
Can you Bill-ieve that?! I hate Miami! It was actually kind of nice to listen to it on the radio. Zach and I are going to next week's game.
Ok, the kids' Christmas pagaent can be crossed off the list. Emma had a solo and Zach played "Carol of the Bells" on the piano. Both did a really fantastic job.
I spent all weekend with Christmas parties galor. Hence, I barely recall my 2am post. Thrillie is currently at her work Christmas Party. (I, however was not invited to mine).
I spent the afternoon with gram. I would have been home earlier if she wouldn't have left my side and we had the Target security and customer service representatives searching the store for her.
One week to Christmas and the Cookies are hard at work. Well, I am just overseeing that things get done.
Christmas Eve at One Bills Drive! I am JEALOUS!! Take great pictures! If you see JP, can you give him my number and invite him to Christmas?
Mom might not have blogged today as she is feeling under the weather.
Sorry to hear that Auntie B has been bittenby "the bug", but better this weekend than next. Talked to Mom today and she mentioned shopping at Target with Jnn but no "incident". This will require more investigation. She did mention that driving on NF Blvd at this time of the year is NOT the place to be. Glad that there are some who are xmas partying. Me, the best I have to look forward to is subbing today.
Christmas came early for me this year. Today, I formally accepted the Director of Human Resource position for a long-term care facility in EA. Perhaps the owners of Grover Road could use a roommate.
I start January 3rd. Enough time to celebrate!
I am using this so I can gain experience working with KDH.
Congrats Jnna, that's awesome news.
Me thinks somewone forgot about lunch today. I'm just saying.
I love these pictures. "What a great lamp".
So... I let Zach go out after dark to a friends house. Oooohh... he felt like a big man on campus (BMOC).
How was subbin' today unckie?
I left work at 11AM (looked for 40 minutes for my cousin), then went shoppin' up at the Outlet Mall. I'm now officially done... and wrapped... w/ bows.
congrats nc jnn. Looks like time to sell in Tona. and look to buy in the southtowns. We are here for you. way to go!!! Another reason to celebrate next week.
Let's work on pumping up the comment count!! I thought that the Fargo Holtzes would enjoy the xmas story house.
I think that I will keep on posting until I get up to a reasonable count. The mere fact that I am heading into tona. tomorrow should count for something. I did make the semis of my fantasy football quest and despite the fact that my opponent had the tenn. defense, which proceded to score 37 pts. on 3 defensive touchdowns, I am ahead 86-84 going into tonites game. He has vinateri as the last player. Any chance that Indy will be heldto a single td or less? to allow me to advance to the finals? Holtz luck here we go.
Whoo hoo! Go Jnna with the new job. And in EA no less! That is the coolest. I am very excited for you.
Congrats Jnna! Maybe you could sublet your room out in Ton...I'm sure there is an opening at Unkie's place...seems like they are never there anyways...golfin' & shoppin' all over this fine country!
I'm free for lunch today, Jff. I wouldn't do that to ya. Although, you'd have to drive to boston first... but you get enough time off work
Congrats, Jenna!!! What does the job entail?
Get OUT antie b -- you were actually sick, like with germs? Usually when someone reports not feeling well, its due to a little too much "medicine" and not actual pathogens!
Feel better! I'll bring hand santizer.
No need to apologize Thrllie, I got my shopping done.
Hmmmmm... a trip to Boston for lumch??? The kids don't take up much room.
Aunt B just ruined my pirate gift idea. I had the entire 2006 Yankee season on BETA to give as a gift. Now what am I going to do?
It took ALL of my strength to make it through the entire day today. I was dying. I really don't know how I'm going to make it through the week. Thank goodness I'm only working a half day on Friday. I'm probably only good for a half day tomorrow too.
Hey Fargo, and a Merry Christmas to you and yours. Be it known that we did lunch at Squires and I had a diet pepsi. Good that I kept my wits about me because upon our return to the home we were shanghaied into serving as witnesses for some legal business being conducted in the community room.I envision being subpoenaed one day to testify in some estate dispute. One never knows exactly what one will become involved with at Luther Manor.
Good Morning everyone! I am going into work later today, since I have to make a presentation for 2007.
My new job will entail recruiting, orientations, payroll, enrolling employees in benefits. Same stuff I am doing now, just more money and better benefits. Since I will be in Unkie and Auntie's backyard; we will have to do lunch sometime.
Speaking of Gram........ I am picking her up Friday after I leave EA to fill out my paperwork. I think we will do some shopping before her dinner date.
KDH, When are you flying in to Buffalo? I love hearing your plane stories!
To everyone travelling, be safe. I listened to about 4 minutes of Rick on the radio before he signed off and NASCAR took over. Boooo!
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