My plan was to have custom imprinted beer coozies for Christmas day, but who knew that took 10 - 12 business days from Shanghai!? They will be there in spades at the next Holtzapalooza, because hopefully by then I'll actually have some corporate income!
Thank you for all your support family, during this crazy time. I'm up and running, even if I'm working from the local dunkin donuts most mornings. I'm very optimistic!
PS -- sorry I bumped the Christmas Story blog, but people were clamoring!
Yeah! Congrats!
(And Rob will be happy to know that you picked the right logo! :) )
Okay, I am so excited to see the logo!! And, I won, I won, I won, I won! KDH, I must say that I am so proud of you. If you need ANYTHING ANYTHING, please let us know.
If you would like to host a corporate meeting in our basement; your more than welcome. (It is equipped with wireless internet and a fax machine...... Just watch out for the dirty clothes!)
I actually heard the idea from Fox News.
Who is Rob? Is he coming to Christmas?
I'm Erica--a longtime friend of KDH (and her corporation). And Rob is my husband. Unfortunately we're not coming for Christmas, but I am a big fan of your blog and am looking forward to hearing about the Christmas revelries!
Hi Erica. It's a pleasure to "meet" you. We love new fans! I am sure at somepoint KDH mentioned your name in passing. I bet she said great things about you! Welcome to the blog. If you aren't busy, Your husband and yourself are more than welcome to participate in the pirate gift. The min. spending is $100. So just come over and play the pirate gift and watch us fight over your gifts.
Maybe Erica knows the Fargos???
It doesn't seem right that Christmas is 5 days away and I did not have to wear a jacket to go outside. I also wore my sunglasses while I was driving.
merry christmas to my favorite wny family, and blog family. could you all please buy bills tickest so the game is on tv this christmas eve
Congratulations Kristen... that's awesome; and Welcome Erica and Rob. As Jnna has mentioned first time pirate gift is $100. I'm sure you'll bring something we will all fight over.
We're really happy for you Kristen. AND since we're debating over were the name came from... Fox News heard it from me. Sooooo... it looks like I'm the winner. I personally liked Derek Jeter Inc. better, but it's your business, so your loss.
Anonymous, I have my two tickets for Sunday's game that will be used for at least a half.
It looks marvelous!! I love it.
Hi Erica! Don't believe a word these people say. How did the move go? I bet it's good to be back home. Any crafty projects lately?(Patti)
Are you sure? Not one word??? Come on.
Erica... you can trust us.
It seems that there was a dispute in the Koch residence over who said the company name first.Please refer back to Nov 14th post by myself who suggested the idea.
Great post Hon! Glad to see that everyone out there is primed and ready for the big day even if the gifts are not. Does Mr. Fixit know about the $100 gift? I suggest that we play nine on xmas day before we adjourn to the Cookies for gifting and all of the other good stuff. I don't see the weather as a problem--probably famous last words.
Can't leave 13 up there. not lucky for the logo.
how, specifically, does one clamor?
Can you clamor with pots in hand?
Nine on Christmas morning??? Oh yeah, you can cross that off the list.
Nice list AntieB...I'm hungry already!
Oyster Dressing---YEAH!!! I didn't get any at Thanksgiving and had to listen to my nphw at great length going on as to how good it was. Four days and counting. Nothing yet this year about the ladies heading to Bob's Pump and Pull for some socialization. It seems as if all three, jnn, jll and k, with their new jobs and responsibilities, might be becoming "old foges". I certainly hope not. There are lots of good lookin' guys out there counting on you. I personally am "clamoring" for a bit more input from my favorite son who seems to drop in an occasional tidbit only to disappear for an extended period. And finally, mercifully Auntie B, I have been fortunate enough to NOT run into anyone at Tonawanda Tops to engage in conversation. Have a great Thursday all.
Okay, so I am in a predictament. You see; I have to babysit tomorrow and head to EA to fill out my paperwork for my new job. Do I:
a. Leave gram in the car with the windows rolled up and a boxed lunch.
b. Tell my new employer that I am babysitting and we have a list of things to do so I can't come in.
c. Let gram sit in my new office and let her meet my boss.
d. Let her cruise around town in the new car in EA.
e. Take her to Vidlers to shop for an hour or so and come back and get her.
What do I do?? Let the voting begin.
Thank you mom now I am hungry! Want to do lunch?
drop her off at the bar bil. she can have some beers, some wings, meet some nice (or not so nice, right dad?) people. Work on her holiday buzz, and maybe even play some keno
I agree with Adm,(was that option # 8)? Not sure, but I like that idea.
I had an awesome day today. All that I have to say is La Nova's BBQ wings and pizza. That's says it all.
I have a half day tomorrow and then I'm done for awhile. Let the Christmas partee' begin.
Auntie B~ You forgot to mention the champagne and the mystery appetizer.
Made the eggnog for Christmas eve tonight. It has to mellow in the fridge now until K arrives. It's her recipe and she swears the vast amount of alcohol in it rule out any risk of samonella. Just in case~ Merry Christmas everyone!
Today may be my last chance to find that perfect gift for someone,..anyone? Things have not been going well. The "egg nog", as it is humorously referred to, looks like nothing that I have ever seen before, has the consistency of mayonaisse, and auntie keeps insisting that I try it. Not going to happen. Was impressed by the menu at nph jffs xmas she-bang yesterday, but there was no mention of beverages to wash down the feast. ????
We forget sometimes that Christmas is about more that the eggnog...
Auntie P, I will taste your eggnog. Is it coated with rum?
Heading to EA to fill out my paperwork for the new job. Then off shopping!
Betsy (and everyone else), believe me, the oyster stuffing and bottomless glass o'champagne are VERY tempting, but I suspect that my parents and Grandma would be a smidge upset if we bypassed PA and drove all the way to NY this weekend. So we'll sadly have to take a raincheck and all of you will have to make sure to take lots of pictures and blog like mad afterwards.
Sorry to hear that Erica and Rob will get no farther northwest than Pottstown/Kutztown(ville? burg?) Having shared a libation or two with Rob over a football game, I know that he and his lovely bride would be welcome additions to our little get together. Steered clear of shopping malls today and rest assured that all of my shopping is officially OVER! Mom said that Ruth was actually disappointed that she was not going to be part of the xmas celebration after her Thanksgiving visit. Here is hoping that everyone out there has a great, great Christmas. I know that I am looking forward to ours. As my Daddy always said "when you have a lot more behind you than you have in front of you......."
Rum AND Bourbon both and lots of each. It is after all KDH's recipe.
Wow!!! We're finally back. Our modem is three years old and on it's last leg. I just can't take dial up speed (I totally avoid). I need that T1 to work at it's max. I guess I'm spoiled.
Okay, enough about me. Merry Christmas. Auntie B, your guestimation of 20 total work hours is close. I'm embarassed/proud to say it's probably less than 20.
I am done shopping... except for the winter beverages. I need my Sam Adam's assorted winter. Yesterday, I went to Flying Bison and picked up two growlers of oatmeal stout and at premier I grabbed some wine.
We're off to see Trans Siberian Orchestra this afternoon to start the Christmas weekend. But, we can't wait for Monday.
I'll have some egg nog.
Unkie, do you like stout?
so, in an attempt to make my xmas day a bit more "homey", I was wondering if anyone had the reamed corn dish recipe? the one that aunt sue makes for xmas? I'm hoping to show these dang new englanders how we do it "TNT" style.
reamed corn? Do you have to yell at it a lot before you cook it?
All I have to say is thank goodness i'm self employed. I gave myself the week off to prepare for xmas.
Fingers crossed that Delta is on time at 715 tomorrow am! can't wait!
Although it is 76 here.....
I called my cousin to read him the directions, but he was not available.
KDH, Have a safe trip home. May everyone reach your destinations safe and sound.
Glad to see that Auntie B. is up and about and preparing for the day. I have been monitoring K's Delta Flight and it seems to be holding. She called to say that they boarded on time, started to leave the gate and then stopped to " check something". Looks like things will be in a "holding pattern" for a bit. Next 36 hours are GREAT. Looks like the Pilaf's are on holiday overload what with TSO plus a Bills game along with all else. What time do festivities begin tomorrow? Rumor has it that Mom is on the way to Adam St. to "help prepare" for tomorrow. I think that translates into watching and chatting. That is really nice for her. Thanks B. Will provide periodic updates on the shipment of our "package". Hope that nc jll is at 100 percent today after last evening. ENJOY THE DAY!
I am slowly but surely getting ready for work. But, I will cut out early so I can pick up my nephew!! Maybe we will go see a movie today. Anything so we aren't under moms feet.
Have a Merry Christmas Eve. 12 PM the festivities begin.
Happy,Happy Christmas Eve!!
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