by JT Pilaf

After 18 years of losing I am now on a winning streak of 3 years and 4 out of my last 5. Who said JP can't grow into his position. It just takes a little bit of time.
It was a beautiful sunny day in Buffalo, NY Turkey Day morning. A mild 50 degrees with no wind. Typical for Buffalo at the end of November. The ground was a lil' soft but nothing we couldn't handle. In our own way, we're all mudders.
Notice the post-game beverages.
Next year everyone's invited. The seats are cheap and there's plenty of room. Maybe someone could run a hot dog stand off to the side?
Post game, jff? Was it really POST game?
I'd have my flask strapped to my hip, truth be told. Thought playing in the mud sounds fun!
Dying to hear the fridge story. Did anyone see the episode of the office where they taped dwight in a box in the storeroom to "spy" on people? I love that show.
Blog coming soon on my first few days as a self-employed Holtz. Just so you know, I filled out my travel reimbursement to myself for a trip to New York. Its really not the same feeling when the $47 cab ride is coming out of your own pocket, let me tell you. At least I got to see the Macy's windows. THAT was worth $47 alone!
A New Blog???? Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps the rules could be posted one more time. You see, I work as a Recruiter. Right now we have international students who are visiting America and working for my company. We have 40 Columbians. So, apparently when I drive them around they feel the need to give me gifts. So, I have columbian coffee, columbian hard coffee candy, shot glass, and a purse.
Could I use that as my gift? I was trying to use the Uncle Gary clause in the rulebook. (Page 17 section 3).
Kdh, if your staffing levels are down; I highly recommend hiring international students from Columbia. They are a lot of fun and that way you can get coffee imported from Columbia.
Thank you Fargo! Are you playing the pirate game?
Poor Jill's car lost a mirror (the drivers side). I guess Santa is bringing a mirror under the tree.
Speaking of the tree. Does anyone have their tree yet?
So much new information going around and a new blog to boot. Two days of work and I am out of the loop completely. With nphw jff fully committed to football, if we could just get the sisters Koch back into softball full time, we would have most of the sports year covered. Years ago at cardinal dougherty kids were writing on the walls in the hallway and our crack custodian--we couldn't afford full time security--hid in the acoustical tile ceiling to catch the miscreant(s). Some poor freshman came walking along and had his pen out to the side, cap on, running it along the wall. Our custodian actually jumped down the eight feet in front of the kid to apprehend him and the kid proceeded to wet himself. Anything like that happen to nce jll?? Could I get one of those Colombians to go and sub in my place and I could pay them?
I had a beer at half-time, BUT I swear that was it!!!
KDH, can we have more cab ride pictures in your blog, I just love cabbie shots.
I only worked a half day today. Sandra and I went shopping until we ran out of money. Shopping; to be continued on Friday, also known as (payday).
Does anyone see me in the picture? Should I have pointed that out?
Family! I am begging for assistance with the pirate game. My mind is drawing a blank. I tried using imported coffee from columbia. But, mom didn't approve.
I wish I was creative. So, I am researching creative ideas online.
How to play the game?
$ amount to spend?
What's your question?
Jna, you MAY want to check that columbian coffee just to make sure it really is coffee. You just might be carrying around a fortune in nose powder. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.
Nc jnn,How about a nice plant stand--uh, maybe not. I think that Uncle john might be regifting that one. The squirt guns went over well, but maybe that is too seasonal. Something tied in with your job is always a good idea. Lots of great choices there. How about a book on being creative?
You might have trouble spotting Jff because he has a hat on that could be mistaken for hair...does that help?
I think everyone should get a 50.00 gift for the pirate game...wouldn't Mr. Fix it just LOVE that idea?
Jnna...didn't you get any good deals on that Black Friday am? You could have pulled off a doozy! We'd all be fighting over PS3 or a DVD for the car...there could have actually been fist fights...that would have been a great blog!
Can ya tell I'm a little cranky today?
Ummmm... no, I couldn't. Geesh!
A scene from your Christmas party at a local Italian Restaurant:
Kristen, party of one, Kristen, party of one?
I'm a big fan of South African Cabernet, if you're interested. Nederburg's a good one.
As mom and I were out Christmas shopping yesterday (Halmark and Premier Liquor) the Koch family was each assigned tasks for the "Big Day".
Jill/Mom are in charge of cooking
Jenna/Gram is in charge of drinks, games, and entertainment.
So family what would everyone like to drink? drink boxes of course,
Please let me know by Dec. 24th. I enjoy doing the liquor runs then.
uh D: let gram give UJ dog biscuits and let the hilarity ensue!
I think my holiday party is going to be in jamaica this year. Expense it, baby!
oh right -- I don't have any income yet. Dang.
Maybe a McRib at McDonalds instead?
Seems like the Cookies seem to focus their shopping efforts on the same stores. Do the choices available ever change? Having some problems myself as far as the gift of choice. I am leaning toward a nice pair of mittens. Can i gift box clothing that I found in my car?
I know someone who would like that sweater.
Thanks for the cookies Jll, they're delicious. Well... they were delicious.
I had my first Christmas party this year. No McRib sandwich, but fortunately I was the only one drinking red wine so I was able to have the bottle to myself. AND Trust me when I tell you I may have used the term "num num wookie" one too many times at the party. And not to top that BUT I climbed on my boss' back at the end of the party and yelled "Yahh Mule!" So I can cross that off my "never have done list".
Can Roger be far behind? Welcome back evil empire. Allan Iverson is availablefor the Yanks too. He played baseball once upon a time and would fit in perfectlyin the Bronx. We here in EA are going thru xmas party withdrawl. First time in 27 yrs without a dental office party, although I don't ever recall jumping on Dr. Miller's back and yelling Yah Mule!! Glad to hear that nphw jff has been won over to the ever popular "lists to check off".I trust there are photos of you mounted on your boss--gee, that doesn't sound all that good, but it is quite graphic
Feelin' a lil' tuckered this AM; I must've of had some bad wings last night. Hmmm... don't remember eatin' any but what else could it be.
I love "the list". At first I didn't think that I was a "list" kind of guy. BUT I can easily see the attraction to it.
Good mornin' everyone near and far. The kids are off to church to practice their Christmas pageant and I'm at home alone rready to begin the bathroom in the basement project Part III.
Have a good day and be good to Buffalo.
First, It wouldn't be Christmas if the tree was straight!
Second, I voted for the dog biscuits.
Third, Unkie and I are in charge of the Christmas wine--CHAMPAGNE!! I will bring the usual amount and a bit extra.
Fourth, Would you like Unkie and I to bring the ham or an Hors d'ouvres or both?
Just taking a break from painting the master bedroom. I will be in EA on Tuesday AM. But, I can't say why. I do not want to jinx it.
I took Gram out shopping on Friday. She was a trooper. She did mention that she does not want her 90th spent in the Community Room. She said your only 90 once, her family can splurge.
I say Valu Meals at McDs.
I am so proud of my sister. She went out to the "Club" (Eldridge Club) last night and is determined to be the first female member.
She has already contacted the Tonawanda Snooze.
KDH? I thought there was a rumor of a new blog?
What is everyone's beer of choice? Labbatts? Molson?
Drink boxes will be in order. What's your favorite flavor Emma?
(I am stalling before I have to go paint).
so no one asked jeff what "num num wookie" meant?
i'm working on a new blog. I'm assembling photo documentation!
Num num wookie???
Does anyone remember the WKRP episode where Herb Tarlik is imitating his wife? "Herbie take out the garbage or no num num wookie tonight uhuh uhuh." Classic.
Bathroom is...
I say we only lose by 3 points.
nphw jff up and blogging before 7am on a sunday. Obviously lots will get done on that bathroom today. The last time I checked my EBC card membership it said MEN only. My niece jll is challenging the old boys network. WAY TO GO! Next, the Augusta National Club.
Yeah Rah Jill!!!
did you know that just about all the wkrp's are on youtube? it is so great. I lost nearly a whole day watching old episodes!!
yay for jill and cracking the old boy network! But what I want to know is this -- did you catch the thief for whom you hid under the refridgerator box?
How about dem Bills!!! We now have the secret; Willis makes long touchdown run, yacks, and proceeds to inspire the entire team. Our new team cheer: Go Yack Win!!
Thanksgiving Day Turley dropping was a classic. BUT... if you remember it was Herb Tarlik and Mr. Carlson who dropped the turkeys from a helicopter . Les Nessman gave the play by play. "They're dropping and hitting the ground like wet bags of cement, one just went through a car windshield" .
An embarrassed Mr. Carlson conceded... "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly".
I can't believe the Bills won... we're going to the Super Bowl!!!
I just got home from Christmas Shopping. I officially went down every aisle in Target starting with cat/dog food and ending with cosmetics. I came up short on the Pirate Game gift.
I did end up buying myself M&M's. Can I deduct that from the pirate gift? I can wrap up the wrapper.
GO BILLS! There is always hope!
Matching ceramic santa salt shakers? You stole my gift!! Back to the old drawing board. I think that I still have one of my Herb Tarlik sport coats in the closet. I will have to look. That may solve my problem of what to wear on xmas. Working today and tomorrow, but that is it. I HAVE to get some shopping done.
oh my goodness youtube rocks! you can search for all kinds video, like old WKRP episodes or commercials, etc. I suppose there might even be some adult content on there somewhere, though I've never looked, of course. Check it out!
I'm a fan of, any and all imaginable socks are there. I would imagine there are some indiscrete videos if you look hard enough.
Did some more shopping today, I'm rockin' with a capital ROC. Sandra may be mad at the combo gift I got her though.
Sandra is getting combos for xmas?? Lucky her!! Me, I would be happy with mentos, maybe 20dollars worth. Personality of the year?/ Who?? Tell us more!!
Mustafa won Woodland creature personality of the year? That's awesome. I thought he was face down drunk in Montana keepin' from the feds.
Goooood mornin', I went into last night's football game down 11 points and thanks to Berrian's 30 yd. TD reception in the 2nd qtr. I made the playoffs with an 8-6 record and high score in the league. Man, that was a long sentence.
Our Christmas tree is up and decorated it is now officially "the Christmas season" in our house. I love waking up to the smell of pine in the mornin'... it smells like... victory.
Auntie and I will be embarking on a road trip tomorrow which will take us away from the action for a few days but hopefully it will lead to a new blog soon. Spent some delightful time going back and re-reading last December's efforts. Had forgotten all about the Korean Holtz's and the trip to Niagara Falls. Anything similar on tap?
Rice's are back... It's tough with out internet access.
Nothing to report.
I'm torn between Spongebob salt n peppa shakers and the old staple, fruit cake.
NNo way... too many.
Hey all, internet probllems, we're finally back on.
Big day tomorrow... continue wiith the bathroom and then two parties at night.
Sabres game was awesome we had a lot of fun.
You wanna take it off? Take it off!
Yep, just finished watching it. I can always spend time watching that movie.
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