I just want to thank my dear cousin Adm for being a Red Sox fan (see.... not even my typical Red Sox hate.... it is truly the time of love). FOR, if it wasn't for my cousin Adm's hatred of the Yankees, these incredible items would not be ours. Uncle Chuck, the richest man I know, (famous line describing George Bailey), was beyond generous this year and gave away his major prize. I am not worthy of such generosity. Merry Christmas!

I'm just glad those things our out of that house. They brought a bad omen- like satan's child. enjoy them! you deserve it...
Sweetness abound. Devil child? You must mean that as a reference to Steinbrenner's association with Tampa Bay. That's the Devil Rays though.
I loved the never ending glass of egg nog.
Good call Auntie B, but it figures, a Red Sox fan's glass is always half empty.
Do I trust my mother in law to stitch in 2007 into the jacket for this year's world series victors?
Auntie B~....Never did use that jug for lemonade so henceforth it will officially be known as the "nog jar!
Thanks for a wonderful Christmas!!
Glad to see my memorabilia find good homes where they will get the love and attention that they deserve (to each their own). Yesterday was just a great dayat somany levels. Every family should be as fortunate as ours to have the laughs that we have, and, we have apparently found a new xmas drink. Pilling will never be a problem again because we have a family member available with a lifetime supply of lint brushes. K and I just finished watching my new xmas gift of Mad, mad world (Auntie P> was surprisingly absent for the showing), but the downside was that we missed 6 Sabre goals and apparently a hellacious go round with Brasheer and someone from the Sabres? Who got the best of it? Thanks again to Auntie B and all of the Cookies for all of their efforts in making yesterday so special. Have a good week all and looking forward to lunch on Friday.
You want to hear spiritual? I have a bobblehead doll of Bernie Williams and I SWEAR TO GOD it's weeping with joy.
There are actual tears. I think I need to report this to the Vatican.
Peters busted Bashear twice to the head throwing his helmet off. The round goes to Peters for connecting two bombs. They also had Peters mic'd up and it was classic, the talk between Peters and Bashear before the squared up.
Where is my mother??? What have YOU PEOPLE done with her?It is good to know what it takes to move these family members spiritually. Me, I am home alone with my wife and daughter out somewhere shopping and my son, d-i-l, granddog and grandchild to be somewhere on the 90. There isn[t even a bowl game on this afternoon. What is up with that??? I guess I will go watch It's a mad....world again.
good timing nphw, is there anyplace where the transcript of the discussion between Peters and Brasheer is available? The paper said that Ivechkin wanted to drop gloves with some of the Sabres, but nothing came of it. Looks like a long term feud abrewin.
Ovechkin talked with Drury and Briere about going at it. But nothing.
That would be cool if you could hear the audio of that somewhere, maybe gr55, maybe google peters mic'd up... not sure where else to look.
I love that movie. I think Sandra feels the same way AP feels about it. Jonathan Winters is classic. The stars in that movie.
What happened to bowl games being on TV after Christmas? Where are they all... they are like 54 of them.
I knew that Auntie B could not resist going into work for the entire week. Quincey Holtz's arrived last evening. Tried calling this am but no answer. Not sure we have jnna's cell so the plan is Tony Rome's at noon tomorrow if that works for all. Call later if need be. we will be home all day. Have a good one all.
I 2nd that... Tony Romes in W. Seneca at 12 noon for any and all who can make it...
I'll be there with kids in tow.
My work week is done. It's amazing I made it through the week.
Zach had the flu yesterday and is just getting over it today. Obviously GG gave it to him.
Ooooh boy, The Tools eeked out a win last night in at hockey. We took a early 5-0 lead and won in OT 9-8 over a terrible team. What a collapse.
Hmmm... I think I'll get some ribs today.
Zach's still not feeling well, so it'll be just Emma and me for lunch. See ya all at noon.
Well family the secret is out! I was out and about yesterday and stopped by Target, where I located the 6 pack of color lint brushes for $12.99. I felt obligated to let everyone know.
She swears she got them at BJ's for $32. My world has been destroyed... I've been betrayed :(
Bowl games on ALL day. I'm a happy camper. I'm even watching Navy/ BC. Go Midshipmen!!!
$2 per lintbrush? Why that's highway robbery! Back in my day, those things were affordable!
Great time at lunch yesterday. Thanks to all who took the time to drive out for lunch. Just got K to the airport. seems like she caused a stir at the checkthru--so unlike her--as the TSA people deemed her beef stick in carry on to be dangerous. No problem with the chicken wings she was carrying. Come on Delta, get her home in a timely fashion.
I used to use summer sausage as a rock n roll enhancer. The chicks dug it. Ahhhh... to be young.
New Years Eve day... time to live it up tonight. What's GG's plans? Is she rockin' out with some local bad boys?
Bob's Pump and Pull has an all you can eat special going foor tonight. And I think Solid Gold dancers are going to be there.
Ah, to be young again. Me, I pulled some virus from somewhere causing me to stiff my sainted sister and Mr. Fixit on our dinner plans. Looks like me and the vaporub while Auntie waits on me hand and foot. Happy New Year all. I hope that my cancellation doesn't cause my sister to "lint-brush" me. I think that I am going to start using that phrase to identify retaliatory behavior. I figure that she had to be mad about some event from either last xmas or the summer pirate exchange.
Happy happy new year family! I'm back in the ATL for a very rainy day today. I landed at 9:45 pm after the summer sausage incident, and found 3rd world worthy chaos at the baggage claim. I left -- my bags were delivered today. Good I didn't wait around, as the bags took 4 hours to get from gate to baggage carousel. Wowza!
hope everyone is having a happy one -- I may be asleep well before midnight. I'm all worn out from family fun!
ps -- here's a link to the brashear fight from my new favorite site!
Adam and Amy were on the road by 5:30 am and the house is empty except for me auntie and my musterol. Auntie B. could be right. I should know enoughto keep my mouth shut. Happy New Year All. And no, the new year was not ushered in by anyone on Grover Rd.
Sandra and I one upped last year's NYE record as we stayed up to 12:07 last night. After our churchly kiss I attempted to find a Yankee classic game to watch. I was hoping, just hoping that the '78 Boston playoff game would be on.
Zach is feeling much better now after having the flu for 3, count them, 3 days. So after three days Unckie you should be back to your old self. Sorry Aunt P.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
Hey y'all...stacy is looking for prayers for her grandmother...a bad fall last week put her into the hospital (I think she said she broke her leg) and then a small stroke while she was in there...
On a happier note...Happy New Year!
Looks like the Pilafs, who generally set the celebratory tone for the entire family, are having a much better NYDay than the preceding three. good news. Looking forward to the Rose bowl. Haven't paid much attention to the games so far.
back home safe and sound in Quincy, MA. Thanks to all who made it to Tony Rome's for dinner on friday- boy that seems like ages ago! Happy new year, best to stacy and her family, and... Go SAbres!
I am so glad to hear everyone has made it back home safe and sound. I celebrated new years in bed not feeling the greatest.
Best wishes in 2007 to everyone! Who wants to post another Christmas Blog?
did you get some bad wings, jnna?
happy new year everyone! I feel very inspired to work today with my new shiney nameplate on my desk. Yay!
False alarm. No work for me today. I was mourning Gerald Ford in Birmingham AL
Kristen, it took you 10.5 hours to decide it was not a working day? Hmmmm...
I'm glad to hear your safe and sound back in Quincy. Friday was fun. Let's do it again this Friday too. Can you make it Adm and Amy?
I think we need a Jnna blog.
I had a hunch that daughter would use Ford burial as excuse to goand play.Auntie and I hve been de-xmasing the house for the last two days. Let this run of weather continue. I thought that the b-day plans for mom consisted of dinner at one of the local places that have a back room available. You mentioned a place on division? st. that sounded good. Other ideas?
1st day at my new job and I am blogging!
I say Grandma's birthday should be at Lou's!
So just to provide a key update on my first day of employment as the HR Director in EA. My helper today, Joe attended EA HS and called Chuck Holtz a "legend". When I informed him that the legend was my uncle, he replied with "NO S%."
According to Joe, the last day of Unkies retirement the students wore a shirt with his picture on the body of a wrestler. I ordered an XL for myself. Joe will be taking any tee shirt orders for Holtzapalooza 07.
It's TRUE! I've seen that shirt hanging in the grover road garage, but never known the provenance of it. unkie C is a legend in his time. May it only make your job in EA easier, Jnna!
I think we need a first day of work blog!
I can only hope that some day I evoke that type of response in my students. Currently I am only eliciting snores, with the occasional side dish of f you.
I used to love a lil' FU on the side. Now... I take offense. Sorry Adm.
We def need a first day work blog Jnna.
Loughran's Restaurant has a back room.
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